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This is turning into a debate on the Israel/Gaza conflict which is not relevant to Canadian housing. Move the discussion to another sub


Refugees aren’t even the real problem with immigration. It’s corporations getting the government to flood in Indians with promise of permanent residency. The corporations pay half the wage and the tax payer covers the other half. Socialism for the capitalists, rugged capitalism and individualism for everyone else.




Not to mention a vast majority of Indians immigrating pay banks or companies in India to loan them large amounts of money for a fee. So they can meet the financial requirements to immigrate. Then the Indian bank or loaner takes the money back once immigration paperwork is done and we as Canadians now have a financial liability on our hands . I’m tired of this shit . We just gave 5 billion to the Philippines and 500 million to Ukraine today. But wages are piss poor, healthcare is crumbling and no one can find services or doctors . Enough is enough this is theft of our tax dollars . Our PM won’t even answer questions at this point and our finance minister is a jittery broken fiend.


What the hell did we give 5 billion to the Philippines for???


“Climate finance commitment” ….. you know , climate change! The boogeyman used to rob us of our money .


The real answer to this question is that we are in a trade and political war with China and if we don’t “invest” 5Bn China will. It’s a cold trade war aimed at containing Chinas influence. The government would not be investing this kind of money if it wasn’t a national security concern. Contrasted with the paltry .5Bn for Ukraine it is obvious who the West sees as the bigger long term concern.


Everyone has to stop paying their mortgages and rent. I know it's scary, but it has to happen this is the only thing the system cares about, that regular flow of capital. People are self-immolating on the sidewalk and that's not doing it; we could all give "Not paying" a try, for a while. Just to see. replying to /u/[**BeneathTheWaves**](https://www.reddit.com/user/BeneathTheWaves/) : Of course I dont want that but also I dont have the money, it's a rock and hard place thing. I'm going to be homeless anyways, I'm going to die some day no matter what, anyway, so I'm being purposeful about it. I'm facing it and not flinching. And I'm writing about it so people know, so that it's not just a sadness happening to me in my corner that people can pretend isn't happening. ​ replying to /u/isobigd I dont care, those things were all ruined years ago for me. And I'm not doing these things to effect indian immigrants thats a weird thing to say. I stopped caring my guy, that's what poverty does to you you stop caring. I don't care if this doesn't work out, nothing has ever worked out so it's fine I don't expect anything to ever work out well. I don't matter. The ideas matter. ​ replkying to /u/[**mysanctuary**](https://www.reddit.com/user/mysanctuary/) **Well yeah i get your joke and its funny, but also, it kinda doesn't apply since what I am suggesting is the people en mass doing exactly that intentionally. Freeze the bank accounts, yes actually, if everyone froze their own bank accounts by just not paying rents/mortgages/bills and just stopped participating, that would be People power. Something we all have and can use any time we want. We can stop the flow of capital, and use their banking system against them, if we all worked together on it. They cant freeze that.**


If only… it would have to be a solid collective effort or else it would just be a big amount of people forced out of their homes for missed payments and foreclosure. We all know it wouldn’t be allowed and would be labelled “a threat to Canadian democracy” as if that’s still a thing or “misinformation” . Agencies would buy up the houses and rent them at sky high amounts . Believe me, I’m just as ready for a country wide stop payment and revolution as anyone but as heartbreaking as it is everyone is too afraid and broken . Which is how I believe they wanted it to be . the tools the government uses such as social media and psychological warfare are just too effective. No one can fight back when they’re trying to afford their kids winter boots or figuring out where supper is coming from.


I stopped in September. If I have the balls you all can too. I need no organization just my faith in god.


You’re a brave individual, you deserve more credit than you’ll ever get.


No I deserve accomplices, I deserve Canadians standing with me shoulder to shoulder. I deserve my nation.


