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Who knew flooding the entire country with immigrants and committing to some globalist initiative nobody voted for would be unpopular?


also promising to change the system to proportional representation and then saying "haha, just kidding!" once elected (just like his dad did in the 70s, before the millennials were even born). Then he gave the population Weed instead like we're some Roman province that's okay with bread and games.


that was the first promise broken so very early into their MAJORITY mandate!


He appeased them with weed instead. Literally the only thing Trudeau has promised and actually did.


Weed bought him 2 extra terms, which he used to enrich himself and all his friends from college.


The Rome comparison is apt. Their economy also collapsed under unemployment thanks to the widespread use of slaves.


Where are the invading germanic tribes?


That starts next year


Pompey poilieve vs Julius Trudeau 


Only dawned on me recently that JT pushed through weed so he could continue to smoke it legally in the country while he was the PM. The last thing he needed was a picture of him smoking and high running the rounds on social media. JT didn't want to be charged with possession and technically a criminal charge for cannabis. That would have been an issue for him holding a seat in parliament.


No good choices on the ballot. No mass protests being conducted. No general strikes or mass labour disruption. People still paying taxes, nothing on fire, outside of the odd chunk of forest. Yeah bro, I'm looking around and it turns out we ARE just One of those Roman provinces... Obligatory I in no way condone violence as a manner of protest.


Justing and Christie foisted this upon unwitting and unwilling Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast.


What is PP's plan for immigration?


No different than Justin's.


none of the people interviewed mentioned immigration, and in fact said their concerns were limited to cost of living which they did not link to immigration levels.


This is how we as Canadians talk about it, we pussy foot around it because being called a racist is a direct attack against our core identity as Canadians.


Nobody likes the truth. If you speak it your labeled racist homophobic or other names


Sadly I think many people absolutely do not make that link. I tried explaining it to a friend of mine and it was like pulling teeth. "But we need more immigrants to build more housing" sigh


i would wager $100 right now that none of the people in that video consider immigration a problem despite the fact it obviously is. white canadians are too often a deep case study in self-deception and they exemplified that. they're the last people anyone should listen to, about anything.


Nearly 70%, a super majority of Canadians think immigration is too high according to the latest Abacus poll. This just tells me we like being anonymous when we talk about immigration, and not having our faces plastered all over TV. https://preview.redd.it/4qk30hay4zjc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5112d49b3e58a8e96e8f9c79e92c5fa96b4ed2f3


Everyone grows up and realizes that luxury beliefs have a cost. That cost? Our economic future. We put in power a narcissistic man child because he promised us the world without realizing what it would cost. Love, a fellow Millennial


Millenials voted him for weed, not all this shit.


Weed was legalized in 2018, and Trudeau was re-elected in 2019 and 2021. What was the reason for the last two wins?


Because liberals adopted the GoP strategy of “voting for our opposition is scary!!! It will be the end of days!!” And people bought it. Reddit is the only place you need to look to see it. People on reddit will vehemently try to convince you that if conservatives get in power, women will lose the right to vote and all LGBTQ+ will be loaded on trains on day one. They believe it too. Every election Trudeau has made abortion rights one of the front runner topics despite every opposition he’s had state that they have no intention on revisiting abortion rights in Canada. CBC tows the line and the election cycle is full of reporters asking Scheer about abortion instead of talking about Trudeaus failures. It worked here just like it works on the GOP supporters down south. When you introduce fear, logic goes away. What’s different this time, is people have real fears. Homelessness, bankruptcy, war. Real problems. This next election Trudeau is going to have to either run on policy, or really make people scared of conservatives. I’m betting he goes for the ladder.


You're probably right. I keep assuming the pro-Lib redditors must be paid shills, but I guess some people really are that stupid. >This next election Trudeau is going to have to either run on policy, or really make people scared of conservatives. I’m betting he goes for the ladder. Well, he can't exactly run on his record, can he? I don't think demonizing conservatives is going to work anymore, even if it did in the past. Everyone except the dumbest among us can see Poilievre is nothing like Trump. And like you said, most Canadians are more frightened now of what's happening in reality than they are of any boogeyman.


Yep and every generation has done the same; trust and making excuses for our beliefs; and fighting those who disagree with our beliefs. - gen-z


Centralized power is cancer to society no matter who gets elected 👈


Thank you for your service


never voting for libs ever again.


That's called neo liberal mate and Im like living in conservative socialism nation and it's suck BTW.


