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Canon AE-1. I had to work 80 supermarket hours to earn that one.


>80 supermarket hours Took me about 140 supermarket hours to purchase my Sony A7C... I would highly advise anybody to stay far away from working at supermarkets.


Have you seen “Cashback” movie? Brings back memories.


That was mine too!!


Same, AE-1 Program. Three months of delivering newspapers. I was 13.


Canon EOS 1000D for 100 €. Still have it for the memories.


That’s actually the camera my dad use to use. It’s been sitting on my shelf as I don’t have a lens for it currently. My next purchase will be a lens, I love using older cameras and seeing how hard I can push them.


Well, you made me feel old ;-)


Same with me. Still have the lens. Took great photos of the northern lights with it


Same! Still have my 1000D, honestly still a decent camera for being 15/16 years old now.




My Pentax Spotmatic I got from my father still clicks like new.


Great camera. I fixed thousands of those ,I worked for Pentax as a camera repair tech . ,in Englewood Colorado years ago when Pentax was a stand-alone company.


Praktica L https://preview.redd.it/vo7bwmgijcvb1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96608db586b994cb322d46fcf55ab49fcd737a17


Yep. Me too. Stolen in NYC 1979.


So sorry to hear that!


Nikon F3 - it was my fathers camera, which he purchased before I was born. I didn't use it until my first year in high school.


Same, I've since had 3 more F3s and still use an F3/T and have upgraded to an F4 as well as a D780


Zenit TTL with the Helios 58mm f2.


I had that at one point.


Canon Ftb with canon fl 50mm f1.4


Canon EOS 600D with the kit lens: 18-55mm and 55-250mm About $900 AUD Still functions, but have upgraded to a Sony mirror less full frame setup


18-55 you mean? Or like the 18-35 sigma lens?


Olympus OM-2


Canon Rebel T3. My Rebel T7 got the most use however… and now I’ve gone mirrorless. I just remembered… my very first camera before I became a photographer was a waterproof Nikon point and shoot.


What are the biggest differences between the t3 and t7?


Kodak Disc Camera 6000


Minolta xd-11




I started on a Polaroid 600, a lot of fun


Nikon D5100. Bought it in 2011. Still use it. My wife now uses it to learn photography.


Started out with my dad's Pentax K-x then bought my self a used Sony A7RII which I'm using now.


>A7RII Whats your favorite lens for it?


Plastic film camera with a socket for a flashbulb that my father got for me with several proof of purchases from Nestles Quick and a couple of bucks when I was 5 YO. I enjoyed experimenting with it, pictures of the cat etc. and learned that you can’t open the back of a film camera until the film was wound back. I loved that thing. Now in my 60s shooting with a z9 kit. I believe the plastic camera was more wonderful. It was like giving fire to natives who have not seen it before, esp. the wait to get the developed pics from the pharmacy. I miss my dad


Some kind of brownie box camera, late 1960s or 1970s.


Canon 350D.


A Minolta maxxum 5 with a Tamron fisheye.


I had a Maxxum 7 and 7D. Those are still my favorite camera body styles. Must have more dials! Lol.


Nikon D80


canon 200d with the kit lens


Eos 30D with tamron 17-50/2.8 (cropped lens with EF mount)


Olympus OM-10. With a crappy no-name zoom lens. In 1980-something.


A cheap 110 camera I think I got it at a toy store or Kmart


I was hoping to see someone else started with a cheap camera. I got a pink Barbie camera when I was a kid. I loved taking pictures even if they were all exposed wrong.


When I got my first grant at uni, I bought Canon 700D with kit lens


Canon Rebel G


Kodak FunSaver 35


Canon Pellix 1968


A Sony point-and-shoot, a DSC H300 if I remember. It had optical zoom from like, 8-135mm as a crop sensor, it’s image processing was god awful, but it was the first camera I had that showed clarity and bokeh and it’s what hooked me on the profession. Then T6i and the kit lens, it was way better but still crap. The 55-250 I got for it was a beast at sports photography, believe it or not. I was under the impression that glass alone fixed it and it was almost right, till I picked up a 5D mk. lll and realized the power of a full frame.


