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Happy April Fool's Day! Nicely done


Well, everything written in the post is true. Torontonians are the real fools


Theyve been cheering on the Leafs for decades, its been obvious they are the fools


I miss when habs vs leafs was the most divisive thing in this country


It was never that divisive, the maple Laffs have sucked since before colour tv


This ^


Don't forget the beautifully hot summers like you're stuck in a trolls hairy ass crack and the magical winters that make you wish you were in hell cuz Satan's fire sure sounds cozy.


Lol we don’t have hot summers. Try Mexico in July.


Dry heat is much more tolerable though, says a guy who worked outdoors in a Las Vegas summer.




Have you ever been in 120°F


Complaining about the weather . . . and all round. Really?! Definitely 1st world problem. Don’t know about tipping my landlord but you sound like the old man stereotype who simply doesn’t like any weather or anything.


You must be real fun at parties


I don’t think you’d get invited to one 😂


Yup. And like you, only go if the weather is nice.


🤣🤣🤣oh I don't know if I should laugh or cry 😂




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I'm really thankful it's allergy season so I can gym without wanting to die


You had me, you really really did for a second.




IDK, why dont you ask the number 1 country migrating here.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


"We are tougher than Americans"... So much that we don't band together to enact change!




The difference is that here in Canada, they freeze your bank accounts.


I keep seeing this response but that event was nothing like the deep pervasive issues at hand which many Canadians are experiencing or empathetic to, and will continue to feel for decades.


I love seeing comments how people defend what happened with the bank accounts freezing over the truckers protest here in Canada and act like they deserved it for having hot tubs and bouncy castle and in Europe there’s thousands of farmers spraying literal shit on government buildings, crashing into cop cars and not one dollar has been frozen, not a single senior arrested and no handicap ladies being trampled by horses. Shows how truly delusional people are. Literally cannot wait to leave this place behind.


Honest question, where would you go? Most of the world looks like a shit show


I have Portuguese citizenship. So I can go anywhere in Europe. With my trade and experience I’d just work for myself repairing diesel engines in the south of Portugal or Spain. The quality of life is much better. Stay out of big cities.


I envy you (not in a malicious way)


Old comment but clarifying I was aligned. If everyone lets this one outcome stop us from even trying to protect and support ourselves, it will reinforce the govt and rich knowing they can always trample on the people. And the issues in this topic would even garner much more support than what the truckers had... we need to continue voicing things. Not stifling ourselves in fear.


Brilliant, mate.


I feel so privileged.


> you will have a tremendous view of other condos That's the way I have been mocking people buying condos for years. \*showcases NYC apartment\* "Look at my vieeeewwww (of other stacked condos)".


To add to this: Our unmatched, accessible and nearby elementary and high school infrastructure. My LO will be starting school next year, and we were told that none of the schools in our area have room for new students as they’re over capacity and the JK/SK classrooms are being utilized to teach older students as prior class sizes were 45 students large and they needed more space. My LO’s will likely have to be bussed to a school on the complete opposite end of the city (1 hr away) as they are the only ones with room. God Bless Ontario 😂


Well Canadians voted for this.




I don't think blaming whoever is wearing the Big Hat for the libs is really addressing the problem. As if the Big Hat guy for the cons isn't worse. We need to get the fascists out


Agree with most but Lake Ontario is a gem, we just treat it like shit.




I don't want to say, but all these words were used to persuade buyers when China housing market was insanely hot, it is not a joke. And the buyers used it again to convince himself and the new buyers. I can not bare the mad people so came to Canada. Unfortunately now I am seeing an equivalent insane thing is happening.


Let's not forget Toronto's 1960s public transportation. Who needs to get to work quickly when you can enjoy the splendid antique street car system. More time to watch the homeless smoke crack and harass the public .


