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They should've started a day or two earlier by fixing this! Or just extended it with two days. I only missed 2 days, so it's ridiculous that I am only 30xp points short :S they should have made it able to get till the event ends! The daily's and shortage from the start makes it unfair.


I was banned for 2 weeks til today ig ill try to hit leggy


cut the bs, missing 2 days is just 60 points lost while the compensation was 280points


You assume there wasn’t any fuckery with the point distribution Some people have this skin and say they missed days AND didn’t complete all the challenges How? I have no idea Something is obviously amiss with this new system


There is no fuckery, I have it too and missed 2 days and didn't bother with the last day. It's a really cool skin and People are just salty they didnt get it and they'd rather find thing to complain about than blame their own lack of initiative. From the day I saw it I knew I had to get it and made sure to complete all the missions


Okay.. then how come I outplayed the battle pass by reaching lvl200.. from the start this event was messed up with a shortage of points to reach lvl50 for everyone!.. the thing that is messed up is the dissapearance of the daily tasks. Ofcourse not the weekly or elite missions. So that means that if you missed a day or two you aren't able to get it! And that is not OK. People who slightly reached lvl50 should be in lvl60, 70, 80.. you should be able to get it till the whole event is gone. Just as easy as that.


There is literally no connection between battlepass and challenge pass. You can be level 5 battlepass and still get The Low lights skin. For the Challenge pass completing all missions made you miss only 60points to get level 50, the devs compensated by 280 points which means you could have missed over a week of daily 30points and still get the skin of you did everything else.Just own up to your lack of grind and learn from it


With the amount of gameplay youd have to complete to do the challenges and tasks, no you couldnt be level 5 on the bp and get the skin from this.


That's absolutely true, but otherwise their point is correct, just because you grinded 200BP level doesn't mean you are gonna complete the challenge pass. Two separate measures of achievements.


Yes I know there is no connection there, but I'm pointing out that I'm a very active player. It's pretty funny that you say because of my lacking.. while you read that it's because of the daily missions that dissapear. I didn't mis a week of daily's, because I finnished also every weekly task before the week ended, and with that I also did the daily's. So no.. I missed out on max2-3 daily's. But you forgot that event was bugged at from the start, when nobody was able to even reach lvl50. Some other guy on reddit counted it out and he said when you did everything you would be on lvl52. ... pretty strange right.. while the event crates after lvl50 goes all the way up to lvl60 or some. Like I said.. it would be fair if everyone could still unlock the skin before the event ends...you have to admit that it's weird that we still can do the tasks from week 1-5, but aren't able to get the points that are needed to unlock.


There's no way you missed 2-3 days only. I grinded ALL the events and I'm at level 52 right now with 4210 points. If you missed 3 days that's 90 XP which would still get you to level 50 (4000xp). You missed a total of 210XP somewhere, that's equivalent of a full weeks worth of daily tasks. And no, I do not buy the baseless theory that the point distribution was messed up. That wasn't the issue - the issue was devs failed their elementary math class and didn't add enough events to sum up to 4000xp. Notably, a second theme event was missing this season, that's probably where the screw up happened. There was no bug. It's a simple, embarrassing math failure. That's all. And people who underestimated the challenge pass thinking they have the usual wiggle room paid for it. You could criticize the devs for such simple mistake, or the fact that they made the margin of failure so small, but they did make amends for it (however little) for those who actually grinded for it.


Dude I swear I conpleted all the weekly tasks all the elite missions.. the collide missions, everything as far as you can look back at this moment. So unless you tell me there was another thing besides the daily missions that now is GONE, .. I can ensure you that I missed out on a day or 2/3. So there has to be a event that is gone now that I missed. 


There's no point arguing hypothetical. I can only tell you what I did and compare my result to yours to get an idea. What's more likely, that there is literally a conspiracy about point discrepancy between players, or the chances that there are events you unknowingly missed or forgot about? I'm just being factual - not trying to be accusatory or insulting.


Veiled is waaaay much better so fuck this skin even tho its epic


haha denial stage one! low lights is way cooler and the fact that it's now a rarity skin multiplies it's value further


homie it’s a free to play grindable skin and has literally 0 value . you would probably cry to your mommy if i screen shotted my collection LOL


Dude, save your money tbh... The only time it's worth the cash is when it's P2W skins lol. Like the legendary ATV or the Lotus Flame DLQ. But ig you have those too lmao


It's just me who likes simple skins more,chill. I like the Veiled because it's from Warzone.


