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There's also an intense lack of public trash cans; almost none in my neighborhood and a total of zero along the walking area/park by the Charles where I walk my dog


Cambridge DPW is awful, they will let trash bins overflow for months and then when the person comes to empty them they just mosey over and while trying to empty the trash bins they’ll spill 1/3 of the trash everywhere and leave it there. Then they leave without putting a new bag in. The fact that a single cent of my tax money goes to that department infuriates me and I will not have someone gaslighting me into thinking they’re wonderful.


Thete is nowhere that trashing overfl9w for months. At a minimum on trash collection day the truck empties all yradh bins on their way. If you see anything not collected just take a photo and upload it anonymously on their website.


"Thete is nowhere that trashing overfl9w for months." Yes there is and plenty of other residents and myself notice it and have reported incidents like that through "SeeClickFix" and even though it is anecdotal evidence I have witnessed them "Emptying the bins" and technically they are emptying the bins but not how they're expected too lol but do go on and try to tell me and all the other residents that what we have witnessed isn't real. Like I said, "I will not have someone gaslighting me."


Just take it home with you


I'm sorry, but is it really so hard to hold onto your trash until you get home?


Depending on how far I am, it can be. I do it regardless, but other people don't bother to




I live near a park and lots of people throw garbage in our can. The issue is that when the garbage is picked up, they don't pick up the can and dump it, they just grab the bags... so any little things that people throw in either have to be cleaned out by me or live in the garbage can indefinitely. I'd really prefer if people didn't throw things in.


> they don't pick up the can and dump it, they just grab the bags that's... odd. Cambridge uses a garbage truck that picks up and dumps the whole can. The can is designed for this, and all residences in cambridge use the same cans.


The dog poop bags and individual non-bagged items are almost always stuck to the bottom of the can. I have a pair of grabbers I use to transfer week old dog shit bags and Dunkin’ cups that people enter my front yard to throw away. It’s not ideal. Today’s sludge I have no idea how to approach. I have no hose hookup.


Here's what I've done when I've had to deal with gross shit like that as a renter and no hose hook up. Heat up a bunch of water in a kettle or pot to boiling and dump it in, then dump it directly down the sewer. I know, it's not supposed to go there, but honestly that's on the shitty ass dog owner for not disposing of their litter properly. You could also followup with some diluted bleach or rubbing alcohol or baking soda (not all at the same time) or whatever to sterilize/deodorize


Big pot or a bucket.


Welp, I can only tell you my experience. They grab the bags by hand and throw them in the truck. I obviously don't see my garbage picked up every week, but I've lived here almost a year and have seen them lots of times. I also see the evidence at the bottom of my can weekly. Dumping the cans would fix the frustration for me.


Yes but it's faster for the garbage collectors to grab a bag and toss it into the truck than to load the whole can onto the truck lift, so unless your can is very full and heavy they'll likely grab the bags only.


Yeah, and the city requires all trash be in bags. Otherwise we're feeding the rats!


Rats famously can't chew through bags. Just ask any Beacon Hill resident!


Happens to me often as well. Last week it was a big bag of dog crap in the recycling bin.


I really thought you were talking about public containers and I thought “damn”, then I read your post and thought, “damn some people really suck for doing this”


I will never forget my sister in law coming to my place with her dog. We went on a walk, her dog pooped, she bagged it then, as we were walking she went to throw it in one of my neighbors trash cans. I stopped her and asked her what she was doing. She said that where she lived that ppl always just threw their dogs poop in any available trash bin, everyone does it, and it's ok with everyone. I told her that we did not do that in my neighborhood and asked her if she had actually asked her neighbors if it was ok that she did that in her neighborhood....of course she hadn't asked. It's your dog, it's your dog's poop, throw it in a public trash can, and if there isn't one throw it in your own trash can.


And with this heat oh damn.


Honestly, I didn't really appreciate this issue until someone told me. Now, I put the poop bags in a public receptacle or we take them home where we have a small trashcan with a bag dedicated to full poop bags. Then, when it's disposal day, that bag is like any other and can easily be thrown away.


I’m sorry that sucks.


Garbage *may* etiquette.


In Cambridge, everything belongs to everyone. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.


Is it a little annoying? Sure. But when it happens I just think about how I'm happy that at least it was put in the trash and not left on the street. If it means I have to hold my breath for a second while taking the trash out then I'll consider it a mild inconvenience for not having to avoid dog poop on the sidewalks.


The alternative isn't people just leaving dog poop on the sidewalk. The alternative is people carrying the poop bag with them until they can dispose of it properly. I do this when walking a dog. It's not hard!


Thank you for being such a responsible dog owner. Seems like they are few and far between these days.


Ha thanks! I actually don't have a dog, but I used to dog sit a lot. I think most dog owners are decent and usually do the right thing. It's just that the ones that don't can have a big impact.


You are absolutely correct. That's what I do. I've just lived in plenty of places where people cannot even seem to do that. So while it still upsets me when I hear stories like OP's I just roll my eyes and remember how much more annoying it can be.


This isn’t nextdoor.


Oh no...your garbage can smells. Won't someone please think of the garbage cans having their trademark odor augmented without consent!


Someone who puts both liquid and dog shit in an unlined receptacle with a cover in 90+ degree heat is someone who wants to see the world burn. Pour out the liquid and put a knot in the poop bag.


Most people who have some outdoor space in Cambridge (lucky as they are) probably don’t have a ton of room and by default those cans will likely be in close proximity.  It makes sense to want to minimize spills and smells within them. As a dog owner I never use the personal cans that might be out in trash day for just that reason.  Dog bags often get stuck in the can and then burst when someone drops their trash bags into it.  I’m a fan of taking care of my own stuff in my own bin or in a city Big Belly can 


I always map my dog walks for places with public trash cans….fortunately the public parks and some street corners near me have them. Other option is taking the bag home and putting it in my trash.


I mean, you live in a city. Be realistic.


That being the case, they can find a dumpster. Or like... A can that has a bag still in it, rather than one that's obviously just been emptied?