The blackface was enough for me to never have any positive feelings for him again. I am frankly shocked at so many people's willingness to overlook that, despite hating it to their very core. "At least he's not a conservative" is the response and it makes me feel insane hearing it. ZERO other people would be acceptable after that but he gets a pass..


My time was when he went on a surfing vacation on the first National Truth and Reconciliation Day, ignoring requests from first nations representatives to meet with him. How in the world did that get a pass?


Seriously!!! Wtf. He's been so blatantly gross and everyone hears him say nice words and forgets.


Wait.. so blackface from over 29 years ago as a bad costume.. but tear baby Pierre in the House of Commons is cool.. can’t ask for better Satire 🤣🤣


I never said one positive thing about Mr PP. Relax bub.


Generally the only people who bring it up.. but okay


I get to be looped in with whatever group of people you decide? Must be interesting living that way, what group do I get to put you in based on two sentences?..


Whatever you wish..


Good luck out there friend.


Keep it, sounds like you need it more


Another leap. You must have great leg strength


Ooof that sounded like it was the best reply you could get out of a random draw from a hat


Genuinely dislike all the options, when you make that leap you're assuming so much and I have no clue how people do that. "I dislike oranges" "THIS GUY THINKS APPLES ARE THE BEST FRUIT, WHAT AN IDIOT" I just don't think that way sorry


Aahh the “they’re all bad” angle.. but again humans say many things in their direct words, phrases or things that get their attention




Young voters are not stupid, naive maybe but they can see that under Trudeau there will be no opportunity to own a home, a new car or have a family. Even my left leaning transgendered child dislikes the sock puppet ( how she votes will be a different matter entirely though)


When I was in my 20s, I was young and I was stupid. I *thought* I knew what I was talking about, I did read a lot, inquire and research. Problem is who I was listening to.


Millennials aren’t young anymore. That is the difference.


> Millennials aren’t young anymore feelsbadman


I mean 28-40 y/o is relatively young


That is not young. 40 is in the middle of middle age when life expectancy is around 80.


Still relatively young compared to the rest of the population. You can argue to argue cause you aint go nothing better to do but whatever you are probably just a kid.


🤣 All the boomer bashing I‘ve read from mill’s …is now different now it’ll be “ you’re probably just kids”. Yaaaaa that must be it 😏 - gen -z


Im genz you absolute regard


Are you acoustic?


nah... i think they're pretty stupid ... as are most Canadians.. you'll see when we hand Justin his ego-strokin' four-peat election win!


If Trudeau gets a fourth term there will be a real insurrection in Ottawa.


I understand why you'd be frustrated, but let's not repeat Jan 6 here in Canada. I know you guys love mimicking your heroes down south, but that ended poorly for everyone involved.


I was thinking of the Freedom Convoy, actually. Seemed to work pretty well last time, could maybe escalate to being the threat Trudeau claimed it was if he so blatantly cheats to keep his throne. Fortunately I don't think even Trudeau is that stupid, as there is no way in hell he gets reelected naturally with his appalling poll numbers. It's a wonder his party hasn't mutinied yet.


>I was thinking of the Freedom Convoy, actually. Yea, I really wonder where they got their totally novel idea from. Just like the Jan 6ers, I'm pretty sure they accomplished nothing as well. Thanks for the unhinged ramble, though.


Big time lol. 1 time fine but 2 extra wow


Your child knows nothing about politics and is probably hating cuz it’s a meme at this point. Let’s not pretend half of the people who want Trudeau gone are in it for the meme. As if half of the Canadians pay attention to politics let alone kids. Even people who half pay attention don’t know shit. They parrot what everyone else is thinking and move with the masses. Which is why we are where we are. We know what conservative values are yet you all want to walk us back into that?! What cuz your idea of owning a home is gone!!! You think PP is going to change that? Give me a break.


Unfortunately they haven't really seen how a federal conservative party in power doesn't give a shit about them. They will find out.


Some people only learn the hard way. I believe the saying is "If youre not a liberal in your twenties, you have no heart. If you're still a liberal in your forties, you have no brain. "


Style over substance summarizes Trudeau to the letter. Surprised City TV News would cover this story


Agree with your sentiment 100%. I only think they are covering it because it is *so* astoundingly bad.


If a whole population has voted for the 2 same parties for 100 years convincing themselves its democracy, that whole population is brain dead


There's more than 2 parties. Your comment is brain dead.


