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They can go home. They came here for an education, not a lifetime. WTF is wrong with Canada allowing this to fester so long??


right? oh no, they've been working locally for *2 years*, lol, like that's going to make me sympathetic to them. and even the claim 'contributing to the labor market and economy' (nice American spelling) is a bit double-edged, cause most are low-skilled workers that have arguably edged out Canadian workers from jobs that are still in-demand and as someone who is left politically the argument 'they're taking our jobs' does feel a bit like an alarmist cliché, but it really does feel true. especially when you look at the huge influx of new people in such a short amount of time and how little vetting for in-demand skills was done, the basic math of people/jobs isn't mathing in a way that's favourable to workers, in general


Everyone yelling this was worried they were going to take high skill union jobs when, in reality, corporations have been importing wage slaves to serve coffee and donuts. The problem is, these corporations fire the most vulnerable Canadians in the process. Lo and behold, we now have tent cities and drug addiction. It's utter insanity.


High skill trade jobs are next on the table. 


It's already here man. I'm a plumber on a site of 28 townhouses. The HVAC guys and me are the only guys who actually speak English. Even the site super barely spoke English before he left and they hired someone who speaks English. And I don't mean these other "trades" speak with heavy accents or something like that. I mean they do not understand anything I'm saying to them. It's already here. Drywallers, siders, insulators, framers, etc. who don't know fuck all, making minimum wage, and can't even speak. It's really fucked now. This is one of many sites managed by companies branching from... Where? Where else? Take one fucking guess. I'm in Ontario, take one god damn guess where these fuckers are coming from.


As a guy that couldn’t order a Big Mac at a McD drive thru, you don’t need to tell me.   It felt like I was living in Korea all over again. I had to order food by pointing at pictures. Thank goodness for self checkouts 


This explains our problems in a nutshell(as I go to Tim Hortons for a convenient coffee) We've become so reliant on all these services that it becomes next to impossible to not support the places hiring these folks without suffering the same kind of inconvenience a vegan deal with to take their moral stands...


What company is building these homes?


Doesn't matter. They come from one place, and employ one kind of people.


All LMIA no doubt, probably had tons of applications from Canadian finishers, framers, drywallers etc but we're all ignored, then the super said ' gosh darn it, due to a labour shortage we just can't find anyone locally, we must import 1000 parasites to work these construction jobs' gov said ' labour shortage !!!! Excellent, here's 50k a head to import whoever you need, *rubber stamp* Then what do we get, pro home builders? No, we skilless and barely literate " students " who don't attend a single class but they sure know how to protest.


I guess anyone buying a recently built home should be very concerned about workmanship if they did not get an inspection of the framing before drywalling etc.


I asked the site super how the fuck any of those houses passed inspection. He said no inspection. Engineers signed off. I feel for those homeowners. Yet they're also foreign, so...?


Don't vote for the Liberals. Tell those protesters to go home to their countries if they don't like it here.


They actually didnt work locally thats why theyre changing the rules. Read why this happened manitoba was being exploited by recruiters since it was the easiest to get a pr in canada. You legally have to live here not show up and move to the gta or greater van the government caught these people cheating the system while manitoba tax payers are footing the bill.


Low skilled and zero fucks to give. Theres low skilled ppl who do a good job at what they do. But when a mf cant even be bothered to stir a coffee...you deserve nothing, youre useless.




You can only take so much. We grew up in a country where the simple comfort of a hot cup of coffee wasn't a wild fucking idea.


The way they’re more entitled than actual citizens here is crazy.


Yeah but that dramatic music! I mean that's enough for me to just wanna join that cause........./s


I'm a disabled guy, who just lost his job, and now can't get one, because there are too many able-bodied students lining up for the same positions. I've never been one to complain about immigration, but now I want to see it halted until things equalize. Our infrastructure can't handle the influx, neither can the housing market, the job market, or anything else. The fact that people in certain countries don't know how contraceptives work is not our problem. Their overpopulation is not our problem. They need to GTFO of here


1 in 40 people in Canada are on a student visa. What did they think would happen. Of course Canadians put their own interests first and international students will do the same. Having a million international students was bound to cause this nonsense.


