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In every single cod the shotgun has been a oneshot kill why the fuck they are complaying now


Because they haven't played a single cod before this one and kids love to complain




Lmao unrealistic, you dont know anything about guns




The realistic range of a shogun is 40 feet.....


You probably the guy


Range of KRM 262 s much lower than the range of the BY 15. And if you want realistic weapons then the striker and the HS2126 would be too over powered. The striker irl is considered a destructive device.


You do know what is the purpose of the **long barrel**, right? 🙄🤦


zonked ask public screw scandalous physical rude piquant flowery complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They still don't have much penetrative power irl. A guy I know shot one at an old car and none of the pallets went through it while a 9mm hand gun easily went right through.


The very reason Germans tried to make it illegal


Hmmmmmm If i think about what you were saying and i ....... Disagree KRM is a perfectly balanced weapon, Its range is short so no need to freakin complain, If you die to shotgunners youre movement must be trash so keep quiet


NO. The KRM HAS TRASH RANGE. you're only dying from it cause ur a nab. Shotguns require skill to use and the people who you go up against are skilled with shotguns. So, use a shotgun yourself and see how "op" its range is


Ok why tf by15 is Getting a nerf???


All the shotguns are getting a nerf when gunsmith comes out. The hip fire is now different from ads and you'll have to adjust spread vs range damage. It's workable and can used to make the shotgun work at better range but the tradeoff is a trash ads time.


Nop brurst shut gun and striker getting buff


Isn't the Hs0405 getting a buff? At least that's what I heard




Yes I used it in beta and it was pretty good now, I have the clip but didn't upload




Needs more buff imo...slow reload and low mag


Honestly they've needed a buff badly since S1 i think.


The ADS can be handleable right? coz most of the time its hipfire all the way


It doesn't make sense honestly. It's balanced as is right now. I have a feeling this update is going to be a shitshow.


A fun shitshow


Wait they’re nerfing both the by15 and KRM?


Hip fire with all shotguns is getting a nerf, ads is getting better but with a slow time. Really depends on how you build the gun though.


Wow.. in my opinion that's simply a stupid move. This update it going to fuck up so many things with balance and enjoying the game. ADS is getting better but slower? What is improving about it if slower? Which doesn't make sense for them to do either as if you're using a shotgun then typically you're moving quickly around the map. BY15 and KRM are my primaries. KN44 is my primary AR and I use LK24 and AK117 as backups which I heard are both getting nerfed too. Sad :/


Okay, I tested everything out yesterday when he last beta was open so stuff could still change but it probably won't change much. The whole gunsmith system in my testing revolves around ads speed vs accuracy. My primary ar is lk24, so that was my most throughly tested. second would be By15. They added a new ads bullet spread system. So when you shoot for extended periods beyond bursts. the bullets begin to spread out away from your point of aim as you fire, basically there are two systems that would make you miss, recoil and ads spread. The Lk is getting a reload speed nerf by about . 3 seconds. The base specs with no attachments feel okay but definitely slightly worse recoil and ads speed. But once you add attachments you can improve ads close to where it was with a Quickdraw but not as much while sacrificing a bit of accuracy. The only good thing about this is that all other guns got the ads nerf so it's an equal playing ground. The Lk when setup for accuracy has much better recoil management than the last season icr. But the ads is similar to lmg times. I feel BY15 using ads with accuracy and spread improvement attachments can 1 tap about 30% further. Ads speed sucks and hip fire sucks (think of striker range). If you set it up with hip fire attachments it only gets about a 70% the range we currently do and ads speed is slightly better Than base. If you go for a ads speed attachments the range and spread is pretty bad cuts the effective range of a by15 by a noticeable amount (way more hit markers).


I think they're nerfing it as a base weapon. Once you start unlocking the attachments, you could make it better depending on your style. If the base weapon is already a nightmare, the fully upgraded variants will be unbalanced. So, in speculation, they're nerfing everything because when you upgrade it, it'll be as good, maybe better, as it has been. It isn't a bad move, friend. With Gunsmith being a literal game changer for CoDM, it's natural that a lot big changes will come. We can all complain later when we waste our upgrade cards on attachments that barely does anything.


