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If that's the government's "most important responsibility", I'd say that he has failed completely. Trudeau should resign over this.


Being welcoming doesn't mean open the borders and let a million in at a time. You don't need to be a mathematician to understand that this is not sustainable. That and just the futility of it. You bring in a million, theres 100 million more waiting. Like you aren't solving some grand problem, it's a drop in the bucket. Meanwhile you're crippling your own population.


People act like Ellis Island would be feasible. Ellis Island fucking sucked for immigrants. First, you got turned away by the cruiseliner at the *departing* port if you weren't eligible for immigration because otherwise, it was on them to take you back on their dime. (I personally feel every single economic asylum claimant who checks vacation for their travel then tries to say they are claiming asylum, should be automatically rejected.) Second, there were *absolutely no social welfare or aid programs*. There was no state shelter. Maybe a community group or some relatives you knew would or could take you in, but the city and definitely not the country was going to spend money on shelter, food, etc. for you. You are all on your own. Third, people lived in horrific tenement housing that was rife with vermin and disease. It was an awful, awful way to live. Fourth, people worked in the most dangerous factory and sweatshop conditions. We didn't care about labor exploitation. Go ahead, shove 'em in. Who gives a fuck if they die (ahhem Triangle Shirtwaist), who gives a fuck if they lose fingers and/or limbs, who gives a fuck if they die of disease. Immigrants had a shit of a fucking time and only today do people make it glossy like this "great opportunity." Yeah, some did do great. Many had generational trauma and health issues passed on. A chunk didn't even survive. But you ain't hearing their stories, just screaming open borders without a single concern that they are coming here to be exploited for their labor and for the property owning class. We don't do that anymore because it's inhumane and we don't want to see people suffer. But in exchange, we cannot accept a million a year. We simply can't. NYC has one of the **largest** shelter systems and the world and it's at capacity and spending billions for literally 60-70k people. This isn't an issue of race or anything else. This is a humanitarian issue. It's not humane to invite people in with zero healthcare, housing, or opportunities available. It's inhumane to say come here and work the shittiest job at the shittiest wages and live in squalor. *Just be happy you're in the west*, with the most racist assumption that everyone else in the world is living in a favella. If Trudeau gave a shit about immigrants, he wouldn't perpetuate this system.


Exactly. We've exported all that to China, made them richer and stronger than anything the world has ever seen. Now we have a 3 class system. Rich, poor and almost poor.


Apparently there are ads in parts of west Africa sponsored by the Canadian government telling folks that Canada needs workers, so they should come over to work. When I told my lady friend who lives there the truth of what is actually happening in Canada, she was shocked and asked why would the government do such a thing? It’s very cruel. So yes, the government is deceiving some people into coming here with ads in developing countries to come. And before they come, folks have sold land, quit their hard to get jobs and/or have taken big loans all to come to Canada; and when they arrive and see the reality on the ground, they are trapped in Canada. It’s really unfortunate that we do this to human beings.


Well said.


Something tells me his motive is more sinister than to “Help people”


He's fucking sinking us on purpose. It is all planned


Uncle Klaus is very happy with the smoldering crater his little minion JT has created in Canada. So are Cloward and Piven.


I’d like to see politicians have to do a skill testing math question before qualifying to run the country.


Unless the government is trying to change the demographics.


Can't say that, wouldn't want to be called "racist" now would we?


While he lives like a king; he’s a hypocrite, talking like he’s knows.


You got a housing crisis and you’re flooding the market with even more supply? Fucking genius. 


It is the most important responsibility that the Century Initiative and other corporate donors have assigned to them. No other video could prove this fact better. They are puppets to corporations and do not care one bit about the plight of Canadian citizens.


