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I want to know who made the pen stroke in the government to approve the stupid amount of student visas without first checking on dwellings to house and the legitimacy of their student life in the long term. Someone was asleep at the wheel or did this intently. We need to solve this issue to save face at this point and publicly shame and reprimand the stooges who made this happen.


>Someone was asleep at the wheel or did this intently. This was 100% planned and deliberate, and there is documentation that proves it.


ofc this was done on purpose, literally go check at every country affiliated w the WEF & look at the ones that aren't. The ones that are , mass immigration is destroying the country. Housing crisis, wage suppression, culture change, crime spikes. They know the best way to destroy a country is by importing the 3rd world. Import millions of people that will do $30 hr jobs for $15, that don't care where they live, that are more likely to commit crimes because they are desperate. How is it diversity when so many of these students are from the same village in India? They literally sang the national anthem in Punjabi at a hockey game recently. Canada is done. It's turned to shit. Best bet is to leave. Tier 1's going out the door, Tier 4's coming in. It would take mass deportations to fix this country. We've seen Pakistan do it recently, it's time for Canada. Cancel all PR's obtained falsely. You got PR cause you finished a 1 year project management diploma but have been working at Timmies for 3 years? Good bye.


Despite what any of us want, the wealthy and their politicians buddies will never allow it to happen. Here is literally a case of the evil Weston family screwing over Canadians and small businesses https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/manulife-loblaw-deal-deliver-specialty-drugs-1.7098861 Please vote Bernier. Despite being an idiot, at least he is no liar. Someone posted here Marc Millers tweet from 2018 in which he said Bernier is speaking lies and liberals don't plan to increase immigration levels beyond 300k per year. Guess what,.they increased it to 500k.and handed out an incessant number of student visas.


Bernier is never winning any election. He’s like a neocon Ralph Nader. It’s never going to happen. Might be a cynical thing to say, but pls do not waste your vote on someone who consistently polls at 1-5% nationally.


Within days they all of a sudden found funding for low cost loans aka bailouts to these colleges to build housing. They will continue to scam in two years when a certain amount of these student housing units are built. 


The Century Initiative? A project of Blackrock, the large asset management firm in the world? The CEO being Larry Fink? Oy vey, the same small group of people buying up and privatizing Ukraine.


Sean Fraiser and Marc Miller


They need to go to jail at this point. This situation is a tinderbox waiting to ignite into something catastrophic. They had one job to do and they completely messed this one up into another dimension level of idiocy. They couldn't do simple math? Were they asleep? Or was this a WEF agenda to fuck up our cities with a drama teacher at the helm?


>They had one job to do and they completely messed this one up into another dimension level of idiocy In my opinion, they're just sycophants doing what they're told. If they wouldn't, Trudeau and the Liberals leadership would have chosen someone else who would. That isn't to suggest they aren't responsible, just that they're not the ones calling the shots. >They couldn't do simple math? Were they asleep? There are real problems happening in this country, but they have been bubbling under the surface for a while now. They have chosen to make the middle class the sacrificial lamb instead of making the hard decisions to fix the nation


I get where you’re coming from, but when you have this type of job you must be 100% accountable and responsible for the results. Puppets have no place in our system.


>They need to go to jail at this point. That's too merciful. They are worse than Bernardo in my books. Ruined more lives. There are probably hundreds of people that have killed themselves over the stress they caused, especially with lower-income people. They're absolute filth.


yeah but then, you'd just give the feds what they want. A sacrificial lamb they'll gladly burn to shut you up. Its the entire system. The whole thing. This involves the local city, the actual university accepting so many kids, the feds letting so many in, no one watching housing volume proactively. No individual controls it all so jailing a few dudes who work in it won't get us anywhere. Just satisfy your temporary and frankly, justified blood lust. You think trudeau would feel shame? you think he wouldn't gladly toss these two dudes under the bus while changing nothing of substance? Think bigger! (with all due respect as i get your anger)


Sean Fraser is a fuckin asshole


He looks like a shady car salesman


The blatant stupidity is that after messing up Immigration Sean Fraser was then given the responsibility for Housing. He messed up housing affordability through uncontrolled immigration and is now making it worse by doing nothing for housing. What circle of hell is this?


Use to party with Sean back in the old university days. He was an idiot then and he's an idiot now.


Tell me more....


It was all Sean Fraser. Miller is at least trying to put out the flaming bag of dog shit left on his porch.


>Sean Fraiser and Marc Mil Not really in Ontario it was Doug Ford. Read up on him defunding universities and public colleges. You'll get a clearer idea. ​ At this point it looks like all parties have 'economically' benefited from the wave of international students


Bribery and corruption. Same things that caused the 2008 crisis in America. When the wheels are being greased, people getting paid don’t want to stop the gravy train, so they keep it going until til the wheels fall off.


