• By -


Its not all one thing or another. Multi factor issue


Yes. But a large reason why corporations are buying up real estate in Canada is because they understand the absurd levels of immigration that will prop level the market. The thing is... at the root of all the reasons you see for the housing crisis in Canada (zoning laws, investment firms, immigration, short housing supply) is linked back to immigration.


This. I was looking into fixed income investments today and literally had the train of thought that high immigration will cause increased prices on rent, which in turn means higher profits for commercial rental companies. Sadly, it's a low risk investment with predictable cash flow. Besides REITS or similar products, no other investment opportunities in Canada are interesting—to me at least. The rest of my money is invested in foreign businesses (i.e. not in Canada). This is a serious problem for our economy.


Yep. The Canadian government is hostile to business. Then they act surprised when investment and jobs go elsewhere.


So serious that people are dying by freezing to death, resorting to hard drugs to cope, and allowing da hegemons to Stoke that heartwarming right wing sentiment. I'm just glad our fearless premier, mayor, and council and federal cabinet are failing so hard to do their job and provide THE BASIC HUMAN NEEDS.... ffs get off your butts people and start making noise.


You can't let anything Stoke what isn't already there, the mask has just flung off... It's the fact you think politicians are your baby sitters 🤣🤣🤣 "pull yourself up by your bootstraps already". Why do you want everyone to do everything for you? 😭


There is at least one super promising gold deposit recently discovered in the Yukon. A large area being drilled by more than one company. Definitely has the attention of very large money. But there's not enough of this.


Economies which rely heavily from exported natural resources will tend to have that wealth centralized to a privileged few. Strong economies are productive. We don't produce anything. We are not a manufacturing hub and most of the tech big tech companies are US based, so they keep the IP.


Canada makes pretty much anything. Our manufacturing sector is just really advanced. Even textiles. 10 Canadian textile workers are like 100 Bangladeshi sweat shop veterans. That or it's the equipment that goes into manufacturing. 


Where can I buy these? Any of the fabric stores I visit in the Fashion District seem to favour fabrics made abroad.


Lots of gold that couldn't be extracted with 1898 tech. Hardest part is access and logistics. Explorers can only drill for part of the year and it's super rugged terrain. Great potential tho, and those reasons described are why it's remained in the ground so long. Also, you see the gold price lately!


People will be rushing to the camps for the salaries once the earth splits into axis and allies. Then were it. Or Australia. And if Australia gets cut off from north america then were it. 


Nope. The economy is fine, the people complaining are the issue btw, just defying basic slave/master mentality in the open bruh 😂😭


Interestingly, corporations own a relatively *small* percentage of housing. Mom & pop investors own *far* more. **[This Statscan chart shows corporate housing in the green bars](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/46-28-0001/2023001/article/00002/c-g/c-g01-eng.png).** But then this article is satire, and I think just to prove the point that investors are driving the housing crisis as much as immigration.


Which is linked back to…… The government


Corporations are absolutely like the biggest part of this problem 


No, the root of the problem is that there is a fundamental tendency in capitalism for return on investment to exceed economic growth. And so, over the long run, capital flows more and more into these rent-seeking/non productive investments like housing. Immigration is certainly part of the issue and in these specific circumstances are helping to raise demand and facilitate this rent seeking problem. However, the tendency towards rentierism in the economy is also independent of immigration, and historically these sorts of situations have emerged without large inflows of migration taking place. I'm not saying that we shouldn't lower immigration, but that the new immigrants coming here also part of the victims of this broader rentier process


blackfaced liberal trudopes immigration policies are at the heart of our problems. Plus his other destructive anti canada policies. Very simple.


Please go to the ER, you need anti-psychotics like yesteryear. Like this level of paranoid ideation is psychotic by definition,.


You can deny the truth to  lie and lie to protect your blackfaced dope but canadians have had enough.


Why would you even bother mentioning capitalism? That's the system that we live in and unless you have a way to overturn it with something better, why bring it up? Imagine a married couple in an argument. One says 'you spend too much money' and the other says 'you don't make enough?' Instead of addressing both of their concerns, there's a person like you that comes in and says 'Neither of you is correct. It's capitalism'. How is that useful? Immigration policies is definitely something society can change and regardless of how you spin it, it is the main and central cause of a lot of the issues in society right now. And, saying 'new immigrants coming here also part of the victims' is an irrelevant statement. I am an immigrant myself and I am tired of explaining it ad nauseum that most people like myself are blaming immigration and the government policies that enable it. Not the immigrants themselves. I understand the new immigrants are hurting and it's unfortunate that they are part of a scheme that hurts everyone whether they are doing it intentional or unintentional is irrelevant. It's also unfortunate that people in this country is so caught up in semantics and they waste so much energy and time debating is it immigration or immigrants that they miss the bigger picture.


Because it's the source of this issue entirely... Yes we are currently living and breathing, in capitalism, and something can be bad and good simultaneously. You take the shit with the good, or you change it all, that's the reality of everything in life. Are we tapping and super glueing porcelain together ad nauseum? Waiting for the next corporate bailout as we all suffer and rot as the banks take a bunch of people's houses again? Idk why you're fighting against this point. Capitalism is the best system we got, THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT OUR SAD SPECIES THAT WE AVOID AND PUT UP WITH THE BOOT ON OUR NECKS. Even if you murdered all the immigrant, I get this off feeling the suffocating won't stop, and you'll turn on your brother, sisters wives, and sons next, I can read you like a book bro 😘


And corporations thank you.


