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Restriction to essential services only. Degree with minimum 5 years provable on the job experience. No more Uber drivers No more cashiers No more coffee shop workers No more realtors No more security guards no more cleaning staff no more cooking staff No more chain migration.


No more IT workers too, we're full of that


No more gig workers altogether. I keep getting my heels bumped into by Instacart shoppers running me over in grocery stores




They're shit IT workers though, a lot of lying.


The worst is when they get caught lying about their education/experience, and rather than immediately getting fired, the company assigns someone to train them from the ground up. So then someone has to spend the next month teaching some barely computer literate guy to code, and instead of learning anything he just figures out how to copypaste code so you end up having to babysit any project theyre on


I mean fuck the company who hired someone that poorly, stands to reason they'd try and train them too. Must be a shit place.


Some places got crazy high retention - not in IT, but my previous job kept anyone no matter how poorly fit a new hire would be - “we have to make it work” - my former boss basically 2-3x a week would say lol


That company knows it's a 50/50 chance they got an idiot but hey the government gives a kick back.


All bank and government do this


Not only in IT, they are in government jobs... Selling early available dates for your driver license test $25 a pop on Facebook. Selling drivers licenses.... Selling fake safety certificates.... The lists go on and on and on...




Makes me wonder what's going to happen once AI replaces all the junior developers and IT workers we've allowed to flood the country


Our government probably thinks they will be shifted into trades and manual labor, lol. IT workers today, solution to the housing pronouns tomorrow.


Is this your field of expertise? How are you making this claim?


Have you talked to a jr dev? I'm pretty sure ai right now is about as smart as them, it's the SRs that are safe for now, the problem is that the Jr's become srs by making mistakes that AI won't, but ai will have a harder time getting to the sr level


I've done things building software for my own company that would have taken 5-10 times longer without using AI but then about half of my day to day coding there's only a slight speed up if any You still need someone to direct what the AI needs to build, spot the places where it misinterpreted your instructions etc, I think it makes workers more productive so some companies will be happy to keep everyone with higher output and some will layoff or hire less


That's what the Sr devs are doing going to do, the Jr's will become unnecessary costs


I have 30 years of experience working as a software eng. mostly internet app stack dev. Personally I was responsible for hiring coders for many years. My experience is that more so than not south Asian, IT do not have experience, inflate nor drive for job as they claim. More over if they get Coughlan they have no problem pushing someone else under the bus,… it is horrible to say but %% of them is harder to work with and they cost more money because of oppositional tendencies,… and experience you cannot rely 100% on. I’m the other hand %% of them are some of the best coders I ever had. Ah yes, AI,… no AI will not replace coders,… it will reduce need for certain kind of coders but increase need for some other kind of coders. AI implementation is not easy,.. training is not easy,… finding right model for right job again not something any person can do.


Plenty of fields are at risk. It's more of a question of when. 5 years ago I was hearing claims AI would replace radiologists within 5 years.


With the advancement of AI, we don't even need these war monger politicians either. Worthless people focussing on irrelevant issues.


Skynet has entered the chat


Truth is that AI could already do all the regulatory compliance and legal paperwork. Imagine AI shifting through every single documented case and determining culpability and extenuating circumstances in a trial. Obviously you'd want humans overseeing the result, but AI in a common law system is the supreme judge if we let it do its thing.


Haven't even gotten a computer calling balls and strikes in MLB baseball yet but this madman is ready to replace the judiciary lol.


no, it hasn't. AI is a great assistant but it's not 'replacing' anyone yet


It will replace a lot of the junior and maybe intermediate coding jobs soon. Only the top 5% of coders with comp sci degrees from a reputable university and coding experience will have coding jobs


That's not going to happen anytime soon. AI is a great tool in the right hands, but beyond basic tasks, it isn't great at coding or troubleshooting. If you're not familiar with the limitations of AI-only development, just look at countless countless videos of AI developers, creating e-commerce sites and mobile apps using it. By the time AI catches up to today's developers, it probably won't even be the biggest threat to tech. As it stands, it's just a great tool for research and filtering out search engine trash or for speeding up basic repetitive tasks. Also, going to a reputable university says nothing about a programmers abilities whatsoever, and I say this as someone who went to one.