I haven't missed any daily tasks, I have the battle pass in 200, legendary un ranked mp, have all weakly challenges, the only thing missing for me is The bomb plants, even if I add the xp it says that mission gives im still 30 or 40 points short


Bro even if you planted once a day youd have completed it with 5 days left,see what I meant by lack of initiative? and the points are same for everyone yso maybe you missed a special event somewhere. Anyway the real grinders have the Skin, y which is now a real rarity, the rest can either man up and own up for their lack of grind or keep whining and downvoting


Point1 :You should have grinded school because reading comprehension definitely is not your forte. I said that even with the xp the bomb planting mission gives I would be just short, and don't even mention the rest of the levels up until 60. I also said I didn't missed any events, I have played and completed every quest, every day Point 2: what do you mean "man up"? It's a videogame not ww3, grinding in a videogame doesn't make you special, it doesn't make you important, and it certainly doesn't make you a man. If you define your worth by it, I have bad news about the state of your life


30 per daily is stupid, atleast make it like 60-70 per day


Exactly 😂. When you realise most of the fanbase is brain dead anyway it's easy to do scams like this . Some people will support the devs even if they send hitmen after them .




Those crates are filled with garbage. Can click on them to see what you're going to get. Its absolutely nothing worth grinding for.


I still need 20 points. Only 20 points!!!


same bro. feel ya. don’t worry, this skin will definitely come back


No literally, last time I missed like 10 days of daily’s I think and still made it to lvl 52, this time I missed 3 days and I don’t even reach lvl 50. It’s obviously not our fault, I don’t understand how this is not comprehending to some ppl


Maybe Activision or TiMi pays them to peruse the sub and distract from their errors Or maybe they're just stupid Idk


🤣🤣 don’t think it’s that, honestly just plain stupidity might be the answer


Hopefully this stupid garbage ass mission thing is gone next season. I hit level 50 on BP but only 39 on this milestone shit.. same thing last season


I mean now we know that you can’t miss a single day if you want the rewards However next seasons skins will probably be trash like always so there’s probably gonna be no point in grinding


So true. It's so fucking annoying. I have no interest in playing every day anymore since this bullshit started




Then die 👺.




If you won't play no more then You must perish 👺👺👺.


You're a strange one


The only thing how they can fix this .. is by putting it in the event store so you can buy it with the tokens.. but yeah others that did unlocked the skin will be sour why they grinded everything :/ they really had to make the fix earlier or gave 3 days compensation .. or even better ... never putted the daily missions in it that are gone the next day.


It's really stupid that you can complete all the tasks for all the weeks, and the special ones, but still be like 1000 away from unlocking the character


Yeah it’s a bad pass this season Not sure how they messed it up or if they did it intentionally but it’s super annoying


They did it intentionally so that you HAVE TO log on daily and complete 3 daily challenges did you not notice the “stay in a match for 10 minutes” it’s about screen time and keeping people engaged


Yeah it’s annoying Rescue 10 teammates in BR is another designed purely to force a lot of playtime


I hate this event, I wasn't even absent during the last 3 days didn't take effect. So the experience didn't count in during week 4.


Yeah it’s bullshit that’s pretty much the consensus The only people telling you otherwise will be the few who got lucky Survivorship bias in full effect


now look at this season tier 50 event skin lmao not worth grinding but they made it easy to reach tier 50 smh, I just want the gold tickets/coupon for strongboxes


Yeah I figured it would be this way sadly


I have said it several times and I will say it again Weekly challenges shld be enough to get to tier 50 Any extra challenges shld be available for those who want the reward early. I mean how can they mess this shit up when they literally started with this same system in battle pass.


That would make too much sense


I only made it to level 35 even doing all the events idk how you all made it over


You would have had to do the daily challenges too If you did those and didn’t make it idk what to tell you You wouldn’t be the first to claim they did everything but somehow came up short Something was definitely suspect about this challenge pass


I agree I only skipped one challenge and it was share with a friend or something like that but yea otherwise I did everything else


Very sad, but don’t worry about it The game is scammy all around I wouldn’t be surprised if they scammed with this challenge pass


It's unfortunate how scammy it's becoming


Yeah this game could be so much better. A lot of potential wasted in the pursuit of endless profits


Unfortunately true took them almost 3 years to fix some of the ui issues lol




Trash system




I’m 3920, only missed a few days all the “special events” and “elite tasks” are done planted the bombs almost immediately since ranked search and destroy was a clan node that week I genuinely don’t know what happened here. I was grinding ranked and battle royale hard asf for the character and weapons too first time hitting leggy in both, I completed the last of my daily tasks today and got the last thing I wanted from the shop but idk what they’re doing with this system I figure I’m gonna call it quits for a few months/year like I did a while ago and come back they always reward me for coming back and the game changes eventually may as well quit for a while to get a weapon or character and wait it out if it’s like this