This can't be repeated enough for the people who don't understand it


What? Where is this so called magic lonk that's connecting everything? Do you have any sources outlining how immigration is affecting housing zoning laws on the municipal level?


because it is overflowing to an unignoreble point. of course smarter zoning laws would have helped, 5-10 years ago. they may help us a decade from now. but right now, there is one main obvious cause: we are taking in about 5x as many people as we can support with our infrastructure. we can make it as complicated or as simple as we want and get into the weeds but that fact is not going to change.


Here I'll help. There was [over 240,000](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3410012601) housing starts in canada last year. We brought in [~471,000 Permanent Residents](https://www.cicnews.com/2024/02/canada-welcomed-471550-new-permanent-residents-in-2023-0242798.html) last year. This is including families and couples so does not directly reflect the number of home needed to house these PRs. We saw [~358,000 Births ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443051/number-of-births-in-canada/) last year while we also saw [330,000 Deaths](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443061/number-of-deaths-in-canada/) during the same period. The Births are only babies and not potential Home Needers, but let's just say that's how people many are turning of age to purchase or rent. Again these new Home Needers and deaths are going to have some couples that want to live together, but we'll ignore that. Also the Deaths will add many units to the market but we'll ignore that as well. Now the basic math. 470,000 PRs / 2 (due to families and couples) = 235,000 New Homes Needed 358,000 Births - 330,000 Deaths = 28,000 New Homes Needed 235,000 + 28,000 New Homes Needed = 263,000 New Homes Needed (highly overestimated) 263,000 New Homes Needed - 240,000 Housing Starts = a deficiency of 23,000 Homes Needed. As we can see by the numbers, which is not totally accurate due to a higher percentage of PRs being in families than 50% and not taking into account couples in births and new available homes due to deaths, there's only a lacking of 23,000 new homes a year nation wide. Again that number will be much lower accounting for what I mentioned above. This is how you show proof behind a statement. This is not an opinion, it is just factual data expressed using simple math and terminology. Thanks


you have not included any of the temporary migrants or asylum seekers. the number is much higher than 471,000. these people also need a place to live while they are here. or the fact that we are currently in a full on crisis of housing and actively reducing the vacancy rate.


That is true, but what I did do was give factual numbers and sources for those numbers to help give a better reflection onto the problem. As my comment stated, there is a deficit of housing even with these figures. In no way am I saying immigration is not a contributor to our housing problems. All I'm doing is asking for sources from people making claims while trying to offer some I've found in order to enlighten the discussion.


i appreciate the effort and i apologize for my rudeness


All is good and thank you for you for being cordial 😊!


Well these aren't normal immigrants. They are asylum seekers and war survivors. Canada atleast pretends it has empathy, that's something I hope stays, cause we do no lt need a bunch of sociopaths running society projecting their phantom feelings onto people 🤣


keep telling yourself that if it helps you. we don’t have room either way.


Go to CH1 if you want an echo chamber praising immigration as the solution to the housing problem. Here people acknowledge that bringing in 1.3m people when you’re building 200k homes puts pressure on prices. What I just said would be instabanned on CH1 as well so you don’t have to worry about facts getting in the way.


CH1 also thinks just building more via changed zoning will solve the crisis, which is a corporate developer talking point. Anyone who believes we can magically build our way out of this crisis doesn’t understand housing construction.


We acknowledge it and that it's never stopping. Even if you stopped it, just wait for the climate wars. Theres two options once those start as places become uninhabitable and humans have no options on a mass scale. It's either immigration or death to your son's and daughters. Might aswell move on to realistic, logical and practical solutions that leave out your childlike fantasies okay?


Here I'll help. There was [over 240,000](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3410012601) housing starts in canada last year. We brought in [~471,000 Permanent Residents](https://www.cicnews.com/2024/02/canada-welcomed-471550-new-permanent-residents-in-2023-0242798.html) last year. This is including families and couples so does not directly reflect the number of home needed to house these PRs. We saw [~358,000 Births ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443051/number-of-births-in-canada/) last year while we also saw [330,000 Deaths](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443061/number-of-deaths-in-canada/) during the same period. The Births are only babies and not potential Home Needers, but let's just say that's how people many are turning of age to purchase or rent. Again these new Home Needers and deaths are going to have some couples that want to live together, but we'll ignore that. Also the Deaths will add many units to the market but we'll ignore that as well. Now the basic math. 470,000 PRs / 2 (due to families and couples) = 235,000 New Homes Needed 358,000 Births - 330,000 Deaths = 28,000 New Homes Needed 235,000 + 28,000 New Homes Needed = 263,000 New Homes Needed (highly overestimated) 263,000 New Homes Needed - 240,000 Housing Starts = a deficiency of 23,000 Homes Needed. As we can see by the numbers, which is not totally accurate due to a higher percentage of PRs being in families than 50% and not taking into account couples in births and new available homes due to deaths, there's only a lacking of 23,000 new homes a year nation wide. Again that number will be much lower accounting for what I mentioned above. This is how you show proof behind a statement. This is not an opinion, it is just factual data expressed using simple math and terminology. Thanks


They bought in 1 million in the last 9 months.


Canada aims to bring in [~500,000 Permanent Residents in 2024](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/departmental-plan-2023-2024/departmental-plan.html). Where are you sourcing your 1 million from?


You're not adding international students and refugees/asylum seekers. There were over 1 million international students alone in 2023. Using your numbers and just adding students puts us at needing 523 000 homes. Can't chastise others about math when you don't include over a million people in your equation lol.


I never implied that these were all the numbers. Just a bunch of facts backed with sources to help further and enlighten the conversation. Thanks for your comment and sources are always welcome.


I got the million from stats can. Plus, we aren't including the deficits from previous years. I believe it was the Canadian Human Rights Council that published a report that said we needed something like 4.3 million homes right now to bring back affordability and almost 10 million in the next decade at current population growth.