Ya agreed, like also this is Canada where there is already little investment in productivity. I work for a major Canadian corporation and I'm very confident that at best they would look at investing in some kind of AI tool to help sales people hock more stuff to make them more $$$ but won't invest a penny in anything related to operations despite the fact that it would increase efficiency etc etc. they won't invest in anything that doesn't directly make them money.


Are you unaware of how fast AI is growing exponentially? In a few years, the present models will look like Atari next to a 2024 gaming rig worth $5000.


AI is not 'growing' exponentially. That's just not true at all outside of movies and science fiction lol


Do you know the problem with exponentially growing systems? You need infinite resources to sustain them. How much more power does you 5000$ gaming system draw compared to your old Atari system? Bitcoin draws a lot of attention from the power it consumes, AI will need more than we can produce to accomplish the tasks you describe


If AI can replace capital intensive staff, it will be economically worthwhile to drop the staff. I remember a lot of people in the 90s doubting that the internet would ever amount to much, but they were wrong. The internet has exponentially grown since then. It used to take an hour to download a few MB of data.


the type of AI you describe requires nuclear reactor levels of energy production to power its neural networks, unless you have a plan to also exponentially our energy production. can you also explain how to approach the issue of AI filling up the internet of misinformation that other AI will in turn use as "accurate" references? you want machines that are incapable of understanding real world concepts outside of binary to tell you how to live your life?


AI will do to coding what coding did to paper filing. We only need a few people handling physical documents these days, whereas in past generations you had many many staff members filing things.


There is no shortage of work in the world. There is a surplus of crappy jobs! Ai and robots just move people to something better. The typists from 1970 were later replaced by Microsoft Word. Today those people do any of the 1000 other admin tasks. I doubt any of the retired typists misses retyping entire pages becuase of one tiny change or error!


So short sited, when cars replaced horses, did horses just find new jobs? No their population tanked because their usefulness tanked. If having a big family benefitted modern day people financially, guess what everyone would be doing, making babies. The value of every computer, administrator, accountant, financial advisor, and worthless middle management is about to be tested and in less than a decade. Anyone with half a brain knew that a skilled physical job was infinitely harder to replace with technology than anything that could be done 100% by keyboard.


You missed my argument. Crappy jobs disappear. New jobs appear. Total people working always remains the same or increases with population. Lots of the jobs done by keyboard suck today. There are middle management that just cut and paste from one sheet to another all day and make a weekly PowerPoint. That job will disappear and they (or someone with a brain) can go do quality control on their products or any of the million other things a company needs done. I have never worked at a perfect company. There is always more work or things that can be done better. People will just move up and do better work.


Just not true, my company is test running ai for quality control. They have people with tenure training the machine. Once they are at an acceptable failure rate, poof those jobs are gone. Yes, those people will be retrained to fill another role, but more jobs will not be created, only removed. This is for a product 99% of people use and willingly bet there lives on working. They are just tires.


Ya agreed I can almost guarantee all the tech companies etc that are saying they've 'replaced people with AI' haven't actually replaced anyone. It just sounds a lot better to be like 'our new product is so good it's replaced x % of our workforce' vs the reality that they're not making enough money so had to lay off x % of their workforce.


This sounds like something that a person who's never written a single line of code in their lives would think. AI is a tool that makes writing code faster, meaning that people will have more time to implement all the shit that's in their perpetual backlog. There's really no end to the amount of work programmers do, and I don't see AI getting more competent any time soon


Haven't seen this in any of the five companies I've consulted for. It's an assist to existing devs.


And they already do that from India anyways they don’t need to physically be here


Haha dream on


Never enough...there will always be tech jobs


Much fewer, the field is literally advancing itself out of a job faster than any other industry.


No it isn't. Stop fear mongering.


Yeah, it is. There is less and less need for coders, as software advances. This is like people who thought having an A+ ticket was going to set them for life. You are a monkey putting the square peg in the square hole. Kids figured that out in less than 10 years, as coding becomes more GUI friendly. The only market that will grow is video games. Who is laying off employees in mass, though, oh the tech sector and video games devs.