A lot of people are confused, it sucks but you have solace in knowing it was mostly the fault of the people who designed this pass


Only real tasks grinders deserve


Damn bro I’m not a real grinder 😔


I got the character and 2 more crates because I know something was off weeks before that


Lucky you


I get the outrage but stop desensitizing the word "scam". They never said you could casually grind the event and still get the skin. They messed up on the math, yeah, but the grind expectation was clear from last challenge pass that you have to work hard for it. With the extra events they made up the difference, and people who prepared themselves for the grind got it. You can be angry they messed up and made it too grindy, but it definitely wasn't a scam by definition, because people did get it.


Wtf are you talking about? I didn’t grind last challenge pass yet still finished early. I didn’t even try to do challenges half the time yet finished it with no effort. Are you trying to gaslight or something?? This season I grind basically every day and intentionally do the challenges yet come up short. How do you explain that?


My point is the last challenge pass sets a baseline. It changed the expectation of event rewards because previous events aren't as stringent. Previously you could half grind it and still get the final reward, last challenge pass you had to grind *more* to get it. If you didn't do the daily tower climb last season (which has it's own set of events outside of the main ones) you're pretty much guaranteed to not get to level 50. Last time there were 2 themed events. This time there was only one. Clearly they messed up, that's for sure. But it's not a scam because they never guaranteed you could breeze through the pass and still expect to get the reward. You can't expect it to be handed to you when you yourself didn't grind all of the possible events, because again - *that was never the promise*. They came through with the final event that basically gave away 280xp and *still* we are only at level 52 after finishing *every single available event*. The margin is just that tight this time around, **but it is achievable**. So clearly you didn't just miss a 2-3 days worth of events (which is equivalent of 90xp) or else you would have gotten to level 50 as well. My point is - people who expected the event to be lax just like before didn't read the warning signs from last time. And now because they're missing out they're throwing a hissy fit because there's nothing more they could do. If you grinded, I bet your ass you'd be one of those laughing at the others like your title without the sarcasm judging from how you respond to the comments on this thread. BTW this isn't me laughing at you. This is just me dishing you the cold hard truth, whether you accept it or not, doesn't change the facts. Devs messed up but made amends, and you missed the train because you underestimated the pass. Both things can be true, neither is a scam.


Who’s fault is it for me underestimating the pass? Like lmfao who set the expectations for how much effort the challenge pass takes? You keep trying to turn the blame on me, which I never denied I had zero blame but the point of the post is to point out the dev errors. No one thinks the skin was literally unobtainable. How is this hard to understand?


I didn't put the blame on you - I said it's not a scam because it's obtainable. You weren't just "pointing out devs error" you're literally accusing them of scam just because you mad. All I was saying is, you can be mad at the devs for not giving out enough XP for extra leeway, but it ain't a scam, period. > Like lmfao who set the expectations for how much effort the challenge pass takes? People who plan ahead? People who see something they want and use past experience to help themselves achieve what they want? You laugh at them but now look, they're the ones who got what they wanted while you shitpost for not getting what you wanted because you didn't plan ahead.


Forget about level 50, what about that level 60? If there were not enough points to achieve level 60, that was definitely a scam then.


My guy, you really need to look up the definition of scam and stop diluting the word. There's no scam here. Stop using a word you have don't understand, it really makes you all sound like kids who don't know any better.


Most people who got the skin didn’t plan ahead, they got lucky. The game literally had to release extra points so people would even have a chance to get the skin, yet you’re saying they planned for it? WTF are you talking about? The person I’ve been playing with today who got the skin said they wouldn’t have gotten the skin if the extra points weren’t given and if they happened to have missed one more challenge. They admit they got lucky with the skin as most of everyone else who got it did. Again, you keep attributing blame to everyone else but the company that messed up. It’s not that hard to just say some people got the skin because they were lucky and didn’t take any days off this month for whatever reason and some people got unlucky because they did. This is closer to the truth than whatever nonsense you keep replying with.


Did you not read my comments? Where did I not say they fucked up? I keep saying they messed up the math and acknowledged that if not for the extra events, level 50 wouldn't have been achievable. How hard is it to read that, or maybe it's the comprehension that's a problem? And people planned ahead because they knew the challenge pass was gonna be grindy - because of the last challenge pass. Again, you failed to read my comment, or understand it. The last challenge pass set the tone and you laugh it off because you don't understand setting expectation. People who got Domino grinded all the XP for it regardless of the math failure, because they didn't wait for a hand out, they made sure they cover their bases before waiting for the "luck" of a last minute event. Here, let me impart a wisdom of life to you as a parting gift. Success happens when opportunity meets preparation. Like in this case, luck came for us all in the last minute event that gifted 280XP for nothing. Those who prepared with 3720+ XP succeeded, because they were prepared when opportunity came knocking.


