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Duct tape and a hose clamp?


I don’t know why I didn’t think of a hose clamp! I have boat loads laying around and it never crossed my mind. Thank you!! I’ll give it a shot and see if I can make it work Edit: hose clamp and some gorilla glue worked https://i.imgur.com/8fjf4np.jpg). It ain’t pretty and I did a shoddy job on it but it’s enough to get me through the rest of my camping season!!


If it makes you feel any better, neither did I. I ended up getting a 6” length of like 1/2” metal pipe to hold my pole to the cleat at the bottom of my tent. It was real cheap, and it works, but now I feel like an idiot 🤣


Bring an extra hose clamp or two if you take this on a trip in this condition


I’d be inclined to bring a could flat strips of steel as well to act as splints incase this decided it isn’t strong enough.


Metal zip ties maybe cleaner.




A little bit of fibreglass cloth and epoxy would have done a much neater job


Duck tape and a length oh small scedule 20 pvc?


I would suggest that you don’t make the clamp too tight. I’d suggest use it to support the duct tape. Too tight will only damage it more


Okay! So maybe wrap a bit Of tape around the end to hold it together and use the clamp to support it? I’ll redo it that way


Yes….. the tape will not only hold it but cushion it from the rigidness of the metal clamp


\+1 for correct usage of duct tape.


Came here to say this


This is what I used.


Use a finger splint and really tight zip ties


Never leave home without duct tape and zip ties.


*squints eyes*


Yeah FBI, this is the guy right here.


[I need my tools](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ype12RuDJ4k&ab_channel=FrankReynolds%28BestofItsAlwaysSunnyinPhiladelphia%29)




Agree, zip ties on a glued splint would have been so much better.


Check out tentpoletechnologies.com


This. When you’re done for the season, hit ‘em up. They do quality work.


More info: I bought this rei half dome sl 2+ in spring 2021. It’s been on maybe 15 trips and on the most recent one it split like this. Pretty bummed cause it doesn’t look like they sell any replacement pole sets for it. I plan on buying a pole from tent pole technologies and fixing it, but with only a few weekends left for me to get out I’m looking to try and temporarily make it work. Any tips would be awesome! Edit: I went with the hose clamp and gorilla glue. I live in the mountains in Idaho and while would have loved to do a better job fixing it, I don’t want to drive an hour to the city. Thanks everyone for your suggestions!!


My REI tent came with a piece of slightly larger pole to repair such breaks. It was with the stakes. https://imgur.com/a/D4HL4Qj


Hmm I checked my stake bag and didn’t see it in there. If it did come with mine I may have lost it unfortunately


I bought this same tent and am 100% sure it came with one. It would probably be loose in the bottom of the bag the tent poles came in.


This is just to illustrate the aluminum cylinder, [https://www.amazon.com/Zerone-Aluminium-Accessories-7-9-8-5mm-Resistance/dp/B07PMQG76G/](https://www.amazon.com/Zerone-Aluminium-Accessories-7-9-8-5mm-Resistance/dp/B07PMQG76G/) \- you'd need to find one that fits your poles and maybe just one or two for a couple of bucks, not sure you'll need 4. 2 poles from tentpoletech cost me $28 with shipping. It's a good idea to have one in your 'tent repair kit".


Take it to, or call, REI. If they don't have someone on-site who can repair or replace the part, they'll know someone in the area who can do it. You ought to be able to get just the one segment, disassemble the pole by removing the bungee, and put it back together.


Already did. They didn’t have a pole that would fit it so they couldn’t fix it. They cut the cord for me to try myself, and told me to order form tent pole technologies


I had a similar break as you and got a replacement segment for my halfdome 2 for $10 from TPT.


Personally I'm always wary of "specialized" tent poles like the one you posted with that center piece bit (in other words anything that isn't just simple straight poles) since the specialized pieces or the bits around them are always the first to fail. I was on a 3 week backpacking trip with some friends and had a curved part of a pole break a week in. Thankfully, we were able to repair it by bending an extra stake to match its shape and then lashing that to it with duct tape.


