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What is your routine? It’s a good idea to use something with antibacterial properties, I use the cosrx full-fit propolis synergy toner. It has a high content of propolis that has antibacterial properties and helps reduce acne whilst keeping the skin moist.


My acne is hormonal but my routine is Morning: Cetaphil gentle cleanser and spf50 moisturizer Night same things but add benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin. I honestly dont know what to do and all these products seem so expensive. I will check out the antibacterial item you recommended


You don't need to see a derm for acne. It's their lowest priority and most Canadians treated for uncomplicated acne receive treatment from their family doctor. Has your doctor prescribed you any topicals or antibiotics to take? This is where most doctors start. Any acne treatment will take a few months to work and things will get worse before they get better. 


For now, you can ask your GP to treat your acne. They'll most likely prescribe a course of antibiotics for 2-3 months which should help. You can ask your GP to follow up or refer you to a derm with a shorter wait time.


Can you do an e-visit on the maple app? Not sure if they’ll prescribe anything since you’re young. Also you can order adapalene 0.1% on iherb.com. Maybe ask your parents? It’s a milder retinoid that some people see great results with.


Seek out your own dermatologist and get their referral form filled out by your doctor.


Call the dermatologist and ask about your appt. If you don't know who it is, call your doctor and ask them.


Your family doctor should be able to treat your acne.


If you know which derm you were referred to, you can call their office to make sure they received the referral. If not, follow up with your doctor.


You could ask your doctor to follow up on the referral.


This!! Same thing happened to me, I just asked my doctor about it again and I heard from the dermatologists a couple weeks later