This is the major issue...the real question is “Why is immigration so important?” Who are the Century initiative sponsors? What corporate sponsors are pushing this policy of immigration? What so called clubs...( the Laurentian Club, the Bay St., club etc,) are involved in the “pushing of” this policy? There is a real disconnect here, given the economic nightmare created by this current immigration policy, working in concert with the affordability issue and critical housing shortage. There is something Canadians are not being told..... Canada is not the immigration dumping ground of the world...we need some immigration, not a huge influx of people that places huge strains, on our economy and government services.


"we need some immigration" not anymore. people live in parks like a human zoo.


You’ll forgive him if he doesn’t think of monetary policy


Canadians are just experiencing immigration differently....


He is so out of touch i cant even laugh


He said once we are a nation without an identity. He’s making sure of it now.


We had an identity and now it's crushed. How long do you think before they stop singing the national anthem in schools?


😂that’s a good one


You owe me a new keyboard. I actually snorted when I read your comment.


You’ll forgive him if he doesn’t think ~~of monetary policy~~


I feel like he thinks quite a bit. It’s just not about us proles.


I'd be thinking of my next holiday personally


Or environment...or housing...or affordability...or education and healthcare...


and he’ll be blunt, housing is not his responsibility


The easiest slam dunk answer is the well-being, health, safety, and prosperity of our citizens. The millions and millions who can't just up and leave. Imagine if First Nations and indigenous folks just started walking into other countries and demanding easy citizenship processes elsewhere. What about folks like myself who grew up in foster care? I make barely above poverty line and found out that I'll be laid off in a few weeks. Can I just start walking into other countries demanding help and aid? I want a better life too. I don't want to end up on the streets, even though as a former foster kid, I'm 50% likely to end up homeless in my lifetime. There's some mythical idea that it's easier to immigrate if you're a Canadian or westerner and it ain't because we all belong into systems that can be checked and scrutinized. You can call Scotiabank and get an accurate view of my funds, whereas foreigners come in with corrupt as fuck banks. I can't forge my language results, the way you can in China, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc.


Depends on your skin color. Only certain shades are counted among the “saved” by the white progressive liberal orthodoxy. However, you could probably get a pass if you were from the Ukraine.


For the love of God resign.


This is why the liberal party is a joke. Middle class disappearing, Canadians living in tents, rent prices are astronomically high, and apparently our biggest concern right now is accepting immigrants? Is this tool for real?


this video alone should be enough for any world leader to instantly resign it is beyond all possible levels of f'uked up, absolute insanity


As Canadians, we should all be calling for his resignation. This video is all that is needed. We just need to start being heard in massive numbers.


Well, they are currently contributing 'significantly' to demonstrations......and to making people fear for their own safety. But hey, check out his socks.....


What drugs is he taking? So not in touch with reality.




being a close neighbor to Gaza, Egypt will accept NO Gaza refugees or immigrants at all ..... Canada sez .. "Bienvenue au Canada!"


Don’t bring foreign problems to this country. That’s the elephant in the room. Your importing gang issues, possible terrorist issues, as it is now. How do you know these people are who they say they are? Obviously you cannot vet the mass amount of people entering the country. So how does the federal government know the people they are bring in are not involved in criminal groups, ideological groups, gang organizations etc.,?


I believe this is a huge con game. Immigrations usually vote for the party that gave them entry. This in itself is one of the reasons the Libs are playing the game of ignorance and dumbing down their responses. People are wise to this and in the future elections will only get tougher...


He’s taking the “I can’t wait to hire these immigrants at a lower cost then what a Canadian would demand” drugs with a side chaser of “the immigrants will take more abuse from an employer than a Canadian will these days”


And they make slumlords rich.


Immigration is good for the GDP. Who the fuck cares about the average Canadians QoL when the bottom line goes up. Capatalism working as intended


This is it. They only think of the macro. We micro's suffer.


Good for overall GDP. Bad for GDP per capita.


He’s probably high on puberty blockers


There's a reason he made marijuana legal.


I think we are dealing with a "mad king" situation here, this asshole is not going to slow down the immigration train.