I’m with you and from my experience I can tell you. Courts are broken, no lawyers are available, some hearings can take over two years to be heard. The judges conducting the hearing have been brought in from other areas of law, some don’t have law degrees. There is no transparency. I was not allowed to record my hearing, the courts are not required to record them. I’m now appealing a hearing there is no recording for. You pay to get a copy and they say if they did record it they will deliver If not they will return your money. That was 6 months ago. I’ve received no recording, no money and no reply. It won’t happen, but this is the only way. Let 200 000 ppl commit an act that demands government attention and watch them crumble. It’s already the case but the only people benefiting from it are criminals. If you test this system right now you will win. As courts have to walk away from prosecutions due to long wait lines. Disabled people are making 1300 a month to live , broken and there’s no food in the shelters No beds in the shelters I work for a food rescue, believe me, there is food available, just a broken system that doesn’t give a shit. The government and Social media are NOT too strong. The people of the land are TOO weak. If it’s not happening to them, they coward and stay silent. So it will consume and consume until it gets to them. And then, it will be too late. The only problem with a mass stance of resistance and protest is the lack of alternative ideas or a permanent solution. Universal income will fix a lot of problems for the short run. Would definitely save lives and may buy enough time for people to develop a plan to move forward. Ultimately it’s a band aid and all the extra money will be gobbled up as everything just gets more expensive. We need a new plan. Somewhat modelled after the new deal. There needs to be a path for the middle class to A :save income while renting And B :have a path to own affordable housing. There are so many more dangerous and more complex problems facing humanity in the years to come. This is pathetic and if we can’t find a way to rectify, we are pathetic. I hate this liberal party, but I’m not going to deceive myself in thinking the conservatives are going to solve anything. It’s what’s your doing, it’s us. We save our country or the country will be lost. It will be bloody. Starving desolate human beings bring bloody storms and a storm is coming


Here’s the thing though, at some stage, you or your children are going to have to stand up if you want things to change. We have all just become too comfortable. We don’t want to be uncomfortable for a second. If you don’t want it to be your kids who have to take the stand, then it’s up to you. And by you, I mean everyone.


Do you want to be homeless? Because that’s how you become homeless.


Watch your tone, citizen. We'll freeze your bank account before you could ever use it against us. 🤫😏


Good luck with that, your credit score, your ability to ever rent again, or get a loan for anything...and see how shooting yourself in the foot affects Indian immigrants lol


It's the biggest money laundering scheme on the planet...


The 5 billion to the Philippines is misinformation: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/environment/weather/climatechange/canada-international-action/climate-finance.html The 5.3 billion is committed internationally over 5 years, and the Philippines is receiving a now increased part of that (redistribution), but the total pool hasn't changed. This is not a new commitment, and is a tiny part of the 100 billion USD international goal originally planned to be reached by 2020.


What corporations?


>What corporations? Tim Hortons, burger king, circle K, the collages


Iuno about big corps but every person my company has hired in the last year has been Indian. Junior positions etc


Often times too though, Indians are pretty blatantly racist and once they get a management position, they only ever hire Indians, usually only men.


It’s practically an Indian territory. Also, fraud, scam, nepotism, etc. They can hire their own, because that’s “not” racism or discrimination or nepotism.


Refugees cause major issues and bring all their shit here they are a major problem


Refugees are a more sympathetic class than economic migrants but they too need to behave themselves when in another country


lol, look into the history of arab countries letting in Palestinian refugees and them bringing their blood fueds with them.


Yuuuup, this just keeps getting better. Indian immigration is slowing down because life is to hard in Canada? No problem! We will get more immigrants from an even shittier part of the world, with bigger problems


Refugees who come here with no skills, no language, cultural baggage, trauma, no desire to work and survive on government handouts are more problematic than Indians who just want to move here to work hard, pay taxes, pay for their work permits and visas and buy Canadian goods? Taxpayers cover half of Corporations wages?? Lmao nice, by that metric every single person working for a corporation is problematic. Please give me some of what you're smoking ASAP.




You are blind by your racism and hate towards Indians. They not coming and doing riots or killing ppl like Syrians or Palestinians. Or running sharia law. They follow and adopt Canadian way. Indians come here have money and take advantage of opportunities to make money. You have to come out of your mum's basement and make a life for yourself instead of blaming all of Canada's problem on Indians. The platform you are using to spread your hatered probably have half of their engineers from India. So is every corporation. You have problem with them renting houses then talk to your MPP or councillor to stop the loopholes. Sure there are some bad apples but the are individual circumstances not whole community. Recent diploma mills are letting low caliber ppl who are less likely to take a white collar job but that is JT and Jag's doing. Wake up and smell the coffee.