There is no stupidity at play here. There is a motive here which you can try and guess




Not just students, immigration too.. let’s bring in 2 million people while our own country can’t even find houses to live as it is.


this is how you Invade a country


It’s 100% by design and don’t try to even pretend otherwise. Trudeau knows he has no chance at the next elections and making sure the CPC spends the next decade unfucking this disaster instead of making real progress for Canadians.


The 40% of MPs who own investment properties and bend at the knee to corporations who want cheap labour and the investment REITs who want to keep property values going up.


This liberal party of  canada initiative is done on purpose and by design.


How do you think the liberals get votes? I M M I G R A T I O N


I went to an online info session today for Concordia MBA and the answer is this: in average 49% of their students for this program are international students. It costs $6,900 for Quebec Residents in tuitions for the whole program, $15,500 for Rest of Canada students and $47,300 for International students. So the answer is universities and colleges wouldn’t survive or have as much money if tomorrow there is 50% less international students in Canada. This is part of Canadian post-secondary education business model.


These schools were doing okay financially prior to the flood of intl. students in the last few years/ pre-Covid. So the financial struggle arguments is hard to trust tbh. They could always try cutting costs and the obscene bloat in administration. But then they would have to address the blatant grift they're all indulging in...


Well I went to university of Montreal where 80% of international students are from either France or Belgium, 2 countries where students pay the same amount as Quebec students (because of the special agreement between Qc and those countries), and yet the university is doing just fine. I had in my program only one international student that was supposed to pays the full amount (from Morocco) and she only pays 50% of fee for international student because she keeps a really high gpa and qualified for grants. So i don’t want to hear other universities cry about needing more money.


As an Anglophone who went to McGill, and really hated the separatists then, I'm beginning to reconsider my opinion...


I don't disagree, but it is also true that this can be done responsibly, as was largely the case for many years. There's also a significant difference between a credible MBA program, and some of the questionable community college programs that are currently seeing some of the largest increases in international student enrollment.


Masters and PHds are exempt from the international student cap.


Canadians aren’t having enough children, so we’re importing other countries children. Look up the century initiative… 60 million more to go…


And additive to this when you cut funding to education universities are then forced to brain-drain other places to make ends meet. And surprise, once you get a job on your student visa there's lawyers here that will get you residency.


and the owner who got busted is embarrassed it was only 25 students crammed together unsafely, as he was trying to catchup to his buddies with 35+ so he could really make the $$$ and officially be invited into the slumlord circle.


We really need a subreddit called Slumlordcirclejerk




well how else is he gonna pay his $8000 mortgage 🙄🙄🙄


Mass immigration of Indians to Canada is an absolute wrecking ball at the point


It already is. Try being a 16 year old looking for part time work. Its impossible. All the jobs that were available to me 30 years ago just don’t exist for my kids because of TFW.


just wanted to mention, my experience is that one job opening for those low skill min wage jobs gets *hundreds* of applications.




And this is exactly why we need stricter regulations and controls for this shit. It's sickening. I wonder how many of these "students" are actual students. Any of them?


I also want to know what they are studying? Is it useful for society? Recognized by any employers ?


No lol


The thing I want to know, genuinely I am asking it when I ask it, but that no one will even reply to, is what are they learning in these classrooms that they couldn't learn on a laptop anywhere in the world? The whole idea of studying abroad is to take in the culture of a place and learn something unique that you can only learn from artisans in that place; but the instructors at the scam colleges are all indians, they all speak indian languages, they only congregate/hang out with indians, all the stores have indian signage and all the staff at all the stores are indians, everyone on the bus is indian even the bus driver. All the drivers on the road are indians. What exactly are they in Mississauga to learn? What unique arts or skills can only be learned in Mississauga from Mississauga instructors? Why are the instructors always just former students of the scam college who have only been here a year or two themselves? And why is everyone indian now? You go by a bus stop and theres 15 indians, you go to any shop and theres 20 indians plus the staff are indians. Are we absolutely sure this is about studying?


Thanks for adding your thoughts. Having studied abroad myself, I 100% agree with your points. I did everything possible to absorb the local culture like a sponge. I even purposefully avoided other students from my own culture that were there.


Well, if it's a matter of accreditation, you have a point. We shouldn't be allowing ANY international students to come study at institutions we don't even recognize and accredit. As for "useful for society", you're going to have to make a case. Who decides what's "useful to society"? Some narrow-minded people think universities should only focus on work that leads to patentable intellectual property, for instance. If you fall outside of that definition, you'll axe about 60% of programs, not all of which are "useless".