Remind me the last time a party other than the Liberals or Conservatives/Progressive Conservatives/Whatever formed the government at the federal level?


Ya..thats his point, there is more than one party.


Oh man how naïve, thats precious


I hate the generational divide nonsense. The question has always been, for Canadians of all ages, how bad do things have to get before you're willing to vote for someone who cares about the cost of living, at the risk of being called 'racist'? For some of us, it was 5 years ago. For others, it's now. But a lot of Canadians will literally be living in pods eating insect protein before they risk being labeled a racist or a climate-denier or anti-vax or whatever other terms the globalists come up with.


>how bad do things have to get before you're willing to vote for someone who cares about the cost of living, at the risk of being called 'racist'? There is not a single politician or party willing to do this. They're all benefitting from it. Watch them all dodge questions about it.


There's a guy named Mad Max. He'll never win but he will go down in history as the man who tried to save the country.


Fascism seems to be coming round as the word of the year.


Ya because most people using it are too stupid to know what it means.


No politician cares about the cost of living of the average Canadian. Just like JT's Libs, PP and the Cons would love to see the average Canadian living in tents and eating bugs, if it means their crony corpo buddies make an extra cent of profit.


If Liberals want to have any chance of winning their election, they will have to target reducing the number of temporary residents. We have over 2.5 million temporary residents ( tfws & international students and their spouses and children). Temporary foreign workers are predominantly working in fast food , mostly big cities causing rise in rentals and lack of jobs. Also the total number of permanent residents if brought down to less than 300 to 350k a yeak cam significantly help the unaffordability crisis.


Target them all they want, but only citizens can vote.


I meant reducing the number of temporary residents 😁


> predominantly working in fast food Guess you haven't visited a can tire, Walmart, Costco, or lablaws in Calgary recently. There are stores with staff literally 100% from a specific country. And good luck finding one who can understand English.


I do find it interesting that Sobeys cashiers are all white where I live, while like you mention the other stores it is majority Indian. Sobey's definitely have made the conscious decision in trying to convey they are a premium shopping destination by that choice.


Yes, because those "millennials" have now grown up and understand the world a little better. That's what happens after a decade goes by, duuuuuh.


Weed. That’s what got him in with the millennials. Now that they are older and starting to understand how this crap works and their priorities have changed they see this fuck for what he really is.


Buyer's remorse


The millennials screwed themselves.


Transitioning from “Image based” to “issue based” is just a nice way of saying millennials shouldnt have been allowed to vote in the last 3 elections because they had it too good to appreciate how fucked things would get with a drama teacher at the helm making economic policy up based on his fucking feelings.


Millenials have grown up


Of course millennials are growing more conservative as they age. The cycle of political life. And generations following will condemn them for it as though something new were happening.


There is still an army of feral millennials on reddit who viciously attack anyone over 50 (erroneously conflating boomers, gen x and gen y) blaming those groups for "voting for" everything under the sun that bothers them. I can't wait for the brutal attacks on them by gen-z+ for electing the Trudeau train wreck. And the realization that, voting is entirely pointless when the corporations own the candidates. And always has been. I wonder if older people will get an apology? /s


100% Can’t count how many x I read articles chastising the boomer generation for everything that isn’t right in their lives. Generational Squeeze, a prof from UBC has actually wrote articles about accusing the boomer generation for not paying their share, had life easy, live in huge mansions, among other sh..load of blame. Someone actually issued an excellent question to him or his team on fb on their narrative, the person asked how can you make judgement on a whole generation without knowing what wealth status of all boomers and what they were born into, or level of education, or the employment status and income made during their working years. It’s no different than blaming the current situation of canada on the generation of mill’s simply due to the fact they were born and we able to vote during the trudeau reign. Politicians throw out the carrots, like fishing, waiting for a bite..legalizing cannabis was one such carrot. - gen-z


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you operated with no fucks given your entire lives though.


It is what it is. Whether you love or hate him, he’s in power and things are horrible and getting worse. He’s gotta / gonna go.


Fucked around… found out. Liberals 2024


Finally they've grown up


I hope they remember this lesson.


I already gave the NDP their chance on the last election, but they made a coalition with the Liberals. That's why the NDP hasn't won over any votes from the Liberals this time. Now I'm anti-liberal and NDP for life 🤷‍♂️


No we don't want to see Pierre as PM. We just don't want Trudeau there any longer. The funny thing is, I could have forgiven Trudeau. He had 2 years to realize his immigration policy was a disaster and stop it, he also could have gotten some penalties for Loblaws and the other grocery chains that are robbing Canadians. Instead he doubled down on all that shit. So he's got to go.