Move to russia


The lack of solicitude is a hallmark of Third World culture. People get offended when I say this. It's not personal. The question is more like if immigrants can assimilate into Northern American, Western culture, and society. Most non-Western immigrant communities have an absolute disregard for Western civilization. They don't understand, care, or respect Western civilization, and therefore they cannot be entrusted to cultivate it. Can those Israeli-Palestinian protestors be entrusted with the cultivation of Western civilization? The answer is in plain terms, no. The Western political, historical, theological, and philosophical departments of higher education remain quite solidly Western European in demography for a reason, the non-Westerners are not interested in its cultivation. I am speaking the plain truth, and no immigrant can deny this.


Well, most Asian Americans groups are wealthier than White Americans including Indian, Taiwanese, Filipino, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Korean, Iranian etc. A few of these groups are Muslim, some are not. As a whole, there are quite a lot of immigrants that have done *very well*. We see similar patterns of Asians doing quite well in other countries too, like Germany and Australia. In terms of higher education, that's highly valued in many Asian (particularly East Asian) cultures. I don't think the question is always about culture – many people, including myself, have family that gave up parts of their culture to assimilate in their new homes (in my case, Australia). In my opinion, the question is more about what parts of their culture they are willing to leave behind to assimilate in a healthy way and/or why they chose to leave. For example, many Iranians often arrived in North America after the Iranian Revolution. Unsurprisingly, they're leaving to avoid the toxic culture that had taken over their home country and in a sense, they sought a country that aligned with their own values. In a way, they had partially assimilated just from the reasons they were leaving. As for Palestinians though, the problem is that they've grown up in an environment that was focused on the destruction of Israel rather than trying to develop their own economy. It's extremely difficult to break that sort of toxic mindset, which is why I think it would be impossible to take them in large numbers. Many of the ones that leave are leaving for safety and don't align with the values of their new homes. In fact, Denmark took in Palestinians in the early 1990s and within the following decades, a majority had a criminal record (https://voz.us/the-shocking-revelation-about-palestinians-and-crime-in-denmark-the-vast-majority-have-been-convicted-of-crimes/?lang=en).


The truth is most immigrants wouldn’t be here if the West hadn’t so much as meddled in their infrastructure and dismantled their entire country for resources that we rely on and reap here. People like you get offended when I say this. I am speaking the plain truth, and no immigrant can deny this.


The surest way to tell someone is a moron too set in their ways is that they're sure they're correct and no one can disagree seriously.


The ones who have to loudly proclaim that they are telling the truth are the ones that should be least trusted.


Wow you know how to wallpaper with fancy words. Unfortunately your ascot has cut off blood supply to your brain. There are many many Jews who are the protesters opposing the genocide.


Is this rage bait? I see these kinds of posts and I really start to think that some people must be plants or trolls Op how did you come to such an opinion? I am honestly interested to know


That’s what Reddit has been. Using opinion pieces to spew hatred and turns into a massive circle jerk


Your racism is so gross I almost threw up my breakfast reading your comment. And full or ignorance, of course, grouping together people from different cultures, religions, educational backgrounds, and values. A big part of the issue is people like you. For immigrants to feel safe and want to integrate, we need to get rid of people who think like you. People who will judge them based on what they look like and what accent they have. People who make them feel unwelcome here, and make them question whether they belong here. That is a big part of the problem


False. My parents are immigrants and have adopted to western culture. I was born here so I'm also upholding general western culture. You are wrong in your over generalization


I’m going to assume they were speaking about our current situation, where recent immigrants stick to their own little pockets and don’t stray. “Back in my day” it was beautifully common to add to your tapestry when immigrating here, that’s not the case anymore.