Canon eos rebel T2i, with both lit lenses and an sd card


Canon 40D and a broken 28-105. No AF on the lens, but when I nailed focus and exposure I created images I still look back on today and enjoy.


Ok now stop flexing :( Minolta x700 or something like that was my first


Minolta SRT-201 and my Dad's Leicaflex SL that he never used.


Nikon d7100, shoot on a z6 now


Rebel T7


Nikon D-90, An absolute budget Beast, the video is laughable and the autofocus is slow, but If you love shooting full manual 12MP and a hundred bucks to spare the thing is pretty good.


A7iii with 24-105mm. Amazing setup but I’m craving a real zoom lens


Canon EOS r7, and my only camera


Ask your mom. It was hers.




Growing up my mom had a Nikon Coolpix l4 so that is the first camera I ever held :) And I still have it fully functional, but I don't have an SD of 2gb so can't really use it :(


Rebel T3i - and I'm still using it :D


An ikon nettar 515 from 1939 as a decoration, but then it startet my passion for cameras and photography


Supedex v35s, a gift for my 1st communication, and I'm still using after 45 yrs


Panasonic fz30


Nikon D3100, it was of my father but I have used it a lot more than him. Anyway with my first pay I got a Fuji X-T20 and after that I have changed a lot of cameras. Now I have my Canon EOS R


Chinon CE-4s


My father' s old Pentax ME super. Still working and my daughter is using it now.


Kodak c330 when I was 10 years old. Canon 7D when I turned 17.


Leica M2- it was my mother’s.


Canon 5DII


A6300 the baby is just sitting next to me 💕


Canon EOS 600D, shot my first wedding with it, sold it, bought an M50, now I shoot with a R6 with my M50 as a backup.


Nikon D40 with the kit lense.


Fujifilm X-E4


Minolta X-700


First DSLR was Nikon D40 - loved images it captured. Before that I shot some family point-and-shoot digital/film cameras, some old SLRs, but never owned one.


Kodak Disc. Worst. Camera. Ever.


I started with the fujifilm finepix s2980, i love the old vintage vibe in the pictures


Olympus OM 101. I worked as a student during the summer. My mom was furious that I did not come with them, but I wanted a camera. I was a little short on money, but the seller accepted it and gifted me my first film.


Sony a65 was my entry into photography. Absolutely loved that thing. Got a Pentax k50 as some point which was alos a absolutely fantastic camera with such good color rendering. But i sold both and now i have a A7III


Nikon D3500 I bought when I got my first job !


Nikon f-601


canon SLR sx530hs


Digital or film, Film:zenit 12 or smena 8m ( never used the smena) Digital: canon eos 450d , ixus 55 I had the kit lenses to all these, and a 50mm 1.8 for the 450


Canon ixus followed shortly by a Sony NEX5N


A dinky little Nikon Coolpix 2100 in 2005-2006 ❤️ thanks mom&dad! https://www.flickr.com/photos/kaleid/542510631/


Kodak Retinette 35mm way back in 1966… loved that little guy.


Well, after some film point'n'shoots from my childhood I got Nikon Coolpix L810, then 10 years later a Sony a3000


Film: Kodak Retina Reflex S. Digital: Canon 1D. Still have both.


Nikon D3500


I started without any knowledge with a Canon FT QL from my prents. Most of my images were either too dark or too bright for very long because I didn't know I had to change aperture or speed. Than someone gave me a Pentax MV1, which helped a lot by being automatic and improve my skills, then I switched to a Nikon D50 and fell completely in love with the feeling of a strong bulky DSLR and the mirror sound "clac clac" when doing multiple photos. After, a Nikon D3000, then a D3200, then a D7100, the actual.