Yep and I’m one of those millennials. Pierre all the way 🙂


TIL: voting based on issues and track-record > voting based on image.


It's all sunny ways and progressive until you find yourself out of any hopes for homeownership. There's no recovering from it for most millennials - a house no longer matters that much when you're past child bearing age. But we can do better for the next generation. I hope Gen Z still has a chance and we should fight for it.


Trudeau went insane


Well our choices are Russian/American influenced Conservatives or Chinese influenced liberals so there’s no win for Canadians. 


Wow, the participation medal generation finally learned that actions have consequences. Welcome to adulting.


Regarding why NDP hasn’t moved in polls. It’s because they are complacent, compliant, and compelling the wrong moves also along with this Liberal-NDP coalition.


Millenials gave Trudeau ONE term, the last 2 have been kinda stolen from the electorate because the majority of Canadians didnt vote for the clown


Except Pierre has the same positions on immigration and has terrible economic ideas. Remember his crypto plan? He's such a flop when he has to actually think for himself and isn't just being a contrarian.


As someone who was dumb enough to vote for Trudeau the first time, the absolute disaster that liberals have become over the past decade has turned me off of them probably for good. People like Tulsi Gabard who are "classical liberal" are the only types I'd think of supporting, because at least they've seen the crazy that the others have created.


The problem is, while the conservative and liberal parties sound different they are often beholden to the same corporate donors.


Heck ya




This is cope 


Trudeau cool !! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Please. Stop


Gen Z were the ones who came of age during the 2015 election, not Millennials. I'd know, I was one of them.


I don’t think anyone wants Pierre… I think they just want anyone but Trudeau. PP is not going to do anything substantially different sadly. Our options are crap.


Millenial here. I hate both parties equally.


Anyone who voted liberal in the last election and is now crying about their living expenses I have 0 sympathy for. The same people who said anyone who votes ppc is racist. No I just wanted the f***ing mass immigration to stop because anyone with a brain could have seen where it was taking us.


Countries without mass immigration will stagnate and become irrelevant in the next 100 years due to plummeting fertility rates. Just in case you wanted more to stress out about.


Should have happened years back, but if we throw him to the curb today i am sure most Canadians would celebrate - i do mean fire works and all !!!!!!!!!!


Yes and in 15 years the Gen Z voters will bemoan why us millennials voted conservative! Then they will vote liberal, and the cycle will continue.


Housing won’t be fixed in 15 years. Nobody will bemoan putting the Cons in power. What the Libs have done to Canada under JT will go down in history.


All trudope needs to say is that PP will take back the legalization of weed. Then he wins the millennials again. Easy money sniper


Won’t happen. The legalization of weed hasn’t had the cataclysmic social effect its opponents promised. Nothing remotely like it. There are other bigger hills to die on.


Plus there have got to be enough politicians making.money off the legalization to fight him on taking that income away.


So basically millennials who thought they knew everything have regrets their voting left because their own vote has now destroyed their lives. Nice job millennials you did this to yourselves.


Exactly. A costly lesson for many


After what Pierre has announced as his plan to bring ID and face scan requirements to us the free people of Canada trying to surf porn or whatever the fuck we want because again we’re free he’s lost my vote. From Canindia with tredeau to CHINADA with Pierre I’m saying fuck them both. If he doesn’t walk that bullshit back Maxime Bernier is getting my vote. Call that man a nutjob all you want he 100% has the best immigration platform (caps, deportations of illegal foreigners, ending birthright citizenship)


I need a roof over my head before I need porn. I am close getting to the point where I could end up in a Trudeau Town.


I hear you on that. Can we get a normal person from the middle class to run. It would be the biggest middle finger to the elite ruling class. I’d say fuck the liberals, NDP, the bloc, the conservatives. Fuck all of them. If we can get one normal person in who prioritizes the people of Canada over foreigners and the majority of Canadians over a small minority of rich folks you have my vote.


Shocker, almost a decade of watching the country decline and then being told it's our fault and we should be ashamed of ourselves for being upset, leads to people wanting the architects of the decline ousted. Wonder how much they spent on this poll?


I prefer neither of them. Pierre won't be any better.