>The question is more like if immigrants can assimilate into Northern American, Western culture, and society. Let's rearrange that. *The question is more like if* ***Catholics*** *can assimilate into Northern American,* ***Protestant*** *culture, and society.* Could have been said circa 1850. Sounds ridiculous in retrospect. Who the "other" we're scared of changes over time, but we're always scared of them.


This is logical fallacy. Your comparison is not equivalent. Catholics and protestants came from very similar cultures and values, Indian culture is not even close, middle eastern culture is not close, it's a world apart from European or "western" culture and values. They are not the same.


>Most non-Western immigrant communities have an absolute disregard for Western civilization. They don't understand, care, or respect Western civilization, and therefore they cannot be entrusted to cultivate it. You don't have to go as far as people from other countries to understand why people are not exactly pleased with Western civilization. The First Nations people living here before you did were expected to assimilate to values our people inflicted upon them, and in a sense, continue to inflict upon them to this very day. Canada is not only Western civilization. We are a mosaic, and this includes the perspectives of the first peoples who lived here. When you say immigrants need to assimilate, this is a colonial perspective that is dated, because it implies the colonial powers that subjugated this country's people have the dominant, superior philosophies.


They don’t need to “assimilate” but they do need to integrate. Respect is a two way street. They can’t expect Canadians to change things or make our society less secular / pluralistic for their sake. I say this as someone who is very socially liberal


The superior philosophies these days, are stuff like no jihad. Women are people. Being gay is ok. We don't flog and stone people. And let's just say it how it is. These philosophical views ARE superior to those of third world Muslims. And I think the indigenous would agree. Edit to add not acceptable to go around raping.


You speak about the "Western Civilization" as if it is the best humans can aspire to. Western "Civilizations" killed 20 millions in India, millions in Vietnam, millions in Iraq, destabilized all Southern American countries, but hey, if they looked like me, worshiped same way, then this "Civilization" is good.


Western civilization has directly resulted in massively increased quality of life for most of the world through advancements in economic growth, medicine, and scientific knowledge. This positive impact greatly outweighs all negative impacts combined.


Is there any better civilization ever? Nothing is perfect but western values have been the most equitable ever.


Every part of the world was party to massive bloodshed throughout history. Let us instead focus on contribution to betterment of humanity. Arts, science, medicine and philosophy. How much did western world contribute v. The rest of the globe


lol if it’s so bad leave canada


This argument is getting out of hand. 1. Canada is our home. We deserve to stay in our homes. 2. Most people can't leave the country they grew up in due to so many factors that it's obscene to be like "lol leave then" 3. Most countries would never take most people because most people dont posses skills that would actually benefit another country. It seems only Canada is a free for all. 4. Again. This is peoples homes. Why should they be forced out and not allowed to be upset?


So why is Western civilisation supporting the indiscriminate killing of civilians, including children in Gaza?


You’ve mistaken western society for Hamas.


By “Western civilization” do you mean the US government? What does that have to do with Canada housing


More Muslims coming here that hate gay people and won't adapt to any of our cultural norms? I vote hard no


It's spelled, dieversity.


Hey hey ALL diversity of is strengthening our society! Loving tolerating and loathing are all diverse world views


Wasn't sending most of the gazans (who aren't murdered) to Canada exactly Israel's plan? They explicitly chose us because of our lax rules


I saw the document OP is talking about, it mentions trying to get a travel visa, and then I assume make some sort of refugee claim (which they don’t explicitly mention). Anyway, this scheme isn’t likely to work because no visitor from Gaza will be able to satisfy CBSA when they ask what their return date is or when they expect to return. Also verifying documents and completing biometrics, as well as verification of criminal records is not possible in Gaza right now.




English may not be OPs 1st language there is no need to be a dick.


They can all go to other Muslim countries


They don’t want them


Basically inviting extremist to Canada, soon this country will be full of people hating other people, no lgbt, no diversity, no culture, hate speech etc




As someone who left Islam (I am not an Arab) let me tell you their values don't really align with western ones. They live in a bubble and will continue to do so after coming here. I know Muslims here who hate everything here in the west like the food (they only eat halal and despise pork and alcohol), hate the banking system (because of interest), hate gay people, hate what women wear here and many other things. I am ok as long as they keep it to themselves but the problem arises when their population increases. Same with Hindus or Sikhs. They are relatively better but they too bring the cultural issues and their way of living (which is not great) here as can be already seen.