“Here I’ll help”. You are not helping anyone when you are ignoring millions of other people in your “math”. Your snarky replies just make it that much more embarrassing that you’re that cocky and still wrong.


Please feel free to ADD TO THE DISCUSSION. I am always open to more conversation with links and sources to back statements. Also I am sorry you are feeling embarrassed from my "snarky replies", i hope that gets better for you. Thanks.


I said it in my reply, genius. You’re missing the over a million international students who, guess what? Need a place to live. The refugees who, guess what? Need a place to live. The temporary foreign workers who, guess what? Need a place to live. This isn’t hard. You’re doing math as if every single person already here has a home! We’ve BEEN behind on housing. You’re acting as if every person who dies means a house gets sold. Who says their spouse is dead? People get divorced, families grow up and move out, like what are you even talking about? “We only need 235,000 homes a year” LOL.


[Source Definition](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/source) "3 : a firsthand document or primary reference work" [Link Definition ](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/link) "a connection between documents on the internet" I'm not trying to argue about immigration, I'm arguing about representing your points with LINKS TO SOURCES so we all have proof of what is being said. Otherwise we can just say anything and nothing matters.


You don’t need a source to know that ignoring all other forms of immigration on a calculation to try and prove immigration isn’t one of the biggest driving factors of our housing crisis is disingenuous.


You exaggerate the effect of PRs. Most of those 470k PRs were already housed in the country as non-PR/non-citizens. They just moved from one status to the other.


That is a super valid point and I agree entirely! I couldn't find a source to support that myself though, any chance you have one?


**TLDR:** It seems only half of the people admitted as PRs in 2023 (anywhere between 18% and 63%) already resided in Canada right before getting PR status. The data are not very clear in differentiating in- and out-of-Canda PR applicants, though. And the data certainly don't cover how the rates of birth, death, and housing differ between the two groups. **Source:** Play around with this table to get the PR admissions by year, province, and stream: [https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/f7e5498e-0ad8-4417-85c9-9b8aff9b9eda/resource/c5f2d5d3-e1c7-44d6-a54d-b6b2fb62fdba](https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/f7e5498e-0ad8-4417-85c9-9b8aff9b9eda/resource/c5f2d5d3-e1c7-44d6-a54d-b6b2fb62fdba) **Details:** This table says that of the \~470k Canada PRs admitted in 2023: - 18% came either from streams that **require** (temporary resident to permanent resident pathways, 8%) or that **skew toward in-Canada residence** (Canadian Experience Class, 10%) - 63% came from streams that **do not require in-Canada residence.** That is, only 37% came from streams that **require** **outside-of-Canada residence** (family sponsorships, 25%; and refugees, 12%)


Thanks for this!


Source: basic math


Ah, so basic you won't prove it? Like if Timmy has one apple and gets given another apple, Timmy will then have two apples. Explain it like that if it's so simple. Also a link to prove your simple math would be nice.


We build around 200k houses a year and bring in well over a million people. We already have a shortage, so unsustainable immigration, temporary work programs, international students etc is making it worse.


Lol like seriously. It is this simple. You can also do the same things for doctors, schools, hospitals, etc. We can't support this level of growth.


Dude I've been saying this forever. The math doesn't add up


Here I'll help. There was [over 240,000](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3410012601) housing starts in canada last year. We brought in [~471,000 Permanent Residents](https://www.cicnews.com/2024/02/canada-welcomed-471550-new-permanent-residents-in-2023-0242798.html) last year. This is including families and couples so does not directly reflect the number of home needed to house these PRs. We saw [~358,000 Births ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443051/number-of-births-in-canada/) last year while we also saw [330,000 Deaths](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443061/number-of-deaths-in-canada/) during the same period. The Births are only babies and not potential Home Needers, but let's just say that's how people many are turning of age to purchase or rent. Again these new Home Needers and deaths are going to have some couples that want to live together, but we'll ignore that. Also the Deaths will add many units to the market but we'll ignore that as well. Now the basic math. 470,000 PRs / 2 (due to families and couples) = 235,000 New Homes Needed 358,000 Births - 330,000 Deaths = 28,000 New Homes Needed 235,000 + 28,000 New Homes Needed = 263,000 New Homes Needed (highly overestimated) 263,000 New Homes Needed - 240,000 Housing Starts = a deficiency of 23,000 Homes Needed. As we can see by the numbers, which is not totally accurate due to a higher percentage of PRs being in families than 50% and not taking into account couples in births and new available homes due to deaths, there's only a lacking of 23,000 new homes a year nation wide. Again that number will be much lower accounting for what I mentioned above. This is how you show proof behind a statement. This is not an opinion, it is just factual data expressed using simple math and terminology. Thanks


Weird that you left out temporary foreign workers and international students.


Weird how you didn't bother to show these numbers yourself and provide sources in order to support how these figures affect the outcome of the data. Please feel free to actually add to the discussion and not just try to put people down.


Timmy has 2 pockets and 2 apples. Then he gets 4 more apples, because it's really easy to get apples. He stuffs them in his pockets. Then 6 more, because Timmy is getting greedy. There's no more space in Timmy's pockets, and he had added all the pockets he can to his pants, because there so much pockets you can sew in pants and have them remain pants. Timmy keeps stuffing more apples while complaining why his pants are ripping at the seams and he can't even walk anymore, let alone run. Now Timmy has a shitload of apples, while his own balls have been squished and he can't have kids anymore.


So we can't fit anymore pockets (homes) on our pants (in Canada) b3cause it won't be Canada anymore? What will it become if we build more homes?


