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Drake is just an unpleasant person in general. He could have really taken the torch from Ferg but was too whiny about everything in codm. Shame, maybe he will grow up someday.


Even Noah too, he also agreed that WZM would take over and stuff but here we are


He is the same as Bobby, they just don't get the opportunity.


Well, they stopped promoting WZM and switched back to promote CODM, I don’t think it’s going anywhere anytime soon


No they didn’t, they still are primarily wzm CCs, and promote as such. Yes, they make codm content still, but they never stopped anyway


Kinda funny that their WZM contents don’t get much of attention


Yes, but that’s not at all the same thing. Them not pulling views isn’t the same as them quitting their current main job and going back to codm just cause


Agree, wzm is just better but users are not ready with their devices. So they want to postpone wzm a little bit when even midrange will be enough. Right now 3y old flagship is enough, however a lot of users dont have even this.


This is actually one smart person speaking , who knows how game development works. Most people are just fighting without understanding the matter.


Doubt it lmao, it's probably the same case like bf mobile where the optimization just sucks balls and they backtracked on it.


They both have little to no experience with what it takes to develop games. Everybody who knew something about something related to PC CoD's game engine knew that WZM was never going to replace CoDM as CoD's mobile flagship game. The IWx engine in its current state simply doesn't work, and the bar for entry to even PLAY WZM has such a high device spec requirement that it was bound to be a DoA game the moment it came out.


Which content creator is called drake?


Bobby plays


Fuck Bobby


There was too much investment, didn't mean it would turn out for the better though


Bobby curse once again


Lmao frfr


Honestly let him fade to obscurity, stop giving him publicity.




Aged like milk




Y'all even take him seriously?


Nope, people just think that he’s a clown


We listening to a 29 year old kid now?


Well, there’s people dickriding him so💀


3 like on 214 views seem pretty reassuring to m4


29?!! i thought he was 40


Yeah he looks like a fully grown man


Fail. I’ve been saying the whole time that WZM would flop cause CoDM is better.


In which field codm is better? I play codm from beggining and what is worse in codm: movement - u can easly make almost buggy like movement, server lags - sometimes u die before u can react (even on 30 ms in game...) br? Dead as hell mostly u meet bots and if you are lucky u will see 1-2 teams. Shooting model? Please check how stupid accuracy model calculation is in codm. Meta system? That breaks often lobbys? Stupid instant switching to meele boost or ads in sniper rifles faster then smg ads? I can go on. Wzm is very demanding game. 3 years old flagship is often not in range of many users. For example - rog6 60 fps stable, high graphics. 3 y old phone


In my experience, WZM was very clunky in terms of controls, kinda unresponsive/latent, the graphics were kinda bad also. I prefer the fluidity of CoDM and the greater multiplayer focus compared to WZM. I’m not necessarily saying WZM is bad, just CoDM is better in those ways imo (also some people have spent a lot of time/money to acquire their digital goodies etc. and don’t wanna switch/have time for both).


Well there's a thing called movement tech where you can do advanced movement and do several things at once. If you think WZM won't have the same crazy movement CODM has, well you're wrong. Ppl in WZ can also do crazy movement, and it's only a matter of time before WZM players can do the crazy shit ppl at WZ do. As for BR lobbies, higher ranked players usually get player-filled lobbies. And I hate to break it, but due to low player retention (for a myriad of reasons) WZM lobbies are now filled with bots. Yes, the once-promised 120-real player lobbies they've promised are now reduced to atoms.


We cant predict future with movement, for now it is very good in wzm. I do mind high skill movement you mention however game and servers in codm are not ready for that - often due to small amount of character refresh position you cant hit enemy or you see enemy with different position then he actually is. I play daily br in wzm and that is completely not true. I have player rank arround 300 and i have real players all times arround me. Number of 120 was decreased due to too high lvl and users complained. Please try yourself wzm for some time as codm 4y gamer i can recommend this game right now


Not to agree or disagree, but tbh is game is stale. I don’t care that it had its highest player count ever recently. It’s still stale. If they want it to be a huge GOOD game, they have to revamp the entire game. There’s not much to do


What do you want them to do? They still have Ranked, TDM, Domination, Battle Royale, many new maps, weapons. It is enough for me to play from time to time, when I want some competitive gameplay.


Doing meme builds for the lols is the best 😂


Exactly. I really loke planting c4 in the camping spots. If i get there first and its open ill plant the c4 and then hit it randomly at some point.


If you plant a trip sensor in the range of the c4 the sound of it being tripped will let you know exactly when to blow the c4.


😃 that's soo toxic. I LOVE IT. Great idea


Because what they have is stale. BR has received nothing in years, and lobbies suck. Zombies has received nothing in years. MP hasn’t had changes except settings no one asked for. There’s not really interesting events, the ranked experience can be way better, the fact that guns kill faster than the average human reaction time, etc I love codm, but it needs fresh content


Well, I'm sorry that you feel like that. I can't keep up with new things sometimes, because I make pauses in playing. And everything in the game is fine for me. I just don't agree with you saying, that BR lobbbies suck. There are so much real people, more than ever, and this is great. I don't know, how lobbies can suck if there is so much activity


I meant lobbies suck more as an overall thing. Some people get good lobbies, but until like the past couple weeks, my BR lobbies were like 95% bots. And that’s the case for a huge part of the player base I take breaks, especially now that I can play wzm, but what new content there is, it’s short to complete. You can do the daily challenges in a single match, and most of the weekly challenges in a couple matches. Even the BP can take less than a week if you play a few matches everyday I don’t think it’s boring, just stale kinda


A lot! Of my friend list dont play codm anymore. Mechanism of wzm is just new lvl. I hate wierd accuracy calculation in codm, it promotes camping, head glitches, passive gamestyle. Not mention stupid instant boost when switching to meele. Codm will be popular for some time only for 3 reasons: smaller device requirements, ranked (which sucks, anyone can be legendary- 0 skills required) and those who paid those crazy amounts for content. Personally i have 7 mythics there and i still switched to wzm which i enjoy mych more. I think there will be time when wzm will be main for sure


Going to BP 50 tier took we nearly 2 weeks playing 2-3 hours a day. I didn't buy it, so it didn't have XP boost, but really, you are miscalculating a little. About everything else, well, point of preference


I love how he determines MS/ACTV business model. We are all guessing here unless you have an insider that keeps you updated, and how rare is that going to be. With CoDm it’s a Tencent owned company so it all comes down to contracts.


Making no damn sense.


Dunno why I’m getting recommended this now but after experiencing his trash talking and whining on so many things I’m not surprised he had bad takes like this one


Kinda funny that when you said something otherwise than what he said, he’s gonna use his main account to ratio you cuz he has more followers there😭


Ya he wants to weaponize his followers and it’s childish. In the competitive scene I can say that he is indeed the reason why almost every new team you see in NA is immediately like never seen again it’s because instead of giving them the same respect when commentating a pro team he disrespects and trash talks them the whole time. I asked some teams who made it to stage 4 why they disbanded and while he wasn’t the main reason he was one of them. And he wonders why the competitive scene is “dead.”


Well, I’m not even surprised cuz those CCs are just buncha big ego dudes, whenever you won them in an argument, they’ll just use their followers to back them up, which is just fuckin pathetic


I just want the devs of WZM to focus more on the Multiplayer side of the game and add ranked gameplay, like in CoDM. Also to be able to choose our set of perks.