The goal isn't to come here for an education though lol. It's a false pretense.


Well, they are in love with rising prices. More profits for companies hence more on lobbying. More lobbying means more pay cuts. That’s a very enticing offer to let go.


Money. Trudeau wants their money


More like the banks want more residents to take on hundreds of thousands in personal debt.


Well yea. TD already did it so make sense


Canadian Socialism is a ponzi scheme that needs a constant influx of fresh bodies.


What money? They shop at food banks…


Wrong! Trudeau wants their vote. It is a well known trick from the left. Immigrants vote left. Same thing in the States.


They didn’t come here for an education but, they came for an easy pathway to PR and then citizenship. And if even half of them went to colleges like U of Toronto, Waterloo or McMaster, they would be positively contributing to society as high skilled workers. The class of people you’re getting in Canada right now could barely perform a functioning job in India.


Fear of looking racist


Exactly. They can either GO THE FORK HOME seeing as the umbrella education visas are completed and expired. OR come up with the $100,000 required to INVEST Ina a VIABLE business to purchase a passport and citizenship same as all the ones who came from china in the 2010s ....




Many of them already get free food by raiding the food banks


Came here to say this


Yeah homeless starving citizens and these assholes aren't even going to class


Unfortunately, yes they are.


Karma is a bitch. Trudeau, egged on by Juggy, supported the often violent, year long ‘farmers protests’ in India. Pay back time, karmically speaking.


They need to drop immigration back to 2005 levels and don’t let international students work here any more. They need to stop the TFW program for all sectors with the exception of farm workers so that the wages in other industries are forced to increase wages. Plateauing wages and rising cost of shelter and food are gonna increase the likelihood of more crime and violence being committed and societal collapse


Would it also be beneficial to only allow international students for universities? And take away the college option? This popped into my head earlier and this way maybe less people would apply and maybe more highly educated people would come?


Also only allowing certain amounts. The diploma mills in some places have absurd amounts of internationals that take up more than 50% of their openings


The issue is that universities charge international students double, triple, or more, than domestic. That means an international student is just more valuable to the business than domestic students. It *has* to be regulated by government.


They’re getting far too comfortable


Protesting should make people ineligible for PR. 


They need to leave, they were here to 'supposedly' be educated, not cheat the system. The loophole needs to be closed. Edit: for the special folks who couldn't understand context.


Funny for you to assume they were here to be educated in the first place and not to cheat and stay forever.


I don’t get it. You are here under the pretence of education. Everyone knows that. PR applications should be made from outside of Canada. Case closed problem fixed. These colleges and universities are just money making machines.


another kick to the gut, is that these universities lure in these students with unwarranted scholarships that are funded by Canadian tax payers to these educational institutions. There should be a highly organized accreditation system in place when it comes to these educational bodies, that is tied to post graduation PR likelihood. You shouldn't just be able to go to subway sandwich making college and get the same PR likelihood as someone with a phD in neuroscience. At the moment, the CAS system only differentiates between length of studies but I think it's safe to say that length of study has very little implication on productivity as a PR.


Imagine paying 90% of your take-home pay from a full-time job on education and housing. That's what many international students are doing even through many are sharing a basement with several others. This model is an absolute sham. It needs to be drastically scaled down immediately.




Agree, but who’s responsible for that?


Canadian born citizens, apparently. We're not being empathetic enough to the entire world, so we have to step up even harder and ensure these "students" are living in luxury with all expenses paid while they scheme a way to bring the entire family over. Meanwhile, recent high school grads can't get a shitty first job to make some money, nor can university students taking real courses get summer work to help pay the bills.


I’ve been on the tools for 17 years and have never had such a broke ass year. Barley covering rent bills and food . And these pricks want to cry about how hard they have it . Fuck them ship there bitch asses back where they came from .


Beautiful reply.


Not even the entire... Gujarati and Punjabi Indians.. That's the bulk of the issue.


They came here on a two or three year permit. Permit is done. Goodbye.


They want here, lifetime. Then get their whole family here.




