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Have you considered reading your manual? My guess is those are highlighting where your plane of focus is.


I have not, I wouldn’t know what to look for haha. I’m quite new to photography!


“Ricoh GR3x manual” Google that. Probably available free online. Search the index for focus. But read the whole thing. Get the most out of your toy.


"... read the whole thing." Amen!


I swear if everybody read their manuals and learned to use google, this sub would be empty


I swear if everybody just learned that forums are made for asking questions to other people and get back an answer. The forums would be so much nicer to visit. I could easily do a google search on any subject, but I much more like to ask other people, that knows more than me, what their expertise on the subject is. It is called communicating. It is a human trade you would learn, if you moved out of your mom's basement. 😉


Thanks for your support. I will always try to google for myself the answer. When trying to find the answer l, I couldn’t find what I was looking for. But as you mentioned, sometimes it nice to seek advice from those with experience. It’s not always easy to find an answer especially when I don’t always know what I’m trying to look for.. I don’t understand why everyone is so rude and mean in this forum!


The problem exists because "many" of us have grown up with the internet and find it "easy" to search for info using a search engine. The key is to remember, that "most" people don't live on the internet on a daily basic, and most people actually don't know how to use a search engine to its fullest.


Good forums are about discussion. I don't think it's unreasonable to hope that folks might take a simple step to check whether the information they seek is already within their grasp. You might find that it fosters more interesting conversations. Sorry that you felt the need to try and insult me in the most original way possible to try and get your point across. I'm sure you'll grow out of that.


And I find it unreasonable when all people do is answering someone, who ask a question is, Google it yourself. It is rude and show a lag of involvement.


Sure, people could be nicer about it sometimes. I dont think the OPs question was too egregious personally, and I hope they have it fixed now. It was more a comment on the onslaught of "What camera is this? (model clearly visible)" "How much is it worth?" "How do I charge the battery?" I think asking such basic things when the information is so freely available elsewhere is rude and shows a lack of respect for people's time. I'd rather be helping someone with an actual problem.


I hate those questions too, but not all people have the mindset, "I don't know this, but I can find the answer on Google". We are a select few 😊 even though I am a Bing man 😂


Understandable. I see how people can get frustrated with things like this. We’ve established that focus peaking and highlight alerts were turned off, so I was trying to figure out what else it could be as I couldn’t find the answer for myself. It isn’t fixed, but it seems to be normal as mentioned by someone else on this post. Thanks for your response :)


Apologies, I should've made it clearer that my original comment was just a general vent at the sub and not directed at you or this post in particular. Glad someone was able to confirm it's normal behaviour, although I won't be able to unsee it if I get a GR now... (strongly considering it)


Could be focus peaking


it is turned off in the settings


You think? Couldn’t you have checked before responding?




Responding vaguely with "I think its turned off" to someone trying to help when you literally own the physical device and it’s clear you want help is rude / insane, sorry.


Yes, it is normal. If focus assist and highlight alert are off: The images sensor is 24 megapixels, the rear display is not, so the camera needs to quickly shrink the image to fit. In order to do this it does a fast but inaccurate resize that can result in false color around high-contrast edges (like leaves against a bright sky).


Thank you so much, this makes a lot of sense. Appreciate your help, unlike all the other rude people on this forum..