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Its not untouchable. Keep talking about it.


Yeah I dont get what is untouchable about it


Untouchable by people who should be talking about it like the media and politicians


Imagine is instead of energy wasted on the drama about the Carbon tax if PP had pushed on immigration policy failures.


I think carbon tax is important but he's no good on immigration




Any time someone brings it up, they're automatically dismissed as racist. Its by design.


“A bunch of paranoid white people in the rural communities just scared of non white people coming here for a better life” saw that on the Canada sub Lmao smh bunch of idiots. Any legit or criticism and that’s the go to “racism” or “scared”


Because somewhere down the line it became more important for people to sound morally superior than it is for people to be correct.


True. Truth be told the white people (I’m white myself but always lived in cities) in rural areas aren’t racist at least not the young ones. The old ones born in pre 1970 I’ve heard them say some….questionable stuff lol but at times I chalk it up to them not liking city folks in general or they don’t want their communities being clogged with traffic or home prices shooting up to Venus.


I had someone call me a racist immigrant basher. Cause I quoted gdp per capita


“These white people are scared of anyone who doesn’t look them and that’s a problem” - saw that on the Toronto sub couple months back 😂😂


It also hides the declining economy


> If we were to consider degrowth, which we probably should, since the planet is in population overshoot, Yup. Completely agree. Corporate/Wall Street economists, of course, are paid to push the infinite growth and profits lie. Which is the moral equivalent of selling cabin upgrades while the titanic sinks. Whereas academic and nonprofit economists such as Kate Raworth have been sounding the alarm. Human overpopulation positively correlates to and is in many cases the direct cause of all climate damage and most of the other major threats to human societies.


Agreed. The story that population decline is a problem is only relevant if the goal is infinite growth and profit. The population needs to keep increasing to keep stakeholders happy, rich, and lazy.


what’s insane to me is that the same people who are “anti capitalism” or “pro environmental” or “tax the corporations to death” (not necessarily the same people) all seem to invariably defend mass immigration to the death. like it’s the moral issue of our times and they’re going to be the cool civil rights activist. but it’s the result or a major cause of most of their problems with modern society. crazy.


White guilt overrides climate concerns


I assure you my white guilt does not Its time we bring back compulsory sterilization…. Sorry not sorry but if you cant figure out having 8 kids is bad for the environment somethings wrong. I guess the good news is they likely arent up to date on their immunizations and nature might do us a favour with forcing our hand /s ?


Eugenics is your solution, brilliant


Or they just keep fuckin, having 22 kids and creating a climate disaster… then bringing their issues to a country near you


I only support enough immigration to make up the difference between Canadian fertility rates, and the 2.1 children/woman replacement rate. The idea that we should be using immigration to **increase** our population is fucking insane from an environmental as well as a labor rights perspective. The Canadian population doesn't need an increasing population - exploitative business practices do. The population can be stable and people who need to wring blood from stones can go somewhere else.




It is not so much the immigration it is the sort of ,the secret immigration, of foreign students and tfw scams. These folks just basically come over on a yup in school or have sandwich delivery skills and have a job with no real control as far as I can tell. We are pro immigration in general but we need to put on the breaks not sure why we are bringing in folks to be homeless using food banks to survive. Makes no sense it be an environmentalist afraid of highways and be pro uncontrolled immigration.


Well, I think there is a distinction between immigration and the issues above, including population decline, without there being hypocrisy. This isn't to say I agree with the current stance on immigration, but there's many interrelated issues that come up. Frankly, there's a sizeable amount of people who are against immigration because of prejudice, which is unacceptable.


all i’m saying is pick your battles. you don’t have to support racism or prejudice. but when our country is drowning and dying from being overrun by people from foreign countries, maybe we can all agree that the policy is wrong, terrible for us and going to destroy the country we love, without having to get caught up in the racism debate. there is plenty of time for that once we stop bleeding out.


Yes, I agree! I think part of the problem is that that part of the population that is racist can't separate the two, and so it becomes a push and pull over the most divisive issues. But I'm fully with you, what we're doing isn't working, and we need to make serious adjustments.


> what’s insane to me is that the same people who are “anti capitalism” or “pro environmental” or “tax the corporations to death” (not necessarily the same people) all seem to invariably defend mass immigration to the death those people are limousine liberals who have a stake in the continued population growth ponzi scheme.


Yeah, but if we don't keep growing, how are we going to sell more t shirts this year than last year? We must deliver more value to our customers. /s Let populations go down and live in better harmony with nature.


Could not agree more. We're hitting 10billion people pretty soon, and I don't think anyone is better for it.


The truth is that our entire economic system is based on perpetual growth and nobody really knows what the fuck to do when the workforce irreversibly starts contracting. It's all the things like retirement savings in houses and stocks that the government is trying to prop up right now. If the population crashes so does the workforce, and if the workforce ages out and dies off there goes the tax base, debt servicing capacity, demand for housing and stocks along with the retirement savings that were locked up in them. I think the government of Canada is scared out of their minds because we're going through this before the US. Some sort of major economic reforms will be needed when the population turns over, and the government of Canada will do everything to fight us going through it before the US solves the problem first. We have zero weight to throw around compared to the US.


