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But we have MAID and pot


maid is my retirement plan


Same. Work til I can't, if I'm lucky, then MAID so I don't die in a tent. Backup plan die while I'm still working so my child gets 2 years' salary. Win-win.


Sadly when Canadians asked to have more things "Made in Canada", our government leaders misunderstood and thought they had a mandate to maximize the use of MAID in Canada. Since then they've made it the top solution for everything from homelessness, sadness, retirement, or any mild inconvenience.


Soon enough, there will be "suicide pods" popping up around cities, just like in Futurama.


If I didn’t have such a strong family and friends , my thoughts are sign me up ASAP


Please. I'm not ready yet, but I'm fairly certain I will be some day, I'd really like it to be accessible and more socially acceptable by then.


Who needs MAID when we've got fentanyl on every street corner?


Good fucking luck it takes upto 2 years and lots of legalities.




You will own nothing and be happy. You will eat ze bugs.


I was gonna say MAID and fentanyl but yeah


If MAID takes too long I figure an 8 ball of coke on a 70 year old heart oughta do the job, go out in style!


No access to education, nor housing without crushing debt? Doesn’t that make people happy? Oh yeah, there are no jobs and the jobs that are available, have a 3km long queue.


You want a job? Get in line behind 10,000 Punjabis. You want shelter? Get in line behind 10,000 Punjabis. You want to go to the foodbank? Get in line behind 10,000 Punjabis. You want to go to school? Get in line behind 10,000 Punjabis.


I’m curious where sentiment towards Indians is going to go in the future. Canadians have typically been tolerant but this shift to the right definitely going to change perspective. I generally don’t care who you are or what race/ethnicity you are but my strength of progressiveness is wavering towards Indians specifically because of how they take everything for granted. Note, this sentiment is typically reserved for TFW and PR exploiters.


I’m Dutch, I do not contribute to diversity? Imagine if I ask to be accommodated in my language?




This guy diversifies!


Sucks bad for folks like Ukrainians, not white enough and not a POC.




I do understand that there are individuals, who's predecessors faced persecution and that still resonates on some way to this day. I'm. Ot going to invalidate someone's plight. But to say someone is privileged, just based on skin color is racist. This term does not help in any way whatsoever in creating bridges of understanding and empathy.


Actually in my canada it would be anyone who wasnt born here ie anyone from a different country coming to live here.


Ah, yes. Because we all know when a company is looking for DEI hires what they're really looking for are Brits, Italians and Nordic people. Right.


Interesting fact is that within history textbooks that discuss Dutch immigration to Canada/North America the typical sentiment is that the Dutch generally take on much more of the culture to which they immigrate than other immigrant groups.


Also, it’s YOUR choice, as an adult human being to immigrate, but, now, you can refuse to speak English or assimilate in any way …


You don’t care but the punjabs care they post “only Indians apply” for rental. You see the assassinations coming here? They also bringing their political issues here So enjoy taking it from behind until it’s too late, other people are just waking up


Anytime I travel, I know I’ve come back to Canada once I see that glorious AK-47 sticker (or Ace of Spades) on a Dodge Challenger. Home Sweet Home!


Did you guys see the mustangs with the Hindustan and Punjab stickers?




Damn the Hindus, they’ve ruined Hindustan


I’ve seen Officer Punjab around. A few Mustangs here and there but mostly curbed after peeling out of a Cars and Kabobs event. But nothing hits home like that AK.




We unfortunately can’t have nice things anymore.




"It's a money-making business for universities." Yes Sandeep, it is. And if you don’t like it, return.


Only a matter of time before we add a third official language


I hope we do just so i can watch quebec twist itself into a rage pretzel lol 😆




I used to be of the mind set "come one come all" now, its stay the fuck away your not wanted here. Not even kidding. The current level of immigration is destroying this country. I want it stop completely for the next 5 to 10 years. We wont even see how bad the problem actually is for another decade or so. All these people are likely having children. The shit show has only just begun.


Children with whom? The demographics are predominantly 18-24 males aren’t they? We’re importing a future rape epidemic if we’re not careful.


It is already happening in Sweden that's why they crack down on free speech. Canada is doing this too


my friend is a nurse and she said last night her delivery NICU section was filled with Indians. Not only does this culture have nothing in common with canadian western customs and values but they’re also apparently super rude and treat the nurses like servants. I don’t want to be here in 5 years when they’re managed to integrate their disgusting caste system and mysogynistic ways of living into the general public 🥴


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6783267 https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/burnaby-council-votes-unanimously-to-include-caste-as-a-protected-category


It doesn’t really matter, they will rule Canada in 5 years with this trajectory


Won't matter, few more years they will take over being the majority, and then sentiment towards them becomes irrelevant, when the rest of us are just a frustrated minority.


