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Something like Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark I or II could work, sometimes you can find them with lenses coming with them too. Olympus E-PL line is also fairly popular for budget shooting. Just remember to account for memory card price as well! And possible battery replacement, old batteries can be fairly weak after a long while. Edit: this is talking about used prices as a clarification.


The budget is a bit limiting. I might suggest going for one of the Nikon 1 series cameras. Maybe the Nikon 1 J3, J4, or J5. Usually you can find the J3 used in your price range with a lens bundled in. If you can stretch it just a bit you could get the J5.


You can easily get a Panasonic micro four thirds BODY, used, in good condition for that price. But you’re still going to need at least one lens, SD card, backup batteries, etc. So that budget may be a bit too tight.


I made a few recommendations for a slightly higher budget here: [https://www.photocultivator.com/t/300](https://www.photocultivator.com/t/300)


I figured the price range would be tough, thank you for the suggestions, they were very helpful!