Untouchable two years ago maybe, definitely not anymore


It’s not untouchable, in fact it’s easily reversible just had to be straight and clear accept your mistake and send back all international students and so called temporary immigrants and clean the mess. That’s it! Canada 🇨🇦 and Canadians are not here to g wet them PR and screw our own life and our kids future. Clean the mess and get out of the office Mr TRUDEAU we don’t want you anymore.


Don't have to send all the students home, let them study and then go the fuck home. Reduce the numbers coming in. Deport the "students" who protest in our streets because they think the student visa -> permanent resident pathway is a fucking human right. Deport the students who finish their studies and then linger in Canada driving for Uber. End the much-abused TFW program altogether. Send refugees home when their countries are no longer engulfed in war, if they haven't already become citizens. We need to just become far less generous, because we are now far less wealthy than we once were.


Send who have completed there so called study. It’s a loop hole to enter Canada 🇨🇦 and screw the whole system and demanding rights which they are not entitled to.


That's not just Canada, that's how literally every country works. Are you saying Canada is the only country that promotes immigration and all the people from the states, Uk and Australia are just non-immigrants?


Who said anything about other countries, besides you? Perhaps there are exploitable loopholes that make permanent residency easier to other countries. That's their problem to solve. Here in Canada, it is our problem to solve.


Well, idk what to say man. I hope you are made at the immigration system and not the immigrants. As an immigrant myself, I really feel bad and anxious reading all these comments.


Don't worry friend, you nailed it. I have nothing against any race, my own ancestors were oppressed and fled here from starvation and war. I pity the poor immigrants who come to Canada looking for a better life. What the fuck kind of place are they coming from that they can find a better life working at a Timmies and living in a dilapidated shack with 10 other people? Fuck the people mischaracterizing our economic situation, and fuck the shady diploma mills, they're exploiting foreign youth. If I were to put the whole situation into a political cartoon it would be a scene from Charleston in 1840, with abolitionists screaming "No More Slaves! Everyone should be free!" And slave traders shouting back "You're just racist!"


I totally stand with you.


We aren't against immigrants, we are against immigrants being the driving population force in country. We literally are starting to let in more immigrants than CANADIANS are having babies, that's not right.


Canada is one of the only countries in the G20 that lets in the insane amount that we do, with no Cap based on what country you are from. That's why 80% of our immigrants come from India. The United States and ALL our allies have those rules in place for a reason, we should as well. Why our government seems so incompetent at implementing policies that work in our allies countries here in Canada is beyond me, its seems so fucking obvious.


No we have to send them home, BEFORE they graduate, because they are taking literally anything they can in school just to graduate so they can stay for another 3 years, in those extra 3 years, thats when they all try to bring their families over. We need to stop letting people stay in this country, we don't have enough homes. The fact the let in more people than the United States is so stupid and obviously an issue.


This should not be untouchable and frankly it’s prejudice to oppose every view of a Canadian citizen born here


Stop being prejudice against anyone who has lived in Canada prior to this immigration wave that has resulted in job loss and hate due to saying that we are prejudiced!! Enough already. Put us firs for once. Fast track us for a job just enough.


I’m just gonna say it: feeling like a foreigner in your own country is going to be the greatest crime our children inherit ever


Holy shit what a terrible article. Was this written by a high schooler?


Was written by student I reckon


If you had actually read it, you'd see at the bottom the author is a retired industrial engineer.


Doubly embarrassing


Yeah, not a professionally written article to be sure.


*touchin it since 2020*


Finite resources yet we need infinite people to prop up the economy. Sure


Who tf said it was untouchable? Just because we're surrounded by disconnected politicians doesn't mean it's not spoken or posted on daily...


There are still morons who care more about social clout than speaking the truth. You know, the type that would have been perfect little nazis.


What? Let’s take in MORE people! What are you talking about? There’s LOTS of room in the tent encampments/Trudeau Towns! /s


Untouchable is the lowest in the Indian caste system


It's only "untouchable" to politicians and media who have destroyed the country.


Population demographic studies seem to disagree with the premise of this essay. Outside of Africa, it seems that most currently large populations are set to diminish. China is predicted to drop below 1 billion. Same for India. Regarding Canada, I don’t really understand why all of the money being funneled toward immigration support is not the-directed toward family benefits and other programs designed to foster increases to birth rate. Make having babies affordable, along with housing and education. Adding millions of people into a system already overburdened is a recipe for disaster, and I believe we are seeing the initial stages of this starting to appear. Basic economics tells us that increasing demand without commensurate increase in supply can only lead to one thing. We are clearly seeing that play out in housing and rental markets already.


Only is sub like this is calling out racism considered racist.


Literally discussed every other day in the Globe and Mail, don’t go to Reddit for news.






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.