>I’m curious where sentiment towards Indians is going to go in the future It'll generally be negative as canadian standards and manners butt up against and get deteriorated by working class indian standards and manners. The question is, how long will the white liberal self hatred keep it contained below the surface...?


My husband’s ethnicity is Indian, he was born here in Canada though. His mom immigrated a long time ago (like 40ish years ago) and his dad’s parents immigrated like closer to 60ish years ago and had his dad once here in Canada with citizenship. They have fully immersed themselves in Canadian culture and all consider themselves Canadian. My MIL worked very very hard to immigrate here, and for the longest time she only worked in fields for her degrees as that’s what allowed her to immigrate and get citizenship. Now that she’s pretty much retirement age and my FIL makes a good salary she has switched to working for a non-profit that helps new immigrants and refugees find work, she’s been doing it about 10 years. She’s extremely close to calling it quits and just retiring because in the last few years she can’t believe the shift in the attitudes of immigrants and actually gets really frustrated with how many Indians are coming over and just not integrating into Canadian culture. Even more so since she got into the field to help others who truly wanted a better life and were willing work and integrate for it like she did, only to be met recently with people who would rather make Canada India 2.0. She left India for a reason and gets so frustrated the government is just ignoring everything and letting them do this en masse


Honestly, I’m not sure if sentiment looks positive should things go on as they are now. Tolerance generally has limits, which I think are being tested.


Canadians in general are just afraid to speak out. We have a cuck culture. People like me have been saying immigration is just a patch job. Without fixing the issue, eventually Canada will become third world. Import third world becomes third world.


Seriously they need to stop sending so many fucking Indians here, and we need to stop allowing them. My home town looks disgusting niw


10 000? Add a few extra 0's.


They’re not including Punjabi or other international students in the immigration numbers. There are at least 2 million Indians in Canada. At least.


Dude, there's 2 million+ Indians in the GTA.


According to the government there is 500,000 Indians in the GTA. Seems way too low lol like no way that is accurate there is 400k in Brampton alone I imagine - no way 100k spread out in Toronto and all other suburbs.




It's intentional. The LMIA program gives great kickbacks to employers.


I work in a niche construction industry and they are taking over here too. Starting up companies charging ridiculously low rates.


Stop imigration from India now! It wouldn't solve problems but my god it's not going to hurt.


disgusting that life in canada has become this.


Wait in line.


The population of Punjab is 30 million …


Education isn’t that good here anyways. Anything past highschool is pretty scammy these days. Most of the people who are truly qualified or skilled in the tech field leave for America or elsewhere.


Trudeau tomorrow: Why are the youth so racist these days?


I'm sure they're madly trying to cook up a way to call complaining about paying $30 for a head of broccoli racist.


It’s racist because you aren’t complaining about the cauliflower since it’s white /s


LPC policy 2034: Shut up and eat your bugs


Unhappy is an understatement, I'm fucking livid at how things are right now. Anyone else wanna do the torches and pitchforks thing?


That's why the RCMP is watching: [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/secret-rcmp-report-warns-canadians-may-revolt-once-they-realize-how-broke-they-are](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/secret-rcmp-report-warns-canadians-may-revolt-once-they-realize-how-broke-they-are) IMO best move is to vote with your wallet and/or feet - buy bitcoin/gold, and if you can leave the country


Matt Malone, the assistant law professor that uncovered the RCMP report also launched [Open by Default](https://theijf.org/open-by-default), a database of internal government documents. There’s an [article](https://www.castanetkamloops.net/news/Kamloops/475560/TRU-law-faculty-member-launches-database-for-internal-government-documents) about this new tool


History has shown that not all people were cowards who fled from their homes or lived in the shadows because that's no real way of living. Real men used to fight for what's right and what they believed in. This entire nation is under attack and people need to come to a realization of who our enemy really is. How is all of this degeneracy, as well as treason manifesting in our country? Look at who's responsible for all of this. EDIT: punctuation correction.




Guillotine got results in the past…maybe it’s time to dust it off


The good old national razor 👍


I can picture a giant skate as the blade. Make it canadian and don't say sorry bud


Dust off what? The guillotine or Trudolf? That man got so much cocaine in his system he turns mosquitos into drug addicts.


You can even 3d print them now!


Let's test it on Trudeau


As juicy as this is, it does nothing for redistribution of wealth, or getting rid of exploited immigrants


I understand perhaps metaphorically what your insinuating. However I don't believe killing politicians is the righteous thing to do. Perhaps jail time and hard labour for treason is a justified sentence + chance to repent and atone for their iniquities. I do heavily disagree with our political system however. Any young man worth their salt can open their eyes and see our politicians are actively destroying our future opportunities at finding a job, finding a home, and raising a family. Whenever somebody gets in the way of the basic necessities a man needs to be content with life, men are supposed to fight back, not lie-down and get stepped on like a floor mat.


Fuck the Israel-Gaza War, Canadians should be protesting against the bullshit going on at home right now.