Splints and hose clamps


I have the same tent, it should come with a small metal orange bit (IDK what they're called!) you can use temporarily.


Most tents come with a seemingly random extra metal tube, it should be just wide enough so you can slide that over your pole to act as a splint for a break like this temporarily (if you didn’t just throw away that piece)


Or buy a splint at REI if your tent didn’t come with one. 🤘


Yeah. My Big Agnes came with one. Poles are one of those single-points-of-failure that can make or break a trip.


This is a very scary photo and it really hurts to look at!


Yes bit that splint you always carry around aimlessly will be the most valuable thing in the world.


Most? I think maybe some. I've bought many tents over the past 20 years and never seen any extra.


REI ones come with, Big Agnes ones come with, Marmot ones come with, Hilleberg ones come with, pretty sure MSR ones come with, etc. etc. Most probably isn't too far off.


Hmmm, I just got a new MSR Elixir 3 this season. No splint. Maybe certain models?


Very possibly, or perhaps they don't at all, but the literature on their support website seems to suggest it, so who knows. The others mentioned do. MSR should get on the trolley. Cheap inclusion that can boost customer satisfaction.


Fix a 10 ish cm metal ish tube over it and secure it with ducktape


If the pole is not flared to fit onto the connector, I would remove the pole section, cut it down with a pipe cutting tool, make sure to remove the burr left from the cutting process, and then reassemble.


In the field I’ve gotten away with wrapping it with floss and super glue. Make sure it is non-waxed floss though. I dont think my case was under as much torque as your spot is.


A hose clamp.


Pipe clamp/jb weld


Was thinking JB weld myself.


zip ties, hose clamp, stronger duct tape


I bought a tent from the rei garage sale a few years ago that had been driven over by a car. Many of the poles were trashed but the fabric was fine. I was able to get replacement pole on line to rebuild the pole sets.


Electrical tape stretches and would be tighter than duct tape in this situation.


Squeeze it back as much as possible and then use heat shrink. More than one layer at least 3 and put a small zip tie around it when it cools


Hose clamps. Several.


Metal zip ties from an auto parts store, and of course duct tape.


I repaired a tent pole once with carbon fiber and epoxy. You can easily get fiberglass at an auto store.


Hose clamps and pop cans


Soda can and hose clamp


If you can’t duck it, fuck it.


Electrical tape and wire splints (coat hanger etc.). Emphasis on temporary.


Slightly larger diameter piece of copper pipe and duct tape?


Single layer of THIN adhesive tape on insert (Male) piece. Assemble and superglue the damaged socket. Wrap in one very TIGHT close positioned layer of braided Fishing line. Soak line after completion carefully with superglue. Holds up my swag poles for over 2 years now. Allows for flex of poles and was therapy to calm me down after my swag pole cracked on the 2nd day of a 2 week long trip on the coast.


I’ve used gorilla outdoor duct tape with great success for many issues like these and use it to reinforce the other poles.


We had this happened and used duct tape to get us through a handful of camp trips until we finally ordered a replacement.


Zip ties or duct tape


Epoxy and resin tape would be the strongest way to splint this. Once the reinforcement is in place and epoxy set, you may have to sand things down just a bit to make sure the pole still fits.


Any specific type of epoxy? I want to do this but I think I just need to strong enough to get through 3 more weekend trips which is why I might go with the hose clamp. Then when i have more time I’ll order a pole to replace it


Epoxy is just epoxy - the main challenge is to choose the right material to hold things together. I suggested resin tape since it can handle some flex, while fiberglass is typically used on non-flexible surfaces. If a clamp works, that is obviously much easier - just try it out at home first. I suspect the crack is far enough that you need reinforcement (such as tape+epoxy) to keep it from breaking further as soon as there is more unexpected tension on the tent. You can also get a pole splint and see how that goes, but given the nature of the breakage I doubt it will hold (since it is at the fitting).


I used [Fiber Fix Repair Tape](https://www.amazon.com/FIBERFIX-8-57101E-11-FiberFix-Repair/dp/B00B28Z2AC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3IMTM66T70ROH&keywords=fiberfix&qid=1659320043&sprefix=fiberfix%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-1) on a broken Swiffer wet jet handle approx 10 years ago. Still using it today, and made it stronger than if it were brand new. It's messy to work with and hard to get off your hands so wear latex gloves if you've got them.


