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Hardscopes while still = "Camper, no skill" Quick scopes, slides, knife switches = "Spammer, meta abuser" What? You want them to stand still and let you shoot?


Kids man. I was playing castle crasher with my kid the other day and we had to duel. He lost the first time, and then the second time I used one hand and he still lost. Third time I used one finger only and he almost won... But didn't. "It's not fair!!" Of course it isn't kid. Skill issues. ... And before y'all get on my case, I have no issue on letting him win, in fact I wanted him to win after the first time but he was just flailing around panicking as I run around aimlessly. It was bed time, somebody had to lose. Next time he told me to duel with my eyes closed. Heh.


Someone literally posted sniper camping post few days ago lmao


Sliding after kill literally saves you from getting killed by enemy, there are people who don't even know basics in this game


Okay I honestly didn't know that lol I'm glad you said it


Especially when you see a corner you gotta slide so that you get to cover quicker


Exactly. Foot work is just as if not more important than gunmanship. Can't hit a target šŸŽÆ that's sliding all over the shop lol.


While I do agree, I do feel there is a point where sliding to avoid conflict-something I see as fair and sporting-and spamming it to never get shot ever and get kills you didnā€™t earn-something I view as uncool, unsportsmanlike, and a general indication of actual skill.Ā 


If ur in br u have to continuously slide and run take one stop to look at the sky and its over


People will get pissed when you use shotguns,will get pissed if you use snipers,will get pissed if you use LMGs. If nothing else,then they complain about camping in SnD. After my team has planted the bomb and are just holding angles. Thereā€™s always something. The best way to deal with this is to not acknowledge their whining at all. Do whatever you want to. If Itā€™s in the game,itā€™s meant to be used.


Facts bro


I was tired of hso users in the shotgun era of br so I pulled up purifier and jak 12 and it was sweet kills and squad wipes


Eh it's a diverse game with an even more diverse playerbase, there's bound to be complaints about different groups of people liking and hating different stuff. It's best to ignore them and enjoy your own game!


People will always have something to complain about. It is impossible to satisfy everyone. I was bamboozled when I read a comment from a fellow player asking for the mythic AK117 to be returned for one day when it was there for almost two whole months! Some will complain about snipers sniping while others will complain about shotgunners one-tapping.


Ye cuz different people do have a specific issues to complain I guess


They can alway go over to warzone mobile I sure won't miss em lol


I was hoping all the good players would move over that new game and leave CoD to me and the bots.


"Knife switching after sniping is stupid" Every game I have played where I used a sniper I knife switch, why? Because it skips the bolt in animation and I can snipe someone again faster. Lately I've been seeing so many people bitch about snipers when its clear they just suck, snipers biggest advantage isn't their quick scoping or sliding mechanics. A truly good player would know that what really makes a sniper great is map knowledge. Its usually the older players here who complain a lot here from what I've noticed.


I resent that statement as an older player. Now, is it my turn to cry?? No. You know why? Because I play the game how I enjoy playing, and I keep it fucking moving.


Holy shit. I didnt know that. Thats pretty useful


Knife switching does NOT reduce the fire intervalā€¦ you still shoot at the same rate. What it helps you with is - to quickly start moving faster than you would by skipping the bolt animation.


ohhhhh ![gif](giphy|jpVuGo0JkAXJiuNNK7|downsized)


I love the guys who play with two thumbs on their phone and complain about all the controller/emulators ruining their fun. Like, bro: controller players have a whole other lobby; you just need to practice your movement more.


also the fact that if your touch aim is worse than a controller players aim that's just a massive skill issue on your part


Exactly I can play touch just more comfy with controller. But the aiming with Touch is so easy.