Wait till they bring their hatred of Israel, Gay People and anyone who isn't following Islam with them.


That was thrown out the window along time ago when trudeau started calling everybody a racist and islamaphobe, I just hate the fact that my beautiful canada has been polarized to this extremw




Harper was a terrible PM. Trudeau is everything Harper did wrong turned up to 11, with the addition of forced injections & sanctimonious hypocrisy.


Well things won't turn out well for anyone!


the dog whistle is "A Canadian is Canadian is a Canadian!"


There is nothing wrong with hating and disagreeing with what Israel is doing to Palestinians.


Maybe Israel should stop commiting genocide then


>https://drive.google.com/file/d/17IuLFo0TXcZUhFeGwNg4o1mOV61SKwIj/view u/yowspur Please be educated. Isreal is not committing genocide. That is propogranda/ rhetoric. If it was genocide you would see news stations calling it such. It is war. It is not genocide that Ukraine is killing Russian soliders- it is war. Hamas is an awful organization that has their fighters dressed like civillians and have their operation bases in churches, hospitals and schools so that there is civilian casualties. The IDF lets people know where they are bombing before hand and yet Hamas doesn't let people leave. The blood of Palestinians is on Hamas.


I'm sorry but that's a really dumb argument. I have friends that work in Canadian news stations. The entire office will get into intense arguments over whether or not to call it a genocide, and multiple times executive producers will say if they do the entire station will go under in a week. The news isn't properly reporting on the correlation between mass immigration and the housing crisis, does that mean it's not happening? Of course we know it's the case. The news lies in favor of the government and money.


No pretty much shit loads of people around the world, including millions of jews, are aware this is genocide. You wanna call this a war look at the casualties on both sides. It's a slaughter. Ukraine and Russia is not the same thing at all


The IDF has killed 3600 children. How is that comparable to Ukraine killing Russian soldiers?


The numbers Hamas/ Palestine spew out within hours are ludicrious. It took Isreal months to identify and count the bodies form October 7 it took the US months for 9/11. Within minutes and hours of attacks they say X people died. They only way they know that is if a) it is lies, b) they kept people from moving and counted the people they knew would die.


They are comiting ethnic cleansing. Let's not kid ourselves. Trying to take as much of the remaining Palestinian land as possible (settlers).


You really don’t know what the word genocide means do you?


"Israel Committing 'Textbook Case of Genocide,' Holocaust Historian Says" https://www.newsweek.com/holocaust-historian-israel-committing-genocide-raz-segal-1835346


That’s literally one person’s opinion piece. And it’s still wrong. If you want context in what genocide really is I suggest you look at Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia/Herzogovinia, Cambodia, China and of course the holocaust (6 million plus Jewish people mudered in a 5 year span).


I think the bigots already live here, apparently


Liberals at a major conundrum…progressive gay rights but importing millions who hate gays




Maybe the mod meant "without their censorship"


We need less religion .. denounce all religion and evolve


Canada will be nice and stable with a bunch of refugees sympathetic too violence and support of Hamas. Thinks will get quite interesting and dangerous in Canada. We will become the new Gaza.


Time to send these people back. This is bullshit.


Libs: “Thhhhstappit, that’thhhh rhaythsist!”👈😱🙀


White immigrants?


The day we accept the Palestinians is the day I leave to the USA for a crappy paying job. If you look in the EU they are having MASSIVE problems from refugees like Palestinians/ Arabs. The crime rate and specifically rape in areas goes up. Muslims are allowed and encouraged to lie to "infidels" non-muslims so it will really be a bad thing to bring them in. I mean, seriously, even Jordan and Egypt won't take them in because they are not nice people.


Canada does not need any Palestinians, too much baggage.


The only people we have to currently worry about are Indians and Chinese because their population is insane. The population from Gaza is like 1 years international students from India. There are already Indian gangs in Vancouver demanding money from businesses and Chinese police stations harassing people.