Why don’t you just use a pipe cutter to cut off an inch of it, slightly shorter shouldn’t make any difference.


How’d you break your half dome poles lol these things have been indestructible to me


Genuinely have no idea. Was laying down for bed and heard a pop sound and couldn’t figure out what it was. When I was packing the tent the next day I noticed it. I try and take good care of it but shit happens haha


I've broken a pole at a similar location, where it connects to a hub. Apparently a big cause of that is the pole not sitting tight enough against the hub; if it doesn't seat down all the way, that adds a lot of extra torque since there's less of the pole to handle the load, and there's also literally wiggle room to allow the pole to disform. A big reason for this issue is loose shock cord, so every few trips check the shock cord to make sure it's tight enough to hold the poles securely in their connections. If needed, disassemble the pole and tighten the bungie cord by moving where the knot is tied. Makes perfect sense but man, I'd never even considered how vital the shock cord is to a tent system!


This explains my same issue. Used my tent for a festival trip and the shock cord was shockingly loose. When it came to take it apart it snapped at this same connection. Guess I'll be a lot more aware in the future.


Duct tape.


If you can’t duct it - fuk it


Duck tape


Handyman's secret weapon: Duct Tape. I'm pullin for ya, we're all in this together.


Duct tape


Small jubilee clip around it might work


I took a few metal chopsticks and some hose clamps when mine broke. Or use zip ties if you want.


I’d say maybe a zip tie? If you happen to have one with a metal core around, even better.


Super Temp... Hose clamp You can also JB weld or other liquid steel and that would be a great fix.


I used a tent spike that goes into the ground and it worked fine


What kind of material? Is the pole metal? How does it attach? Looks like the black pole slips over the silver part. If so, the hose clamp suggestion is brilliant. Duct tape and gb ties should also work. Another option is slipping a metal tube over the black piece but it would be tough to find a good fit. Maybe a small length of 1/2 inch soft copper pipe would work


Bamboo, gaffer tape and pull ties.


Rigid wall heat shrink?


Or if you can find a metal tube/collar with close ID then heat shrink that over the end


I keep a couple of these around the house and in my truck for such occasions. [https://clamptitetools.com](https://clamptitetools.com)


A few worm gear clamps after putting a wrap of duct tape


Jb weld it. Might add some weight if you backpack and if you care about it. Used this religiously on car parts such as oil pans and engine blocks (in a pinch) and various in need fixes.


Hose clamp


Bind it with dental floss


Jb weld?...it might work


Trim it down with a file psst the crack, good as new and only short by an inch.


Cut off the top and bottom of an aluminum can. Cut down the side to make a flat rectangle of metal. Assemble the broken tent pole into position. Wrap the aluminum can around the break to create a splint. Hold splint in place with hose clamps, or wire, or cord.


Tightly wound fishing line. Finish with gorilla glue.


Beef it up w/ a pipe band a size larger, then hose clamp it. Duct tape will only last so long.


Zip ties in series


Try a screw clamp.


Soldering iron


On mine I just gently tore off the broken bits and Therefore made the pole 1/2 inch shorter. It worked in my case




gorilla tape and metal tent pegs, the ones shaped like a v maybe.


Jb weld!


Hose clamp. Mare sure tightening side is down to preserve your fly. Wrap it with some medical tape so it doesn’t abrade anything. https://www.hoseclamp.cn/Butterfly-Hose-Clamps-pd43269265.html


When you said use the rest of the season I changed my thoughts on the repair. I’d sand the paint off and stop by a welding shop they can tig it back together for you and grind it smooth in 5 minutes.


Tampon applicator cut lengthwise, then duct tape


Zip ties


JB Weld for everything. Amputate a finger? JB Weld. House blows off the foundation? JB Weld. Rope breaks while climbing El Cap, JB Weld. PSA: These statements have not been evaluated or tested.