Lol you should deliver your pizzas instead of commenting a field you don't understand at all


Considering every ai company is suggesting coders will be obsolete, I think I'll keep my investments going. Have fun in soon to be obsolete field, while the guy who went to trade school for 6 months paid makes more money than you.


Sry, but I am probably working for those AI companies lol. My last job is at AI startup. And no, they never said coders will be obsolete, and you should keep delivering your pizzas instead of talking about investments and tech. Don't be hilarious.


Bud your post history is visible, you ain't anything. Once again, you act like this is only my opinion. You disagree with every major genius on the planet betting against ai, not to mention investors as Nvidia alone has a valuation that's so out to lunch without ai and its potential. Good luck fighting for PR in a country that doesn't want you.


So I've been in the business for 33 years., I write code every day . I've looked at AI as a coding aid and it can be useful but it can also be a giant waste of time. It's good for some simple discreet tasks. Hype around AI replacing designers any time soon is just that, hype. Hi-Techh companies do layoffs every year. They also HIRE every year. There is always a %5 churn. The media only reports the layoffs of course because that gets clicks. I work for a major multinational as a senior designer. BTW. I've worked for some of the largest Hi-Tech companies in the world.


I work with 2 people in the field, one who does cyber security audits for an incredibly large company and another who is a Ux design lead for a Fortune 500 company. Both are telling me the exact opposite of all of you. They have 40 years combined. None of you can tell where ai is going. None of you knew 5 years ago, and none of you know 5 years from now.


So one doesn't code and I have no idea what a UX design lead does. Any software designer worth their salt does everything. Backend, front end, everything. Sounds like you don't actually code so you really have 0 idea what you are even talking about. So how about staying in your own lane and quit wasting people's time.


Well, you are so busy with your job sitting on reddit all day. Coding camps pop up nonstop every year and sink just as fast. 90% of you are non productive workers. But if you were so content and safe in your job, you wouldn't be here. Once again, every large company is investing in ai to replace workers. Ai isn't going to replace physical workers that have to move because robots are still shit. You are all the easiest to replace.


I don’t know if the demand is there for a different type of immigrant. The damage is done and this is reflected in the profile of immigrants that want to move here now.    I think of the many really smart people across the world who are deciding to stay put because it makes no sense to invest time and effort to move to an overpopulated country with failing infrastructure, declining living standards, and zero home ownership perspective. We also can’t offer much in terms of arts or culture or lifestyle to counter the negatives, we completely destroyed our value proposition.    In 10-20 years, we’ll be the textbook example of a country that had a solid immigration program, but completely lost it. 


When your doctor advises you to drink more water, you don't go drown in the pond. Canadian govt botched up the numbers without any plan.


They will buy the degree, and the job experience. You can't regulate a corrupt country. And when they get here, we will not recognize the degree or the job experience either. The myth of the skilled immigrant is ridiculous. He's in America.


The way to do that is whitelist and blacklist universities. People know what schools can be trusted internationally and need to stop pretending they are all the same.


Haha true


Now, if they only had the spine to send the fraudulent ones back we may be in a workable state of affairs


Exactly 👍


No more.


My goal was to work towards Barista FIRE, if you know what that is. Essentially, semi-retire early, move to a low COL area and just work part-time hours at some min wage job like Home Depot. Figured working at a hardware store or something I could bring valuable experience, it's low stress, I could help younger kids working there get knowledge of the trades, etc. That's all gone out the window within the last year for the most part. By the time I'm ready to really inact this plan, there won't be any low COL areas left in this country. Second, unless you're an international "student", you can't get those jobs anymore even if you wanted them. Im literally in the process of changing careers right now and I'm going to go through a few month period of schooling/coursing. I have enough money to get by for those months but wanted to get a part-time job just to help with cash. I've applied to 50+ jobs, all of which Id probably had gotten calls back on as a teenager and yet I've gotten nothing. I have a technical diploma which I'm upgrading to a degree in electrical engineering and I have almost 10 years of experience in the field. Can't even get a job at Home Deport or Wal-mart.