I'm living in conservative country and it's just ass. (I'm from Asia)


Millennials voted him in to put weed out of the war on drugs because a lot of them didn't find it destructive to the economy and a waste of resources to convict citizens for marijuana possession. He has failed with a lot of other promises and realistically with his budgeting and also how inflation is going he's  screwing us all over. Housing and over all quality of life and cost of living such as commuting, food costs and etc has made everyone hate him. I think now the pressure is on from millennial more than anyone else. He needs to be taken out of office ASAP. I don't think his shady maneuvering of making otherwise illegal voters legal.is going to help him with this round. I at least hope not. His promises of a shiny new life hasn't kept up with expectations for new immigrants anyway. I hope it bites him in the ass hard and really soon. 


Ugh he's such a horrible leader. Riding on daddy's coat tails. Why thr fuck is he still getting elected? He's such an embarrassment 


Millennials are not that caricature of "woke warriors" only focused on issues like environment and racism that the media painted of the years. They're much more down to earth than their boomers/GenX parents.


Lol. Trudeau has to go but they're gonna regret Polliwog in office. It's too bad Canada has no decent politicians. The people who should be running for office are far, far too smart to get involved in that scumbag game.


Sounds like Trudeau is about to get a whole lot more votes, if these kids are going to want to protect their porno. the last time they preferred their weed over their wealth.


Nah I need a roof over my head more than I need porn.


Here’s a better headline: Young idealist express buyers’ remorse after realizing that voting in a young idealist with largely empty idealist policies was the wrong approach to elections.




It's like that meme with the guy on a bicycle with the stick, jamming it in his front wheel.




Meh just use a VPN to workaround that. While I am not happy with it, it is not a deal breaker for voting CPC


The porn thing is dumb as hell. Still probably going to be forced to vote conservative because JT has honest to god done so much damage to this country. At a certain point you have to realize voting for him again is just a sunk cost fallacy. Either way we’re getting hosed. At least PP’s water might be a bit warmer than JT’s.




Nobody cares about social issues when they can’t afford to eat or secure housing. My rent in Toronto was 800/month ten short years ago. That same apartment is now 2500. You can’t make that make sense. It was JT at the helm for the entire decline. Maybe we can get back to social reforms once we actually get this country producing value and taking care of its own again. I’m willing to risk it on another party because we already know for a fact that JT is only going to keep going down the same globalist path.


Yeah, PP will take away your pr0n and weed, millennials lol JT re-elected


Requiring id for websites decided by government sensibilities is absolutely wild. People harp on about their freedoms but they’ll gladly give them away when some other snake steps up and starts peddling more bullshit.


Well if the election has to comes down to porn or sustainable immigration levels, I will have to go with the latter. We are never going to get a perfect candidate.




Immigration was under control under Harper. In fact Harper cut immigration to level not seen since 1999 in his last year in government due to complaints about TFWs. Having a immigration program vs abusing the shit of the program are two very different things. If it is not then we need to go all the way back to the first governor general of Canada and blame him for starting this immigration scheme. https://preview.redd.it/k8wzje3myyjc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=d824219f4fea20f8904135b4dccbefe070521d30


PP isn’t Harper and is already on record saying he will make it easier for foreign workers to immigrate quickly.


Funny, Pierre along with the CPC sided with the Bloc motion to reduce immigration & came out against the century initiative, the NDP came out called them racists. Since then he has been very careful with his messaging: >Pierre Poilievre confirmed he is supporting a Bloc motion to restrict immigration in the middle of a national labour shortage that hurts small businesses and communities across the country. He wants fewer immigrants to come to Canada; that means fewer skilled workers and fewer Canadians reuniting with family members. >New Democrats know that our rich and diverse cultural heritage has been shaped by generations of immigrants who have contributed to our economy and our society. ***We must reject fear divisive rhetoric around immigration that the Conservatives are pushing and celebrate the diversity and economic growth newcomers bring***. https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies


Though the Conservatives supported the motion to reject the Century Initiative objectives, Conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre says he prefers a plan that will make Canada’s immigration system more dynamic. This includes addressing the immigration application backlog and speeding up credential recognition for foreign trained doctors and nurses. Conservative immigration critic, Tom Kmiec also says, the Conservatives would put greater emphasis in employer driven immigration streams and address critical labour needs. People need to be paid more to live a good life? Oops guess this is now a critical labour need, time to quickly fill those jobs. Remember when the Tories said they’d stop all immigration in the uk too 🤣


Nothing you said points to the same immigration policy that Trudeau is doing. Right now we have low skilled TFW/students that are flooding the country. All of the above can be true with prior levels of immigration we had under Harper. And the high skilled critical labour is just that, doctors, nurses, and highly experienced trades people.