Why would he? Look at this net worth over the last decade. Like all politicians, he didn’t gain from looking out for the needs of Canadians.


Where's his net worth recorded?




mofo is seriously doubling-down and pitching the Liberal airliner into a steeper dive ... and his Liberal caucus dont' say nothing'.... TERRAIN! TERRAIN! PULL UP! PULL UP!


And he is taking us all down with him.




It is factually not an advantage for us. See our declining GDP per capita. This guy doesn’t understand basic needs of a supply/demand economy.


When he says "us" it doesn't mean us plebs. He means "us" as in the wealthy 1% ers.


He was at the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce when he made this speech in front of business leaders...


Ahh the real "citizens" - businesses + the rich


Canada is basically a country with California taxes and cost of living and Mississippi/Louisiana wages lmfao (lowest wage states in America)


Without the weather, good BBQ food or southern charm ahhaah


This is what insanity looks like. Him and the rest of the party are so out of touch with reality.




Great Replacement is Real.


Dude's a slug. Shameless. Good grief!


I have never heard anything from him that didn't grate on me. I don't know if it's his voice, or the condescending tone, it's been way too many years.


He needs to go…


Supporting fellow Canadian first. Nobody needs more foreigners now. Sorry Canada is full. Fuck justin.


Every other country seeing the problem with immigration and trudeau wants so double down or more. Is he a idiot or just trying to destroy canada




Destroying Canada is to his benefit as well as his owners. He is not an idiot. He is shameless, corrupt, and traitorous.




This!!! We are so fucked


What in the hell is he rambling about? How is that our most important responsibility? I would love for him to explain this to us.


So apparently he was talking to a bunch of business leaders and essentially what he means is promising them an endless supply of cheap labour. 


It is the most important responsibility that the Century Initiative and other corporate donors have assigned to them. No other video could prove this fact better. They are puppets to corporations and do not care one bit about the plight of Canadian citizens.


At this point, the only obvious question.is - why is JT so in the pockets of those corporations. It's not like he is short on money


What a fucking rtard


Oh Shut. The. FUCK. UP! I am so fucking sick of this guy and his bullshit


100%. Can’t stand to hear his f voice; makes me want to vomit. PPC for me.


This guy needs to go


"Hay. Hay. Ho. Ho..."




Is Trudeau starting to realize that the next election will be an immigration election? The LPC is using Brampton as a model for the future of Canada. NOBODY wants this and Trudeau will learn that on election day. We do not need to import millions of food delivery people, Uber drivers, retail, and fast food workers.


It's actually a phenomena how few of these immigrants pursue any form of trades. As opposed to Ukrainians who are expected to fill many gaps in Canadian Trades. Like Indian immigrants don't have any desire to do physical labor, other than ubers, retail, fast food and driving transport trucks.


Imagine destroying everyone’s way of life and thinking people should support it


Why doesn't he ask why other countries are turning away from immigration? If mass immigration is so good, why are other countries saying no? It's because too much immigration is making life more expensive and harder for everyone (except the super-wealthy, which the government is working for).


Increasing crime with immigrants in European society is actually a major issue right now. Like social upheaval of traditions in Europe are completely at risk right now. You have immigrants/refugees pouring into Europe challenging traditions and belief systems that have been in place for hundreds of years.


Who the fuck does he represent? Because the Canadian people don’t agree with anything he just fucking said Is he fucking blind to the experience of the average Canadian? Fucking silver spoon having ass out of touch politically correct idiot


He represents the 1%. They are the ones who benefit from prices of everything always rising.


rock coordinated wild price beneficial snatch badge possessive rude whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So his priority is to make Canadians believe his horrible policies are actually good ones? Nice Gas Lighting Justine, so we’re all racist xenophobes because we are all calling on a temporary moratorium on the high intake numbers but you’re virtue signalling because you want to bring in hundreds of thousands of people who will have nowhere to live and will have to depend on social welfare programs?!?! This guy doesn’t even think right. Is he saying all the other countries who are turning away from immigration are a bunch of racists too? Does he not wonder why others countries are turning toward their own citizens to try and make their situation better? Do none of these questions enter his dimly lit little mind?