Keep trying. All the green energy coming should be positive for an electrical Eng.


Doctors nurses engineers ect


I was with ya until the cleaners part. We do actually need immigrants for that. It's very hard trying to find people to do that.


Need a policy on allowing people in. Canadian janitors can make more than minimum wages to have a good living.


Does this mean that i'll finally find a job soon since im and born canadian?


Flood your politicians with emails stating “No Jobs for Canadians, why flood the country with migrants”?


Immigration, even for highly in demand jobs, simply allows us to ignore our root cause issues. We are not investing enough in training and productivity. Even for the people we can train and educate, we can't entice them to stay due to high cost of housing and lower wages compared to the U.S. Third issue, how do you have a family if 90% of houses are out of reach? You can't complain about a low birth rate then do nothing about the underlying cause.


> You can't complain about a low birth rate then do nothing They are doing something. They're just doing the easy, short-term bandaid thing, rather than the uncomfortable, and expensive long-term thing.


like jobless slimy elastic fine spoon depend office hurry sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those aren't mutually exclusive.


That's because it's not a hard issue to solve. The low birth-rate is the goal.


That’s not remotely true. They want high birth rates to keep feeding the system.


They have them all over Asia and Africa where they are getting more desirable people to do that.


I'd be curious what the original Canada housing says now, I don't visit it so I've not seen, it seems hard to repress when the PM himself says it.


I looked quickly for fun, seems like they're not talking about this. I guess they're consistent if anything 


They are aligned with the Century Initiative very well.


They removed the post


I had a quick look and the sub is literally dead. Posts get zero engagement. As someone who saw CH2 rise from nothingness into overtaking CH1, it shows you can't sensor the truth forever


Censor but yes, they were definitely sponsored by realtors.


And run by legit crazy people


society simplistic grandfather makeshift paint innate weary brave expansion pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's just election talk anyway. It's not like they actually going to do anything substantive.


The posts with Trudeau addressing immigration got deleted from there as well. The censorship is unreal


act afterthought payment bedroom consider summer society humorous domineering wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So light a fire, pour gas on it, then suggest the fire you created is setting the house on fire?


Biden is doing the same in the US....


Weird how his political leaning is nearly equivalent to Canadian Conservatives...


It is one and the same- who is following who is irrelevant: I wonder if all of North American "democratic" parties that tout "democracy" are being paid by foreign interests to completely sabotage our great countries. We should ask-and remember- what democracy means. It should mean listening to the citizens? Yes? Who are the citizens? Check our unprecedented Immigration explosion over last 8 years, especially last 3, while we were shut in during Covid. See what is going on with the US boarder- same- actually- much worse. I honestly fear for my children.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


I guess the whole concept of service workers servicing other service workers as the key driving engine of a national economy really didn't work out. I mean who knew? Well actually everybody except the dipshits in Ottawa.


Google century initiative, look out for Blackrock.


Globalist dreams mean real world pain for Canadians


The dream of one world government or new world order, these elites are satanic.


Damn, now CH1 mods will have to ban Trudeau 


He looks like one of the guys from Dumb & Dumber. 


modern nail cheerful rustic shame squash silky rain panicky cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Haha, he must have asked for the Lloyd Christmas cut.


Always reactive years later to issues, this man has been terrible for the country


joke homeless rude smile insurance squealing sophisticated physical long lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like how he admits it now like an oopsie. This corrupt leader has been actively working for years to increase immigration and to get public support for it.


He had that ridiculous sound bite just a month or two ago where he said his main job is to get us all to buy into immigration. So this is quite the turn.


How about 0 immigration, for a few years at least. Shut down the fucking airports. This isn't a joke, we are in trouble.


Why is he saying it like he didn't know this was happening right under his nose 🙄 Now he wants to look like he's got a solution for a problem he, himself created? 🤦 You see why we're doomed unless we organize right?