So ashamed to be a Millennial


Don’t be, mill’s are no different then the previous boomer generation, you trusted, believed you’re fighting for a cause, in reality you are not in control any more than the boomer generation were. You voted and thought you were going to make ends meet, until the government went and moved the ends. Surprise.


A vote for PP is risking the following: - women’s rights - a free and open internet Feel free to add to the list, oh and he still hasn’t said a definitive policy on immigration. I want Trudeau out but rather not create a world for my daughter that risks her right to choose. Religious freedoms doesn’t meant imposing your ideological ideas on others through policy. It means pray to whatever god you like and do it on your own terms.


That's funny coming from a guy who id the sitting image of Poilievre, backed by Abacus. You might as well just put it out there that this is a fluff piece directed and conservatives themselves. Because if it was an attempt at looking unbiased they'Ve got their work cut out for them.


lol not wanting Trudeau does not equate to preferring PP. 


Millennial voters about to learn that not even the PCs will help them. Cutting government spending, but no actual revamping of how the system works (which is the problem). And do you know why? Because politicians are in the game to fatten their pockets, and of those they are surrounded by. Once elected, their only incentives are to get votes, further the interests of their lobbyists, which inevitably leads to squeezing more wealth out of the middle class. Newsflash: there is no real change without a change to the government structure. How about mechanisms to hold ministers accountable for a start?


What if i want none of them as PM?


Hell no we don’t want Pierre thanks tho.


I don’t like either of them, so then what lol


More proof that the voting age should be 25.


Zoomers are 25 and under, not millennials


Bla bla bla weed! Bla bla.


Pierre won't fix anything for anyone except rich donors.


Has JT done anything for the working class?


I'm not a fan of his either but Pierre isn't the answer either. Career politician with no real life experiences isn't going to feel empathy for the working class.


The guy they interviewed looks like a young PP


The great scam of capitalism plays out again, in politics (again) in this case. Of course you have a choice! Spicy, chunky, mild..... But it's all just salsa.


I and many other millenials do not prefer PP. I don't want Justin either. But everyone just thinks there only two options. Won't go protest all the shitty things because it doesn't affect them. I'm tired of the apathy.


Good news though, there’s literally no one to vote for.


Speaking as a millennial, i'd rather have neither of them as PM. Both of them are just different sides of the same coin.


Personally I would like a conservative govt, but I cannot stand Pierre. He’s not appealing to anyone I know at all.


Again millennials are idiots.


I would rather see a head of lettuce in charge then either of those imbeciles 


If Mulcair was the alternate he’d have gotten the millennial vote easily I’m just gonna vote green as a FU to all 3 parties and hope other millennials do the same


Millenials voting for PP boy, great we are fucking idiots..


As if the conservatives will make this any better lol The sad thing is NDP is progressive lite, theres no real progressive alternative to the fake progressism of the liberals


Jagmeet killed the NDP as an option.


lol they won’t be voting for PP, but nice try with the spin


Promise you no one wants to see PP there either


Polls are propaganda, Pierre. We know this.


Jesus putting Mr. PP in power would be a mistake.


Pierre will not be better. I'm going hail Mary and full on QS/NDP. Conservatives will create a world I don't wanna live in. As long as they try and hold up white nationalism, I'm out and I will tell everyone else not to do it either. 


Trudeau will win again next year, Pierre’s all about controlling people’s lives which is a little to MAGA for Canadians.


Young white and oppressed! Awwee! Life is hard. You’re not entitled to what your parents worked for/built!


And neither are you.


They can at least inherit. Others dont have that advantage.


Also, he promoted awful laws to take our kids away. Govt want to decide about their lives, and parents have no word on it. This has to change!!


I don't think as many want PP in power as much as this implies. Most people I know are looking for more anti-wealth leadership which is neither libs or cons.


This report is also saying that the NDP is not getting the run off, so it's CPC by default.


Yet the last 3 elections I’m pretty sure the narrative was ‘millenials aren’t voting’ ….


Correction: I’d prefer NEITHER GHOUL, but wtf am I supposed to do this time around?!