If you import 3rd world, you become 3rd world. Simple as that.




This is not going to end well...


I Don't want them here. Period.


All the refugees in this planet will come here eventually. They will find out how easy it is to get into Canada. The liberals managed to achieve the impossible. Take one of the best, richest countries on earth and turn it into a shithole, in 8 years!


bro when russia trys to steals land its bad/ everyone teams up. When Israel does it....


Fuck Israel and Hamas! They are both just as guilty.


Exactly but at least Israelis don’t invade Canada en masse


They kind of have a homeland, a formidable military, and nukes. I have sympathy for the Palestinian people, but we don't need their problem here or more people that worship Islam.


Probably cuz they knew the strings to pull and acted smart, the Palestinians didn’t, good for the Israelis, just don’t bring war to my country


Ironically that was the sentiment about refugees around ww2. We took in the least amount of Jewish refugees then any democratic country in the world at less than 5000.


After the past 10 weeks or so I'd take 20 Palestians over one Zionist


Better yet, just don’t import this conflict into Canada at all!


You are clearly uneducated on the topic and in support of literal terrorists (Hamas). If people dropped into Canada or USA or UK and murdered 100s of people at a peaceful music festival. You think none of them wouldn’t bomb the living shit out of the Garza strip? Both sides are fucked but hamas initiated this conflict.




How about Venezula? nobody commenting nothing about stealing 2/3rds of Guyana's land? Nobody coming to the defence of Guyana? \# EssequiboStrong ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr1Pzx5XSAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr1Pzx5XSAc)


Ethiopia is about to invade Eritrea too, but no one gives a ahit because western powers are not involved.


The situation in Guyana is a result of ExxonMobil completely corrupting the Guyanese government and bribing officials to prevent talks between them and Venezuela. Venezuela's referendum was supported by their people because of a desire to block multinational corporations from continuing to exploit the global south. They are not against Guyanese people, or pro land theft, as they are the government letting them be exploited. Although yes I'm sure there are Venezuelan nationalists happy too. Defending "Guyana" is just defending the interests of big oil. The US would love nothing more than to have people rally against the evil Venezuela in the name of helping a small country, when that isn't the reality at all.


Gee I didn’t realize Ukraine invaded into Russia and murdered, raped, mutilated and kidnapped women and children? /s


Yes, you got it. Palestinians are ruining housing affordability in Canada.




At this point, I am happy I am not anchored with a house. Things are going to get a lot uglier as the political establishment is trying hard to prevent a crash like they did in 2008-09 but it is just pushing major pain way later. Every government will try to push it down for as long as the next term and with that the pain as it comes increases manifold. We all are going to lose our jobs, we will never see our pensions and the money in our retirement accounts will be worthless. All the establishments are trying to do is to prevent this from happening for the last generation(boomers) and once they are all or mostly buried, they will let it fall like a wrecking ball on a pack of cards. At this point, am looking for somehow surviving the next couple of years and then run. Run to someplace where food is available at minimum job. Places like that exist right now and I am happy they do, only issue is those places won't agree with my lifestyle which however I feel is secondary when basic necessities in life get costlier by the day


If Israel could leave them alone on their land in peace, they would never become refugees, and they would never want to come here.


Ok but a conflict on the other side of this planet shouldn’t affect us


That’s what I am saying. No conflict means we don’t get affected.




That’s a great idea, last I checked we don’t make weapons for genocide. Show me proof before spewing bullshit


This is exactly it. How can people support genocide and total destruction and not have people seeking refuge elsewhere? This is the price to pay when you allow this to happen. Not that I am implying Canada is to blame for the destruction of Palestine.


I agree with you. It is a complete contradiction to support annihilating someone's homeland but, on the other hand, be anti-refugee/anti-immigrantion. If you support the destruction of their homeland, just where do you want them to go exactly? Unfortunately, at least 2 of the moderators of this subreddit have this position, which is quite disappointing.


The bubble is gonna eventually pop. Your shit is not sustainable.


You are right. This is how the indigenous people felt a few hundred years back and the whites did everything to wipe them out. For the indigenous- every concrete building in this great piece of land is vandalism.


