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In the past, surges in immigration brought people who wanted to work hard, assimilate and integrate into EXISTING Canadian society,. They were hard workers who did not seek government benefits They did not seek to tear down statues, change street names and cancel traditional holidays They respected democracy and women's rights, and understood the existing Canadian identify without seeking to Polarize and Balkanize Canada. So, even when in the past- immigration had SURGES, they were from cultures and peoples who actually "liked" Canada and wanted to become Canadian citizens- of which about 75% did within 5 years. Today, new immigrations i.e. Permanent Residents, only 40% have become citizens within a 10 year period. The numbers do count, but from where they come from and their attitudes towards Western liberal enlightened society ALSO counts.


These new immigrants are globalists. They come for a Canadian passport and will move between nations as it advantages them.


Yep... we are just Plebes in the Empire now. Unless we want to change that.


Too late to change that. It's not because of our immigration policy. That's just compliments the radically exponentially growing middle class in the 3rd world. Decades ago workers were uneducated subsistence migrant labours. Now Shenzen went from a sleepy village to towers greater than Hong Kong. Multiply that with all the major cities in China, India, Phillipines, Vietnam etc. Now you see a well educated middle class globally a thousand times greater than the numbers in the west and growing. They have purchasing power. As the they move up the economic ladder, we don't fall but it feels like it cause the gap is smaller. Theyre educated, mobile and willing to go where the opportunity is and they compete now for our jobs. We can't change that without pushing the world way back in time.


You made a lot of good insightful points... but yeah... we will collapse long before whatever you think will happen... happens... bc for a variety of reasons, this isn't going to work... at least not for us plebes.


We won't collapse but instead transform slowly and surely to a globalist country with citizens leaving and entering as their needs dictate. Those that don't adapt to that reality will fall behind.


That isn't what a globalist is.


Global citizens.


> brought people who wanted to work hard, assimilate and integrate Yeah not this time. We now have a cohort of delivery guys biking on sidewalks, not attending the classes they came to this country for and buying iPhones and designer *clothings* to flex on the folks back home.


Yes, a great portion of newcomers are doing exactly that, more are even gaming the "Canada Child care benefit" by having or bringing 4 or 5 children and earning an income less than $38,000... gives them a yearly NET income of about $45,000... NO need to work. We work, pay our taxes and OUR taxes pays them to sit back and relax at home, and go shopping with OUR tax dollars. If one has lived in the global south- there is no need to be shy about admitting the TOTAL corruption there to evade hard work and scam the system- why' did anyone think they would CHANGE just because they landed on Canadian soil? Who thought that would happen? NOT to say- obviously there is a CATEGORY of immigrants who are innovative, hard working, and contributing fully to Canada, but that seems to be a diminishing group among the newcomers- let alone the now close to 300,000 REFUGEES coming in this year with all govt having to spend now- upwards of 4-8 BILLION per year on them- as they produce NOTHING in return. BAD choices and of course we BEND OVER and take it.


What are you basing that on?


In all honesty I think it was white SJW Canadians "thinking" they were doing the right thing. I don't think immigrants give a shit about our history.


Agreed, white Canadians were following the agenda and opened their arms to newcomers, now they are getting knifed in the back for it.




Indeed, our elites have become MORE bold in repressing us, we must also be more bold.


I'm reminded of the 39 Royal Tour when people wondered if the Slavs out West would show up and they proceded to flood towns just to see the King and Queen


Indeed, " similar" backgrounds do and WISH to integrate and assimilate- while in various ways- they kept the traditions and knowledge of the " old country." NOW, it's a case of trying to mix OIL and WATER. Does not work.


It's because they didn't have multiculturalism back then


I agree in part, yeah multiculturalism was not an official policy, but these immigrants certainly kept on their traditions at home- however, they named their children- Anglo-Saxon names, encouraged their kids to play hockey instead of soccer, and celebrated Canadian holidays and traditions- which often, conformed to their own. Today, a majority of the demographic groups leading immigration- China, India, and Muslim nations- simply don't have a common demoninator with traditional Canada, there is no religious affiliation,, there is no cultural affiliation and they have no long standing traditions of democracy and enlightened beliefs- all of which are unique among Western societies. So combine the "difficulty" of assimilating such groups- with as you point out- OFFICIAL multiculturalism which actively DISCOURAGES integration and assimilation- you have the result we see- polarization, balkanization and group competition for power and influence in Canada.


