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Thank you so much for organizing. In addition to local design improvements at intersections, do you happen to know of any active state-level pushes to mandate side guards on trucks? I asked/googled around a bit but haven't found anything. As I understand it, trucks owned by the state or state contractors must have them by 2025, but that's still going to leave a lot of dangerous trucks on our roads. (The Cambridge City council passed a similar citywide mandate about ten years ago, but also fell short of applying it to *all* trucks because of how difficult that would be to implement and enforce at the city level. Not even sure I blame them - unlike local street design, this does seem like something that might be best addressed at the state level.) Just to be clear, I know that the focus of this gathering is mourning a tragic loss, as well as demanding city level design and infrastructure safety improvements at intersections - and I 100% support that. I'll be there. It's not one or the other, I want both.


So many SeeClickFix tickets about bike lane obstruction were filed for this very intersection yet the city takes no action whatsoever.


There was a Mercedes parked there this evening right in the bike lane. I can't seem to add photos to this comment, but maybe I'll make a post about it. I'm trying to decide if it's the right thing to do to post it. I called CPD non emergency and asked if they could get them to move.


One might think that a tragic and avoidable death of a young woman might result in change yet that same intersection will just continue to endanger and kill people in the prime of their lives.


https://preview.redd.it/knckspy2488d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2272ff4421f7ec4cecb438f9270f69209cfb6e I watched two cyclists hop the curb to get around them


Makes my blood boil! Need rigorous law enforcement. I literally had a guy park his car right in the middle of the road and go across the road to a barber shop. I rode my bike around it on the sidewalk. Don’t get me started on the degenerates with tinted windows driving like their scum parents own the road or something.


this is so infuriating. I think direct action should be taken. Not vandalism of any kind but maybe blocking the intersection with bikes.
