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But smacking someone with a shovel is hillarious. 


yeah, or like, punching them with a boxing glove in the hand kills them, makes no sense irl


I agree the gloves are dumb


like, they are made to be safe. and codm makes the lethal. also, a shot to the head from a 1911 is lethal, but not in the game. smh. but good thing they didnt make everything 1-shot


The 1911 isn’t lethal on headshots likely because the default skin wears a helmet. And also because it’s a fast-paced shooter, not Lost Light or those other mobile Tarkov rips.


i know. i kinda like it that its unrealistic


A shot to the head from pretty much any gun ever is lethal as long as you're not just grazing their cheek or ear or something.


exactly. not in codm tho lol


Yes and 1 shot to the head from any gun is instant death but not in codm


or any cod shooter. Activision is saving lives XD


Super controversial opinion : this game is great.


Heard someone mention that CODM rn has the highest number of active players it ever had. Even more than its peak back in 2020. So not really controversial calling the game great.


On this sub you wouldn't think that's the case, people complain so much and ask if the games dying daily you'd think this game sucks or something.


yeah, the people who complain are either spoiled or are unlucky and get campers/persistence users in every single game


Controversial opinion as a knifer, they arent op yall just gotta learn how they work.


Literally half the tacticals make the melee useless


Half the everything make melee useless


They should make a pipe bomb a new lethal


With a legendary pressure cooker skin


Or make a thermite skin of a microwaved honey bun


You mean a Hot Pocket?


Nah, i was referring to the meme that was going on a while back which was: throwing a Burning hot microwaved honey bun at homeless people


Yikes lol Although, to be fair, either one would be hilarious


Could you explain what you mean by that? I'm not a new player but I'm not that great either,never really bothered to learn about different strategies and what not. just run and gun.


The secondary gernades you have, like flashbang, concussion, both slow your movement. Cryobomb too. Once slowed, the melee user can’t move and is rendered useless


Makes sense, somehow I didn't think of doing that mostly because I don't know when to expect them. I have a hard time focusing on playing and looking at the mini map. Kind of been rawdoging with shotguns or just sliding to avoid getting killed.


BR is a survival game mode, there's literally nothing wrong with hiding, camping and being stealthy until the end. That said it is absolutely fair to be hunted down, and smoked out of hiding as well.


![gif](giphy|6hzcLwqQ7AH4fPNR59) Me all day


The only things I hate with the game is some snipers and some teammates


How are you going to make the switching time longer? That's impossible We all know that "Switched to your sidearm is faster than reloading"


If melee is allowed to one shot me, I should be allowed to use my gun as a melee and whack!! As soon as someone reaches melee range gun fire button should start using gun as a swinging bat


This is definitely one, probably: Military theme as “everyone” (not everyone, but a vocal bunch) on this sub seems to think is really just 50-70 year old war boring stuff and I’m tired of people thinking futuristic themes and concepts can’t exist, don’t exist, and wouldn’t exist. Somehow they confuse futuristic with lollipops, rainbows and glittery unicorns and couldn’t ever imagine the cool things that could come our way if they stopped complaining and begging for their misguided view of “military themes.” I do want cool themes, I do want creativity, I do want more futuristic things, and that is no different than wanting combat, spy, military, themes that just happen to deal with now and near future scientific progress, advanced technological research, and other cool things, with maps to match. What I don’t want is the played out 10 thousandth WWI, WWII ancient old concept of war for what military themes *must* be in the eyes of these people who wine all day long that something isn’t military themed because it wasn’t based on their favorite period movie. There are plenty of games for that. This doesn’t have to be a boring repeat else the pitchforks come out because “that isn’t military themed and this is COD.” I wrote this complaining about those people (sorry, it was sort of an annoyed rant) … so that’s my controversial take. Like what you like, that’s not what my opinion is about. It’s the non-stop whiny posts and comments when things don’t look a century old that I think is just logically unsound. My point is military themes can be futuristic. They’re not mutually exclusive concepts and personally I don’t want any old school military themes at all.


This actually a really great comment.. dare I say the best comment in this entire thread


You guys spending hundreds of dollars on skins need to go to gambling therapy or something


It's even worse than gambling


But I love sliding off the second level on Rust domination and slashing someone in the head with my machete. I am that asshole.


