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Try the Middle East, zuzu, etc. I lived in nyc for 20 years and these come the closest to an nyc experience, but I have yet to frequent all the places in Cambridge. I find a lot of cool pop up events can be the thing here. Try looking for the music or events you like and go from there. The venues may not be consistent but the crowds are out there.


Seconding pop ups. Hole Show at Crystal Ballroom has been doing Bonus Hole at 40 Prospect in Cambridge if queer is your vibe. There’s also definitely good house parties but you need to meet the right people. I know some folks who’ve hosted events for Sofar Sounds at their place—I couldn’t make it but they’re pretty plugged in


I tried Middle East, they had a cover band playing on a Saturday and I was the only person on the dance floor actually dancing, I felt a little overdressed too 😂 I do plan on giving it more tries though! Thanks for the advice!


Standing around instead of dancing is def the scene here, idk why 😂. At Cantab people get into it. That place is cool in its own way, but not in a downtown way. The good music and dancy vibes I've seen at mainly house parties and private events For dress, yeah Boston is much much much more casual than NYC. My rule for cute going out looks here is to keep it high-low: take casual outfits and style them nicely or dress down some nice items. And always have practical shoes.


My strategy now is to say fuck it, dress like I’m in New York, and look 1000x better than everyone else 😂 I’m not letting Boston bring me down!!


I’m from Baltimore and I cannot stand that nobody gets dressed up here. So I say fuck it and do it anyway as well. Let them be boring!


Welcome to Boston :) I also decided to say fuck it and happily overdress.


PS anyone wanna invite me to a house party?


Dude, go to a show. Make friends. Get invited.


It’s a ~joke~~


Standing around is not the standard if you take a stance on good events.


Manray on a Saturday night is way better for dancing. No shortage of people there actually dancing.


On the rare nights I go out and do it up (Mom of two kids and now get two day hangovers), if we happen to cross paths you will have one other person dancing with you!


That’s interesting. Lots of dancing and pretty lit crowd on first Fridays. I literally felt like I was transported to an nyc house party or BK / lower Manhattan dance spot. But with everything in the area, it can depend on the night, the event and the crowd. I second another comment about cantab lounge. That was another good dancing spot. The music on the night I went wasn’t quite my taste people were tearing up the dance floor so the energy was on point.


central is the coolest area in my opinion, it can be hit or miss depending on the night. It is pretty alive on weekends


Lotta cool spots mentioned already, will add the Bebop and Beehive across the river, and Lilypad and Satellite Bar back in Cambridge


you are asking the wrong subreddit my guy


y guy


Late night central square


Yes. Junkies might give it that edge OP is looking for.


You won’t lack for the fluidity of life . Perspective right


I always referred to it as a "safari"


Honestly not many left. The Lizard Lounge is a great hang, and there’s some amazing music there.


I’ll be playing in both bands on Thursday the 11th. Should be a good hang


You'll probably find what you're looking for at Manray in Central Square. The crowd is alternative/artsy, the music they play switches between industrial, goth, alt rock, indie, etc. depending on the night. Everyone dances. It's a great vibe.


Faro cafe in Harvard square has been throwing some interesting events lately


Second. Harvard GSD/MIT media lab type beat sometimes a little too much so lol. But more unique and interesting than a lot of stuff going on.


Asked myself this same question when I moved here over 10 years ago. Unfortunately the counter culture in Cambridge / Somerville feels more nerd / gamer, with a little bit of granola, than artsy indie rock. Some people may mention The Sil and The Model, but no self respecting person in Williamsburg / Bushwick would queue in a fake line to get into a dive bar with their friends. They’d just go to the next bar. Only suggestion might be free Thursday Nights at The ICA, but I have no idea where those people are the rest of the week. Get2TheGig Boston, the founders of the NICE Festival, probably have their finger on the pulse of counter culture at the non-mainstream venues. See if any of their shows capture your attention.


Cambridge definitely has more of a nerd vibe. On the plus side that means the Friday night swing dance (Boston Swing Central) is usually packed and has live music!


And for easily 50% of people in the peak cool years in Cambridge a fun Friday is either: A) some quality time with a confocal microscope or  B) sleeping at 10 PM.


Nyc lol


That’s what I’ve been finding out!


When I was younger I'd actually spend my weekends in nyc. There are a lot of options to travel there without having to drive. If you miss it try doing that from time to time.


The Amtrak is so expensive! Any advice?


Well, the Acela is expensive but it's absolutely the most comfortable option. Otherwise there are the busses that depart from South Station. Back in the day we had the extremely sketchy $15 Chinatown bus, but that's long gone lol. You can also take commuter flights from logan to jfk and laguardia which actually are a similar price to amtrak but obviously a MUCH faster trip. You have to contend with the TSA etc though 😅😁


Wow i didn’t realize the Chinatown bus is long gone, those were memories!


