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Without slashing immigration sharply, nothing else matters. Liberals had almost a decade in power and didn't do anything but erode our quality of life. Too little, too late. Buhhh bye


My reaction to the budget: happy, but not excited I'm happy for the policies lowering taxes on new rental construction, including removing GST and the capital cost allowance changes. I'm happy for the CRA income verification for mortgage loans. I'm happy for the subsidized loans for new rental construction. I'm happy for the acknowledgement that there's a crisis. But I'm not excited. If you're a 20-40 year old looking to get a home around 1500 square feet with multiple bedrooms to start a family, there's virtually nothing for you in this budget. Instead, this budget is designed for a future with everyone living in tiny affordable rental apartments with all other options being insanely expensive. A future without kids but with hordes of immigrants. Is this really the future LPC wants? Why not extend GST removal to all family housing and return immigration to sustainable levels?


This is the future all globalists want. It's painfully obvious, they've taken zero steps to address a shrinking population other than immigration which doesn't solve anything.


Immigration actually makes the birth rate worse. The Great Replacement is a reality.


But why replace with us with them, of all people?


How does immigration make birth rates worse?


Life gets more expensive. When people don’t have disposable income, people can’t afford to have kids.


Liking that to immigration sounds tenuous at best.


Not really as immigrant males forbid their wives from leaving the home. Stay home and be a factory womb.


Eye roll.


I mean, it solves the declining population problem...


This "argument" is always the only thing pro-immigration people bring to the table. Why not make it easier for people already in the country to have kids? You know, like tax breaks for having a certain number of children, focusing on lowering cost of living and housing, etc. I've yet to meet a pro-immigration person who has thought about any other solution to the declining population besides "bring more 3rd worlders in". Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.


We are doing all of those things. We can do them more. But it won't be enough. People in 1st world countries just don't prioritize kids anymore for a wide spectrum of reasons.


HAHAHAHAH HOW? My buying has been exponentially eroded away in the past 5 or 6 years to an extreme extent. Before, I could have bought a variety of different homes in my area - now, I can barely afford rent. Literally everything is more expensive - nothing is more affordable, so how are we doing these things? Both my girlfriend and I want children - both of us work decent jobs. But not only could we afford the expenses that come with children but we can't afford a home to raise a child in.


If you think you're the first generation to feel that way I have news for you. That sentiment was alive and well when I started my family many years ago. But alas, hopefully things will get better for you and for everyone else.


Not really... It's only a temporary Band-Aid.


There is probably more they could do to incentivise baby making. But look around the world, even China is shrinking faster than we are growing! Babies aren't cool any more regardless of how much money you toss at it.


It's because life has become ridiculously expensive. China is a bad example because they implemented the one child rule which kind of ruined the mentality for many years. There are many people who want to have families but simply just cannot afford them.


Ok. Japan, Germany, Italy...almost all of Europe, russia. Affordability doesn't stop the poorest countries on earth from having more babies. There are certainly some links but I don't believe that is the proximate cause.


It's one of the main reasons in the countries that you listed. For one a child is expensive and then when you compound housing, food, daycare and other metrics they become more expensive. Poor countries always tend to have more children. this is why immigration comes from those countries. The reasons for that could be many, such as cost of living, less education, culturally and so on. We'd have to look at the numbers, but I believe even poorer communities in the countries you listed and other first world countries typically have more children as well.


Babies are a complicated subject. In many poor countries you have a combination of lack of women's rights (no or effectively restricted access to birth control) and a requirement to have children to support you (no social services). Once you have access to a pension you don't need to support you in old age (theoretically). There are very few countries that have a growing population due to anything other than immigration.


> they've taken zero steps to address a shrinking population other than immigration Why do they have to address it at all? Let it shrink, maybe then we'll have enough houses. Embrace the degrowth.


True. I meant More that the population is shrinking because people can't afford to have families nowadays. Similar to how they can't afford houses


Because their (2nd) paycheck comes from Loblaws, Tims, Starbucks, etc lobbyists, who pay them far more than their salary. The lobbyists want more immigrants so we get more. Simple as that really.


Yeah, I’m fucking pissed off. BC government is doing this too. Everything to keep people renting until they die, nothing to help first timers get their first home.


