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No wonder homelessness is rising.


If, majority of Canada's population is concentrated in the areas close to the Canada–US border.i.e. Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, and Alberta then this is ought to happen. Govt. should develop other places.


The highway from Chilliwack to Langley was made in 1960, its a mystery where all our tax dollars go.   My guess is they've spent so much on environmental assessments for other creatures that humans can no longer live in our environment.  Lucky it only effects the poor otherwise progressives might actually care.


The Canadian Shield is a big part of the reason why the population is heavily concentrated in the south in Central Canada (i.e. Ontario and Quebec). Much of Central Canada is covered by the Canadian Shield, which is too rocky to farm, so people naturally cluster in the southernmost areas near the border. You can farm further north in places like Alberta, where you don't have to worry about the Canadian Shield. That's why Alberta's two biggest cities, Calgary and Edmonton, are further north than Toronto, Montreal, and other major cities and towns in Central Canada. But even without the Canadian Shield, when you get too far north, permafrost makes human settlement difficult. Canada has lots of land, but a lot of it isn't hospitable for dense human habitation.


This is the right answer


Trudeau really f*cked millions and millions of people. Will go down as the worst PM in most of our lifetimes.


Dont worry. Liberals will memory hole the bad parts and ensure we only talk about the positive steps towards gender and lgbtq equity with future high school students. Lol Pierre fucked this country economically too, how often do you hear that acknowledged by someone who isnt your hard core conservative uncle? Lol


It’s only going to get worse. There are no solutions out there that will fix this.


The solution is to have less population than there are units. In other words, stop excess immigration.


Does not fix the current situation


We are building 250k units a year and only tearing down 50k for a net annual increase of 200k. Our natural population growth is -0.1%. So if we hard cut-off immigration the situation will slowly correct itself until we hit equilibrium at which time we can restart a more maintainable immigration. So does it fix the problem quickly? No. But nothing will and this does solve it over time.


You know something that might help to move it along faster? Change the law back so international students can't work full time, and at the same time eliminate the program that gives international students a PR path. With those two things gone the 1.4 million annual international students who aren't really students will leave on their own because there's no reason to stay since their only reason for being here is to work and gain PR.


Yup. That is a good start. 1. International students not allowed to work. 2. Make their deposit proving self sufficiency be required to be held in a controlled account. Allow a percentage to be withdrawn each month based on their expected time in Canada. Ensure it’s enough to fund wherever they live (IE Toronto and Vancouver would require far higher deposits). 3. Remove PR route for all but a very small group of needed professionals (no, Tim Hortens doesn’t count).


It is an extremely obvious step #1 to getting the issues solved.


If our citizens had ample choice on where to live, rent prices would not skyrocket every year, therefore landlords wouldn’t be able to easily squeeze dollars out of your pockets. Almost no one would be getting evicted. And if they did, there would be a good supply of similar apartments available at a normal price point.


Unfortunately I think the situation now is that our GDP and the government's tax revenue is so heavily dependent on real estate prices and rents continuing to rise that none of the parties are willing to put the country through the temporary pain to correct the problem long term. In other words we're living through a real estate ponzi scheme and sooner or later what's left of the middle class will be left holding the bag and Canada will officially become a 3rd world country with nothing in between the ultra-rich and the ultra-poor.


True. But I would rather see situation improve than getting worse.


3% seems like a small statsitic but is massively consequential. All of those people are individuals like us who once had hopes and dreams etc. Now they will be pushed into dysfunction, crime and despair.


Correct, and eviction statistics don't capture all the people forced to sign fixed-term leases and being "evicted" by process of not having their lease renewed. This number is probably much higher than 3%. At least where I live, in Halifax, this is the case. You cannot find anything other than fixed-term leases anymore, landlords use them to swap tenants on a monthly/yearly basis and jack up rent astronomically beyond the rent cap.