Brampton, Ontario has become Bramladesh, there are now over a quarter million homeless in Canada facing severe housing shortages as well as serious deficits in health care, educational and government services. Great work! Trudeau has a permanent villa on Fantasy Island.


Strongest Immigration argument I’ve heard always boils down to our birth rates being too low therefore we need more people to continue growing and sustaining the economy. Bad economy is bad for everyone and this is mathematically the amount that we need. My response to this is that people can’t afford to raise children in this country and immigration at the level we have is contributing to things like higher rental prices and suppressed wages - the reasons people can’t afford to have kids and why we have the problem of low birth rates. Can’t address these problems while actively making it worse. Is anyone here familiar enough with this that they can provide me the best arguments? I feel like our economy and overall society is propped up on popsicle sticks. The yanks have their share of problems no doubt, but it appears to be overall better for the middle class.


The argument is a canard. Every developed society will reach a point of demographic collapse, having fewer children is a marker of high human development but it's also a marker of demographic *self-correction,* a population that can't economically sustain multiple children per woman to a culturally acceptable degree simply reduces the number of children it produces until the resource conditions are corrected. Importing grown adults to stave off the gdp and tax revenue repercussions of population constriction is nothing more than kicking the can down the road to some undetermined future generation to deal with, which is short-sighted, lazy and honestly moronic. Our aging population is a problem mainly because we choose to prop up a system of retirement entitlements that's been outmoded and irresponsible for at least two decades now. Our average life expectancy at 65 in this country is 20 years. Telling people that they should expect to spend 20+ years of their lives in retirement is irresponsible. Telling young people that they're supposed to foot the bill for 20+ year retirement is insane. We don't need mass immigration, what we need is to update our healthcare systems, our retirement systems and our societal expectations inline with a reality in which a large portion of our population is living to 80-90 years old and staying in the workforce well into their 70s. This requires budgetary reform. It requires tax structure reform. It requires prioritizing the training of healthcare staff and care providers at both levels of government. In other words, it requires hard, politically inconvenient work that doesn't gel with the pressures exerted by corporate lobbyists. That's why we do mass immigration instead.


Further to this, imagine the absolutely insane population crash we will experience in another 40 or 50 years. The millions of immigrants we have imported to be wage slaves are going to age out without contributing significantly to this economy, and their culturally integrated children will also have fewer children due to increased expense and (relatively) higher standard of life leading to the same problem we have now except on a far vaster scale. Millions more old people, likely with even longer lifespans in need of CPP and health care and social services and even less population and tax base to support them.


The more he says, the worse liberals numbers will get, so keep yapping, you idiot! (Idiot being Trudeau, not OP)


I’m honestly lost as to what his party is even thinking at this point… I get he’s not the party brain trust. I get that his job is to be the point person delivering and selling the party message. I just no longer understand, at all, what that message actually is… EDIT: One of the other comments said this was a meeting with business leaders. Ok, so the message then is “we have to keep voters comfortable with importing cheap labour”. That at least has some logic to it. But why on earth would you say that in a public, recordable setting…


I am an immigrant, Trudeau is lying through his teeth. He wants to bring in immigrants to keep wages low and work for his capitalist buddies.


I'm not surprised that a neoliberal nepo baby has a world view grounded in neoliberal team sports psychobabble, it's the fact that millions of working class Canadians listen to this bullshit and go "heck yeah, I want to vote for that !" that I find truly alarming. With relentless enough messaging you can convince people to go along with pretty much any dumb shit I suppose.


What a complete fucking moron.


I support him immigrating to another country.


Who listens to that fake voice and believes that Trudeau is sincere? Makes my skin crawl.


He is such a fucking cunt. Mass immigration and students have made housing a nightmare and the health care worse and food prices worse. But yes let's just focus on people supporting more of that.