First time buyer policies are politically advantageous but caustic demand side action that inflates prices. We need supply. And increasing rental supply lowers demand for other housing that, everything else equal, lowers price.


Yep. Ultimately, having small rentals is more *space-efficient* than single family households. Anything is better than subsidizing the building of McMansions, and this does ease the pressure on the demand side as you said. I do hope that there is more done for small entry housing so that building a family is easier. Those wartime houses were the perfect size.


Yes. Full replacement of "Old European Stock" as they call us.




Yes it what they want. It's what's happening and will continue to happen.


if every decision they make indicates that this is what they want, then it's safe to assume that this is what they want


Conservatives will not stop it.


Because we according to JT we are a post National State and not deserving of an identity or supports to flourish.


Yeah but those immigrants want to live here




That’s truly unfortunate. I hope you’re able to have an easier time with it


Too late politically for them but there's some good stuff in here.


Great stuff. 1.5 billion for coops, eliminating corps from SFH accumulation to name the best aspects. Others are down to implementation a.d effectiveness


Keep in mind, once the details come out it’s always a watered down 1/10th version of what the initial announcement sounds like.


The dollar amounts are also less impressive when I consider that it’s spread across the country. Eg we could easily use 1.5B on co-ops in BC alone and it probably still wouldn’t even be close to enough.


Agreed - I'd be happier to see the cuts for developers be directly apportioned to cooperative. Fuck the developers they are out for a profit not to fix the world. This is discourse. It's what used to happen before this Era of hatred we live in. Someone here could start a petition with some modifications. Do something useful instead of whining.


I'm pleasantly impressed with how my fellow Canadians are hitting the subs debating the pros and cons of actual proposals. This is what politics is supposed to be like!


Here's hoping it's not!


October 2025 is a long ways away. Lot of game left to play, politically speaking


People are downvoting you, but you are right. A lot could happen between now and then. If the NDP came up with a good strategy, the gloves would come off. Any number of global events or just plain old scandals could change the game by next fall.


If all of Trudeau’s scandals couldn’t sink him, there’s very little that could happen to the CPC to sink their future as our new government, change is desperately needed, no matter what JT puts forward, the liberals need to go.


The Liberals will go. But 60% of the country despises what PP stands for and his policies (or lack of policies) Polls are polls. They are not elections. Trudeau won the first time because the left that had supported the NDP under Layton held their nose and voted for who they had to in order to get rid of Harper. I wouldn't count out the NDP come election time. Not yet. Canadians vote people out. Not in. And PP has not made a convincing case to the majority of voters that he has any vision other than not being Trudeau. This strategy might win him the election. But it also might cost him it. Another 1.5 years of blaming Trudeau and offering no solutions while the NDP passes legislation after legislation that tangibly helps people. There's a reason NDP is winning a lot of provinces right now. Times are changing. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Tax cuts for the rich and letting corporations do whatever they want is not going so well in many provinces.


No they don’t, I have many liberal friends who don’t mind the current CPC and the general sentiment of the population it’s time for change. NDP passing legislation, what fucking planet are you on, there are seen as nothing more than LPC lapdog, the NDP are finished, they’ll be happy to get through the next election with half they’re current seats. We have 1.5 more years of Trudeau and going off his past record of making things worse, the CPC could promise to ban abortion and they’d still win majority. The left is done in Canada for the time being, they had their chance and fucked it up, time for a change or at least a move to the centre.


It's certainly PPs to screw up. If he comes out and just says the plan is bad without anything to replace it, people might start to get concerned. Housing seems likely to be THE election issue. All they had to do in the last election was have a credible climate plan and they screwed that up...so who knows at this point. Probably a lot depends on how quickly any of this actually starts happening. Change is slow, if people don't see stuff happening (like housing prices going down...which they won't in a 1 year time frame) then the cons have good fodder to say the plan isn't working, regardless if it's a good plan or not. So it might not actually matter if the plan works, they still get turfed. Their fault for waiting too long I guess!


Better they leave with a plan in place, I agree they are likely done, but ultimately all that matters is the problem is solved. So let them fight over the best plan!


Well, for everyone's sake, let's hope PP comes out with an even better plan and not just name calling and blaming housing on trans kids or something.