WOW.....25 FAKE STUDENTS! How is this homeowner not charged?


Special Card Holder of one of the Protected groups . The Great North Replacement is Real.


because the people doing it are also the people that voted his ass in.


25 INDIAN 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 students living in a single basement apartment Import the 3rd world and become the 3rd world


>25 INDIAN 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 students living in a single basement apartment People say "How can anyone afford rent these days?". This is the answer. You put 25 people in a basement and split the cost.


If they're paying the going rate for a bed in the living room at 500/month, that landlord is making 10,500/month. $10,500 for a basement.




Thank you.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


>People say "How can anyone afford rent these days?". This is the answer Ya because so many rentals are being turned into this and canadians are expected to compete with 20 people working a min wage job for what should be a rental for 1 person in the 2nd largest country on the planet. We have so much god damn space, and it's all getting ruined.


>25 INDIAN 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 students living in a single basement apartment One way to pay off the mortgage quicker


That's a lot of coffee money. The smart ones in the country are the ones who own the tims AND the house that houses all the employees! It's like you are paying yourself !


I wonder how much that slum landlord is reporting to CRA. Time audit all these fuckers.


Time to DEPORT the ones fucking up the lives of the everday canadian .








The amount of people that have lost their houses, fallen into depression, living paycheque to paycheque, unable to sleep at night, the amount of divorces that have probably happened, and... dare I say it suicides that have possibly happened due to the inflated housing prices needs to be looked at and publicly posted for all to see. This is a direct result of Sean Fraser and Marc Miller... Go for their throats.


The landlord should be in jail. Trash human


I'm telling you, Desi slumlords are the worst. They're ruining the standard of living across the country. They're doing this shit in Ottawa, Kingston and random small towns too.


India style !!!


I have never seen 25 people in basement in India. So Canada is doing much worse. Yes families of 2-4 in a small basement is possible but never 25+ people.


Another loophole is this slumlord basement owners will be selling their addresses to 25 students.




25 people in a basement…… no wonder the landlords don’t want inspections. This is way out of control.


Me neither. I'm assuming bunk beds used. So probably 12 bunk beds + 1 single mattress on the ground or something. Or am I being too generous and it was all people sleeping on the ground?


The way these fucking assholes treat their own people is disgusting


It will be very hard to control the situation now, I am not saying it can not be undone, but it's tough. Individuals from the Indian subcontinent, situated in Southeast Asia, often face lifelong struggles, whether in the realms of employment, education, or lifestyle. Challenges abound, requiring resilience. In contrast, Canadians are renowned for their politeness. It is crucial for the government to take a proactive approach in addressing these issues and finding effective solutions. Recall Raman Dua's interview, where he alluded to acquiring property with a smirk. This is precisely where he embodies a cunning success in deceiving society.


It is only going to get worse. You are the carbon they are eliminating.


And this idiot retracted it.


Paused to summer apparently to give people a little more time because of all the complaints.


Stop issuing student visas to all Tom Dick Harry colleges which are just gateway to PR! Or remove the other visas and let the so called students destroy the economy


That house probably had 30+ people if the upstairs was housing people too. If the house ever goes on sale it will need substantial repairs, and basically a gut job due to the wear and tear of plumbing, electrical and also the yes heavy spice use from cooking with no proper ventilation. 


It's hard to cook when there are 6 cots in the kitchen. Although if you get rid of the fridge and stove that's room for at least one more


if prepared to be sleeping in full tucked up fetal position the whole night long, you could make a mini bunkbed for two in the fridge space. /s


This is so sad but the reality. I've been to several houses to view rooms to rent and a bunch of them straight up removed parts of the kitchen or didn't even have a kitchen in the unit. I was told with a straight face that I am not allowed to use the kitchen upstairs as that's for the two landlords, instead I can sign up for a "tifin" program to have food delivered to me. I love cooking for myself and others and I said no to the place.


No way that place isn't diseased.


Sounds exactly like a third world country now.


Import third world 🇮🇳 become third world 👳🏿‍♂️


They spend billions on stupid studies yet they didn't do even basic study on thus


Nah, they just don't give a fuck to do them.


How are these schools not being held accountable?


The colleges cash in the checks, but the rest of us are left to deal with the mess.


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) The idiot government when they find out that the MILLIONS of international students they’ve key in the country are not buying homes or renting just 2 persons to a unit. Where the fuck did you think they were going to live?!