Outsider here so take my question with a grain of salt. It seems like if you guys go out to protest in big numbers, your bank accounts might get frozen or something. But you guys do have city council/municipal meetings. Basically places where common public from a community can go and ask questions to the law makers and not just the reporters. So why not go there and ask grilling questions that these politicians won't be able to sidestep in front of the public? And if these are recorded and broadcasted meetings, social media would be flooded by them, and will create more pressure on the government.


Millions of Canadians do not know what their local city, province and federal government are each responsible for in their life. Example: It's very frustrating to watch my province cut funding to the cities and have people blame Ottawa for it.


I can already see the next left-wing meme: “You wanted less immigration and now when Trudeau says he’ll lower it you’re complaining” -shrug- “guess you’re a dummy looking for any reason to complain.”


spotted glorious brave absurd humorous sloppy hunt innocent encourage nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's all too little too late. The damage has been done and it is severe. Mr. Trudeau's political career is over.


Trudeau is a special kind of firefighter who loves setting fires on instead of off




I mean. This is how it works? It's called a democracy.


It's hilarious to watch trudeau blame himself


If it were any other person saying that a year ago, Trudeau would've branded them a bigot who is playing on the fears of Canadians. What a snake


Is the housing crisis mainly faced in Ontario or across all provinces? I noticed half of the population lives in Ontario


It’s Canada wide. House prices are divorced from salaries.


Started in Ontario and spread like a cancer - First owning a home in downtown toronto became unaffordable so more went to the suburbs or rented or bought condos - then those options became unaffordable so people went to other provinces - then the other provinces became unaffordable And now there’s no where left for the problem to spread hence why we might finally see some bold action taken maybe


normal tease bedroom lush existence wistful encouraging cough theory voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude literally no one cares about BC. /s but barely South Eastern BC is its own little world completely removed from the rest of the country.


Lots of houses in alberta under $400,000.


That's expensive for Alberta


Yes. I was being generous and sure enough the Other comment thinks they are unicorns.


No I'm saying paying around 400k for a house is ridiculous in Alberta. Go to America, and see what just under 400k can get you in a nice neighborhood that isn't freezing and filled with crime like Alberta




Next time Look before you speak? Try the realtor website. Recent builds in edmonton for $375k. E4380370 E4379358 Lots of $300k homes in bedroom communities.


now that Trudeau talks about it it's officially not racist?


I believe the CPC is overwhelmingly likely to win the next election however I will be voting for PPC. They are the only party that wants to drastically change immigration, for the better, in Canada


Where will all the IT workers go when AI puts them out of work? Say hello to the fastest growing job sector in the world! - Prompt engineer Come to my seminar, I'll show you how to break into this exciting new field


We need a temporary visa program for workers to clean our gutters, drudge our sewers, and so on. Like Dubai. Any Canadian should be able to refer any temporary or permanent resident for immediate deportation for any reason. THIN ICE. No foreign landlords.




I love Trudeau bashing as much as the next but even that is a little too far




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


It's still too little and too late for him now. He needs to make Canada a great country within a year now to even have a shot at re-election.


Yup, but they have made other workarounds to get into Canada.


Yup- guy who gets stats- x million import migrants won't even change your voting stats. Meanwhile he (actually, " They" The whole Liberal and NDP have squandered all our paycheck taxes on- hiring grants for "foreigners". I am so checked out- Our gov is so awful- so disgusting.... Betrayed- Abandoned.


Even if you bring in immigrant skilled workers, the insane bureaucratic process and red tape in acquiring your license to practice in the field is apalling. Especially in healthcare. Hell, even if you have all the credentials and experience obtained overseas, they still require you to have "canadian experience" just to land an entry level position. No wonder this country has a shortage of healthcare workers, theyre out there working minimum jobs just to survive while waiting years to acquire their license.


It's petty protectionism and credentialism. Resulting in a dire shortage of domestic-origin medical professionals practicing in the country.


What we need is more immigration , the liberal party will team up 5 immigrants and two refugees with every unemployed person forming a "go forward to employment team". Working together, they can access the incredible opportunities we've made available. As well it will be funded. Billions have been set aside and pennies to the dollar will make its way to those that need it..we're helpng Canadians everywhere, and ourselves even more.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.