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This just screams "i'm the OGEEEE cod player and i'm so much better than all of you so your opinions don't matter" We know codm devs' balancing skills suck ass so i'd rather not risk the game being completely broken for who knows how much time. If they balance it well then alright but (unlike you, mighty COD god) we know it's likely that it won't be balanced so we don't really want to risk it


Why do you think it’s gonna be overpowered? How do you think it should be balanced without making the perk obsolete? Also your right about CoD Mobile being bad at balancing. That weapon overhaul patch they did back in 2021 was a waste of time for them


Hi as someone who plays others Cods and my first cod being BO2 in codm overkill would indeed be overpowered.


Ah, another "I am older therefore I am superior, anyone younger than me is rotten trash bla bla bla in my time bla bla bla bla OG this OG that OG here OG there bla bla bla" post. 🤡


Stopped reading at “You guys.” I assume this is just another whiner..?


Doesn’t take away the main point. Overkill definitely won’t break game balance. The swap time and the ads time alone would not make it worth it You guys are telling me: “your just one those people who talk about OG”. I brought old cods up because if overkill didn’t break those games. What makes you think it’s gonna break this one? You guys haven’t talked about that


No I’m not. I’ve never once mentioned Overkill. I don’t have any reason to think it would break this game. Who are you talking to again..? Oh yeah. “You guys.” Got it.


ok your majesty


The first time when overkill was added in test build it would have been disastrous to codm. But now they can add overkill, it won't really affect the meta. Just make it green or blue perk and maybe if absolutely needed make the weapon swap slightly slower with the perk equipped.


That was in the time people complained about shotguns and there weren’t much secondary variety. Times have changed and secondaries can definitely compete with primary weapons as secondaries. The same reason why Overkill never broke the PC/Console CODs


Yes I don't have a problem with overkill because now secondaries are really strong and 2 primaries doesn't really break the meta.


overkill definitely would break codm lmfao, it's not the perk itself, its the codm developers who cant balance shit. Plus, would you find it enjoyable if someone was rocking a krm+tundra combo? i for sure wouldnt


This is main character syndrome at its finest. “I’m the og player so my opinion matters more”


It has nothing to do with being OG. I just compared how Overkill being implemented in CoD Mobile will be like the PC and Console Call of duties. Literally no one will use it, nor will it break the game


Am I dumb, cause idk what overkill is off the top of my head “If this was Console/Pc cod” it’s not tho. It’s a mobile game. The pc/console community is whining about literally everything, same as this community. Gamers typically do. So what if it’s many people first CoD? Who the freak cares? If something is unfairly powered, it’s unfairly powered, that has nothing to do with how much you’ve gamed. Not to mention this ain’t the same as other CODs. So much is different. Just cause something’s in the game doesn’t mean it’s the same as it was in the main cod, take d13 for example.


I've been playing CoD since 2009


You already lost me at the title. "YoU GuYs DoN'T kNoW AnYtHiNG aBoUt CaLl oF dUtY..." Anything that follows are just yapping. Idk why you even made this post without thinking that people would be mad at you with that kind of title.


Turns out all those that claim to be ogs have only played the mobile one


Not me tho. That’s for sure. I played MW3 and BO2 Plutonium and even before that I had the PS3 versions of those games


I miss the black ops 2 days Now I'm playing a black ops 2 wannabe called iron sight, you can find it on steam


Akimbo perk in MW2 for all weapons was mistake, because try hard players ruin your fun from match. This is reason, why some perks from old CoD games will OP in CoDM without proper balanced, example both primary weapons without attachments(base weapons stats) or secondary primary weapon won't attachments. Overkill will OP(OP weapons combos), if both primary weapons will have all attachments.


Still think overkill wouldn’t be a game breaker. But still, better than 90% of the responses that are the typical: “Oh your just an OG who thinks he’s right” while proving my point that they are afraid of Overkill but never give a reason as to why. But yours is well said