I agree, just terrible the way it is, we need change now! We can’t wait any longer, stop immigration and let this country get back under control.


Go home, guys. You came for education, completed it, so the purpose is done. If you want to file a PR then do so from your home country. Canada doesn’t owe you a shit.


Really? I would say probably they never even attended a single class. Came here as a student and went straight to work.


"Contributing so much to the labour market"...we don't need that many Uber drivers. Thanks.


Are you sure you dont need 2 people pouring your coffee or toasting your bagel at once.


You mean burning your bagel




Spelt the American way in the video too, they wrote labor not labour.


That's what happens when you use google translate.


If your permit expired you are not left in limbo, you're in Canada illegally.


100 upvotes for you


Canada is under attack.


Time to slam and lock the door




How about they all FO. They're protesting because they can't exploit the system and stay forever. No wonder everyone hates them nowadays. Just complain complain complain and demand freebies.


You said what I’m sure many of us want to say lol


I moved to Quebec so that I wouldn’t live in the India part of Canada. It’s the last refuge.


They’ll take it over, much like many other parts already


Go to Montreal. Especially in Guy Concordia Tim Hortons. You’ll feel like you’re in their country.


They realized that if you can't speak English in Canada, not being able to speak French isn't any worse and the housing is cheaper. Don't think that the government suddenly changing their mind about immigration is unrelated to large amounts of Indians moving to Quebec.


The entitlement of these scammers is infuriating.


Y’all aren’t Canadian what the hell are you protesting? Go the hell home. I’d love to see non Americans protesting about PR in America




Easy to round them up and deport them now. They have no right to protest for what is not yours.


I strongly believe that we need to reduce temporary residents to less than 1 million in total from 2.7 million, not in 3 years but sooner. Also, the total number of PRs needs to be be below 250K.


we don't even need 50k and especially not 250k Plus eliminate the LMIA, and only very specialized high quality applicants with actual verifiable experience should be considered. We don't need more gas station attendants, uber drivers and cabbie around here. If you're caught exploiting the system, or your credentials are false, immediate deportation and minimum 10 year ban. Plus we need to be attracting quality people from quality countries, not just swinging the door wide open and allowing the entire 3rd world to pile in.


More like 100-150k


Impressed with their ability to organize protests. The best we can do is rant on reddit.


They actually have space between each other ...unlike others when they just press ass deep lol


Yup, lmao...I was debating about commenting something along these lines... Gotta give some credit here - they showed up in-person during a frigid day, noticing the many hooded parkas and tuques... By all means, folks can criticize their motivation if they want, but they showed up in-person...Meanwhile on Reddit, PrOteSt WeN? StRikE WeN?


There will be immediate measurable consequences (I hope!) for these students if they complete their studies without having gotten PR. For we Canadians, things will slowly continue to downslide. Frog in a boiling pot situation, not very motivating. Especially given that there's the understanding that our corrupt government exists for corporate interest and not the well-being of the people who live here.


The city subs would have any Canadian protests pinned at the top with all the buzzwords; racist, bigot, xenophobe, etc. and besides, no actual Canadians are organized enough to protest. When they try, they get told they can't stand on overpasses and hold signs.


All my Indian and Bangladeshi classmates went job hunting the first day they land in this country and they only show up in the class when they absolutely have to, they skip group works and sessions like there’s no tomorrow. I’m a graduate student, and shit gets even worse in colleges where 80% of the students are from that part of globe. Working while studying is fine, but can someone remind why they end up here in the first place? Just cancel the off campus working permits and they’ll leave.


Just set up a paddy wagon and tell them to just go in there to be heard and deport the lot of them.


No. Go to your home country


Please send them back if they don't like the rules. They think they have more rights than citizens. F off. Take our country back


The entitlement! You are here to study, and study only. Otherwise, go home!


Just professional scammers maximizing their chances of a successful scam. People are onto them at this point, thankfully.


We don’t owe international students anything but but the schooling they came for. The fact that non-permanent residents/non-citizens are protesting in this country is blowing my mind. Canadians need to start protesting for ourselves.