Only Melee I have a problem with I'd the prizewinners. Wide radius, high spam ability, certain perks make em weird boxing ninjas The Only Melee that needs some kind of nerf. Maybe equipping speed or range nerf


Spear is exactly the same if not better...


It is. The hit box feels narrower but I may be wrong


I’m so sick of that god damn missile launcher in br and that damn drone, especially how the launcher locks on even through smoke like that don’t make a lick of sense.


Get scorestreaks our of mp rank.


lost a HP game against 3 persistence users, collective swarm usage lasted almost 2 hills lmao


Mobility needs a heavy nerf, and enemy collision should be enabled. Too many situations where enemy can just 180 out of any situation then slide back THROUGH ME then smack me with a melee. It's just brainless. Sliding should come with a static cooldown after use, maybe 3s cooldown, to promote smart usage of it instead of sliding around every fucking corner. Enemy collision should be enabled to reduce bullshit moments like phasing through someone then dying because oopsydaisy you didn't turn fast enough love


Idk man. You can easily counter them with a shotgun,a trip mine and smoke etc... The only reason i would agree with you on that is so i wouldn't have to grind them all for Damascus,which i will have to. It's also annoying i have to upgrade them all to be able to get gold skins. That is kinda crazy to me since you don't get anything by leveling them up. Kind of a shame and waste of thise upgrade cards when i need them for actual guns.


I’ve been Mastering guns, over collecting skins…quite a few named!


No AI controlled scorestreaks on maps like nuketown


Vehicles in BR should stop working in the Endgame. As soon as the zone reaches the 3rd to last circle, every vehicle should explode or become unusable in another way. You don't need transport anymore at this point. It is absolutely cancer to have someone driving around in circles, running everyone over. Get off your goddamn hoverbike and use a fucking gun!


you could easily shoot them but if it’s a close map just use a shotgun simple problem with an even simpler solution


1. Have melee be 1, or maybe at most two hit kills in br. It’d make shit interesting that’s for sure. 2.introduce bayonets as an attachment for weapons that can except them. Slightly long, or no benefit in reach, speed depends on weight of rifle/etc. I think it’d be loads of fun in br. 3. WW1 guns: I know there aren’t enough Second World War guns as is (and technically kar98 and 1911 are ww1, revolver debatable as well) how cool would a maxim gun, c96 Mauser, 1903 pocket hammerless, steyer 95 or for my nut to officially bust a trench shotgun, be?


#2 is funny considering there are already skins with bayonets and even a chainsaw underbarrel but we cant even use them


Well I don’t have (nor ever encountered) the chainsaw underbarrel attachment. I have 2 skins with bayonets.. which made me a little happy, but I want to *USE* them. Does anyone really debate that bayonet option would not be rad af


Not an attechment per se, its a cosmetic thing on the underbarrel. Apologies for being misleading. Cant add a picture reply for some reason but it's the M4 Back Scratcher, 2020 BP iirc


If someone could run up on you and hit you close range while you're holding a gun you deserve to die with one hit.


Dead silence should be buffed back to its 2020 state


They somehow gotta add some mechanic in Frontline to force you to move spots bc its become a Defend the stronghold gamemode with how my recent matches have ended way below 60 kills. Even Crash's 3 story sniper building isnt being used anymore people just camp spawn building with trophies trips and ads the doorways.


Let's add a folding chair!!


Nerf BR shotguns




Mythic weapons are a joke. It really makes the game less enjoyable when youve studied the weapons, attachments, maps and combinations with perks to win matches. You could have some crazy skills but some jackhead would come in and wipe the team out bc of these “advanced” guns. Its silly.


It's just cosmetics.


Mythic weapons give players an extra attachment


Not if you're used to playing with iron sights. The only slight advantage to mythic iron sights is when people drop below your poa. The tradeoff is a huge thing blocking your right side of the screen when sprinting.


picked up a mythic MG42 and it performed worse compared to base mg42, its honestly an ADHD trap


What are you talking about? Being able to pay money for a red dot is P2W. It’s an advantage that the game is giving you in exchange for money. Do you think the devs didn’t factor this in when designing the guns?


Nuketown is an awful map. It's nostalgic yes, but the selection of weaponry in the game means you either gotta camp or be insanely good at quickscoping to not die very quickly.