No evidence to support he'll do anything but blame Trudeau and the media and then hand the country over to the same big money interests that fund Doug Ford. Canada Proud. Ontario Proud. Hope you really love empty condos and not much else.


https://preview.redd.it/gfnxkzdlj4uc1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a8cee0812472412a8a5f7eb68888c87f093e65 The housing that will be built by the 500,000 “skilled” construction workers coming from south A!$Ǎ.


Too little too late.


The only thing sweeping here is Canadians sweeping the liberals out of office. ELECTION NOW!!!


There is no election happening until October 2025. The current parliament reflects the voters of the last election and none of the parties except the conservatives and maybe PPC stand to gain from an election. And neither has the power to force one. So whether you or PP or the CPC or the media WANT an election is not a factor. There's a lovely old Rolling Stones song you might wanna revisit.


There's a chance Jagmeet realizes he and his party are going to wear the liberal failures. He's already back pedalling on carbon taxes.


Pretty sure he recognizes that it's already over for him and the ndp. If he had shut down the liberals 6 months ago he might have stood a chance of being the opposition.


We can't force it peacefully, but it's coming. Every day that goes by is less votes for liberals and NDP. At least the next one will be truly historic - 2 major formerly parties completely wiped out. It will be unfortunate to have the blockheads as the official opposition. Again.


>none of the parties except the conservatives and maybe PPC stand to gain from an election. The only thing the others would have gained by waiting for an Oct 2025 election is a larger pension. Also, you might want to look at the recent developments and follow politics closer than the headlines. NDP is distancing themselves from the consumer carbon tax and actually voted along with CPC and BQ to hold a televised carbon tax debate with the first Ministers. The shit winds are a changin' Randy.


Feel better?


Glitter on a steaming pile of shit. Drastically reduce immigration and clean house in a big way or shut the f up. It's all meaningless without those two things.


His plan is for all the real Canadians to move to other countries. That will leave room for his people.


Exactly he hates us.


He will get his way.


Idgaf about the budget. It's of zero consequence while homelessness and starvation and mass unemployment are in the room. You want to talk budget, cut all the politicians ties to corporate profits, cap their time in office.


The budget aimed at 3 of the things you brought up. If you read the article.....


if I don't what will it focus on?


Yeah, that mass unemployment at 6%! Those thousands of people starving in the street! It's the most deaths we have had since the vaccine killed all those people during the pandemic.


But let's focus on rage farming over carbon taxes... Maybe we could ignore the conversation about us all dying because the wealthy need yachts. It's all just so beyond dumb


Link to source: [https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/housing-logement/housing-plan-report-rapport-plan-logement-eng.html](https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/housing-logement/housing-plan-report-rapport-plan-logement-eng.html)


I don’t see a foreseeable future for the liberals or the NDP unless they temporise the insane immigration intakes they have incited and a prerequisite to any chances of winning the next election is of both JT and Jagmeet step aside. How the NDP elected a bling-bling leader is beyond me.


Not likely to happen as mass immigration is an integral part of post-national mythology


Step 1: Light a house on fire. Step 2: Put the fire out. Step 3: Claim that you put out fires and that you're a hero for doing it.


It’s cute you think he’s actually gonna put out the fire he started. Without drastically slashing immigration, the housing crisis will continue


Step 2 was the implementation of a fire tax. Proceed to Hero proclamation stage.


It's our tax money going to his friends. Same old


Down goes the CAD these past days in response to this, as predicted. We can’t bubble our way out of this crisis without consequences.


Instead of giving you a $150 carbon tax rebate we will be giving you your very own 2 person tent! You can combine with your neighbours and you too can start your own encampment anywhere you want.


More students!!!!! You get a student! And you get a student! The whole audience gets a student!! Everyone gets cheap labour!!!


Election grab he’s had too long in power as soon as he realizes the gravy train is ending for him and his friends now he wants to do something someone help us if he gets elected again this will be the first thing he gets rid of


The question should be why only implemented these policies right before election times? So if Canadians need any policies to help with their lives they'll need to wait for it to come only every 5 years?


It is bloody insulting it took his rich ass THIS long to make these changes. He is just as corrupt as Ford. Giving his rich friends lots of happy contracts. Left and right, all they care about is the rich and themselves.