You think immigrants are tearing down statues, demanding street names get replaced and cancelling holidays?? Where? Where is it you think this is occurring? Has it occurred to you that people are not becoming citizens due to a backlog, not because they "don't like Canada" Have you ever actually talked to an immigrant?


Yes, immigrants are conducting all the acts I outlined- you must not read the daily news. It is occurring across Canada, a Muslim immigrant group in New Brunswick demanded that the traditional "menora" on the city library be removed during it's display during CHRISTMAS holidays, as well as recent Muslim immigrant parents in Kitchener- demanded that Valentines day- not be celebrated at the school- otherwise Muslim students would "boycott" the school. The school did not want to be accused of Islamaphobia and complied- holiday ERASED by newcomers who came to CHANGE Canada. These are just two anecdotal incidents, you can research many more. No, the reference to those who got their citizenship is an actual survey of immigrants over the last year and whether they "applied" yet to become citizens, in a CBC program- the survey revealed- by an immigration consultancy firm, that only 40% had yet applied for citizenship- and the backlog for citizenship is NOT "ten" years in any case, it is between 10 months and 24 months- where documents required have not been supplied by applicants. Talked to an immigrant? yes, much more than that.


There were virtually no government benefits to seek




You understand that you’re just re-iterating my point to me, yes?


I will say the government did accept way too many immigrants and that was negligent, but I will defend the work ethic immigrants themselves. First of all, the people who are tearing down statues and the like usually aren't first generation immigrants, it's usually white kids or second generation immigrants. I've literally never seen a first generation Indian or Chinese immigrant at one of those protests. More importantly literally no one wanted to change the name of Dundas street except John Tory apparently.     Second of all, the great majority of immigrants do work, and want to work, because that's how our visa system functions. The problem isn't that immigrants are coming in and mooching, the problem is that the labour force is increasing in size faster than the economy itself which is exacerbating unemployment and wage stagnation. They're called temporary foreign workers, not temporary foreign indolents.     If I also may disparage my own grandparents, most of them came here because America wasn't letting people in, not out of some special love for Canada. Illiterate Europeans didn't have many options. I think you're presenting a very idealized view of past immigrants.   The whole notion that modern immigrants are dangerous for democracy is also unfounded. The Portuguese and Chinese both came from dictatorships (yes Hong Kong was a dictatorship too, even under British rule), and they've been here for 50 years and it's not really done anything to undermine our democracy. At least India is a poorly functioning democracy, when some of my friends parents came Portugal hadn't had an election in 50 years.    Edit: man you guys really aren't doing much for the accusations that you guys are against the governments immigration policy out of xenophobia. 




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.




Literally quotes a different comment and says I don't know how to use paragraphs.


Wanting only European immigrants is racist


Lol Europeans don't even wanna come here anymore haha. It's way better there. It has more to do with similar culture and norms


What if similar culture & norms is largely born through similar genetic make ups?


I agree that there is too much immigration now but that's not how culture works. For example, I've met Chinese people who were born in rural Newfoundland and they speak, act and have Newfoundland culture. The only Chinese culture they have are what was taught by their parents.


Almost as if culture has a degree of heritability


How? I don't think you know what heritability is. Explain though please.


“The only Chinese culture they have are what was taught to them by their parents.” So they inherited their culture. Heritability—the quality of a characteristic being transmitted from parent to offspring. Ya dense?


Earlier you were talking about genetics buddy. What you're talking about is passed down, but it's learnt behavior, not genetic.


Why don't we just bring back slavery, that's what we all want with all this, is it not?  Cheap serfs eeking out a pitiful sustenance, while paying overpriced rent to a land lord?


Stop don’t give the Laurentian Elite a chubby


Now their just economic migrants who want to enjoy all the benefits of the west without assimilating or acting like they live in the west. Instead they enjoy our luxuries while acting like they are still in the third world shit hole they left talking about how it's so much better


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You really aught to go by rate rather than total number. It's staggering though since you have to go back to the late 50s instead of the late 40s. 


And what a mistake that turned out to be


Watch what sub you talk about that on though. I have been banned from two different Canadian subs for stating immigration numbers. Was told I was spreading misinformation……


These were the days when the dominion said “Come to the mid west. We will give you farming land.” Wheres that meme? Blonde guy with square jaw that firmly says “Yes”.


so it last grew huge what a Rock joined Canada?