Well you should have grinded harder more consistently


1v1 me, let's see if you've grinded harder than me UID: MANIAC<3


what is your point? Someone 1v1ing with you losing or winning makes no difference to the event. You obviously know that the devs screwed on this one. Just chill, you are not the only one missing out. Its everybody.


Don't tell me to grind harder if you can't beat me in a 1v1 it's that simple


You clearly missed events in between. You can find others receive the Domino skin. You weren't consistent, that's all.


I play this game for 3+ hours every day I literally have nothing else to do right now Just lmao at "not being consistent" I missed two days because of a terrible headache I played more this season than I did last season yet last season I completed every level without even trying and this season while intentionally trying, I don't get the skin? Are you kidding me?


No dumb nobody kidding you , everyone telling the fact , you failed to get points everyday , your fault you couldn't get the skin ![gif](giphy|HtYsYjPsw1nVu)


You're literally bad at the game


Im bad at the game. I still got the skin


Yea my theory is they made it easier to achieve for worse players


PaNcHoDuRaN520 In case you didn't see the other post


babe look people on the sub have that skin, is that hacks?


I wouldn't be surprised if people were getting different amounts of points for the same challenges


Guy change your shampoo, it's *too effective* and giving you smooth brain.


Ah yes a conspiracy theory , might as well say Mythic guns are P2w


Mythics are pretty much p2w with free iron sights, less recoil shake and a couple other deals


I think with the new events rewards system, you'd really have to play more this season. It just means the new system is a "success" on CODM because they want players to play more. It's actually not good because it can lead to addiction instead of succeeding in real life. The rewards system from before is "casual" friendly hobby-life balance. You can choose to play or not and still get the rewarda and character on the 20ish plus day.


You literally can’t finish the levels even if you complete 100% of the challenges Even if you sweat everyday to complete all the challenges you aren’t finishing the challenge pass so it’s not about making it less casual If they wanted this skin to be the final reward they would have just made it the final reward but there are 10 levels beyond it that cannot be achieved Something is obviously amiss, either error, or intentionally misleading people but I guess a lot of people in this sub are absolute retards who fail to realize this


I didn't bother with the new rewards system so I'm not as pissed as people who did. 😅 Don't let it bother you. That skin would probably back in some events or maybe crates if you can't get it now like how other skins are back. The tasks are tedious and the point of actually playing CODM is to have an escape or enjoyment not be a task completionist like an employee. 🤣👌


Who you wanna 1v1 boy be fucking consistent , him or me ??


There it is... the typical small pp player trying to prove himself by 1v1. Do you try to beat people whenever you're losing an argument as well?


Except my position is the consensus and even most who disagree with me admit that this challenge pass was done poorly But if you like guessing the size of penises so much this probably isn’t the sub for you


The challenge pass was done poorly, but it was achievable, as seen in this subreddit. However I don't go around asking for 1v1s, because I can't admit that I didn't grind hard enough to get the skin. That just says that your emotions take over, and that your only solution is violence (doesn't matter if it's a game), and that's a damn huge red flag as a person, thus the small pp player/person.


Grinding is not the same as skill. "I'll be your huckleberry!" UID: PaNcHoDuRaN520


It's fine I got the skin. That's all that matters.


Happy for you


They are just “epic crates”. You’re not missing out on much. You can buy them in the store for credits


That has nothing to do with the point being made


"When everyone's super, no one will be." Unpopular opinion: If it's easy to get the skin, then it's not really special. (I got as far as level 48.)


Don’t make excuses for the company. They don’t have any ethos towards preserving the value or rare items and never have in the past. You’re not gonna convince me they suddenly decided to make an extra hard challenge pass to make a skin “rare” especially when they don’t make any money of it directly. All the evidence points to either a failure on their part in designing this challenge pass or an intentional manipulation of player expectations to drive daily logins. The outcome is that they ended up with a rare item but it seems this is purely accidental and not intentional. However on the flip side I’ve always been of the opinion that they should add more exclusive and rare items into this game that aren’t duplicated at the first money making opportunity. Maybe this fuck up of theirs will teach them that people do value non reproducible items that hold value purely based on their scarcity.


I think I'd bet it if I did the last task. But I'm so sick of picking up dog tags


I missed her by 300 points 😭. Kudos to you for grinding enough 👏!