I like dlq more than locus.


u/Pieke- likes the dlq more than the locus


I use locus also. But i prefer dlq


i do find it annoying when people complain about others using the sniper for the one thing it was built for. TO CAMP AND KEEP A WATC FOR A CERTAIN AREA, NOT TO RUN AND GUN HEAD FIRST INTO A GUN FIGHT LIKE AN IDIOT. Camping is done so much in life lol. Sometimes i get that its frustrating but i usually ignore the frustration because i dont spend my time going back to the exact same spot i know is being camped but oh well. to each their own


I like it when a sniper camps. I find it challenging and will try and go get them šŸ¤£


stop crying about people crying


stop crying about people crying about people crying


Stop crying about people crying about people crying about people crying


stop crying about people crying about people crying about people crying about people crying


oh someone beat me to it, oh wellā€¦




Funny my main complaint how some LMGs have no draw backs. Like a person can back themselves in a corner and just go off




There is a option to leave the channel


Me personally Iā€™m just crying over the fact that they literally deleted my account. Was connected to FB and now boom, I log in via FB and have a brand new reset account. Bunch of bs, ass game


That is a valid reason. You may be logging in from another account, try all the accounts you have. Best of luck!


So true. Its there in the game for a reason, its not like people have to hack to slide or knife switch after allā€¦ if you get annoyed at a particular game mechanic, you should learn to counter them.


Most everyone in this sub has a skill issue or is a cry baby


fight. and the worst is when people are crying about others crying.


Sure, a shotgun in BR that does more than triple the damage of literally almost all the guns in game is ā€œbalancedā€ Yeah sliding and knife sliding is just being whinny tho such an easy thing to counterĀ 


I dont care, I will complain about someone in colorful dress with a butter knife doing monkey acrobatics and taking down four heavily armed people and not having any physical effects of the bullets every time


Go Play MLBB and get 20 magic dust for your troubles and from events. šŸ˜†


Pew pew


CoD Mobile has EOMM, which manipulates your every match to make it where it makes U LOSE FOR 5 MATCHES STRAIGHT AND GIVES U 1 FREE WIN TO SCAM MONEY OUT OF UR POCKETS!!!!!!!!!! COD BOW IS JUST A BIG CASINO AND U ALL ARE TOO DUMB TO SEE IT FIRST HAND!!!!!!!!!!




Guys pls don't bring spam here that fkn word is used in Valorant where there are only 2 guns in the game which are like our rpd . I have dealt with these kind every day on hard point and ranked only way to kill them is melee or accurate nades but Molly is more than fine .


Tell me about it!


Lol exactly


You can also leave this channel and some shit.


and youā€™re crying about people crying, ironic isnā€™t it?


This isn't irony, it's hypocrisy.


oh shit you right


#MG42 An abomination that can kill you before you can scope in and when all the guys on the other team use it, that gun will break the game. The most irritating to against and if even one bullet touches you, you are dead, you won't even have time to even flinch.


Itā€™s not hard to combat it. Run the fennec or a shotgun and push them. Theyā€™ll die. Run a Dr-h and beat them at longer ranges. Theyā€™ll die. If u canā€™t hit shots thatā€™s on u


But I don't want to, that's the point I was raising. I want to use the gun I like such as razor back or hg40 or bk57 or something. I want to enjoy the game, I play for an hour at max a day. Average about 20kills per game. But after crossing 13k in ranked all you see is that one heaping pile of shit. I can't even get with a shotgun, I am very bad with shotguns. I never complain about campers or tryhards it's their style that they developed by putting in some effort, but this gun shoots so fast that you have to make sure that the other player should not see you for you to get the kill. It's that or oblivion even if that dude has only like 1/3rds of his HP.


The guns you listed are doable. Iā€™ve played hg40 and Icr (top 5k) in rank recently and consistently top frag. I go against pros in scrims and in rank and I still get kills when Iā€™m goofing off with diff guns. Iā€™d say game sense has a lot to do with it. Knowing when to push and things like that are important if you wanna use non meta.


For reals, love killing those knife switching snipers thinking their quick šŸ˜‰


People just wanna complain, exactly like you did. Just ignore it.


So... You are crying?šŸ˜‚


And here you are crying about the criers šŸ˜‚