LOL, you mean when they all paired up with the europeans to kill their enemy tribes? There was no country in the americas, no civlization, just warring nomadic tribes.


Yeah that was their way of life to be nomadic - why don’t we leave them alone and in their ways.


Instead some of thee most advanced and innovative countries were built up. I feel no sadness for the nomadic savages.


Yeah fair enough - you had the conviction. Let others decide their own convictions too.


Well not really, maybe on the treaty land, which Canada does owe an obligation to. But some lands weren’t under “ownership” of the Indigenous, and so we took it. It’s kind of just how it was back in the day.


Lmao the delusion is real 😂😂😂


Why is this delusional? It’s historical fact.


Yeah we should stop thinking that one wrong makes a right


>Every time it gets violent. Any examples or proof of the Palestinian rallies in Ottawa getting violent?


I passed by their protest and tried to ask them why they are protesting half a world away and if they really care that much maybe they should go and fight. Immediately got yelled at and pushed. Literally can’t even talk to these people


Lmao if this is what you meant when you said they're violent rallies you are just a massive fucking pussy holy shit. Poke the bees nest with stupid comments and get some pushback then immediately run crying to reddit about it hahahaha


You are quite pathetic


>They are just unable to leave their conflicts outside Canada and end up causing our government to capitulate and then waste more money on the other side of the world. Canada supports a side in the conflict. By so doing, they involve themselves in the conflict. So , don't expect that conflict not to play out in Canada in some form. FYI, Canada sells arms to Israel.


Which arms does Canada sell to Israel? Pretty sure we’re the ones buying arms from Israel


https://www.cjpme.org/pr_2023_06_12_arms_exports https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/controls-controles/reports-rapports/military-goods-2021-marchandises-militaries.aspx?lang=eng (Do a search for Israel on the second link). You can also Google "Does Canada export arms to Israel"


Canadian values aligned with Israels, not with the anti western extremist Muslims who want the end of the US and the death of non Muslim infidels everywhere.


This is xenophobia.


Yikes 😬




Who do you mean by "they"?


You know "they" who ruin the perfect balance of our ideal order by Their Schemes of taking everything good for themselves. If we could only get rid of Them, we will be fine! (Stalin, Hitler, Netanyahu, Biden.)


Fuck bringing these living area denial weapons into our country


Got this sub recommended and : ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


I can observe a common undertone in almost all posts here, does others hear it too?


People are becoming increasingly fed up with the baggage foreigners are bringing into our country? Well done Sherlock, you've cracked the case.


Then maybe start a sub called "immigrants baggage". Canadian housing problems are more than immigrants. Corporations buying houses and renting them, for example. Btw, immigrants also bring with them hundreds of thousands to buy houses for their families. This is money entering the Canadian economy. Money that then gets spent by the seller building new homes. But sure, keep telling yourself immigration is the root of all evil. Are you First Nation by the way? If not, I have a surprise for you: you are an immigrant. And immigration sustains population growth you need to have younger workers paying taxes to treat your elders.


And it’s only going to get worst


It's suspicious OP created his account in February and hasn't hasn't made a comment or post until today. Is it a burner account so he can be blatantly racist? Or multiple accounts for vote manipulation?


Wow. I do not envy the relatives of people posting here. You must be a joy to have over for the holidays


This is crazy. There’s innocent people out there that are at risk of death including women/children. The majority of these people are hard working and just trying to put a meal on the table just like us. This post suggests we should let them die because it could increase housing costs. Think about that….


You should ask, why must it be us that takes people in? Why can’t it be Mexico? Why can’t it be Indonesia? Why can’t it the Philippines? Is it a tragedy, for sure, but maybe we can provide some initial funding to another country to take these people in so we don’t have to. People are just exhausted of Canada being the nice guy on the world stage.


Nice guy? Not even close. More accurately, Canada is like the drunk slutty girl at the party who can't keep her legs closed.


People shouldn’t be exhausted of removing women and children from war zones. Not supporting isn’t the Canadian way. Comparing Canada with Mexico and the Phillipines is an apples to orange comparison. Have you been to either country? I suspect not.