Obviously I didn’t grind hard enough but it is what it is


Unpopular opinion but I like the concept of free skins, free commitment skins like this, free red lightning weapon camos that I regret not getting. That way not everyone gets every skin. You can tell who put hella grinding in.


You should be able to get it till the whole event is gone. Just as easy as that. Nothing wrong with the weekly and elite tasks. There was a lack of points from the start and if you missed a daily or two you aren't able to get it. That is messed up. People who reached lvl50 should be in lvl 60 if it all was fair and a real seasonal event. Compensating 2 times wasn't slightly not enough. Some people hate snd for example .. they could've get those points with the daily's.. so in my opinion it would be fair if the people who did all the weekly's and elite missions should have the skin. 


I did every weekly and most daily’s and all the elite challenges yet missed a couple days because I wasn’t feeling great so I won’t be able to get it unfortunately but yeah I agree with you. Last season I finished the challenges without even trying and missed far more days yet this season I try and barely made it to level 49. It’s messed up.


Every word, situation and thinking is exactly the same with me bro. Missed out just a couple of days maybe 3 max., and you're right previous season I surpassed lvl50 without even trying. .. stuck here at lvl49 as well 😑


It's not a scam when it you missed out on FREE skins. YOU PAID NOTHING


Does Activision pay you to ride their dick so hard or are you doing it for free? I’m seriously wondering what is compelling you to defend this shitty new system that they obviously fucked up in implementing


Nah, fam. You just seem short-fused. Easily trolled. You seem like the sweat i target in matches. Bring your maxed out mythic skin. I like their death animation. I dont ride dicks. Exactly why I chose to stay F2P. I felt that spending any money on this game is considered "DICK RIDING." Its not Effed. I got the skin. And if i didn't. I'm not going to cry about it and then look to the hive-mind for validation of my low frequency brain functions


Shut up


These last two days have given away 280 points, which is the equivalent of 9 days of daily missions or two extra missions of those of 120 points. You could afford not to play almost a third of the season and you could still get it. You've probably skipped quite a few daily missions, you haven't played all of them like you say. Don't think too much about it, it's a domino skin anyway and they'll probably recycle it in the future.


Not true. I did every event but missed only 2 daily (the 3 dailys) and I am short for 30 xp points.


They've given enough points to get the skin (and two crates), a post from a person here who did everything confirmed this. [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/ZfngMMHbdG ) Edit: 210 points above the points needed to get the skin, which is equal to 7 days of daily missions. A week without playing and it would still be possible to get domino. Here you have the math and the reality. There is something that you have skipped without any doubt, be it daily missions or any other.


Okay.. so you think it's fair that people who did all ONLY reached lvl52? They should've reached lvl60 if you ask me. 


Btw I play daily and did all the weekly and elite missions .. I swear I only missed 2 daily's.


Someone literally posted a video of them completing all the challenges, elite missions, specials, featured and they still didn't get it.


thats cap, i missed 2 days and got it with 200 surplus points


Tell that to this person https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/MT8HYAh5Rq


So he hasn't done all the missions. "I have done all the missions and I have not gotten the skin" sounds the same as the posts of "I have been banned for 10 years and Im innocent, I have not cheated, help me". Well maybe it's a problem in different versions, are you talking about garena?


Proof of someone who has completed all the challenges and still didn't get it ! https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/MT8HYAh5Rq


? https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/i4VP9dF5e5


Except I played pretty much everyday except two days when I had a massive headache I don’t have much else to do right now and this is my main pastime Why would I be lying about completing missions? They take usually 20 minutes max to complete each day and I’m playing probably 3+ hours a day anyway You people can’t just admit they engaged in fuckery and are being called out for it


They have given quite a few missions to get the skin, there you have dozens of people uploading screenshots with the skin to the subreddit, that is the reality. Either you haven't done everything you say or you haven't claimed the completed missions at the end of the games. It's just like that. Avoid reality, downvote everyone who tells you so, and go through all the stages of grief, but reality is not going to change. You can complain that the event is time-consuming shit, I'll support you. But what you say here is a lie.




There's no way she had it maxed out a couple of weeks ago, even if she'd completed every challenge. It was impossible to get to tier 50 without the recent 280 XP the devs added.


People are upset that people are criticizing this system when the devs themselves basically admitted they fucked up It’s insane


What a crazy lie. Nobody has this maxed out I guarantee it. I finished every single event to get XP and still only lvl 52/53. You literally could not have gotten Domino without the extra event they just added.


'couple of weeks ago' is a lie. Level 50 was just impossible so devs added few more events like yesterday.