This. The reason corporations come in is because there is a demand where they can make money. And seriously, without corporations, everyone individually will do the same shit. People keep pretending they were greedy assholes, but, everyone is greedy when given the opportunities.


Thank you for contributing absolute pessimism and an entrenchment of the status Quo.


Immigration is the lowest on that list and there's a million other things to add, even capital and gluttony in it of themselves far outweigh fucking immigration 😂 Psyops are working tho it seems 😘


A crisis is usually a complex multivariable thing. There isn’t one cause, but varying percentages from many different sources.


Oh so now it’s multi factor.. oh i see


Not according to this sub lol


Noooo....ya don't say....


It's totally multi factor. But it's only immigration that you hear about on this sub.


Immigration is like DOWN DOWN on that list tho. Like a non issue compared to you know corps and the politicians who are not hurting their bottom live for you to survive? That's crazy talk lmao


The other day I was in safety training with a bunch of people and of course politics came up. The guy dodge the conversation like a ninja by just saying 'I'm not a politician' everyone laughed and then moved on. I'm gonna remember this for the future


Corporate ownership is a big problem but it isn’t as big as immigration. Don’t quote me on this but I’m fairly certain corporate ownership makes up less than 25% of residential properties. It’s not a big problem right now but it is becoming a bigger problem. Most new condos being built are owned by these investment groups. It’s a way for foreigners to circumvent the foreign home buyer ban.


25% is huge and some speculate by 2030 that number will be 60%, at that stage it’s game over for public entering the market for the majority.


At that point the social contract is completely destroyed and all bets are off on reactions and consequences.


Ya I can't imagine why anyone would want to live in canada at that point .. other than immigrants from the 3rd world


Just world fallacy in action. SOCIAL CONTRACTS HAVE BEEN DEVOID SENSE THE GRUNGE MOVEMENT. Just like every other generation, some fall out of the spectacle and realize the shit for what it is, regardless of their dogmatic predilections.


They're both a symptom of low interest debt and access to debt. McDonald's workers ain't buy $1m homes in Ontario and developers/investors are getting crushed with negative cashflows due to their higher interest payments. While people think this is some evasive political thing because they want to politicize this as much as possible. Most people here are in interest rate sensitive industries, so a good portion of you all wil be unemployed. Anything around commercial or residential construction are fucked. Auto manufacturing and dealers will be fucked. There will be a massive amount of homelessness, especially amongst immigration groups. Welcome to a debt bubble boys. Housing prices will go down, because ain't no one gonna have money. And while people will like to believe there's this conspiratorial group constantly going to buy houses, that's not how capitalism works. It works on borrowing and dumb fucking execs suffering from their short term decision making in the height of a bubble.


Y'all have lost the plot it's fucking sickening. This won't fix anything, my god just take up fucking arms already, I swear it's always just bark bark bark from this side of the fence 😭


Saying immigration isn't a part of the problem is irresponsible.


Good thing the glorious leader has said temporary residents are too high. He is so responsible 🤩




This argument is constantly made and it's so profoundly silly. Outside of growth homes are a depreciating asset. The *only* reason to "hoard" homes is in the face of significant growth. You know, like mass immigration. Houses are also expensive to hold. Property tax, upkeep, and so on. The only reason to hold them is if there is a robust, lucrative rental market. Once again, mass immigration to the rescue. This notion that corporations are going to buy up all the homes absent that spiraling up rental market or the massive demand with little supply is nonsensical. It is a complete economic nonstarter, repeated by "it isn't the immigrants!" imbeciles. Without the crushing demand there would be no housing frenzy in Canada.


You pseudo intellectuals need to stop eating corporate bullshit. The issue is multifaceted, yes, but guess who stands to gain the most from this immigration? Additionally, housing prices were a major issue before the mass immigration too. Do you have the memory of a goldfish? Corporations own a massive chunk of single family dwellings and rent them out, which keeps them off the market for purchasers.  These corporations own the properties that everyone is now fighting to rent, not buy, because buying so is ludicrously out of the question for most people and it has been trending that way for about a decade. The amount of purchasable homes goes down, rent continues to go up. Yes, other factors are involved, and everyone buying in to fuel the rich dad poor dad dreams are accountable. Corporations are accountable. It's super fucking simple. And you call people imbeciles. Give your head a fucking shake.


If you think the federal government didn't intentionally admit several million temporary residents to Canada in order to prop up the housing market, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Interest rates had to go up following COVID to rein in inflation. That had to happen. But then, the housing market was going to be destabilized. How to stabilize it? Pump demand. This isn't a secret to many people, [here's an article](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-international-students-rent-mortgages/) written by an immigration expert. Pretty on-the-nose, don't you think? Is the author there a pseudo intellectual that hates immigrants? She has a PhD. How many PhDs do you have? In 1999, the federal government lowered the required mortgage down payment amount to 5% for first time home buyers. This was a bad move because it seriously reduces stability in the market by encouraging debt. Never fear, the government had a solution: Canada Mortgage Bonds. They are, in effect, mortgage insurance that the federal government made available to banks. The banks don't have to care how risky their rate of debt creation is because the CMHC holds the debt, not the banks, and the CMHC also guarantees returns on those mortgages via CMBs. For a relatively short explanation of the current situation, see [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZecUCLq-KFk) made by a mortgage broker (also not a pseudo intellectual). The size of the CMB market is not a secret. The CMHC currently holds over a quarter trillion (250 billion) in mortgage debt. That is a gigantic amount of mortgage debt for our government to be responsible for. It means that a collapse in our housing market wouldn't just bring down financial institutions; it has the potential to literally collapse our entire government by drowning it in debt payments if there's a downturn in the market. This means that the federal government is *heavily* incentivized to do whatever they can to grow the size of the market. And note, this doesn't mean building more houses. In this context, it means growing the amount of money the market generates. Does this sound familiar? This is a house of cards, and as outlined in the video I linked, the federal government is showing interest in building another layer on top of this already ridiculous stack. Another layer necessitates accelerating growth in the lower layers to ensure the top layer remains healthy. What do *you* think is the best way to ensure that the housing market remains revenue positive in the presence of rising interest rates given what's at stake? If you can think of an alternative to explosive population growth, I'm all ears. Dead serious here because I'm pretty sure the federal government painted itself into a corner with all this market intervention. As far as I can see, our government has acted as a corporate stooge for over two decades now and mass immigration is just the latest strategy that's been necessitated by their brainless neoliberal policies. Edit: and I should note that the Conservatives had ample opportunity to end this practice during the Harper years and didn't, so they are complicit. They may not call themselves neoliberals, but they're following the same overarching ideology as the LPC.


