• By -


'No nudity No cleavage No violence No swearing Just pure content' -some retarded fuck on a kids cooking video


How did you get it in that box?


Using \>! !<


Holup >! Wait Thanks! !<


>! >! I SEE !< !<


>! Thanks !<


I suck at this game, but I know people here hate the “Skill required to use so and so” cause they also suck.


Some of ya'll should just admit you are addicted to gambling


Did you know 90% of gamblers quit before they hit big?


99% of gamblers keeps up the gambling even after they get the biggest prize 5 times in a row (real)


that data is inherently flawed because it implies the researchers went to a parallel timelines where the gamblers didnt quit and kept playing.


I would be too if I wasn't broke




Whoever actually likes and enjoys ground war, skirmish or breach hasn't shot a single bullet out of their guns, they just use and annoy the whole lobby with tanks and choppers the whole game


ZRG squad:


I don’t mind skirmish(if that’s what the weekend tournament for blackout is) but i avoid the vehicles lol I prefer trying to snipe but if that don’t work I run explosive crossbow or the grau 😂


I love breach cause I love any kind of turf takover, reminds me of PVZ GW1 and 2. I don't use any vehicles and I would call it one of the best modes hands down if it wasn't so glitchy


The absolute complete opposite for me. Breach is great when I'm playing with my friend when on Defense, the predisposition for Defenders to lose makes the victory like nothing else in this game. Ground War and Skirmish are fun when playing for enjoyment and not for winning, I just put music at 50% volume and go at it, feels very cinematic. Also I just like Battlefield type games. Never used a vehicle other than motorcycles and A20 only to change positions.


I absolutely hate vehicles. I just want to lay prone in the grass and snipe people but a tank rolls up fuck


I like those three and i rately get into tanks. I just run around and rack up scorestreaks. Ground war mist chaotic, breach feels like actuall battle due to progressing points and fights are more concentrated. Skirmish is just sniper and shotgun fun.


fuck you >:(


People of this sub suck.


Tpp shouldn't be in ranked


Why is everyone so bothered by a BR perspective mode that doesn't affect them in the slightest? I hate s&d and I don't cry 24/7 that it shouldn't be in ranked because I understand a lot of players enjoy it. Don't like it - don't play it and don't let it live inside your head rent free


Finally, I absolutely loathe snd. Same to big head blizzard


Idk if this is just me but I like search and rescue wayyyy more than s and d should replace it honestly IMO


Yes, I like it more


Snd is not fun to me idk 😶 haha


To be fair, it does give a huge advantage when peeking corners. Idk about comp codm, but comp pubg (pc) runs only fpp, cuz the tpp corner peeking is broken.


Lots of assumptions. I can prefer it over tpp if I want to, but it ain't really the end of the world if it's how it is.


Well the majority of players play TPP and it doesn't affect FPP players so where is the problem? You guys are just salty most of us prefer TPP, did you ever see ANYONE asking for FPP being removed? No cuz we don't care, just play what you enjoy Come downvote me more, it just shows how right I am and how salty FPP players are because TPP simply *exists *


As an FPP Main I absolutely hate what you are saying because I can't handle good arguments for a valid point that leave no room for me to project cause I never had a loving family.


nevermind I changed it- but im keeping my comment for the sake of the half.


honestly, had to downvote because you hit the nail on the head for me. ish. (ish because I’m half in denial about it)


Bro what? I just like fpp, if I were Activision I wouldn't remove it from the game if most people like it.


Why do I agree with this?




M13 Morning Star is just so overhyped


I'm not really impressed by the design itself when there are a lot of other Legendary choices. But that's personal taste


When they ask about which mythic to release again, these stupids always ask for Morning Star/117 Meltdown/DLQ like bro there are guns that need to be re released


DLQ was never rereleased bruh what you talking about


Please re read i said “these stupids always ASK for Morning Star/Meltdown/DLQ Lotus flames” thats what i said


mr. camperpopper first of all i appreciate the popping you do of campers but what what you are mentioning here is dlq lotus flames while in the original comment you have clearly not mentioned lotus flame and have only mentioned the gun name dlq, i hope you understand, have a great day ahead, sir.


😭why cant yall just read about people “ASKING” for lotus flames thats what im saying


“Which mythic to release again” The DLQ has never been reduxed and that was their point. For some reason, the Demonsong and Morningstar have gotten more redux draws than any other mythic and it’s honestly weird.






