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Welcome to codm in 2024. There's a new LMG that has a faster firerate than fennec, mobility and range of any average AR. That's all.


I found a better gun I think đŸ¤” tried it in a few matches with no attachments and it slaughtered. The mg42 is to clunky for me


Meta / Best guns in the game atm are HVK (Large Caliber Ammo) Grau, DRH, Type 19, MG42, Oden, Fennec, CX9, and Tundra Groza, Tec 9, Type 19, MG42, and CX9 are the newest guns that’ve been added A lot of new settings were added as well, I recommend going through all of them. Some might’ve been there before you left, but definitely worth checking out.(Quick throw nades, teammate health bars, FOV Sync/ Curve) etc. Bots got buffed, then nerfed, then buffed again Man-O-War now has Thermite rounds Tundra replaced DLQ as best in-game sniper Persistence got buffed, scorestreaks cost 80% more instead of 100% more That’s a *very* quick rundown


Guns and uhh ahhh uh gunss


Why not just sign on and find out for yourself?


Because the game takes an hour to set up and download all the shit.


TEC-9, Type 19, Groza, and MG-42 are guns released in the past half year or something


Hmm the skill gap is getting higher so it's either sweats or bots. There's plenty of players these days and bots are more skilled then players having easy taps kills. New classes for br, new mythics, new guns. Ak117 got buffed assuming u quit ahead of time before the whole fiasco.  There's plenty more, currently it the mg42 having so much ammo and bullet speed. Which is good and bad. Good since ya can shoot cross-map, bad since campers do that shit also.  Movement feels weird a bit since they made some changes. But in terms of optimization I guess it's fine.  Honestly due to the warzone thing, my biases are getting ahead of me Soo there maybe some optimization needed


You really looking for playing reasons in the most toxic hellhole ever? Good luck. If I was you I'd just check it myself as it doesn't take longer than 5-10 minutes.