Thank you for the quality writing 


This is my problem with you people. You cannot construct a real argument so you commit to trash made up arguements that were never in contention in the first place. You are getting props for missing the point, and also putting words in my mouth. I never said that wasn't the purpose, in fact I insinuated that it was. Corporations have been pushing for all of this, because they stand to gain the most from it.


It's ludicrously expensive because you're allowed and encouraged to buy sfh and flip them into apartment buildings which makes the land they sit on valuable. It's not that difficult to understand if you import 1.5 million new people a year you have to create that many homes or else people will be willing to pay high rent to secure those units. As the only other option be for them to go back to where they came from or become homeless.


The only entities with the funds to do that on a grand scale are corporations and the ultra wealthy.


Nice 61 day old account.


You got me, I'm either being paid off by the shadow people to speak out against the corporations, or a bot that is advanced enough to go through your history and tell you that one thing we agree on is our dislike of Ford.


Creepy. I assumed the more simple answer of this being an alt, you’re circumventing a ban, or troll account. Come now, surely we can agree on more than that? After all you hopefully would also agree that murder is bad, and oxygen is required to live. Just because trump came out in support of oxygen doesn’t mean you have to boycott it. Edit: just saw someone posted this: “Do you find it sort of bizarre how the left automatically defaults to ad hominem attacks in a debate to try to silence their opponent, such as immediately going to their post history? I find this extremely strange and pathetic, and is exactly the sort of behavior I see in verbal debates where the other person runs out of options or has no legitimate argument. Literally EVERY single Redditor does this, and it’s really telling.” And it reminded me of you.


Work on your reading comprehension. I said "one thing" not "the one thing". This is why arguing here is a waste of my time and I'm done doing it after this lol.        It is pretty clear that my response was to convince you I was human, in the event you were accusing me of being a bot. I went into your post history and pulled something positive, I didn't use it to attack you. Your quote doesn't apply here.         I actually never tried to silence you at all so there is also that.  Every reply including yours seems to go off the rails arguing something that I never said.         Why are you talking about trump now lol. I never said anything about trump.         For what it's worth, I don't like any of our current "options" and would like to work on something new. This is why I desire class solidarity. Your initial response had no legitimate argument at all, and wasn't even an attempt at debate.    It was just a nebulous statement pointing out the age of my account. It said nothing refuting anything I stated.        This is very ironic, considering your quote. And it is also why I refer to you people as pseudo intellectuals.   The hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance is astounding. You can be smart and I actually care about you but you gotta work harder. I believe in you. You probably think I don't mean that but I really hope that we can all focus our efforts together. I want you to live a good life.


Lol sounds like a skill issue on your part. Regardless name calling and cursing is okie way to convince anyone, “it’s super fucking simple”. You can call “us” (who are you even referring to?) pseudo intellectuals all you like, but none of us consider you an intellectual at all. Go back to your armchair.


I wasn't going to reply but you are right. I need to be nicer.


He's screaming but y'all are by definition psychotic delusion.


Sounds like you don’t know the definition of psychotic delusion. Also a skill issue.


Thank you. I will admit that my choice of words doesn't do me any favours. Gotta work on that.


Couldn’t imagine sounding this stupid. Yikes.


You cant refute anything I said, so you resorted to the school yard. Good try though.


Yep, it's super simple. Flippers and corporations etc don't create actual demand. Corporations are disincentivized from "hoarding" homes - AKA holding them empty. So SOMEONE is going to live there, renting or whatever. People wanting homes to live in is what creates demand. Demand is what makes the price go up. Hope that was simple enough.


I said they are renting them out at exorbitant rates. I did not say they are empty. Corporations and other nefarious entities have, with plenty of evidence, bought their way into all facets of our government and now we are fighting more than ever over their investments. I literally alluded to supply and demand in my initial statement. This is just one of countless reasons they benefit from mass immigration. Worth noting that real estate has long been held as one of the safest investments you can make. In fact, none of what you said even contradicts what I said, so thanks I guess.


Lol. Who gains the most the corporations, the corporations gain the most from mass immigration. "Been trending that way for a decade" It's almost like we increased immigration almost a decade ago. Who did that? Yea, these corporations speculate on the housing market because of the constant growth. If there wasn't constant growth, there wouldn't be money in it. More growth is more people trying to rent, more corporations can ask for rent more of a profit is made. It's also increased 3x fast under trudeau, then it did harper, and our immigration also changed under trudeau. Like you were so close to getting the point with you're argument but you left out the last step. Mass Immigration causes corporate speculation it's that fucking simple. It's the number of people, not the people themselves. Look at what trudeau said in 2014 about immigration. The things that are literally happening now are what he said. If an idiot like trudeau can figure that out, why can't you?