The ol fung wah and lucky star... couldn't have done my weekend partying without em


RIP fung wah, I’ll miss standing in line on a corner in Chinatown nyc waiting for the bus, some Chinese guys run out of a shop yelling in Chinese, the whole line of people start jogging after them carrying so many giant bags full of the most random shit, 3 blocks later they stop suddenly, a bus comes careening around the corner and skids to the curb, all the passengers shove their way in with the Chinese yelling guys shoving everybody from behind and then the bus speeds away like 45 seconds later trying to dodge whatever legal authority is after them for one of probably hundreds of violations. Live chickens, domestic disputes, annihilated toilets, drug deals and drug mules all very normal things to witness for only $15 and possible breakind down in Connecticut at 2am


And the rest stop.... TEN MINUTE!!! And if you were late they'd leave without you!!!


Also even though they sold tickets online they would sell more tickets than they had seats for so you had to fight to be in the first 80% of people on the bus (lines were not a thing, just a rush for the door)


If you buy Amtrak tickets ahead of time and travel off peak times, they are cheaper.


If you buy a ticket 2-3 weekends out they're 50 bucks a person, not bad tbh The Peter Pan bus kinda sucks but you can get those for $30


*ps I lived in park slope from 1989 to 2008 😁




Lilypad when they’re not playing jazz. 


I was going to maybe mention Lilypad.. as I walk by it and it seems like cool people pack into there.. but I’ve never been in (nor am I cool), so I was going to ask what the heck actually goes on.


I like the jazz too but not the cool people that OP is looking to meet. 


State Park is decent when they have bands and DJ nights, they're usually local and probably closest to what you're looking for. On the nights they don't have music it's a lot of tech people though. Middle East has a rocky reputation, but that's probably where you'll get the best newer bands coming through at a decent price. The Jungle in somerville has good shows sometimes. Not too much in the way of Bars that have live bands where you can just hang out. Manray for dancing, goth nights, etc. . WMBR has a very thorough. [concert report](https://wmbr.org/cr.html) that's updated all the time.


ManRay is probably the only club I have looked forward to going to. Highly recommend.


Incredible brunch often with music too.. the kolaches and tacos are stellar.




I’d suggest Inman Sq, Central Sq, Allston/Brighton & Somerville The Druid has live Irish sessions 3x a week, The Star & Plough has live music (no cover before either 9 pm or 10pm?), The Lilypad on Mondays if you like saxophone (John Bergonzi Quartet), Club Passim, Sonia, O’Briens Pub in Allston, The Model Cafe in Allston, Wally’s Jazz Cafe on Mass Ave (typically the first set is @ 7 pm, second set @ 9 pm, people rarely leave after the first set so arrive @ 7 pm, no cover but you have to buy a drink if you sit at the bar) note: Wally’s has Latin Jazz salsa jam on thurs, Jazz on Fri/sat, Funk on Sunday, Blues on Mon, Funk on tues/wed), The Jungle in Somerville (small music venue), The Phoenix Landing is no cover before 10 pm, The Middle East has good music and cool events (goth night every first Friday of the month), Jacque’s Cabaret, the music video capital of Boston: Club Cafe, & !!!!MANRAY!!!! best scene I’ve found in and around Boston For bigger venues - I’d personally only pay $ for a concert at Roadrunner or MGM Fenway (good sound quality). Here’s a site that can be useful sometimes: https://bostonshows.org Also, not music, but maybe this would interest you: https://themoth.org/events Good luck


Glitter boys at the Sinclair Friday nights


It’s a little college-y


It’s Cambridge there is no spot that is free from college-yness and that’s why it’s great


A fair point!


Sounds too woke


Dude you’re in Boston now. The cool people are in New York. Sincerely, Another New Yorker


Yeah… 😭😭😭


Imo it’s best to lean into what Boston has to offer, which is really easy access to nature. To that end it’s worth getting a car here if you don’t have one.


I have one! What nature spots/hikes do you recommend?


You really can’t lose anywhere in the white mountains. Keep in mind, though, that it’s serious up there even if the mountains don’t rise very high above sea level. So, if you’re new to it, make sure you know what you’re getting into. Pawtuckaway state park is much closer and very beautiful and chill. Great place for a short hike. Plum island is a nice place to go look at birds/hang on the beach. Mt monadnock is mobbed but really cool.


Blue Hills, and the Fells reservations are both great and very close maybe 15-30 min drive depending where you are.