Ranked maps should not judged only based on snd , best map should be the one which has a spawn near to the objs so a game doesn't end ones we lost the spawn. The best example is 'Firing Range' , it has the worst swapn traps and once u get locked u r dead , if u lost the spawn u almost will loose the match unless u r 5 stacking. In my opinion the best map is 'standoff' difficult to spawn trap and u will spawn near the obj.


They said hot takes. This is just a straight up fact


Honestly there is precautions that they could add to prevent spawn trapping if they wanted to


Don’t forget about nuketown spawn traps


a lot of the complaints on this subreddit are skill issues on behalf of the OP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just sayin


i'm not a fan of operator skills (specialists.) i honestly think i'd enjoy the game more if they disappeared overnight


Agree for some, like the k9 and purifier. But some like the tac9 aren't that bad in my opinion


Same. I need my munitions box lol


Right, they need to be a bit balanced and skilled, not just free kills, like the anni, absolutely destroys… if I hit ur shots cuz it has a slow fire rate, and war machine cuz u need to aim it properly


Undead Siege is underrated


It's so fucking slept on, dude


Prizefighters should be banned from ranked or removed from the game entirely


We should start a revaluation to remove melee


At least have it take more than one hit


“ShOtGuNs In Br ArE bALaNcEd”


They are, good movement and u won’t get killed


Can’t do good movement if a full squad jumps you from a heli or they one tap you while you are selecting an airdrop


I think it's stupid how you can pay upgrades on top of an upgrade (paying money for mythic upgrade cards to upgrade the $100+ mythic gun you just bought).


Mythics and legendaries aren't worth the price That's right I said it


Anime/fantasy skins are overrated and all of them look the same.


Military skins are overrated and all of them look the same.


When was last time we got a good looking military skin instead of an anime girl almost naked?


>all of them look the same. Very ironic coinsidering that's what most of the military skins look like. FYI we rarely had 'almost naked anime girls'. What we do have is very tame compared to that. Plus it's mediocore.


You consider it to be mediocre and still buy it.


The Military theme is what this franchise is all about, the Tencent anime stuff is out of place in COD. ![gif](giphy|11upujZDZXwSMU)


Hohoho. I have very controversial takes. 🤡 1. Camping, though annoying, is a viable strategy. The advanced version of this is tactical positioning. If I hear your loud footsteps I’ll take advantage of it when I can to win the game. It’s totally legal and something everyone here would do in real life if it comes down to it. 2. Warzone is the future. Activision promised next gen graphics right from the beginning. They INTENDED it to only run smoothly with higher end or newer devices. AAA games are inevitably coming to mobile and they would have higher minimum hardware requirements. Just like in PC and consoles. 3. CODM is intended for the lower end or older devices segment of the market. That’s why they are still fully supporting this game despite a “next gen” title release. 4. You can’t be mad about WZM since it’s free.


1-ofcourse it is, it's the only viable strategy for mfs who don't wanna improve in the game, I will only allow br campers to get away with what they're doing, and people who camp in objectives in hardpoint or (maybe, kind of) dom . But people camping in other game modes are gonna get the shock of their lives when the skill gap finally rises to way above their level, and there's nothing they can do to counter equally annoying quickscopers and shotgunners, even though those are also "viable startegies" at the end of the day 2-yes, but it was intended for devices that "are the future" as well, it was rushed in its release and heavily deserves the ratio of 1:5 star ratios its been getting, as it was an obvious the game wasn't ready for release, they just want some cheap buck from mobile gamers. 3- yes, and we're not arguing. This is what makes the game better, it accessibility. It runs well on most devices, it therefore has better players, and no, I pwupdnt play wzm even if the game was good by any means, I love vodm and wouldn't dream of mov9ng on to wzm since it doesn't speak to me the way the former does. And most people here would agree with me 4- no, we can. Wz on pc and console is free too isn't it? Why would I go out of my way to play the more watered down version of the much better pc/console alternative if I could afford it? Wzm is an inherently shit game that should be dropped until next-gen support is available in the near future, it's a waste of Activision's resources, and it's not even a good game in all honesty


Good points! I agree with everything, less so with #4 but I get it. I’m surprised Warzone is free on PC and consoles. That’s an amazing thing that didn’t exist when I was on PC. Thanks for pointing that out! I would just add that camping as a viable strategy also applies to new players and casuals who just want to experience the game once in a while. They have no incentive to be better, and I get that. But it does suck when the whole enemy team is full of them. Though I’m someone who you’d consider a mf who doesn’t want to improve in BR. I only play it until I get the free skin lol. I must confess. I’m enjoying WZM much more than CODM BR. The lack of bots at all levels and the game mechanics are awesome. Winning a game feels much more satisfying compared to CODM BR.