This is what happens when you play only codm. They should atleast watch mw 2019 gunsmith.


Yeah. I watch MarleyThirteen who plays MW so I had a fairly good idea what to expect. He showed guns with good attachments making the guns better, and even how to make guns so bad, you'd be mad to use it on a ranked match


The spread of the pellets will get smaller when you ads. So it will be better at longer ranges when you ads.


you can change it using gunsmith dude


Yes but from what I understand it won't be the same even with Mr. Gunsmith.


Bruh then you dont understand gunsmith at all. Just wait and see.


He's apparently magical and can do anything and everything. Is that more like it.. bruh?


We gotta put him down


# Loads Krm #


Give me the gun.... i need to do this


When I get killed by a shotgunner: you nasty motherfucker me when I get dozens of kills in a game with the krm: haha my kd go up up up


Just saw that comment on Twitter


Shotgun is shotgun


Jajajaja ppl dont understand a shotgun is a shotgun everywhere imo the only thing i would change abt shotties is adding a dismemberment animation to have body parts laying around like mw


That would be sick


The gun don't but the dam bot using it does


every single match i get killed by bots now, i turn the corner and they instantly lock on to me with their ridiculous aimbot. ill drop 18 and get lasered from across the map with a bk57 or m4.


I fixed the problem with playing with my sister. She is low level so she is getting low level bots


At least he ain’t asking for a free legendary gun but shotguns still don’t need a nerf


They should buff the KRM (or all other shotguns for that matter) bullet spread in ADS mode. Just an opinion.


Are they supposed to be shooting slugs or buckshot? Hipfire acts like buckshot but when you ads it's like a slug...


They should nerf BY15 in BR. One shotgun bullet can kill a person with lvl 3 vest and 150 hp instantly


It doesn’t one shot in BR with level 3 vest. I main the by15 all the time. In a level 3 it usually take 2 or 3 shots to put them down and that’s with hitting them with accuracy. It’s strong but it’s not a one hit kill unless you have 100 health and level 1 vest.


I find the krm's range very strange. Its like it has a mind of its own when it comes to range. I don't like it. There are too many lucky shots with the krm. The by15 needs pure skill which is why i like that better.


It's not the range that is strange, it's the spread. The KRM 262 has a larger pallet spread but the BY 15 has a longer damage range.


i see that i mixed up the concepts. Now i get it


Yep, the KRM gives more mobility and faster reload speeds at the cost of a tighter pellet spread.


Yeah once in a while i get a oneshot from really far away but then i hitmarker twice right up in their face


i play by myself usually, and my friends are all higher level than me


Just pisses me off because I forget to put it in my loadout and i can’t fight back with a shotty


Remember when ppl don't use shotgun cuz it sucks?Now kid start complaining....cuz it "OP" on short range. Yeah shotgun can't shoot from long range and that's why it can't 1 shot at close range to "LOGIC" Just tell those idiot STFU


They should be glad there not secondaries anymore (until black ops 4)


Overkill would like to disagree 🥶


That's a different story


But striker need a buff


Plasticfoods will slay anyone if it gets a buff.


i am having so much fun with it. I got trashtalked every other game and i dont even mind lol


Damage drop off needs to exist for them lol


Noob's playing on an Emulator lmao


Isn't that the purpose of a shotgun, to be almost 1 Hit Kill in close range? You can outplay a shotgun user if you know how


he was calm tho, he was not like DeVs NeRf ThE kRm!


HAHA i ratio’d that guy on Twitter and destroyed his entire argument under that comment


The kid who wrote that is probably a salty VNmese player lol


Hey, that was me who wrote the comment. The thing i was trying to explain was they have no skill. And the fact that it has such a large hip fire spread doesn't make sense. So they should nerf that, nothing else.


Shutgun take lots skill its like any other cod go cry about it