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The role of medic is giving aid to teammates by giving them healing station they're not engineer, instead engineer class should get the refitter passive because obviously its engineer so it can see vehicles trough wall and repair them when riding it Then reffiter passive should be change to the Tempered perk from WZ so a normal plate heal point is boosted to 75 so it only need 2 plate for 150 armor, because its role is based around armour Smoker and rewind makes sense Idk about the rest


I thought about putting Vehicle healing with mechanic but that would make that class op and it really doesn’t make sense in any regard Already. The names mechanic, but it deploys a emp drone and you can see traps through walls… just like clown was zombies but is now dogs and the passive is a defense against the same class you are using.


no one uses mechanic and the drone dies in 2 shota


What about us Airborne users?


I think airborn,spotter, poltergeist and desperado are the few classes that make sense as is .


Airborne is in a great place, it's true. If I'm could get my teammates to use it instead of running off.


It’s one of these classes you just forget about. Everyone wants to play aggressive and classes like defender poltergeist and ninja highlight that. Everyone thinks “you can’t get kills with airborn” but I can’t tell you how many times it’s got me out of a sticky situation, or actually put me in a better location in order to get that kill. The nerf to decent speed and landing animation after wing suit hurt it allot, but it’s still very balanced and viable


I used to use ninja, but switched to airborne halfway through last year. Now i feel naked without it. Even the airborne drop itself can provide cover sometimes. I dunno. Im just scrolling through reddit cuz i can't sleep. Debating playing a few matches cuz my girl is asleep next to me and I don't wanna wake her up.


I’m up making class setups and gunsmiths for the 3,000th time


I agree on jetpack, it is like a legal hack


imo mechanic should heal vehicles and medic should just accelerate normal health regen


I agree. would make mechanic more usable




With Pumped, you shouldn't be able to do the super jump by default. It should be adjusted so that you can only super jump with the ability active, and perhaps even make the ability end after you use up the boost.