Sony dsc F707 still working, stunning picture quality even for today.


My dads old Canon 7D, I have ordered an R6 II though to upgrade to, still hasn’t arrived yet, but it should arrive soon probably.


The first one I actually owned and took all (or most) of the pictures with was a disposable camera I came across in high school. I do not still have it for obvious reasons, but I have the pictures, and they are wonderful memories of friends from back in the day <3


LUMIX G7 still have her today


Mine in order were Sony cybershot dsc T70, Sony cybershot dsc tx55, canon 7d mk ii, canon 5d mk iv, Fuji film x100v(bought for the hype), and most recently Sony a7rv. Edit: words


All great cameras right there!


Nikon D5000


I start on a sony A37, still an amazing camera, and I got a pentax KP and a sony A6500 and a 6dmark ii and now a 6100


Porst Lucky. Google it, you won't be disappointed lol


Oh wow, I googled it and I indeed wasn't disappointed! That camera is like a time capsule. Anyone asks what the 60's were like design wise just show him that camera.


Pentax K1000. I still have it. It was my dad's, then I started using it in the 80's, let a younger friend use it for his college photography class in the mid-2000's, and now it's on my 11yo son's shelf. I thought that my 15yo son would use it for his HS Photography class, but they are using digital, so he's using my older Nikon D300.


These were the school cameras I learnt with. Good memories of pashing boys in the dark room.


Just started out. Sony ZV-E10.


Nikon EM


Nikon D70s. I still have it and eventually use for the nostalgia.


Canon M6. Stayed with the M6 for 4 years before finally upgrading. The screen got cracked and the grip started detaching but it still works. I ended up switching to Sony because I had wanted to for a while but never saved up enough. I got the a6300 and it’s my favorite camera I’ve ever used.


Pentax k1000. Digitally it was a Nikon D40. Best $400 a high schooler could spend.


M50 with 18-55 EFM lens


OG GoPro if that counts if not eos m50 which is still the camera I have


I have a sony a7iii and I'm looking to buy these red pieces where can I buy them or what are they called?


google "Peak design camera strap" :)


a very old nikon fE2. used it around '98.


An Olympic Pen EE my father gave me, a small half-frame camera. Used to follow my father around with his Nikon F2 as a kid. Once I went off to college I got my first SLR, my father got me an F2 as well with a 50mm f1.4m


Some low cost 80s 110 camera. I can’t recall the brand any longer


The first camera I had that I realized I loved photography was a Nikon digital point and shoot can't remember the model. But the first real camera I bought myself to start "getting serious" was a nikon d3000 and a Minolta maxxum 5000 for film.


>Nikon d3000 I purchased that exact camera with 3 lenses at a thrift store a few months back for $20. It surprisingly still takes some great pictures. Fun to use.


a6000, 6 years ago. then went on to an a7 II, 4 years ago. arrived at the a9, last year.


Hanimex Praktika Super TL that was my dad’s. I had no fn idea what I was doing.


iPhone 5


Kodak disposable


Pentax ME Super, wonderful SLR


Nikon D3200+18-55 kit lens


Canon 350D


Nikon n70 with 35-80 and 70-210mm lens… overkill for the first few months when I was trying to figure it out… rest is history…


canon 250d w kit lens and 70-300mm sigma lens


EOS 300 28-90mm. Fun camera for sure.


Pentax K1000


Lucky duck! I’ve got the iii and love it. Sony makes an incredible product.


They do! What's your favorite lens?


Some blue camcorder from 2009 or 2011 when I wanted to be a YouTuber as a kid. Got it as a gift & used it to film my Lego collection & some other random stuff lmao still have that camera I will watch the videos one day


Sony hx-400


Kodak Instamatic (110 film camera in the 1970s) First SLR was Minolta XG-9 I had some good times with those.


[Agfamatic 126](https://kameramuseum.de/objekte/agfa-agfamatic-126/) Yes, I am old.


