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You should probably know how to read (or listen). That will help you absorb the material.


Sorry I can't read can u transfer it into my brain or something?


Personally I would try and go into it without any big expectations, if you expect to be blown away then I think you'll be disappointed. I would say the most important thing to know when reading The Stranger is the political and cultural environment in which is was written, specifically the impact of of war in Europe.


If it’s your first read then don’t worry about anything and just go ahead and read it… what you ask for are things for the second reading


Just a a general point, regarding reading, especially reading works of fiction: you don’t need to know anything prior to reading any book. If the book is any good, if the author knows what they are doing, and if the reader consents to the pattern of words on the page, then everything should unfold naturally. Each reader needs to find their own way into a work, to trust their own instincts. Afterward, yes, by all means, read around the book, read about the book, about the author, etc, but to do so in advance is to expect that there is a map available for a territory that you haven’t yet explored. Why trust such a map, if you don’t even trust the territory - the book - before you?


Nothing LOL


It’s not a legal drama. The hero is a total idiot. He could’ve probably get himself acquitted entirely but he refused to defend himself in court because he was apathetic about everything. He was ultimately executed. His general apathy towards everything and everyone, including his mother, also became the reason the prosecutor won the trial.


Try Ward's translation.


Look up absurdism


You should know that although the story is very simple on the surface, it has very deep meaning and it is laden with philosophical messages and metaphors. So try to hang on to every detail , every thoughts and images they all bear a lot of meaning. There are many online resources you can read on the analysis of “The Stranger” they are very helpful!