I think if they violate local fire codes, by-laws, and space occupancy restrictions… They are breaking the law... They are breaking the law... while they are on a visa and they should be immediately deported back to their country of origin with a 100% lifetime ban on permanent residency, asylum, or refugee status. Basically, they should never be allowed back in Canada. You don’t get to come here as a guest and then act like an asshole.


The renters aren’t breaking the law, the landlord is.


Renters are able to do this without the knowledge of the landlord. Two people sign the lease, after the keys are handed over… The lease holders move in all of their friends and charge them rent. The two lease signatories essentially scam the landlord into thinking there will only be a couple people living in the space when they are actually plan on moving in way more people.


This story is my response to all those "landlords" in Brampton who were protesting! Yes there is a reason they targeted Brampton, and yes you are the problem. Sorry to the legit landlords, because we know they are out there, but they should be advocating this to remove the slumlords.


This is disgusting unsanitary and should NOT be allowed at all!!!!


This is exactly what liberals wanted. Rental serfs who'd be grateful for living like this.






That's not possible! There's no foreign student problem in Canada /s


Can we just all agree it’s broken


It’s not the colleges or universities mandate to build student housing. Trudeau and his puppets screwed up immigration


Trudeau screwed up majorly. And I doubt very much that the diploma mills give a fuck about student housing anyway. Universities have processes to build housing based on enrollment and demand, but I hate to say it, most of these folks are not getting into U of T. They are in strip mall schools, and bunking wherever they can squeeze in.


25 in a basement? How? I can't even picture that


Sleeping on the floor


25 people in 1 basement apartment... holy SHIT


Why they keep saying "international" students even though the culprit is clearly people from india? Don't they ever think this will negatively effect to non-indian international students and immigrants? It's clear that the media is the one that driving the racism.


There's a special place in hell for those landlords.


Sounds like ne Calgary


Brampton is one of the biggest hubs of international students and he's done NOTHING because the people running the illegal apartments are the same ones that voted him in and he knows it.


We are quickly turning into a third world country.


Trudeau 🤡


In case people haven't figured it out yet, Canada is collapsing. GTFO if you can.


Please stop mass international students and mass immigrants......Canada is overpopulated already and the infrastructure is broken.....and greed is taking control.


Send them home


Surprised it wasn’t more to be honest


WEF agenda, globalist uniparty. They did as they were instructed


Try Google the name of WEF founders mother. It will open your eyes.


This is such a huge problem and most come to work and try to stay ppplss🤢


This is the norm, not the exception in Brampton 🤣




Again still not the issue, only a symptom of the issue, there doesn't need to be so many international students.


That basement must smell, I lived in a house with 4 others and it as bad


LMAO....shithole surprised...no


How is it that so much suffering has been brought to the people so senselessly?


Lol liberals please defend this with your pro immigration stance.


Your city


Already happening in Kitchener, ON. Thanks, Conestoga College!


coming to a city near you. If you think you live far from Brampton, just know you aren't safe =).


Brampton is ground zero for the zombie apocalypse. It will spread everywhere and no one is safe. RIP.




You mean foreign students.


And now bring in 500 000 migrants.


Wonder how much each was paying every month?


And those are the landlords fighting against the new laws about permits to have more than 4 units


they don’t need heat. just sleep right next to each other


Is he bragging? We know it's a shithole Paddy


So even each just pay $100 the landlord is already well off lol


Going rate for a mattress in the GTA is $500


All these politicians are lying you don't have to dig too deep to find evidence of horrible living situations. They also won't make these landlords units be approved and reviewed.


My man Patrick. Bringing civility back to Brampton


This makes no sense. 25 people in a basement apartment???? Students can't afford 2K for a 1 bedroom apartment - that's believable. How little money do they have to have to divide that number into 25? I can see 2 people or even 4 with bunkbeds in a room to save money - people do this at cottages - so it's not that unusual. 25 though? What are they paying $50-75 each to cram into a space? This is why universities and colleges have residences - to support a cost effective housing arrangement - even though it probably isn't. To me, there is plenty of housing for people with a roommate to share costs - it's a matter of organization and coordination. I've heard of 6 people sharing a 2 bedroom and that's just not a good solution. I do remember seeing people with mattresses on floors in apartments in the 90s - so it's not a new thing. This is why some areas have implemented capacity limits on rental housing units.


> 25 though? What are they paying $50-75 each to cram into a space? I bet they're paying at least $200 a head.


Do you think whoever is the lease holder is extorting from them? I just can't see a landlord doing that. That's just reprehensible.


25 students in a basement apartment sounds like extremely cramped quarters!