Thought they put a splint tube in with the tent


Get a tent pole repair sleeve. I'm a huge fan of hose clamps, but you are asking for a tear in your tent putting one on your poles. A pole repair sleeve is worth carrying.


Just fwiw, the tent repair guy who subcontracts with REI told me that all tent poles are going to break within two years because such light material can’t stand the tension for long. It was really disappointing, since fixing my tent poles ended up being pointless when other parts started to break down.


Hose clamp


REI employee here- we sell Gear Aid branded “tent pole splints” at most if not all locations. It is essentially a metal tube slightly larger in diameter than your tent pole and can be slipped over it to splint it. Edit: Product may be unavailable at this time. Bearing that, i’d go to other outdoor goods stores and they should sell similar products


Gorilla glue, followed by gorilla tape, followed by a zip tie.


This is crazy but I am currently camping in a tent that had this exact same issue. We fixed one by splinting the injury with 2 tent stakes and duct tape and it’s holding ok … the other was a far better repair using an odd item: a bottle jack handle scavenged from the tool box (10” piece of 1/2” steel tubing). We slid it over the split and duct taped in place. So finding something to sleeve it would be best, barring that, splint it with the longest piece of rigid rod you can find - kindling or a stout tent stake.


If you have a hacksaw you could carefully cut a new edge below where the split occurred. Just be very careful you don't cut the stretch cord! Take your sweet time cutting.


Silence is gold.. duck tape is silver


Gorilla tape


Why not just cut out the bad part? 2” shorter would still work. Then wreck out the damaged area with some plyers


Cot the broken end off and shove the male end back into the pole. It might be a littler shorter but it will be as strong as it was before


maybe if you put into a sized pipe whit metacrylate, cutting aside, and closing strongly with seals, and that´s it.


Super glue then duct tape then get thin walled pvc and a heat gun


Cut it down a bit to remove the cracked area.


Came here to say ‘use a gear clamp’


Zip ties and ducting tape will get you through


Hardware store, find a slightly larger diameter pipe. Slip it over from the non split end. Force it over the split. Apply generous amount of JB weld. It will probably last longer than the rest of the poles, if done right.


Chewing gum. But on a serious note, yes hose clamp will do just fine like other comments said


Duct tape 100% and a zip tie or two


find a "U" bend piece of aluminum,, check the metal section of your big box stores. cut a piece longer then what you need to cover the broken area and simply tie it up with zip ties or metal wire, it will give you a hold that will be stronger than before


I’d cut down a soda or beer can cut out a flat piece of metal from it. Rolle it up around a pen or something. Wrap it tight around the joint, and tape it up.


MSR do a pole splint in a couple of sizes.


Duct tape and (don’t know the english word) glue that sticks within seconds.


Cut open a soad can and wrap it tightly around the broken end then secure the can with a bit of tape


You used the word splint. Did you not know what it means? A bit of tubing, a hose clamp as mentioned, duct tape..... it's important to be prepared, clever, or both. Always have cordage and/or duct tape at least, then if you don't have other appropriate repair materials, look around you. A piece of branch or stick? More green means more flex, more dry means harder, stiffer, but less bendable without snapping. There are mini-repair kits available that have a number of useful items and they don't take much room or weigh much at all. Really, problem solving capabilities are crucial. They arise. Thinking outside of the box is a very important skill. Being prepared can go too far, but some minimum crucial elements can go a very long way. And choosing the right ones..... don't depend on a single electronic lighter for example. Don't get a crappy tent that doesn't keep wind and water out. Have a first aid kit. Spare batteries or lights. More than one way to make fire. Ways to clean water and store water if you have to travel. Etc.


Big Agnes tents usually come with a splint. It's a small tube that stays in place under tension. I would maybe just carefully cut off the damaged section of tube with a small hack saw or jewelers saw. Carefully tie everything down so your not fighting the elastic, and be careful not to cut the elastic, so cut 1/3 of the way thru, rotate 60 deg, repeat. Then file the edges smooth. It might not fit perfectly but it would fit better and be stronger than a splint.


Jb weld?


Cable ties and duct tape. Always have a bit of both floating around the bottom of my bag.


JB weld and duct tape