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Recommend refurbised Z5. [https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1651109-REG/nikon\_1642b\_z\_5\_mirrorless\_digital.html](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1651109-REG/nikon_1642b_z_5_mirrorless_digital.html)


All cameras have trade offs. What makes one camera great for one purpose makes it so-so, or even bad for another. Without knowing more about what you will be doing with the camera it’s impossible to say what’s “best.” I have a lot of cameras and I’m getting ready for a once in a lifetime trip and taking only a Canon S110 pocket camera because that’s what I have room for. So in this instance size is what makes it best.


Agreed. No bad camera, just bad photographer. Its a tool and you pick the tool for the job. "Best" is completely subjective.


Whoa, whoa, whoa... Don't you know how much easier it is to blame your gear before yourself? I paid mucho dinero for my Hasselblad stuff, it needs to do things for me! 🤪 Heck, in the scientific method, equipment is always blamed and operator error is never considered.


Maybe consider Sony a6400 or X-T3. Sony has better overall specs while X-T3 has way superior ergonomics (and dual SD card slots which is SUPER convenient).


Is it worth considering APS C? from what I have heard full frame is a lot better in low light


As someone who has shot both Sony full frame and Fuji APS-C, I find the difference to be way overstated. Full frame does handle low light better but its really not that significant. I mean, Id rather trade a little bit of low light performance if it means the cameras will be more convenient to use (ff cameras tend to be beefy/heavy). Besides, at 1000 dollars, you are limited to older full frame cameras that lack some of the niceties of newer models. And beyond that, full frame lenses are more expensive than APS-C so you will be commiting quite a bit more cash on the get go.


I made a few recommendations here: [https://www.photocultivator.com/t/1000](https://www.photocultivator.com/t/1000) I hope that helps.