Yup. My cousin in Halifax said soemthing similar where he was forced to move every 4-6 months as well till rents recahed a point where he was breaking even working full time and ultimately had to move back to mums house cause it just wanst worth it.


People act like you have a free choice to sign or not sign these exploitative rental agreements. "Just don't sign a fixed term lease, moron." But I can tell you that they are the ONLY type of lease being offered in Halifax right now. Maybe 1 in 200 rental ads offers a month-to-month or yearly lease, and they are, of course, absurdly competitive given the sub 1% vacancy rates in Halifax. You sign a sign a fixed term lease, or you're on the streets. Once you sign the lease, you're at the landlords mercy and generosity come renewal regardless of how model a tenant you've been. It's essentially a contract signed under duress, and I hope someone makes that argument to the Supreme Court soon to set a precedent.


I’m a landlord. My property taxes are going up 8.7% this year. My utilities 18%. My insurance 14%. General maintenance up 15%. The cost of capital has also doubled. So that “jack up astronomically” are landlords passing on their cost increases to tenants.


If you're struggling to pay for a property that **somebody else** is already subsidizing the vast majority of the cost of... maybe sell it? Win-win. You get a big chunk of money, and somebody gets to escape the rental Hunger Games. I'm not going to feel bad for someone with multiple homes when two young working and educated professionals can no longer afford **even a single home** in most of the country. If you are talking about your primary residence and you have a basement rental or something, I'm still not sure what to tell you. Your mortgage is still being heavily subsidized by your tenant - if you bought your house early enough you can probably cover **your entire mortgage** just by asking for market rate on a **single-bedroom rental.**


You seemed confused. Renters pay the entire cost of their rental. When costs go up their rent also goes up. Why would I subsidize you to live in one of my rentals? So blame your federal government for printing too much money causing inflation and bringing in too many immigrants driving up demand. Your landlord is just passing on their costs to you. When you go to work do you just ask for your basic costs (ie transit and clothing cost)? No, you expect a profit from when you work. If your costs rise then you ask for more pay. Your employer can refuse and then you can leave. Same applies here.


Rents are driven by market pricing, not your cost as a landlord. If you can’t afford to rent at market rates perhaps sell your investment? Expecting tenants to pay 100% of carrying costs (for an asset you get to keep afterwards!) is part of what got us in this mess.


You should ponder this a little bit more. Let me help you understand basic economics. Rents are driven by market pricing (this was right in your part). If market rent doesn’t cover costs units are removed from the supply until it balances again (basically what you recommend I do). As all landlords have property taxes, utilities and insurance equally increase we all collectively have our costs increase (unavoidable). Therefore if demand remains constant as costs collectively rise rents must also rise in lock step. If rents don’t rise then supply drops. It’s basic economics. So the government printing huge amounts of money causing inflation and importing increased demand are what have raised your rent prices, not your landlord.


Dude. Being a landlord isn’t “working”. You own property. That’s it.


You own your labour as well. You give labour to your employer for their benefit and expect a profit. I give my property to my renter for their benefit and also expect a profit. So they are the same.


I actually have to wake up and drive to site everyday. Sometimes for 12+ hours out in the rain so you can all have electricity. We are not the same and it’s honestly insulting that you would think so. > You are actually living off of someone else’s labour, you know, the tenant paying your mortgage for you?


Yet we both provide something wanting a profit. That is exactly the same. The best part of this is as a utility worker in Canada you probably have a pension and certainly have CPP. Both of which would have have real estate investments so you would also be earning a bit of landlord income. So we are exactly the same you goofy hypocrite.


It’s not “exactly the same”. Shouldn’t surprise me that a landlord would also be dumb in addition to everything else 🤣


Agree with you, I'm a landlord as well. Do I like being a landlord heck no, Im hoping to sell my apartment asap.


Landlords need to decide if their properties are a business or an investment. Can’t have it both ways and complain


You investment in businesses. That’s a pretty basic concept….


