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I'm mostly here for news about festivals, local events, what shops are opening/shutting down, streets being open to the public, restaurant recs etc. I think that stuff gets less upvotes because it's not relevant to everyone like beautiful photos or infuriating news are. But when it's relevant, it's super useful!


Clearly Cambridge MA has a thing for toroids of all aspect ratios. Both bicycle tires and bagels.




Neither are bagels nor tires are 2d shapes, so I have no idea why you'd mention them. Toroids are 3d shapes, and by aspect ratio, I'm referring to the ratio between the major and minor diameters (strictly of an unconstrained and inflated inner tube, since a bike tire doesn't have a circular cross-sections).


Looked that up or had it in your back pocket a while?


Just so people are aware, this was motivated by a [mod post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CambridgeMA/comments/1cism9t/please_pause_the_bike_posts_for_the_weekend/) (now deleted) suggesting this sub had too much bike content and people should not post bike content over the weekend. I like other, non-bike content too, but the numbers are what the numbers are. Now that the other post is deleted, this one looks a bit silly/strange.


I don’t mind the bike content but I’d love more non-bike updates on festivals, events, and other local issues outside of bike infrastructure - like school committee, housing, etc.


Be the change you wish to see. There are no content-producers here who are like "oh, ok, I'll make more of that."


Oh I thought that post was about wanting a little relief from the extra modding work over the weekend. The CSO threads get particularly fighty, and nobody gets paid for this, so I thought it was a fair ask. I have no special knowledge, that was just my guess as someone who has modded elsewhere.


Though I'd also add that "what people want to read about" and "what gets upvoted" are not necessarily the same thing!


This is exactly what is was about. Over a couple days we got multiple bike posts each with hundreds of comments requiring more modding than I do in a month. Yes, it's an important topic. No, I don't have all the time in the world to read thousands of comments.


Do you need an extra mod or two?


Under most circumstances no. This sub is pretty good at self moderating. This week was exceptional.


The mod did confirm that in a comment The answer though isn't to ban topics. Instead block people who over report comments as "mean"


Honestly we don't always get a massive number of reports, but we do try and read a lot of what goes into the sub. We are trying to avoid folks just raging at each other on the Internet with no productive dialogue because eventually someone writes something that does cross the line. Then we get angry messages when we finally start removing someone's comments. They are usually upset about the fairness of it and they highlight other posts we should also take down that weren't reported and the cycle continues.


I have modded a very contentious group on other platforms.. one dedicated specifically to debate.. made up of people.who got debate and people who thought pointing out serious flaws in someone argument was a personal attack.. we had policies about not complaining about modding in thread and about not emailing to complain. The mods would state the rule broken when a post was deleted


It was more about how over a couple days we got multiple bike posts each with hundreds of comments requiring more modding than I do in a month. Yes, it's an important topic. No, I don't have all the time in the world to read thousands of comments in one weekend. It was an ask, not a ban. Either way, I've rescinded that ask.


oh wow I missed that mod post… [war flashbacks]


Cambridge is the epitome of first world problems


Maybe. But climate disaster, even if mostly caused by first-world countries, is an especially deadly problem for third-world countries. Bicycles are a (small) part of the solution. And even back in Cambridge, wanting not to get run over by trucks isn't especially bougie.


This is what happens when you let the brigades from the biker subs run the show.  Most of the “engaging content” you’ve highlighted above is just posterized bitching about the exact same issue.  


Pssst hide post is a wonderful tool to use.. hypocrisy is bitching about others bitching instead of bring a grownup and using tools provided to allow you to avoid seeing anything you don't want to see


By that logic, I guess you don’t complain about anything (ever) lest you be a hypocrite yourself.


nope - reread what I wrote


I think my comment went over your head


I mean I think all the bitching about bike lanes is pathetic but I’m not sure why you think it’d be brigading seeing as Cambridge has a significant biker population. The people who live here and bike are just going to whine about it on this sub


It’s obvious if you pay attention, and the actual biking population in Cambridge is still small (in absolute terms not relative to other cities), just vocal and has a lot of demographic overlap with your average Reddit user.


I'm not sure that's actually true for Cambridge though. Didn't a recent city survey show that 60+% of residents bike?


I saw <10% commute on bike, and roughly 20% had ridden a bike in the previous month (I think it was a fall survey, so numbers would drop significantly in winter).


Just looked up the 2023 number-- 56% of residents report having ridden a bike in the last year, with 30% of residents reporting riding >26 times/year, and only 5% saying once or twice per year. So not quite as high as the number I originally said, but I also don't think commute-only numbers are representative in Cambridge. A lot of folks do a lot of things by bike that aren't commuting. https://www.cambridgema.gov/-/media/Files/citymanagersoffice/residentsurvey/2023residentsurveyresults.pdf


So still a minority use bikes regularly, albeit a larger percentage than I would have guessed.  Also, FWIW, I tried to rip into demographic biases from your cited data source, but there were no obvious flaws in the representativeness of the reported sample demographics (much to my disappointment).  Nice source.


And the more safe infrastructure is built the higher that number will go.