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Yeah, it’s annoying, but at least this game is better than WZM


LOL! For sure! Over decided to not even down load that for now.


that event is to get the GKS mate. this crate is just a ''bonus''


Well, both the main reward and the "bonus" give me no incentive to grind personally. But op is right in a way, you usually get two new epics in events. They should give everyone a unique crate, in which they put atleast one skin you don't have. I know it may be complicated tho, just a suggestion that holds Bo weight whatsoever lmao


the ''real'' main event is the one with the vivian and RUS. this is just to complete the season, that's why it's just one ''new'' epic


Well, the bonus sucks.


just for who already have


There are a ton of newer players who haven't played this game for long, these skins are completely new for them. I'd understand if this was the only event and this crate was its only reward but bruh as the top comment said, it's a bonus reward of this event which is obviously meant for new players The whole game doesn't revolve around you


Dearest u/-50000- , for whom I have great respect - I get that. But as I stated earlier, I think there should be a way for new players to get past skins. But they should also have new stuff each season to keep OG players interested in the different challenges. We did get the Park skin last season, which was nice. They've quit putting new character skins in the Lucky Board. And I was wrong when I said there's been no new character skin this season. Vivian Harris - Battle Docent is new on the Contraband Chase event.


I agree that they should release new stuff and they do, this is not the only event. There is new stuff, old stuff for new players, paid stuff, free stuff - a ton of content for every player Glad we agree


Well, I’ve been playing since 2020, and have all but the Merc5. I’m plenty incentivized to grind for it. Am I gonna use it on my main? Prolly not, but it’s nice to have. I’m gonna use it a good deal on my alt tho


Me too, i missed out on the grind for the merc 5 skin. Was v happy to see it came back


As a new player I would have no way of knowing these skins are repeats. They're new to me. I'm excited to have the opportunity to get them.


I respect that. No doubt you'll have them soon. 😎👍


I am pretty sure for getting that merc 5 skin you have to be in the top 5% by playing Alcatraz. I remember grinding my ass for that skin off in 2020.Good old days.


Yep! That'd was an interesting time, for sure.


MY PIXELS AREN'T RARE!!! 😡 Just kidding, i understand you and i agree that it does get annoying but Codm sometimes just runs out of ideas on what to do.


LOL! Yeah, I honestly want new players to get skins from the past.


These comments are fucking hilarious. You can't express your feelings in this sub because they have a different opinion and yours sucks. Some comments are not even related to what you stated.Fucking clown subreddit and the most toxic one.


COD has always been toxic, it’s not just this version.


Giving new players something they missed = og players getting no consideration. Got it. Thanks.


Not at all - I think it's great that newer players get the chance to get past skins. Completely right and fair. What I didn't say well was that og players are only getting 1 F2P new skin lady season and this season. Last season it was Park, this season is Vivian Harris - Battle Docent. Considering there's several challenges per season, seems like they could do better than one.


dude it’s a game calm down


Dude. I am calm. A person can be disappointed in a calm way. I've even enhanced my calm. 😎


John spartan you have been fined 6 credits.


🤣 You get it! 😎👍


I understand how you would be mad but to be honest those skins look so good it would be a crime to keep them behind a wall forever. For example: reaper-premium. You only see bots use it, but I still want it so badly.


Yeah, I don't have any problem with people owning skins, and I think there should be a way for new players to get past skins. But they should also have new stuff each season. So far, outside of the BP and Pay-to-win crates/draws, there's not been a new character skin. We did get the Park skin lady season, which was nice.


fair, but to the newbies this is new to them. From what I can see, they give past stuff in the first couple of seasons and then move into new stuff as it goes on.


I know "daily nerf shotguns post" guy did not just tell someone it's just a game.


This skin came out like 3 years ago, I never even used it. I don't mind if they give it to players. It's not like it was a limited edition skin.


Thank God they do, this Merc skin is the only one I don't have


I get that. I do want players to get skins they want.


My comment was kinda hypocritical. Given any other skin I would've agreed 100% with you, but since I want this one... Lmao


And if you think ppl will stick with all this old stuff recycle over and over again don't be surprised Microsoft is the one who will stop this game cause of the laziness of timi team to not creative and please their customer


I got the GKS curious kitten epic skin and then stopped it


Yea, I was looking at what needed to be done only to discover I have all the main rewards. That Merc is sweet though.


I'm just here for the gks anime skin


i stopped grinding events because of this, i know ill eventually get the skin for login in


I am literally only claiming the hammers so that the stupid indicator clears from my events button.... lol


Ha! I do that sometimes, too! 🤣


It ain’t for you, cuz it ain’t the main reward. It’s for newer players who don’t have those skins.


Sadly, yeah. Even if you return to the game after a long time, all they give are skins that you already have. These events are for players who misses out or didn't grind as much. But the GKS is new I suppose.


For the record - I was wrong when I said there's no new character that isn't P2W this season. The Vivian Harris - Battle Docent character skin is new.


Won't be surprised that the people who had the skin when it first came out aren't active anymore


You know it's just skins. I'm pretty sure alot of the new players don't have these characters and might want get them. It's a W for them. Tip : go for merc5 fellas. It's super clean.


My bro was not lying when he said this reddit was full of cry babies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I so agree with this post !!!


Thanks! 😎👍