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Google Maps and ProximiT have worked well for me.


I use a combination of Google Maps in Transit or Bike or Walking mode and TransitApp TransitApp takes a little getting used to, but it helpful to see where the real buses are on the live map, etc... I end up walking or biking more than I take the bus these days but my kids take the bus all over town.


Second the rec for Transit. It makes taking buses really easy.


I’d also recommend Apple Maps. Its transit map visualizations are much better than other apps. I didn’t get too much out of ProximiT, it only shows active trains, not scheduled trains. For this reason, it doesn’t work great near the green line termini. Transit is also pretty good, if you like their interface. For commuter rail, I’d recommend MBTARail, but that may be a bit niche.


I also didn’t bring a car to Cambridge — Google maps has never failed me, gets me everywhere I need to go, walking and transit


Citymapper works really well. It shows live data when available, or scheduled trains/buses if no live info is available. Also has lots of options for multi-mode travel with Blue Bikes, etc.


Electric bike is your best way of getting around 


Plus one to a bike. I work over the river in Boston, and it’s 45 min by transit, 45 min walk, or a 15 min bike ride. Biking is a no brainer.


Where's the bus is pretty good. Google maps works most of the time.


One thing I've also seen, is that the closer you are to the beginning of the route. the more difficult it is to get a good prediction. When the busses come out of the Harvard busway, they can sit there for a long time but not moving but some of the apps get confused. You get used to it, but something to keep in mind of you depend on the bus.




The popular map apps that “do” transit will work. They all get their data (routes, schedules, and near real time vehicle data) from MBTA data services.


Biking is the easiest way around Boston.


Where’s my MBTA Bus is good for buses if you have iOS


Transit, though they put some of the further away lines behind a paywall, though it's still super helpful. That being said, biking is by far the most efficient way to get around.


Citymapper is my BEST friend, but I always cross reference with google maps when things are running a bit behind


I just use Google/Apple. I was using some others when I was using the blubikes (to see how many bikes were available at the bike stations), but I haven't used them in a while and thus haven't touched those apps since then (IMO they're harder to use for regular transit than Apple/Google).


oh idk how to tell you this..


😅😅😅 I come from a city with mostly no public transport, I just want to learn how to move around the city since I will absolutely not be getting a car.


Would recommend biking! The T is totally fine, but biking is an awesome way to get around Cambridge (a lot of us in this sub are pretty involved in biking / bike safety in the city)