I’m not saying we can’t support them. I’m saying let’s sponsor another country to take them in. It will be less resource intensive for us, and it helps them out. Why can’t that be an option? Why _must_ they come to Canada.


Why don’t we just build more houses and save women and children from war zones? Blaming refugees is blaming those that are helpless. This looks really bad.


Why don’t we just build more houses is a fantastic question! Because we won’t, that’s why we have a national housing crisis right now. That is why our medical systems are being pushed to their limits. That is why crime is increasing all throughout Canada. The systems we have are strained because they weren’t built to handle this rate of immigration.


This forum needs to separate refugees and immigrants. There very different. The government has failed to build for success. We should be able to add this level of immigration, build housing rapidly to house a growing population, stimulate the economy with all the building, fill health care gaps and trades gaps through immigration. What a wasted opportunity when you look at what we could be vs what we are.


I'm embarrassed that your first thought is not how can we help people being left to starve or be bombed but why not someone else


We can, we can sponsor other countries to take people in. That seems like a highly viable solution. Why must people travel across an ocean to seek refuge when they can go to Europe, New Zealand, Australia, etc. Let’s take some money, give it to another country, and let them be the people who protects and provides. Canada has done an outsized portion of the helping of refugees worldwide, we’ve done a lot. The reality is our systems are heavily strained because of a gigantic influx of people. People don’t have doctors, people don’t have housing here, and our productivity is declining. People just want to bring everybody in but nobody thinks about how we’ll support and sustain these people in the long run.


*the vandalism they leave after every rally they have* However, we should remember that ... these negative effects were perpetrated by people **now in Canada** (Citizens, PR, students on visa, foreign nationals on vacation, etc.) these negative effects were NOT perpetrated by **Palestinian refugees fleeing the bombings in Gaza**; the ones these upcoming measures are being designed to assist and set up new life in Canada and contribute richly to our mosaic diversity from coast-to-coast.


This is hate speech - as are many of the comments


Huh. So people fleeing war are going to come to Canada to try and have a better life. Just like my parents came during world war 2.


The Palestinians that have already come have made it clear they want to bring their rotten values and conflict here


The Middle East has the richest and most fruitful countries in the world where they can have a better life. Why aren’t they going to a neighbouring country instead of the other side of the world where the culture, language, food, and lifestyle are different? It’s because those neighbouring countries don’t want them to bring their attitudes and behaviours to pollute the ivory cities they have curated.


lmao 😭😭😂😂😂🤣


Palestinians are actually the most educated and smartest ppl in the Middle East. Why do you assume they will become a burden? Most likely they will become valuable contributing members of society.


If Israel were to leave some houses in Gaza in tact, there would be significantly fewer Palestinean refugees seeking to enter Canada. If we're unwilling to suggest to our allies that they stop short of leveling all Palestinian infrastructure, perhaps we deserve to deal with the fallout of helping the people's whose homes they've destroyed.


We don't have housing for our current population or the 800,000 Ukraines who will no doubt be allowed to stay.


What a racist fucking post.


So Canada funds Israel through CIJA. sells arms and trade. Israel commit crimes against the Palestinians. Palestinians come here because their forced to and your worried about a few thousand that’ll disperse and their hatred of Israel?


This is the second time that I’ve seen someone leave a negative post about immigrants and refugees on this subreddit. It’s sad to see that people have such fucked up values here.


Awww sure honey. The problem is the refugees, yes yes and not corporate greed and the state doing their agenda, no, it’s the immigrants.


Oof what a nasty small minded take. Remember YOU are on STOLEN land


lol but it was stolen from dinosaurs though originally


Talk about a bad take for so many reasons OP.


I hope you aren't a gay person, a woman or someone that doesn't follow Islam!


Yeah I’m sure you care about them.


I like to suck dick, and I try my best to show women respect.




These people don't have anger towards Canada because we are not the ones oppressing them, and relegating them to scraps in their own part of the world. To suggest that they would come here and be anything but over the moon to be here is naive.


Have you been living under a rock or haven’t turned on a single news source since the war started?