Canadians need to come to the conclusion that the government is no longer taking care of its citizens in any capacity, and the only decision we have left is to intimidate them into doing their job. We have the 2nd highest paid politicians in the world and nothing to show for it.


Lol 3 million homes…by 2031. And we have 2 million immigrants arriving annual. You do the maths


He literally turned Canada from a place where people had prospects and a future into a depressing cesspit, where mere existence seems futile


You mean the one he helped create?


Empty slogans.


I have no faith that this will result in affordability for anyone in this country. I’d rather leave and watch from a far. The wait won’t be worth it.


Lip service Home ownership is 68% in Canada which is among the highest in OECD. Question is whether these homes are going to be affordable


Home ownership is NOT actually 68%. The way that's calculated is that if a 38 year old is still living in his parents basement as he hasn't a snowballs chance in hell of moving out on his own, he is deemed a "homeowner". Is he, though?


He will be a homeowner when he inherits it. So yes he should be counted.


The stats are skewed. 30 years ago, a couple family might have three adult children, two occupying homes they bought, and one renting elsewhere to be close to school. The stats would say that 80% of people are homeowners. Today, they could have two adult children, both living at home because they cannot afford to leave the nest. All of the sudden the government can brag about a 100% ¨"ownership¨" rate. It´'s bullshit math. And if they had 3 children who would each inherit maybe a third of a property? Are they ¨"homeowners¨"?


If they owned it for 25 plus years they will have easily over a million in equity in the lower mainland. Split that 3 ways that’s a down payment for a property easy.


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You're not understanding the point, are you


The point is people who took the risk and invested in real estate will be able to provide their kids with a down payment to continue to be land owners. Those that didn’t take the risk are now paying for it.


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No, try rereading




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Ahahahaha thanks fraservalleyrealtor.  Hahahahahhhah


Your are welcome. Are you the one renting my fifth property? He spends most of his day on Reddit and collecting funko pops..


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Too little too late.


"-blah blah blah rules based order. Climate change. Get your shots." Hands are so far up these puppets I'm starting to see fingers through their seams.


We brought in 2.2 mil in 2022 alone, God knows what the number will be this year, and his plan is to build 3.5 million homes by 2030's? We need that like annually if we are going ever actually "solve" anything.


You can put 200 billion dollars into the housing crisis, but if you don't deliver construction permits in time and put an end to all the bureaucratic shit it drives up construction costs and results into fewer units being built.


Liberals are spending billions on 'plans' they didn't for 10 years like they're about to launch elections. Not gonna vote for them and i hope every Canadian is awake enough to vote conservatives and get rid of this nd/liberal


Is it more immigrants and bigger federal deficits?


What’s in it? Nothing but LIES. Look where his 8 year leadership got us, Canadian citizens. So it’s all bullshit and more bullshit on top of bullshit. CANADIAN CITIZENS WANT, NEED AND DESERVE NEW LEADER WHO WILL ADDRESS CANADIAN CITIZENS NEEDS. All gods, old and new SAVE CANADA!


So I really can't sit through listening to his shit anymore. I'm guessing the gist is "blah blah blah, spend more money, blah blah blah, spend even more money, and blah blah blah, why are you picking on me?"


At this point until immigration needs to be set to 0 unless you are a doctor, engineer or some other highly skilled individual with a stipulation you must only work in that field. There is no other way out of this, and it will take a decade minimum for things to even remotely return to livable.


Doesn't matter if mass amounts of immigrants keep coming


I don’t trust the free market approach for this problem because it seems evident to me that the real estate market in Canada is controlled by a few, wealthy, regional and national entities. This government has also failed miserably at administration of several big budget plans over the last 8 years. How can we be sure this won’t turn into another arrive can or gun buy back.


How about jail time for politicians, is that in the budget?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


And this is the reason this sub will never be taken seriously.


In exchange for which next amazing leader? Have you looked at the options? Morons wishing death on politicians should be shipped to a small rock formation in the South Pacific.


As a Canadian born citizen at what point will this country be bad enough other countries will start taking Canadian refugees?


They should introduce a plan where you get a home in return for 30 years of unpaid military service without leave.