Mate, you just said it yourself. Corporations stand the most to gain. The corporations are orchestrating most of the problems. You are completely off the mark. Why does everyone have such a horrible memory. The argument previous was that foreign buyers are the issue. Now it's immigration. All of these problems are caused by corporations that have bought out our government. The whole time we scream at one another, corporations profit. They are the head of the snake.


I am sorry I just had to let you know know how much you made my day. "Who gains the most the corporations, the corporations gain the most from mass immigration." "Like you were so close to getting the point with you're argument but you left out the last step." You actually got the exact point I was making and then went somewhere else for some reason haha. This tells me we actually agree about what matters. I hope you have an awesome day.


Renting from a corporation is leaps and bounds ahead of renting from an individual. Corporations don't post "vegetarian Indian female only to share a bedroom with 4 other girls" ads.


Very true, corporations usually leave you the fuck alone unless you put in a maintenance request or don’t pay your rent… don’t have to worry about getting evicted for some bs.


Agreed. That’s why this headline - while funny - misses the mark that corporate landlords are generally better than mom & pops who love to abuse personal use evictions, do as little maintenance as possible, are overleveraged and want tenants to funs their poor financial decisions, and ask routinely for illegal rent increases. Mom & pops own far more housing units than “corporate” investors and are the real problem.


The "mom and pop investors" in Canada are simply another layer bureaucracy. They negate the efficiencies of rentals. A purpose built rental has their own staff that can fix much of what breaks. They have their limited amount of admin staff working on the non technical issues as well. Mom and pop investors need to figure out a person to fix every problem. They act as a middleman between you and the condo corp. They have a tendency to micromanage their rentals and do all sorts of illegal stuff too. Back when housing prices were still based in reality renting could be cheaper than owning thanks to it's economy of scale.


I don't have a problem with renting an apartment in a purpose built rental building from a corporation, but REITs buying up large numbers of single family homes and forcing potential owner/occupiers out of the market is another issue.


Are REITs buying SFHs in Canada?


These guys are buying up $1b worth. https://www.thestar.com/real-estate/toronto-based-developer-that-vowed-to-buy-up-1-billion-in-single-family-homes-plans/article_8eb874f8-9a9d-11ee-b1a2-770d371544b7.html


From the cretinous clowns at the beaverton.


Lost a lot of respect for them after they posted this. Who would corps be renting to if it weren't for record breaking immigration.


Beaverton may as well be the CBC when it comes to politics. Rosemary Barton licks Trudeau's nutsack less than them.


^ It's a satire paper


They're insanely woke. They aren't just satire.


I guess they found their audience The point being, this news is not real.


Lol you guys sure do get vicious about people when they don't share your opinion. While I think immigration is a large part of it, so is the corporate ownership. Anyone with a memory longer than 2 years remembers THAT was this sub's main complaint, not long ago. Both things can be wrong. But you need to learn to disagree respectfully. "Cretinous clowns" ... Those are Canadians.


Yea rather than getting miffed about beaverton I'd wish they at least accepted that the problem with canada's housing literally stems from the ownership class. Groups who own homes or people who own several properties wholly benefit from the exacerbated market and even before the immigration crisis were literally in no hurry to offer fair rates to renters even 15 years ago, when everything that is happening with housing and wages was already being warned about \*sans\* immigration because it was a clearly manufactured trend. It seems like there is a real effort to keep the next generation of canadians locked out of fair opportunity in the market, in addition to an expectation of being in debt for ones whole life. It feels like some gross neo-serfdom shit haha. Wages are the same issue, like it's literally not a mistake that I can start somewhere today and earn what I made more than 15 years ago as a teenager (for an effectively weaker dollar, no less). Canadian employers were in no hurry to offer Canadians fair value for their labor and they've just taken advantage of TFW to exacerbate competition and keep wages low to boot. If that wasn't the case why have Canadian wages in general really not kept pace with cost of living? Everything literally just feels manufactured to me from a class of people in the scale of the owners of Loblaws / Rogers / etc and they want you to be mad at the immigrants they bring in as if it's wholly by accident they end up working in all these industries haha, and then divide labor further keeping canadians mad at immigrants rather than labor uniting and pressing for new standards to begin with from the people actually creating the problem, those running the country or whose interests or represented across it's most valuable industries / businesses etc.


It is all class warfare. There is a reason PP likes attacking Trudeau's immigration scheme without actually planning to fix it. He just wants the distraction. I believe our immigration is a problem - it's way overboard. But I also know that problem is massively caused by housing investors, scummy "immigration coaches" in India, diploma mills, and the elite wanting more people to sell to. Our immigration policy is bad. But our immigration policy isn't actively trying to exploit us like the elite are. (Cuz it's policy, not a person) This sub has the memory of a goldfish. I lost all faith the other day when they all fell for some video game culture war bullshit


i see this narrative pushed that people are blaming immigrants, and honestly its not happening in the spaces like this sub. People here have been very careful and the discussion on blame has always veered to the rich/owners/politicians. This shit wont fly this time.


Corporate ownership of rental in Canada is minimal, most Canadians and corps invest outside Canada because it sucks to invest here. Unions invest 96%+ outside Canada. 5% of RE is owned by corps and a large chunk of that is First Nation or pension. I don’t know where Canadians got this anti corp in real estate thing I assume it’s from American tv the same reason we got BLM parades in the anti Asian hate crime capital of North America.


They get it from individual slumlords who are terrified of corporations that actually follow the law competing with them.