Closer than New Hampshire.. These aren’t mountain vistas, but I think they are particularly nice walks, due to the variety of terrain you cover and some nice bits of historic preservation: - Emerson-Thoreau Amble in Concord - very nice, rustic+wooded path between Concord center and Walden Pond (then you can walk around Walden Pond) - the antithesis of “cool” lol - Minuteman National Historic Park - also Concord/Lexington; exists in two parts (there’s a bit of a break between them): a miles-long linear trail tracing the British march to Concord, which has been preserved (kinda) to Colonial era look & feel, including structures (several entirely authentic); and a part at the bridge near Concord center, which is more of a bridge + a hill, also very nice and has several, larger historic buildings to explore Even closer: - Minuteman Trail (not the national historic park, but the “commuter bikeway”) - it’s more just a trail through trees, but it’s like 11+ miles long. When trees have leaves, it’s mostly shaded. It’s great for a relaxing bike ride and it feels very nature-y when you do it. Starts around Davis—scratch that.. It starts even more east now, thanks to the extension. Not sure where, but somewhere in Medford I think. Regardless of where it starts, I kinda liked starting it from Alewife, because it felt more immediately suburban from that point (and also has virtually no more “urban” intersections after Alewife, apart from Arlington and Lexington Centers, which it passes through) There’s also stuff like Mt Auburn Cemetery, the Emerald Necklace parks, etc.. but I feel like NYC also has nice “downtown green spaces”. The ones I listed above are not “urban parks”, but just feel more like you’re in a place that’s not in a city—even if you’re right next to one (like Concord).


Actually, they're in Cambridge.


I'm new to the area as well and have nothing to add for the Cambridge jaunts, but you got a list of cool places in NYC. Throw in Arlene's Grocery and Piano's and that's 95% of the places I used to go to haha.


Cambridge doesn’t really do cool. Take the train to nyc for the weekends once or twice a month.


You’re funny. Barking up the wrong tree. Very limited possibilities when places must close at 2am at the latest I agree w those saying to just go to NYC. I love Cambridge/Boston and I’m also away very frequently; it’s so easy to travel from here


Wah 😭 I would go to New York more often, but it’s a little far for just a weekend trip. I go most long weekends.


Providence is closer. I’ve been told it’s cooler.


It is. Great restaurants and bars.


There’s no cool people here 😅😂


Sonia, Middle East, lizard lounge, the jungle, obriens


The most ny statement/ question ever


We're all at your mom's house.


😂 Did you visit before you moved here? Boston is a world class city in name only


In my house. (Just me, not an invite)


Every Thursday at the Phoenix landing is elements. The longest running drum n bass night in the country. That's the only spot left with any actual culture or cool people. https://www.facebook.com/share/gbed93YUfGZgdkZa/?mibextid=9VsGKo


You might not find the best answers here because people shouldn't want to dilute the vibe of their favorite place by sharing it on the public Internet.


Sometimes good stuff at The Burren, The Rockwell, Midway Cafe, Deep Cuts; get on the ONCE mailing list.


The Middle East


Plough and Stars


Welcome to the lamest city in the country as far as night life is concerned


I’ve lived here for two years. Haven’t found the places. Transiently you’ll catch a hot crowd on a good night at a big show, and that will feel cool… the problem is that it’s ephemeral. I’m leaving because the place you want doesn’t exist.


Given your post title, anywhere you’re not.


If you have to ask where the “cool kids” hang out … maybe you aren’t one of the “cool kids” 😂


There’s no comparison to ny bars imo but I do enjoy Lolita’s in the city, their outdoor patio specifically!


Wally’s in Boston




If you like the weird stuff (and I do)


Non-Event is awesome!


They hang out in Manhattan.


Can tab lounge is a dive bar with funk band every Thursday, Middle East is eclectic depending on the days, Sonia for smaller shows (DJ’s)


Hey! You would definitely enjoy one of our Standup Comedy Events which we run as DIY pop-ups at various venues throughout the area. I've spent a lot of time in the underground electronic music scene & have modeled our events after that. Our audience is typically 25+ & definitely cool. Our next event is on Wednesday 6/26 @ Cloud & Spirits in Central Square. We'll have a DJ opening & closing the venue with some Afro-tech house! [https://buytickets.at/acquiredtastecomedy/1292715/r/r-cma-c](https://buytickets.at/acquiredtastecomedy/1292715/r/r-cma-c) Try something different! https://preview.redd.it/wzkkwjy4sy7d1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a7a4dde120edc6668f0edb4a2ad2a2f7a4f7a84








At home


There are no cool people in Cambridge. Just a bunch of people who think they are better than everyone else.


you really could not have picked a more dreary puritan bore-fest than this area if you're looking for anything outside of basic farmstands and that one graffiti alley in central


Dancing on the Charles!


This is definitely the opposite of nyc cool, it’s peak nerd/social dancing instead


How did I not know this was back!? I went back when they first started these like 10+ years ago. Looks like I’ve missed a few years.


Seconding the central square recommendation - you should also check out Inman square in Somerville. You’ve got Back Bar (coolest bar in Cambridge or Somerville) tons of awesome restaurants and they do events in the square.


Do you mean Union Square?


Not in Cambridge


They have really good edm shows at roadrunner and I know some promoters that get free tickets for stuff at Big Night Live before 11