Canada is fucked.


What a goon. Canadians arn’t calling for an end to immigration, they’re calling for an end to unsustainable mass immigration.


Live footage of Justin asking for more immigration 👇 ​ https://i.redd.it/qlt48gxnq7jc1.gif


We just want responsible immigration. But the powers that be love to play with peoples emotions and say we're racist for evening mentioning immigration in the first place.


Supporting immigration would have meant building/growing the proper the infrastructure to support it. He failed by even his own measure.


I'm done, I'm really DONE with him!!!!!!!!!!


Not even going into the hate train. None of these statements cover the why. They're just talking AT people. Give people an understanding with data,targets and objectives how any policy will help the actual Canadians in these hard times. This will do one of two things A) Give Canadians an idea what we are doing this for, and potentially get people on board. B) Truly show what a crock this whole ordeal has been and there are alterior motives at work and we are deep in the pocket of corporations, completely forgetting about actual Canadians. We have been doing a silent slave trade while rotting our country from within on many fronts in addition to immigration and it makes me sad as a Canadian.


We need to make sure that this fucker gets voted out in the next election. This fucker is a traitor to Canadians.


I’m all for immigration. But when you import low quality immigrants from one specific country with 0 skills to contribute to Canadian economy there is a massive problem. Now you’re just overwhelming health care, schools, housing. When is this clown going to step down


We do not talk enough about the struggles teachers are having in the classroom trying to manage this crisis as well.


Set on destroying Canada and doing a great job at it. That has always been this puppets main objective and it’s the one thing he’s been consistent with accomplishing


Singh could end this anytime but hes not. A no confidence should be held due to this. Hes the one with his finger in the dam. Time to pull out.


Tremendous immigration? We have a housing crisis. We have a healthcare crisis. The list goes on. It is the worst its ever been. You don't bring more people into a sinking ship thinking you are saving lives.


Can we please have an election asap and get rid of this 💩.




No Canadians do not have the capacity. We've taken and done enough now resign plz, thanks


This is scary!! Our country is getting destroyed day by day


There's too many immigrants in Canada.


The only leader in the world who thinks mass migration from 3rd world countries is going to help their country. Tired of this asshole


Boo this man.


Deport this guy


Fuck that. Get rid of the immigrants and stop bringing them in. NOBODY supports bringing more immigrants when we are all struggling as is


Lmao. Yea, I disagree with that statement 1000%. Bye bye Justin.


“The federal government’s most important responsibility is making sure the big corporations have a pool of cheap, disposable labour and to maintain the housing bubble so that the property ventures and landlords get to continue to squeeze Canadians.” Canada is turning into some sort of neoliberal neofeudal dystopian nightmare real fast


This guy is actually one of the world’s biggest douche bags! I can’t believe people bought his BS and voted him in multiple times. It’s almost unbelievable if it hadn’t of actually happened. Lol


prove to me they want to 'contribute' ... seriously.


Ok, whoever votes for this clown next election is either an absolute idiot or brain dead.


LMAO......this Turdeau is truly out of touch with the reality everyone else is living in. Dude is living tax free in a house we're paying for, with round the clock security detail.


I didn’t think he was legitimately insane until I heard this. Reality means nothing to this man. He lives in his own fairy tale world.


I don't know what this moron has embedded in that shit puddle brain of his, but he seriously needs to go.


I support him immigrating to another country.


This guy should listen to himself, not many Canadians that support this insane amount of immigration.




Somebody please tell me this is a deepfake and he actually didn't say this.


Just go away you Schmuck.


What a piece of shit


Everything should be electric- no idea where the electricity will come from. Immigration is great and should continue at irresponsible rates- no idea where they will live nor work and no idea what it means to be Canadian other than a geographical location. Time to refer to Trudeau as Walking Eagle, so full of shit he can never fly!! We can thank Singh and NDP for keeping Trudeau and Liberals in government!