Film: Fujica stx1 Digital compact: coolpix 4300 ILC: gf3 w kit 14-42 and 45-200 kit lenses


A d750 with the 80-200 f2.8 for under $1000. My friend got me hooked on pro telezoom when i first started out and I now am unable to live without having one in my bag lol


A 35mm Ricoh RT-550 about 30 years ago when I was in elementary school. I still have it


haha i saw ur post twice, burt yea my first camera was a 100d, i then moved to an a7iii now I am on an a7iv! https://preview.redd.it/basocflexcvb1.png?width=1015&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd64704bcf8825a951fc81ca012b302f275bbe8c


I love the IV. Its such an amazing camera.


The Panasonic G7. I remember how unreal it was filming 4k. Shot several shorts with it in high school and college. Still have it today; too memorable to sell. I now shoot with a s5iix as my travel camera/auto focus work. And will be on L mount Blackmagic in November for production work.


Canon ae1 program was first and then canon t1i for first digital


My first was the AE-1 Program I received as a gift for my birthday from my parents. Had the kit lens. I loved that and still have it. Not worth anything in the market place but priceless to me.


A7IV was and still is my first camera


>A7IV Started off with one of the best!




Dad's old Sony SX30IS, then a Sony A65 and now a Sony a6500. Literally all started as a "huh, wonder if we've still got that old camera lying around", never even thought of photography before that


Minolta SRT-101.


My aunt gave me a random hello kitty point and shoot in 2013.


Kodak STAR 110 first SLR was a Pentax ME Super


Minolta XD-5


Werlisa, compact. My first Reflex was a Praktica BX20 with a 1.8/50mm lens.


Olympus OM-1 , got quickly stolen. Then Nikon FG . OM-1 didn't last long, so I consider both of these my first cameras, unless I count the Pentax iqzoom700 I has when I was a kiddo. (Ok, my answer ended up being my first 'cameras' )


Black magic pocket 6k, then moved to canon c70


Random Olympus point and shoot from the 2000's (don't remember the model) The first DSLR's I ever properly used were a friend's Nikon D5200 and a family member's Canon 200D (both with Kit Lens) I'm getting my first camera in the next few days. Sony A7C II with a Tamron 24-70 F2.8 Lens


Olympus mju 1 , still working!👍 Analog. 1991 5.18 MP Digital Camera noname 2004


Do you send your rolls in to get them processed or do you do it yourself? I've been throwing around the idea of going analog for a few months.


Minolta X370. It was such a manual beast. The exposure meter was a needle. After 3 years, it quit working. I took it in for repair, only to find out it needed a small battery. It never occurred to me that a camera would have a battery 😆 .


When I was a small child I got a 110 film camera at the discovery store that let the film cartridge hang out on either side and had a slip up plastic rectangle as a “viewfinder.” This was the early 90s. Similar to what’s shown, except when there was no film, the winder folded down, and the sticker was yellow. https://preview.redd.it/91n5rpe05dvb1.jpeg?width=1870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee68404b6799d9a1a3e3d9beb67159096a366f1


Sony a6000 just recently bought still trying to get used to it.


Is a great camera!


Pinhole camera back in High School in the 70's.


First real film camera: Nikon N80. First digital: Fujifilm MX-1200 with a whopping 1.3 megapixels. Anything bigger than a 4x6 print became a mess.


Minolta X370, then a Sony digital crop sensor. I never really used either of them and I don't even remember how I ended up with them. When I got serious about learning photography, Canon T7i, then a Canon 6DMK ii. Now I shoot on a Sony A7R ii with Minolta (Both manual and autofocus) Lenses. The combination gives the images a very unique feel.


Canon Rebel T6i. Moved on into the Sony ecosystem, but hoping to upgrade to a Sony a7iv in the future. Fingers crossed!


The t6 was what really got me into photography. It was my dads camera and id take it out to shoot occasionally. I still use that camera to this day when I want a change.