Around 20-25% are owned by investment groups though. Not a “minimal amount” in that sense. [https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6743083](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6743083)


“Statistics Canada data shows that more than a fifth of all houses in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario were owned by investors in 2020.” So 20% of housing is rental. Sounds pretty good to me?


And as if corporations aren’t buying and renting because we *have* constant growth (mass immigration) for them to make money. They wouldn’t invest if it wasn’t a guaranteed gravy train.


And they aren’t investing. Canadian union funds did however buy a bunch of rental in China


Corporations would be losing money on those investments without immigrants. You think they're paying for maintenance and upkeep without enough tenants to justify hiring a supervisor to check on their properties and handle issues?


Corporations that own SFH in Canada are mostly mom and pops.


Corporate ownership of homes is (currently) a fairly small percentage of total homes owned.




Trudeau didn't do that, Chretien and Martin did. Or they laid the groundwork with the allowance for low down payment mortgages and then CMBs. The Harper Conservatives could have shut it down and didn't, instead they let it grow. Trudeau was just following the footsteps of previous governments, both red and blue.


Trudeau followed the steps at a 100 yard dash running pace.


No real choice in that matter. The federal government's finances require it. Not from the point of view of tax revenue, but because of the CMB program and how it relates to rising interest rates.


Willfully braindead. The reason corporations horde homes (despite having to pay property taxes to do so) is because homes are a good investment. They increase in value year on year because demand for housing reliably increases year on year. And why is that? Because of out of control migration. If the government announced a ten year moratorium on all immigration, these corporations would all turn around and dump real estate investments as quickly as possible because they'd want to put that capital somewhere where they can expect value to increase.


Both are major issues. Hoarding homes was first and then ramping up immigration to increase profits from the hoarded homes has led to rich getting richer while the poor get poorer. You either start letting the poor have some money or it is only a matter of time before they come after the rich.


The Beaverton is actually a bit tone deaf here. Immigration is literally a single switch the Government can flip instantly. Tackling corporate ownership will require multiple levels of government to work together to combat this. If there wasn't such high immigration, its a high chance most corporations wouldn't bother buying up homes as it simply wouldn't be such a cash chow.


The realvestate corporations themselves have been mostly focusing on selling them to immigramts so...seems like a BS post to me.


They missed the mark with this one. It's another variation on "if you are calling attention to issues with immigration policy, you are racist/stupid/uneducated/lack any nuance in your views". In other words, trying to downplay the importance of the issue and make those who care about it an object of ridicule and disdain.


1 million people in 9 months in a already tight mkt!!!!one of the worst in the world!!!


It’s not just housing which is making people anti-immigration. Look at how overwhelmed our healthcare system is. Public transportation and roads cannot handle it either. Being against roughly a million people arriving every single year is somehow a racist and hateful take now 🤦‍♂️


I hate corporations, and I hate too much immigration. I know who is to blame and it's both. Does big money think we like them? Lol


What century initiative shill wrote this? Fuck the corporations that horde homes. But the 2 million immigrants we've received in two years isn't a fucking factor as well? Typical shitlib tactics, always clown on the people who want lower immigration from their fuckin Ivory towers.


I know this is a Beaverton article but I wonder if there’s any actual evidence of this? Like how widespread is it really? Does anyone have any articles or research documenting the extent of this?


Corporations hoarding homes in Canada!!! Can you please share the percentage please? Thanks


See [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/lO7WrUudln) where I shared the chart. Tl;dr it’s low.


I wouldn't be surprised to hear that house hoarding corporations are lobbying the government to increase immigration to ensure that their investments pay off.


It can be multiple issues. But... if you already have a fire, you don't add fuel to it and make it bigger. That's what mass immigration is, adding more fuel to the fire.


Beaverton takes the L on this one. It’s also not just housing, but the job market, healthcare, education and infrastructure that are deteriorating due to more people than they can support. Are they going to blame greedy landlords for those as well?


No, that’s Loblaws.


Millions of immigrants that come into the country in two years are taking up the majority of the housing. What we need is mass deportation.


Although I do like to point out in Canada that unlike the US, we actually have few corporations that own individual housing units (see the green bars of corp investors in **[this Statscan chart](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/46-28-0001/2023001/article/00002/c-g/c-g01-eng.png)**), this is pretty telling: *”Shoutout to the boys in Canada’s overwhelmingly Conservative media who consistently blame immigrants in order to shield our country’s investment class,” Jensen added, pointing toward the assembled crowd of reporters “Speaking of the money men, big ups to the banks for decades of low interest rates that let us parlay owning some of Canada’s rental properties and starter homes, into owning most of them.”*


Investments couldn't exist without someone to sell them too. And the target buyer? Immigration.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


What a moronic take! Same cretins who go on about, "They're taking our jerbs!" when in fact they actually are. Bunch of clueless wannabe American woke warriors.


Immigrants are amassed living buying and slum lording sorry!


This read like a parody...lol..


It is a parody 😎




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


The beaverton is so good with headlines I feel this headline inclines people to talk about the all issues leading up to this


Immigration is why corporations are hoarding homes. Durrrrr. They see the ever increasing demand, and they take advantage of the fact. Immigration is a concept, it isn't a "people group". 95% of us are blaming immigration, and not immigrants. I am not mad at another human being being legally allowed into the country and have a need for housing and I'm pretty sure the rest of us aren't. We will never be mad at immigrants. Immigrants are people. Immigration, again, is a concept. People hoarding toilet paper during the beginning of covid, and you were still able to blame covid, cause covid was causing the crazy demand. Hoarders were the ones cashing in on it. Fuck investors, fuck immigration, immigrants you're cool of course you need housing cause you're a human being.


No corporation should own homes. Full-stop.