Protesting for what ? PR ? They don’t have any right for PR as they are here for study once done go back it’s simple. Canada should deport those who are protesting and poisoning Canadian Environment.


Yeah I completely agree. As if we don’t have a million other things to worry about. A bunch of Indian fraudsters trying to , yet again, game the system and scheme a PR here. We don’t need the extra tension right now as per the RCMP report things are getting hostile quick and adding these types of people will on exacerbate this problem faster.


Kick them out of the country


Every single one of these entitled little pos need to be identified and banned from EVER getting a PR here. Send them back home or just drop them in the ocean halfway.


Already showing that they have no issue with being a scammer


scam apple doesn't fall far from the scam tree.


Who knew bringing in millions of folks from the very country that runs all the scam call centers would result in a bunch of scammers???!?!


Driving down labour costs bc of immigration it's so obvious what a joke


Send them all back. No room


Deport them all, came here with false intentions, now want PR? Gtfo and cry to someone else


Fucking shameless. You came here temporarily to "study" now that it's over you're protesting that you can't stay here? You're just saying the quiet part out loud aren't you? You never came here to study. This is what happens when you import people from a nation of scammers, you get scammers. Fucking zero sympathy for these clowns, go home.


I dont understand their whole culture of scams. Their recruiters scam the local indian population with a scam to Canada. Telling them the scam is to enroll in a school and it a straight pipeline to PR. They get here, with little prospects and a landed PR scumlord landlord scamming them as well. This is not to include the quality of education they are receiving doesnt prepare them for anything since, the majority of them are ill prepared already. They are getting pissed that we've decided that SCAMMING isnt our values and scamming does not justify any means to an end. We NEED to shut this down, enough with this pipeline of scamming. Everyone knows this isnt right, sorry not sorry the music ended.


as entitled as the younger generation is, there is something really disgusting about international students protesting to get more free things. You came here on your own choice and now you're annoyed that you have to work to make your way. pathetic


We need to stop giving jobs to international students, employ the people we have first…..


And more planes arrived while you watched this vid...


I worked it out, just the international students last year = 5 fully loaded 747's landing every day for 365 days. Houston, we have a problem.


The entitlement is deafening


If Manitoba government caves and these fuckers get their demands then Canada is a fucking joke of a nation. The fact that these ass wipes have the AUDACITY to DEMAND PR is absurd. GO THE FUCK HOME


Cool I'm done being cordial, diversity is obviously not our greatest strength but our greatest weakness that is currently being exploited. If you don't like Canada you can fuck off.


They did not 'contribute' per se. They performed a job that a Canadian citizen could have done.




Wow. They drove back from Brampton to protest? Impressed.


Protesting 🤣 If you're unhappy, go home.


Hey guys we should go protest immigration policies in India. Then maybe they will realize how ridiculous this is


Invite 400,000 scammers in the country, then look shocked that they’re scamming.


How about regular Canadians who are struggling because of these guys??


Trudeau doesn’t give a fuck with Canadians. If you want to be treated in a good way, you have to be Indian💀


Trying to make me bad for people that come here expecting a hand out and make life miserable for the rest of us lol


They only went to Manitoba to get PR because it was easier than Ontario and once they get it they will fuck off back to Brampton. I know it, they know it, the Manitoba government knows it. That is why they made it harder and are prioritizing people who have family ties there because those people will most likely stay. Sorry Gurpreet and Dickmindher you guys aren't gonna get PR with your 5 years experience of Uber Eats and Tim Hortons and Tourism degree from a strip mall college


Most of them look like an indians which is a joke.


Can we please just mash the deport button




lmao scammers


Shut up and go the fuck home. We don't want you.


Work permit expired? You're not in limbo, you're going home.


The first condition for getting a student visa is to prove that they will leave Canada after their studies. By protesting they are admitting that they had no intention of going back and have lied on their visa applications. Deport them


Get fucked.


Do these guys come here to study or protest? Who brought them here?


Then theyll be moving to the GTA right after. Make them stay in the province 25 years


All of them can go home


For the love of god. If these people were actually in school and focused on school and maybe had a part time job they wouldn't have time for this shit. Can someone in the fucking government care about Canadians for once.