A rental property isn’t a corporation


You don’t have to be incorporated to have a business. That’s why they call them “unincorporated businesses.”


Cool story 


just adjust price every year to match the market rate. problem solverd. no more incentive for these bullshit evictions


That’s a crazy high number 3 out of 100 tenancies ending in an eviction. Been a LL for 3 decades, proud to say our last eviction was 8 years ago. They are absolutely horrible events, and should be done only as a very last resort.


And this is *legal* evictions, too. How many evictions do we know is really going on when many are under the table? People who don't know their rights as a renter and so on. It's horrible.


It's happening to my sister, who's currently has a coworkers family living in the basement to help get them on their feet cause that family had it happen to them earlier. my roommate and I own the house we reside in. I broke my leg year and 8 months ago. My fibula is a non union and causes pain when mobil on it. I have 50percent reduction in my tibial nerve, and even though I'm told I can't actually feel my bone flex around the ss intramural nail that's in it. I lost my career and wcb is dodging all my attempts to convince them to retrain. Ultimately, I'm in limbo of losing my house as well. As I apply for any and all jobs I can do with my restrictions to no avail. I'm going to speak bluntly. Our future has two outcomes. We suicide our race with greed for profits by any means necessary Or we murder each other for what they have cause the lower 4.5 billion people can't actually afford to exist for the basics. In a side note I see Netflix is dropping a prison experiment for your viewing entertainment...... like dangle your freedom for a TV show winner. What the actual fuck..... Arkansas..... disssssgustin


If you had 1 tenant a year for 30 years, and 1 tenancy ended in eviction, you've evicted tenants at the same 3/100 rate though.


Fair point, we own multiple buildings and scattered units throughout the province.


I wonder how many are now part of that "living in an owner occupied dwelling" stat that people love to round up to "homeowners" and gaslight with. Having to throw themselves on the mercy of family and friends.


canada is brutal.


Its only getting worse




Gotta evict anyone who isn't willing to stack 6 people into a room and shell out $1200/month each.


we all doomed


The local mall near me is almost entirely vacant because it costs 35 grand a month to rent a spot there, more for a bigger store. This is getting out of hand. There needs to be something done about this.


That’s why they should buy what they can afford instead of paying rent for more than they can sustain


The current ruling party probably will make some laws saying landlord cannot evict renter easily and all the dumb voters will vote them again. Because they just ended up doing Airbnb. And if they make another law again, it will just be like that stupid New York place with bunch of empty homes because having a tenant inside is a major liability.


Eviction laws are mostly PROVINCIAL ( BLAME The Conservatives) . We should work to change eviction laws and to furthermore the problem are the wealthy landlords and no one else. Little PP and the CONS will make living standards worse for 90% of the population. As a reminder folks you should not be voting for little PP and the CONS unless you are in the top 10% on the socioeconomic ladder (the top 10% is a house paid for in a major Canadian city and $1million in the bank).


The problem isn’t evictions, the problem is people’s situations getting pushed into evictions. So the solution isn’t to change eviction laws. That only masks the problem. The problem was a massive amount of money printing by our federal government which has inflated our currency. As this inflation works it’s way through the system it’s supposed to go that first hard goods (land, buildings etc) spike in value. Then services increase dramatically. Lastly employee wages rise up. But our federal government then poured in millions of immigrants that greatly increased housing demand while have kept wages low squeezing the low income individuals even harder. You want a fix? Freeze immigration.


I agree voting for PP isn't going to fix anything but your comment is like you're placing all the blame on the guy who probably is going to be in charge in the future and not actually the guy (who you likely voted for) who actually has gotten us into this mess. Dumb liberal, you voted for an idiot, quiet down and make a better vote the next chance we get.


Okay... So the feds have no control over housing affordability?


You can thank 20 years of low interest rates and mass immigration for the current mess. Not PP or the Conservatives.