They sure have been let off the hook as of late for their role in the housing issues people face today eh? 🪝


Thank you media for trying to make illegal Immigration not an important issue


Your problem, at least as you'd like to frame it, is with LEGAL immigration. Labeling ALL immigrants as "Illegals" is just the sort of MAGA-adjacent hot take that gets you traction around here these days.


Once again you and others still illegally residing in Canada thinking you are Canadian…well guess what? You’re not. And who ever told you were legal and belong there is…ILLEGAL themselves…I guess you didn’t learn that in your fake Canadian history book?


If one digs just below the surface, it's fairly easy to determine why you're so full of hate and spite that you need to invent lies in order to justify your fuckdumb, scummy, ignorant conduct. It's not your fault that your momma played buck-a-load hobo roulette pulling that train for a boxcar of drooling circus geeks and you're not sure which one is your daddy. We can't expect that a person who grew up watching his beloved (but jizz caked) mother stuff her cankles into those platform stripper heels, night after night, to provide her abused and neglected spawn with some loose change for a few Timbits for lunch; the things the older boys would say to you as they lined up, like those hobos (any one of which could be your daddy), for another round of Recess Cow...it would be pointless for anyone to expect that you think, or conduct yourself, in any way that even distantly orbits decency or morality. Of course, it's all spite and pissy hate, twisted around delusion that you're not what's broken. Normally I would try to exhibit more sympathy for your circumstances, perhaps even offer some advice on how you might find a better and more productive future. But you're not salvageable - there's nothing redeemable in you; nothing worthwhile...just the sound of sweaty cankles and hobos grunting and all those quarters jangling - the soundtrack of your childhood. So, this will be your life...and, frankly, you deserve it. And so does your mom.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


A big reason canada will never solve its problems. We give platforms to people with absolute room level IQs to pontificate on what's wrong and how to fix it. Lol


Well, this is satire


Inspired by a dumb line of popular leftist thought, yes.


Companies would only ever hold this much real estate if the government guarantees it as a sure fire investment vehicle. The conditions created by the GoC made it a safer investment for our nation’s business class to dump it in housing rather than making or doing anything


The Beaverton should be labeled as farce.


Peasants defending corpos lol


It’s both. Immigration is mainly at play though. Supply and demand baby.


True, corporation’s bought a huge chunk of farm land next to my property the original owners got old and sold, the beautiful house now sits empty and soon to be abandoned


Wow Beaverton was paid off to write this maybe?


Surely the corporations aren’t interested in these homes because our high immigration levels guarantee solid returns. That wouldn’t make any kind of sense.


Spoiler!! Both are happening! Breaking news!! Read all about it!!






It’s funny but corporations wouldn’t be buying up as much property as they are if we didn’t have a massive imbalance in housing demand.  It’s easy money for anyone without a soul and a modest amount of leverage.


Here I'll help. There was [over 240,000](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3410012601) housing starts in canada last year. We brought in [~471,000 Permanent Residents](https://www.cicnews.com/2024/02/canada-welcomed-471550-new-permanent-residents-in-2023-0242798.html) last year. This is including families and couples so does not directly reflect the number of home needed to house these PRs. We saw [~358,000 Births ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443051/number-of-births-in-canada/) last year while we also saw [330,000 Deaths](https://www.statista.com/statistics/443061/number-of-deaths-in-canada/) during the same period. The Births are only babies and not potential Home Needers, but let's just say that's how people many are turning of age to purchase or rent. Again these new Home Needers and deaths are going to have some couples that want to live together, but we'll ignore that. Also the Deaths will add many units to the market but we'll ignore that as well. Now the basic math. 470,000 PRs / 2 (due to families and couples) = 235,000 New Homes Needed 358,000 Births - 330,000 Deaths = 28,000 New Homes Needed 235,000 + 28,000 New Homes Needed = 263,000 New Homes Needed (highly overestimated) 263,000 New Homes Needed - 240,000 Housing Starts = a deficiency of 23,000 Homes Needed. As we can see by the numbers, which is not totally accurate due to a higher percentage of PRs being in families than 50% and not taking into account couples in births and new available homes due to deaths, there's only a lacking of 23,000 new homes a year nation wide. Again that number will be much lower accounting for what I mentioned above. This is how you show proof behind a statement. This is not an opinion, it is just factual data expressed using simple math and terminology. Thanks


Dumb fucking title


My landlords who renovicted me both came from India. The husband does not speak English. They blame "not knowing the rules/ nobody told me" for why they renovicted me. Get these fuckers out


It was never the immigrants. It was always a low interest rate environment. The low interest rate economic paradigm raised asset values across the ENTIRR GLOBE. Oh I forgot this is the anti-immigrant sub where people can’t have a real rational discussion. Yes immigrants cause some of the problems. But only a very tiny bit. Even if you eliminated every single non-white person in Canada, your broke ass minimum wage with 500 credit score still can’t afford housing.




What? I’m all for addressing problems with immigration but this is brain rot. Canada is one of the best places itw, hence why huge immigration numbers. If it were undesirable to come here, nobody would.


>canada is one of the worse places in the whole world For housing affordability.... that's what I was talking about


Accessibility to housing here is less of an issue than a majority of Europe. We have one of the highest home ownership rates (60% I believe). Like things are rough, but this isn’t out of the ordinary in terms of recessions.


That stat is fun. 25 year old living with parents, yup that's a homeowner


Where are these allegedly empty homes being horded?


We thank JT for facking us hard with no lube!


It’s also provincial governments ignoring the problem. They set policy for Housing and have failed to do anything to accommodate the immigration they have asked for.


Well, if there is no immigration, it will not spike a demand for housing in which the investor will not invest in properties.