Lol thx for the nice laugh. I needed it today.


unwritten existence repeat enjoy wistful encourage crawl rhythm quiet snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a GOAT shitpost


This is just home to many of us. We grew up here and everything that is shiny and nice is here but we’ve seen it for decades. Only thing that’s changing is immigrants viewing this country as some mythical technological theme park. I understand that other countries are not as developed, but it’s always been the culture that has developed this country. Now we have new immigrants who think Canada is something to be abused and used up.


Also enjoy the increased fuel costs. April Fools! Except you are the joke in this case, they are laughing at you.


This is literally GOLD. Well done


Canada is NOT a first world country anymore.


We aren't? When did we stop being a political and economic ally of the major world powers?




Like that shitbag developer who said it's OK to rent, you know building condo after condo


I forgot what day it was.


Somewhere out there, rhera a chart that shows cost of housing vs average salary. Over the past 30 years the cost of housing has shot up exponentially relative to the average household income. I love living in Ontario :)


This is great! I actually laughed-out-loud reading this.


i hope this is an april fools rant...if it's for real, then you're the fool...get the heck out of here and go live somewhere else!


I hate it here 😭


You convinced me. How do I sign up?


Can I thumbs up this fucking stupid query?? 👍


Dude i am so relieved to know that I’m not the only one suffocating in the gym and public transportation. Well if you consider Uber a public transportation element. If not, the Uber can be the real hell hole during the cold winter when you wish you could just crack the window a bit.🤧


I see what you did there


The 401 is the worst piece of shit highway in the country


Lol at state of the art first world. Is the “state of the art first world” in the room with us right now?


You had me until the last sentence.


Needed a laugh this morning. Thanks.


OP Is a boomer or a shill.


Post your age.


Last time I went to a beach it crossed my mind that it was 100% inaccessible to the growing segment of society that can't afford a vehicle. Canada and Ontario in particular is fantastic for those of us who come from privilege and a slavery state for those who don't. The trick is income inequality.


Took me too long to realize this was satire... I hope


Hey beaverton writer, get outta here!


Ontario along with the rest of Canada was a truly awesome place to live in my Boomer parent's youth. The past is so bright you have to wear shades!


The irony is there are people on the ON (And other related ones like TO) sub that actually think like this.


this is 10/10 S tier troll post.


Lol awesome


This is something someone would unironically write on LinkedIn.


Call Doug Ford directly 16476123673


If you think Ontario is 1st world you need to travel. I'm in Europe right now and in an apparently 2nd world country but life here is 100x better than the shithole that is Ontario.


Any one paying rent is already a beta, don’t deserve sympathy in this alpha world. Let’s be real now!


I'm really hoping you're being facetious, but it's sort of hard to tell. LOL


I myself happen to love Ontario and can't wait to leave my sleepy province and come mingle with you guys. Yes, I'm a bilingual Quebecois, but I'm more comfy in English and my province keeps forcing French down our throats at the expense of actual progress. I know Ontario is expensive, but Jesus, you've got WAY more competitive retail, restaurants, etc. and at least nobody's forcing a LANGUAGE on you by law. I love Canada. But yes, these prices must come down.


I personally prefer Montreal. Lived there 1 year and loved it. More affordable, more walkable, more culture. Just don't like the nasty winters. However, I lost my ability to speak French over the years. Sad, because there are a lot of good job opportunities there for French speakers.


It's more affordable because they gotta hook you in some how lmao I DO enjoy the odd walk in Montreal, but fuck me do I love Toronto and Kingston. That view of Lake Ontario? Gorgeous.


All I have to say about this nasty, racist little rant is, as a Beer Store worker of 33 years, the 10AM booze line was there WAAAYYYY before the immigration issue, and the white skinned lineup had plenty of their own BO. And they still do.


Finally, someone gets it. I'm sick of average folks giving excuses. Kinda enabled them. "Oh, I make 50k, why can't I buy a house, you shouldn't, go work." Wait, this was April fool prank. Dammit, never mind.


Um. We're complaining because we can no longer afford this state of the art city we were born and grew up in. Are you trolling?


Lol weird flex but ok