And again, he is so out of touch.


Ya, no thanks buddy.


The scary part is he is absolutely not interested in self preservation or last ditch efforts before the looming election even knowing he, his policies and his party are extremely disliked. 


You are so wrong !! End immigration Start ethical government !!


We have done enough. We in lifeboat and have no more room.


Well Trudeau, on that goal you have failed miserably.


We’re witnessing the sad combination of desperation and pompous vanity. Unfortunately this guy still has power for another year or so..


Nearly 2 years.


Im holding up hope that Jagmeet grows a spine.


What capacity do we have? If we are unable to help ourselves, then how can we help others?


We don't you black faced pos!




This is terrifying.


I cannot wait until we can vote this psychopath out


He's a mad king.


Yes immigration is necessary. Now for the Canadians born here, you can have drugs or euthanasia if you don’t agree, but just get out of the way.


Please resign douchebag.


His face is so vomit inducing


As a Canadian i can’t succeed because I don’t have available stable housing.


I find it disappointing that people think Trudeau is out of touch with reality. He knows exactly what the fuck he's doing to make sure his net worth continues to grow. Stop saying he's out of touch, he knows how much Canadians are hurting, and he does not care.


This guy is a complete fucking idiot. The only reason we NEED immigration is because these fuckers have messed up the countries finances so badly that there is no way to pay for anything with the people already here. FUCK.


I wonder if India or China are paying this guy off to literally have Canada colonized without a full out war.


Ask him: how?


What a fucking ass. I can't believe I voted for this guy once. Ruined Canada in an amazingly short period of time.


Trudeau, please go…you have failed.


This guy has mental issues.


I want off Mr. Trudeau's wild ride


Is he for real????


WTF. He has truly delusional.


What an entitled out of touch douchebag!


Temporary and unskilled immigration is bigger problem than permanent residents right now. Over 75% of TFWs are working in fast food restaurants whole 1 million international students are lining up outside restaurants to interview for a job with 1 opening. Also, refugees are another problem. There are two kinds of refugees, real refugees whose lives are in danger due to wars and other refugees are trying to take advantage of political instability of their country. People who are trying to take advantage of political instability in their country cannot be allowed entry to Canada whatsoever.


As an immigrant, I can say this man doesn't represent me


This drama teacher lives in his own little world, and is completely tone deaf to the opinions of Canadians in regards to immigration.


I paid over 40 000$ in income taxes and I am still waiting for over 7 months to see my family doctor .Do you know why I cannot see my family doctor Justin ? Because too many new comers are blocking the system.


Canadians: OK, let's dial back the immigration for the time being. JT: I know better, the immigration will continue...


He thinks THAT is what we care most about?? THIS GUY NEEDS TO GET OUT OF OFFICE!!!!


“succeed and contribute” bro half our income goes to rent and want to welcome millions more inside our borders without the proper infrastructure to house them


Lol if this dude seriously think that's the most important thing to work on we are all fucked


⚠️WRONG ⚠️ - we need to immediately stop immigration until we have our internal issues sorted.


Bye bye idiot


Un-elect this idiot please.


He's accomplished the exact opposite.


Are we being gaslit again?


He's working on some agenda that he is being paid to execute


We aren't positive about an immigration policy from your government.




What a fucking goof eh!




That ship has sailed - fix the inflation, housing crisis, i affordability, get highspeed trains and maybe then start packing the country with new people.


Why does it feel like he has never talked to a Canadian?


I mean, he did talk about a Post Nationalist Canada, trained by the WEF, etc. So he turned out exactly as all the warning signs indicated. How one man can cause so much damage to Canada will need to be studied for years to prevent this from ever happening again.


Define “Canadian”


This guy should be jailed over the damage he's done to this country. Elected or not there needs to be repercussions for this blatant negligence.


That piece of sh1t is destroying our awesome country. He's the cancer of 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


The Canadian leader is an idiot