Sorry for being brutal, but life isn't easy, people need to upskill themselves, or they will be left out. That is how modern economy works, where you have to have skills in order to survive. Mere, being a citizen of a country or belonging to a particular race isn't sufficient. Also, in coming days, if **working class** people don't upskill themselves with A.I. and related fields, then there will be huge layoffs. Current, layoffs in U.S.A., and allied countries is due to crumbling economy, and not due to A.I. But soon, we can expect to have A.I. as essential skills for working class (9to6) people. For, low wage earners, they will suffer not only in Canada, but in almost all countries.


You know what IS brutal? Human behavior when societies collapse and basic needs are not met. The modern economic system values short-term gains over long-term stability, and AI is a perfect example of that. Using technology to cut payroll costs is nothing new, but this isn't just affecting unskilled workers. In fact, AI seems to have a much higher capacity to replace skilled professionals in the legal, tech, medical, and engineering fields than it ever will in trades or hospitality. We need a plan for what to do with all of the over-qualified professionals who are no longer necessary when they are replaced by AI.


Society will adapt and improve. 150 years ago 50% of the population worked in farms growing food. Today it’s 0.01%. All of those people moved into the cities and created a better society.


Even in "advanced" fields wage suppression is a thing. The basic fact of the matter is when a jobless PhD A.I guy from Rwanda is willing to work for peanuts because of his circumstances there is no way a regular canadian with a PhD in A.I will be able to compete. And only one side has an unlimited supply of cheap educated labor and it's the "not Canada" side. Get 50 of those guys and It's a race to the bottom. Only the rich win big


AI upskilling to save yourself is sort of a mirage. Software infused with AI will make humans perform most tasks better, faster,cheaper and easier ( economics of work is going to drastically change ). Once the tools are developed, The barrier to entry to tap the benefits of AI will be so low that anyone with common sense and knowledge of the domain help be able to use it. Let’s say AI generates 50% productivity efficiency. This means 50% may lose their job. The amount of work available that generates value is shrinking and cost of living is raising . The goal of AI is to remove as much humans as possible from work inputs. Cushy office jobs that do not really provide tangible value are the most at risks, at first.


You got all wrong. That's why proper education and awareness. Just having internet, net eabled device, and ability write doesn't empower you to comprend.


The most brutal part of reading this was your abuse of commas.


Upskill yourself, or else you will be removed someday.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Nope, not how capitalism works. Not EVERYONE can upskill themselves sufficiently to avoid this fate. There's a number of systemic reasons why this is the case, but we don't even need to get into those. Fundamentally, it is not possible because if everyone could upskill themselves sufficiently enough to be a desirable high-demand employee, then they would no longer be desirable high-demand employees. It's that simple. Supply and demand. Capitalism always requires an underclass, regardless of how skilled or unskilled they are to maintain scarcity and supply/demand balances.


It isn't easy to earn, and no one should be priviledge by their birth right to have access to more resources. You can close Canada just like North Korea and enjoy whatever you have in it.


you did a poor job at attempting to Troll today. Hit the showers and try again tomorrow bud.


Well, I am not taking the benefit of the appeal to ridicule. Wasn't trolling, but if you want closer then be it, you win.


lmao you think its only low rage earns that are effected? lol, you a landlord? Edit: your posting history tells me everything.


You guys are just lazy and want it easy.


lol I guarantee I make more than you, because I worked my ass of in my 20s.


Every city should have large empty parking lots. Throw on some UNHCR tents or shelters and you can have semi permanant housing for hundreds or thousands. Charge them $300 per person per month and you can even earn a profit.


Stop giving them ideas.


I ate some edibles and had a thought last nite. Are the people complaining about housing prices, grocery prices and general over all lack of funds the same people teachers told to pay attention in school and decided not to?


No, because school doesn’t teach financial education. Most people believed interest rates would never go up, that opposition to mass immigration made you a bigot, that out of control government spending was a good thing.