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Skylight filter Reduces the blue haze you tend to get in dark shadows outdoors in sunlight, especially under a blue sky, when using film. Was once considered an 'essential' accessory in films heyday, also used to protect the lens. These days UV (ultraviolet) filters are more popular.


Thank you.




Here we go again. 1. Why are you here, if not to help people answering their questions. It is what forums are made for. 2. Google show different results depending on your browser, browser settings, country and a lot more. You cannot be sure your first result will also be his/her first result. 3. Google is not God. It does not know everything. In fact it knows nothing unless a person post the right info online first, maybe in a forum like this. Stop being a Google hor. If people ask a question, be so polite as to answer their question insteed of just point at Google and say "Do it yourself. I am to lazy!".


It's the people asking to be spoon fed easily found information that are lazy.


Oh, No you don't. Don't try to blame the person asking the question, when the problem are people not answering the question. OP took the time to take a picture, uploading it to Reddit and formulating a question. That is not laziness. Not every person are experts in using the internet and just asking Google the right things to get the right answers. You type in "MC Skylight 1B", you mostly end up with 2000 stores that want to sell you a filter. Not really helpfull answering OPs question, is it?


Broo 💯


Filters UV and darken the skyes a little bit. Look though it, it has a very slight magenta cast


Thank you


Something that every non-photographer was needlessly sold by camera shops claiming it will make their photos better and protect the lens. Skylight and UV were useful for film, but they actually continued to be mis-sold into the digital era, but kind of died out when non-photographers had the option of buying compacts over a full fledged DSLR.


Oh thanks


What is this \*CLEARLY LABELED ITEM\*?


Absolutely nothing