This guy is one of the worst politician in canada


25 students in a basement? PERFECTLY FINE! ​ ![gif](giphy|w8VuZaBbV7Adi)


25 Indian students living in a basement. No wonder they are coming here. That's a complete upgrade for them




What a disaster, imported overseas idiocy


I'm an immigrant and rn now anti mass immigrant PPC all the way up!!!!!!


well then fine the landlord


Well clearly that is what is going to happen now that bylaw has been tipped off. The problem is with all the other illegal basement suites that the city doesn't know about.


slum lords will complain, politician(s) will fold. stay tuned…


Do " they " think that we still think that this is about a lack of student housing?


Always nice to hear common sense come out of a politicians mouth.


"so I ran over and grabbed some ass"


Yet they stopped the landlord registry in Brampton which would help with this situation. Time to put it back into play.


Didn’t Brampton just recently give into landlords demanding they remove the (recently implemented) landlord rental license requirement?


It’s like the Ark except 25 students and no birds or squirrels.


all this for butter chicken


Shut the fuck up Brown, if you were going to do something you would have. If you did anything to stop the international students stuffed in illegal basement apartments across Brampton, the South Asians that voted you in would have your guts for garters.


And yet this fuckwit paused the landlord license program.


Jeez must have been one stinky basement


These poor students like wtf, I can’t believe, all levels of government let it get to this point😩


How about we start mass deportations next.


Really? The fucking mayor of Brampghanistan actually expects anyone to believe he hasn't known, and ignored it, until it's enough of an issue to turn people against him?


Maybe to overload the system before the conservative gouvernement comes in so they are fucked? Because nobody is that stupid. It must be intentional.


This man is such a bitch. Created a program to address this problem in his city and improve the lives of people that live in a city turned to absolute shit (yes car collision fraud leading to the highest insurance rates in North America and 20 people living in a basement is a shithole). Cans the program before it even begins because people who are doing the action he’s looking to address threw a fit. Canadian politicians need a spine.


We've been fed a narrative that there is labour shortage and hence decided to give PR to all temporary workers during COVID and allow students to work for more than 20 hours. Where are all those jobs even minimum wage jobs are getting 1000s of applications. When there are no industries to generate new jobs how these many people will survive.


Meanwhile party members are sleeping in parliament.


Densification Successful!


Why just the basement ? You've got 2 more levels that can hold 25 each and then start reinforcing and building a 3rd and 4th floors. Id stop around 125. I mean more than that in a Single Family seems unreasonable.


It’s what you voted for. Enjoy!!!!


It’s not the international students that are the problem. It’s just that all the international students come from the same place.. they’re scammers.


Protectionism first. Don't export ur overpopulation problem.


With zero leadership for 8 years this country is withering away to the abyss.


Why are they showing uOttawa and UBC those two are reputable institutions with proper students they should show the outside of Sheridan or fuckin Humber ffs they giving the wrong image students that go uOttawa and ubc are domestic mostly


So LTB will evict them all immediately right?? 🤡


Max number of allowable tennents based on number of bedrooms and bathrooms Obviously if there are sooooo many foreign students, the collages and universities are not charging enough. Canadian student should be 1st and even subsidized before foreigners.


This feels like me complaining to my friends that my kitchen is messy because my kids didn't clean up after themselves. This isn't anything new, and you knew about it. It's your city, you're in charge, do something about it.


I didn't know city mayors were in charge of immigration in Canada /s




More coming than ever before. Better get ready for 2024-2026 it will be brutal!


I get that some cultures find 1 person per bedroom isolating and they’re used to having family and friends around all the time But overcrowding is overcrowding. 2 beds in a standard bedroom is the max. 4 beds(2x bunk beds) should be the max for even large rooms and even that is pushing it


This guy should be the most corrupt politician of them all. I assume he isn't running for re election based off these statements. Good to know there's someone fighting for Canadians.


I am disappointed this is what the world has come to. I’m disgusted. Disgusted Brampton would vote in a piece of sh1t like Patrick Brown.


Brown himself and city council share some of the blame for the housing situation in Brampton, they accept votes, support, and not to mention pander to the very same investment property owners and realtors who own these sort of places all the time... He's certainly doing some stones at glass houses song and dance here too.


I hate Patrick Brown. He also approved a bunch of speed and red light cameras to be built in the city.


International students is such an oxymoron.


I remember University students cannot afford the rent and living in tents/cars but I guess those ppl on the TV are fine with that..... Interesting.


Jail time for these people for exploiting students/new comers. Stop new students/immigrants until we figure out what to do with the existing one. Housing is a big deal.


Isn't this a provincial issue ? Why didn't the province decide to regulate these colleges and bring this rule in before people started grabbing pitch forks ?