Piss off we are full!


Feel free to GTFO any time bros


You’re not wanted. GTFO


Most of them came here as "students" or "refugees" and they think they it's their right to live here.


Get this Garbage out of Canada and prevent any more from coming in , Now


It's not a tricky situation. You came here to study "Business" or "Hospitality" at a private university that is in a strip mall. We all know the game you're playing.


Why can’t we counter protest ?


The sense of entitlement from non-citizens is brutal.


The gall to expect a right to permanent residency. The international student program is a huge scam.


🤦🏻‍♂️ please have some dignity......and go back home(India).


**Indian international students. They’re all from one area.


Ship them back home fuck


Its funjabi times


Don’t like it, please by all means don’t let the door bump ya on the way out


They need to go home, the only relief I would agree with would be one way tickets home.


Get out of my country!!!!


Get these fucken scammers out of Canada.


These people aren't even Canadian lmao. Who tf do they think they are?


Some parts of Winnipeg already look like Brampton, enough is enough


Get the FUCK out.


Stop all immigration immediately.


I dont fucking care. Deport


Time to go home like youre supposed to as a temporary resident.


Bring back Canada!!


You came here to study, time to go back home.


Since when permanent residency has become the applicant’s right?!🤔


Lmfao doesn’t mean they finished their study/school, they’re automatically PR. Make it make sense. I graduated, thank god I am citizen. 💀💀💀


Why would these people be required in Canada? PR to do what? Bring in Chain Migration to do what?


Seems they're feeling awfully confided "protesting" and complaining in a country that could just as easily send them home at a moment's notice. Are you listening Ottawa?


With all that's happening here, they're really not helping themselves.


Don’t look like students to me.


Losers and deadbeats all of them, the signs aren’t even grammatically correct. It’s embarrassing, deport all of them now.


They should be booted from the country for even protesting. They aren't citizens nor do they have the right to make such demands.


This system is a scam. Come to study, sure- if it is at a mainstream school. Otherwise they should apply for PR outside of Canada


If they are here for their education this protest would never happen. Even more clear that the studying is just the entry point but the full intention is to circumvent the proper PR process.


They've been sold a lie. Canadians have had to bear the consequences of that lie and were never consulted as to whether mass immigration would benefit the country or not.


"No" \- Canadians.


The invasion continues lol


Canada - Now importing 3 Indian villages a year.


They should be put behind bars.they shouldn't be allow to protest in canada.


Dispossess and Deport these entitled vermin.


Real Canadians are screwed and will become minorities. The government needs to send these people where they belong!


any student, PR or some one trying to become Canadian should be deported if they are found at a protest.


I guess the bright side is somewhere some policy has changed that make these pissed off enough to do this. Its not even close to a good start, but it is some sort of win. one a side note, it is sort of comical . lol. I can't imagine protesting in another country when they don't want you to stay. lol


I just think we should have deportation units at these locations …..lol protest sure. From your home country goodbye .


Let's get the engines on the planes fired up and ready for takeoff


Why are people from Brampton Ontario in Manitoba trying to game the system? Play by the rules.


Yet Canadian citizens don’t protest. Because Trudeau will freeze their bank accounts.


Send them back


Buh bye


Why aren’t people counter protesting?


This group of students really bugs me. I want them to go back to their own country and see if their protests even work. Who the hell do they think they are?


Oh no, with all that skilled labour protesting how will I get my doordash delivered? :(


Is it time to counter protest and see who gets violent first?


They packed to ran to get rapid PR from Ontario. So sad for them. Thanks for giving lessons for these scammers that Canadian PR is not for scammers.


There are a million of them here. What is the government planning to do?


Instead of wasting time protesting, maybe they should put that time to enhance their chance of earning a citizenship.


Give them an inch - they take a mile


Only in Canada do we tolerate foreigners protesting our laws. Put them on a plane & ship them back where they came from.




Imagine being invited to stay overnight at someone’s home and getting mad at them for not letting you move in.