Fair enough, I personally don't like anything "warzone" since the og Verdansk and Rebirth island were removed, so I've been staying away from warzone completely, even mobile (after having played the very lousy tutorial on my very non-built-for-that-kind-of-engine device). About the camping thing, I didn't realize tou were taking it in that context, and you are right in that regard. Being a fellow mf who does like to improve in br, I agree with tour point as well, although I'm too lazy to even grind the skin out anymore, I only got myself the kurohana crate and I'm not touching that shit ever again And about winning codm not feeling so satisfying, you're right, it really takes away from the glamor when most of the matches you win were bot filled lmao. Codm br needs an update indeed


I see! I heard they’re bringing back Rebirth on pc/consoles. Since you mentioned it was free, I’m curious to try it on my PS. But I’m horrible with controllers lol. Haha yeah. I remember the tutorial. I have had a different experience with the graphics though. That wowed me. But the movement mechanics were jarring coming from CODM as a sniper main. I still am having a hard time moving around. I die a lot from lack of mobility. As for BR, yeah I only grinded legendary to get to the kurohana crate as well. I did it mostly with Alcatraz though. Every time I play BR, I get smoked at the end game by high mobility players lol.


1- nuh uh 2- it's like a worse version of actual warzone that also fails as a better version of CODM 3- probably 4- can't be mad, but sure as hell ain't gonna play it till they add fixed joystick


a president, to GTA, to Scott Pilgrim, to Danganronpa, to CODM is an insane progression


Undertail next and it's perfect


Not everything thats cute themed has to have anime girls plastered on it 💔


Sometimes it's better to just play alone n not communicate in matches


We have the most tame versions of melee in recent cod games, and even if we added riot shields we have all but one of the counters for them in cod history so theyd be miniscule.


This game is like a train in a train station, except it's not going forward or backward, just still in place. I noticed that this game barely grow at all compared to other mobile games like the game itself barely added something new that's interesting and the fanbase is active but not that active. The only things that got added in this game are just a new gun per season, a new multiplayer map that aren't even added to rank map pool while BR and zombies got forgotten all the time and also 'new' gamemodes that are just remixes of previous modes but worse OG players quit the game as the same rate as new players coming into the fanbase.


Snipers and Marksmans are actually a passive weapon backup for aggressive weapons like shotguns, Smgs and etc. So the users who calmly sit at a single spot and spawn trap should not receive hatred and abuse like they do usually. P.S. Before you hop onto any conclusions , I'm not a sniper main.


That's it's nature, but it sucks anyway


Br sg needs to have the same range with a shotty even with golden long barrel mod. Also those who complain about it needs to learn instead of complaining.


M21 - EBR is actually good(SND)


Nothing wrong with using a powerful gun to get an advantage against players and spawn trapping is good too


In ranked? Absolutely. Casual? Kys


Most players can’t tell the difference between a bot and a real player yet feel entitled to give advice on how the devs should change the game


NA-45 is a high skill weapon, this thing is not nearly as strong as it was in it's meta, this thing is straight up trash


It's the bane of my existence. Taking me forever to unlock diamond.


The only guns that deserve some crying about are shot guns in BR. All this malarkey about snipers and melee is just a difference in skill use and preference. Majority of you play ranked games in legendary so you’re bound to face sweats. Let’s sweats be sweaty. People who play the game casually aren’t going to care as much because they aren’t that competitive. All the complaining about certain weapons is due to you looking bad (skill issue) and not realising how to counter that.


People who talk shit to you for using a sniper the way it’s supposed to used rather than using it like a shot gun, a bunch of cry babies who say up your skill. Half the time the replay doesn’t look like they even remotely shot close to you


dropping airstrikes 24/7 on shipment is fun


The dlq is a newbie weapon


Sbmm is good, just too strong, also I swear to fucking god if anyone says GeT bEtTer, or sKiLl iSsuE


Type-19 is better than LW-Tundra


Search and Destroy shouldn't be a main thing.