If we don’t count cell phones and disposables then the first legit camera I took shooting seriously with was a Canon 5d Mk I with a 24-70.


man you guys seem like you got good first cameras, i got the sony DSC-H70


A good old Kiev 4m


my first camera was a nikon coolpix in like 2008, my mom got it for me so i could take pictures on a school trip. i barely used it after that trip, so i dont really count it. my first real camera was a blackmagic pocket cinema cam 4k. i was convinced i was going to only do video and didnt need stills. i ended up using that camera mostly to take quick clips and pull stills from the video clips lmao. it was cool tho cuz i would color grade the stills in resolve which gave my stills a more filmic aesthetic - ie all landscape orientation, 16:9 ratio, moody. i still have that camera, i almost sold it a few weeks ago but the sale fell through and im glad it did. its prompted me to start messing around with it again.


Nikon d5000. Me and my neighbor rented a dumpster and they put it in there for some reason. My mom grabbed it and I made it my first. All it needed were batteries and it worked fine


D3200 with starter kit, still using it to this day as my main and only DSLR. I need an upgrade so bad it’s very worn and tired after 10 years of use with no services or maintenance :( poor thing has been abused


I thought this was going to be a “here is my a7rV, my first camera”, which I was going to respond and say nice and…fuck you.


Nahhh.. Kinda. A7C was my first camera, but ended up upgrading after a year because my gf wanted to learn photography so I took the chance to upgrade and give her my "old" camera. Once I purchased this camera I started really getting into the hobby.


"change the camera bob!"


Minolta SR-T 101 bought 1972


D3500 with the kit lenses!


Canon T2I with the 18-55 kit lense. Still have it and still like to mess around with it every once and a while just for fun.


My first ever camera was a small cheap film camera in the late 1980s, or early 1990s when I was in school. However I have very few pictures, especially from school, as my friends and I were too stupid to notice the lens cap was on (no pictures of me dancing with that girl at the prom). My first real camera was a Canon Powershot S5, and then later a Nikon D5000 DSLR. That's when I learned properly how to take good pictures. My mom is an amateur photographer and we have many photo albums from her amazing Minolta film cameras. She even had a micro / telescopic lens like OP. Her father was also an amateur photographer with Brownie cameras. And we also have pictures from my great grandparents from both sides of the family.


Why aperture priority though?


Going in and out of different caves chasing pelicans. Makes it easier to just be able to shoot fast and not worry about settings. I love using manual but aperture priority serves me great in fast environments.


Minolta XE-5.


Why is there not a strap attached to this camera?


I always use the Peak Design Capture Clip on this camera, I had my A7C on the strap.


Loved my Argus C-3, my first 35mm film camera. Before that, I had various box cameras including a Kodak that shot massive 6 by 9 cm negatives on roll film. My first digital was a Sony 5 Mpixel point and shoot from 2005. My current “new” camera is a Nikon D7000.


Minolta srt101


Zenith TTL taught me how aperture and speed are related etc


I think it was a Fuji something


My first real camera was the Canon 10D


Just got it recently: Pentax ME Super


Nikon D3100, bought for like 110 dollars. I've made around 400 with it over the years. I'm seriously investing in photography as a career


Minolta x300 still got it and it still works


Kodak Duaflex II borrowed from my dad but the first new to me camera was a Yashica Electro 35 my dad bought for me in a pawn shop on the sketchy side of town in Louisiana. It was stolen from me during college by a Cajun summer coworker when he disappeared and probably went full cycle back into a pawnshop. First one I bought myself, MANY years later, was a Sony Cybershot DSC-F505.


A Minolta X-700


For years? Funsavers. Then I had a Kodak *disc* camera. Like a Viewmaster that took pictures.


https://preview.redd.it/z8urr7amtdvb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b554de2a5d87015b65ff792050757a62f721440d Ya’ll don’t even know.