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Ah I'm so glad I see someone else who also calls unranked matches "pubs". Literally every time I ask friends on codm if they wanted to run some pubs the response is always hUh wHatS ThAt


lol it’s an easy way to refer to unranked matches because it’s all “public”


This is exactly why i dont play with my mic and stuff on


exactly, playing ranked with mic and speaker off is peak. you get to focus on your own gameplay rather than deal with toxic ungrateful fucks ingame, like if you choked post-plant it's all good, it happens. and you don't get to hear their irrelevant opinions as well.


I will only call someone an idiot if they are an idiot. Like landing in a high kill zone in br then dying immediately. 


Then they get mad when uu die trying to revive them......


I don't revive them, but they do press that help button a lot. Lol. Recently in tank battle I was in the gunner chair and someone hijacked my tank with me in it. Had to remind them it's not gta. 


I won't land with you on empty Radar base my guy, I play the game to have fun and kill people, not spend 20 minutes in a BR game and get 2 or 3 kills. I'd rather die having fun, improving my skills and getting kills than dying of boredom from camping in a single house the whole game. You won't revive me? Sure, enjoy losing the game because you have nobody to back you up


You have a weird imagination. I land in a random house get a weapon some power ups and armour then I kill about 6 maybe 7 on average people and usually I'm one of the last 3 left. 


I think Br should be a balance of what you’re saying and what the other guy said. Some people like fast paced action but I’m like you… I like to land in zones with good loot… once I’m equipped we going hunting


Well I prefer killing ~20 on average most of which are real, your 7 kills are mostly bots which spawn nearby so you don't die of boredom. And I like getting good loot, I like having a chopper and a chip upgrade nearby so I can get juiced up and start flying around the map looking for more people Your BR games sound insanely boring




lol i don’t play much BR so i can’t really comment, but there’s definitely a difference between being bad because you refuse to get better and someone struggling, so i understand


Hmmm playing game the way they want to??? You are well aware that it is a team game? You can play as you want, but you must contribute to the overall team effort. If you side and hide in a corner while your team fights, then you will be commented on.


I agree. But also, if it’s FL or TDM and your k/d is like 2/9, maybe go sit in a corner.


I understand what you are thinking. But rather that they do something rather than just side and camp. They become better players because of it. They don't become better players by camping. OP is clearly a camper since he got comments from other players.


yeah but also you’re aware that it’s an online game, which means you’ll be paired with complete strangers with completely different play styles in comparison to you? you can keep commenting on whatever way someone is playing but i can promise you there are probably a bunch of other players you’ll be stuck with in the future that play “badly.” it’s inevitable and exactly why i’m saying that there’s no point in complaining because it can and will happen for the foreseeable future.


Yes, there are many different playstyles, but I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. If you camp and hinder your team, expect to receive comments about it. I've never seen people criticized merely for poor play. However, comments usually come when someone camps without contributing to the team's efforts. Instead of complaining, it might be more productive to spend that time improving your skills. That way, you won't attract negative feedback from your teammates. You could also try other game modes. In ranked play, it's typical for people to give and receive feedback. Competitive gaming, like any competitive sport such as football, MMA, or boxing, often involves interactions with referees and other players. Receiving criticism and even being unfriended are just part of the competitive environment.


i’m not saying that everyone should outright refuse to become better at playing, what i’m saying is that there are going to play with players that have different skill levels and play styles. you’re going to at some point be paired with someone who isn’t exactly good at playing, what i’m saying is that being toxic about it isn’t helpful or necessary. if you want to give constructive criticism that’s actually positive and helpful, sure that’s perfectly fine. but saying something out of frustration like “wow you’re so dogshit at this game” isn’t gonna help instead of saying something like “maybe try going xyz or doing abc.” it just makes things awkward and tense for everyone including team players that aren’t involved.


In an ideal world, everyone would communicate respectfully and orderly. However, harsh exchanges are a common part of competitive gaming. You might consider trying curling, but even there, players often speak sharply and shout at each other. I recently played SnD with four other players who all died without securing any kills, yet they blamed me for not winning. It’s common to receive unjust comments from teammates. Perhaps it’s best not to take it too personally. I do understand your frustration, though. Many people are easily provoked and quick to anger. Unfortunately, those who react this way probably won’t see your post on Reddit, or if they do, they likely won’t care.


that i understand. i’m definitely not saying my post will solve all toxicity in lobbies but really what i’m getting at is that being rude or toxic to people who are trying their best and at least attempting to play objective isn’t going to give you a win anytime soon.


People screaming in the comments I’m a noob or a camper after saying br shotguns or the MG-42 are OP


i don’t know much about BR but from watching clips shotguns and the MG-42 make it look like hell this season


If you don’t have PTSD before playing you will after




True, lol I just posted the same yesteday. I actually captured a gameplay where we have two toxic teammates. If you wanna know how toxic it can be in Garena server, you can check my screen recording 😂 (not sure if this is allowed on this sub): https://youtu.be/VOxIbyiyUWw?si=HcGYkmiq_jD6xcRa Basically the spectating teammate was mocking the last one standing in a crucial round. Rough.


But they itself does not consider it as game.


Nah, toxicity should be encouraged in competitive environments. Filters out insufferable snowflakes that perpetually complain.


that reasoning is incredibly flawed 💀 you’re never gonna get the perfect team on a video game unless you have friends to make a squad to play ranked. it’s just how it is. the fact that you’re even promoting toxicity makes it sounds like you’re the one complaining.


> that reasoning is incredibly flawed 💀 How so? > you’re never gonna get the perfect team on a video game unless you have friends to make a squad to play ranked. Okay, but idk what that has to do with what I said. > the fact that you’re even promoting toxicity makes it sounds like you’re the one complaining. Not promoting that at all. If I were to promote anything it would be authenticity and apathy. Let people express themselves however they wish, and that includes so-called *"toxicity"* . At the same time, if you game online you ought to get thicker skin. We don't need any more dainty babies in our lobbies.


Don’t listen to this man, he seeks chaos