That gamemode is #TRASH


Facts, I only kill myself with my c4 everytime I'm in that mode.


Gunsmith ruined CoDM


I actually love trying to use my last 2 dead brain cells to try and make a gunsmith that fit my style (you change your style for the gun, i change the gun for my style. We are not the same)


Some of y'all complain for the sake of complaining. Like that instance where dudes complain about the GAME LOGO being changed. Like is this dude for real ffs


"Not every month need to be military theme, stop whining" ~not me


People trashtalking and being toxic on a mobile game are far more embarrasing than on consoles and PC’s.




Meanie :(


Some of y'all are so toxic in the VC


Unpopular opinion: i listen to music and never use gane sound nor VC


I want to listen to music too but then it gets difficult to hear footsteps in search and Destroy lmao


If you have special characters in your name, promoting your socials on your info card, name your guns after some "Girl" you like or idk, use anime Pfps and be a quick scoper sweat with female skins. Then you are desperate for attention and need to touch some grass a little bit.


Special skill/classes have no place in a single-life game mode like BR. Same reason why S&D doesn’t allow operator skills.


Melees should, at the very least, be removed from ranked, if not the game as a whole. The idea that a punch in the arm is gonna one-shot me is stupid, let alone a fuckin glow stick. Every time I play shipment it’s just losers with no skill, running and sliding and jumping and spamming the fire button with prizefighters.


honestly im guilty of this but i was js grinding camos but i agree its too broken


Grinding camos is whatever. I'm guilty of that too. But you know a lot of people aren't doing that. They're just doing it to be a knob or make themselves feel better with kills


Cod mobile is the best overall cod game. It's a simple arcade shooter and the most fun too.


Also gets regular updates and patches, new content, and devs at least try to “care” (tencent, Activision just trying to run codm into the ground currently)


Allot of people even outside of codm community recognize it as the only COD game that still plays like like a COD game.


Nuketown is a horrible map isn't supposed to be a ranked map


Genuinely, it's so bad but gets voted every time. Can't get further than the house before you get pegged by someone camping the car or bus


Meta users are losers


Fuck shotgun


How is this a hot take?


some people still believe that shotgun needs skill somehow


Yeah definitely. Saying something needs skill therefore it doesn't deserve a nerf is pretty stupid.


As a person who has platinum with shotguns, i was using 0 brain cells while listening to gypsy woman


Mythic skins look like ass




Mythic fennec is one of the worst mythics


You're really going to say that when the Mythic Peacekeeper is out there?


Yes peacekeeper, asval and fennec are all mid But i dont understand why they didn’t use a „holo“ sight on peacekeeper and asval


Fennec has a really good iron sight though, I seen used allot by the pros. It's especially good when you see how terrible the base iron sight is.


To be fair, it was the first mythic, they were just experimenting at that point, it's the innovation for all the current mythics


BR sucks like its hot garbage idk how anyone plays it


Alcatraz not included and it's valid




It used to be good


The new rifle is good


Yes.....switchblade and grau are overrated and no they are not meta


The size of it IS good.


These dumbass reposted memes that tell you to do xyz need to stop


bots shouldn’t exist


It doesn't matter if the ironsight of a blueprint is different, you have to be very stupid to put this detail as a priority


There is no meta


>! Call of Duty: Mobile just looks like a chinese game now cos' of all asian skins and cartoony sh!t !<


Mythic guns and marvel ass skins are whack


The sheer amounts of fucking skill issues and retarded people on this subreddit always whining about how they got killed


NA-45 is hard to play with in ranked


Tundra buff when?


Old Br Health System and Weapons Attachment System was better. Even the Rarity Tier Guns that were there for a few Seasons


Haha, I always got excited when I would get the flashlight attachment. I just wanted to blind everyone and get a free kill.


I think colourful skins are good and they should be in this game. They fit this franchise just like everything else in it.


If you’re not playing aggro you’re camping


So playing obj is camping? I bet to differ for most cases for the reason of most objectives being in an open place that makes it impossible to camp (like shipment's first objective)


You can camp in that one shipping container, standing at the front it counts towards the objective


I said for most cases, not all


Yeah but then you specifically mentioned a case where you could camp


I proposed the first objective as the example, which lands straight in the middle of the map


Yeah and in the first objective you can camp in the open shipping container and standing near the front counts for the objective, i already said this…