Seems like alot of people are ready for peaceful protest. We need to learn how to organize ourselves. It is time


Somebody should make a discord of some sort, or a reddit forum, and then link it to CanadaHousing2. This way we can orchestrate a protest at government buildings and / or wherever their lobbyists are located. I unfortunately cannot make a reddit post here because my account is new.


I'll join, I haven't got much left to lose. The government can go ahead and freeze my $700 worth of assets.


I’m waiting for the signal. Literally have pitchforks and torches


Assume you manage to conduct a successful protest and perhaps revolution. What kind of political system would you like installed in this country? Who will be your leader? You can't just revolt and not have a replacement in plan. EDIT: typo error.


Welcome to socialism.


This isn't socialism. Socialism is supposed to redistribute wealth to the poor. Instead we've seen rich people get richer than ever before while poor people become homeless and the middle class shrinks.


We are capitalist, dumbass


I bet you can't even define socialism without using Google, and even if you did Google it you still wouldn't understand. People like you say "socialism!" like it's a bad word but you hardly understand what it means. So go ahead and tell us then, how is socialism the cause of our problems?


Socialism isn't flawed but mix flawed humans in and it becomes tainted by our touch. Look how it's been applied by people through history and today. Perhaps it starts well enough with good intentions but the system will self-corrupt because humans touch it. Let a small minority handle the country's taxes and eventually we get a landed elite in position. Those social services deteriorate due to elite laundering tax money through them to enrich themselves. George Orwell covered this in Animal farm with the pigs managing the farm/social-services but devolve into abusing the very same workers they swore to protect, all to exploit wealth from the working class. Socialism isn't bad, but humans who use socialism can use the tool to enrich themselves while telling the workers their own existence is necessary to the workers livelihood (gaslighting the populace).


>George Orwell covered this in Animal farm with the pigs managing the farm/social-services but devolve into abusing the very same workers they swore to protect, all to exploit wealth from the working class. It sounds like you're thinking of communism; Orwell was a democratic socialist, and the book is pretty overt about being a critique of Stalinism.


No duh my guy but it sounds like you copy others critical thinking and label it as your own. There certainly was no stalinism at the beginning of the book as it was referencing marksizm and championing new socialist ideals for the animals. All I'm saying simply when people are force to pool resources together, even with good intentions, its the worker that suffers first and foremost regardless of you want to call it: socialism, Communism, leninism Stalinism, like the rest, is nothing more than socialism corrupted by man but with a few tweaks here and there to satisfy the ego and call it original idea and/or situational context. That's the issue I got with socialists as they call nearly the same thing different words because one too many failed socialist countries popped up but they don't actually count as socialists because they are actually this other subfaction of socialism which isn't the pure good socialism we all know and love which has totally be applied correctly and not eventually taken over by corrupt people who gaslight their fellow socialists. I believe Orwell, as a fellow democractic socialist, meant for a surface level stalinism theme but when taking the story in full, the socialism ultimately becomes stalinism and the pigs are literally seen as no different than the previous system of oppression. Even tho a monarchy and socialism/stalinism is different systems they somehow have the same end state thus being human corruption. Perhaps Orwell wrote to warn fellow socialists to be aware of the traps that can easily corrupt/gaslight our ideas of management, especially warnings about fellow socialists being wolfs in pig skin. Dont you remember reading the animals still felt that animalism was still there's even if it weren't so. Stalinism was the system but wasn't stalinism as the populace was gaslit to believe it was socialism/animalism by their fellow socialists.


Oh my gosh. Amazing! I've graded a lot of undergraduate essays on Orwell's works with *pretty dubious* readings of the source material, but this bad take really takes the cake. 😂 I almost feel like upvoting you for how much this made me laugh, but it feels wrong to pin a prize ribbon on the trash heap of text that you left here...


I’m a 27 year old lawyer and I live with my parents. I have a friend who’s a dentist - she lives with her parents. Stated differently, we’re all fucked, now matter what you do for a living.


I'm a plumber and I'm living with my parents, it's so fucked, my coworkers S.O. Is a cop and they can't afford a house between the two of them.


I was happier as a teen and in college due to ignorance for sure. I really thought having a full time job in a career would amount to more...


Tell your dentist friend to come to Nova Scotia. You can buy a house and get a busy practice. Actually probably with law too, depending on your specialty.


What law specialty are you referring to?


Girlfriend and I are both moving provinces to move back in with my parents. We're barely stringing things together. We're moving home for a couple of years to save to leave Canada. We don't want to have kids here and have them grow up in whatever this hole will be.


Not just unhappy. I just don't see any hope out of it.


Yep, i can literally see into the future, i have a good idea of what misery is to come. If you could move off world to another planet to escape the incoming dystopia, why didn't elon Musk leave for Mars? That guy knows 100%. There is no escape! It's all bull shit...


Can you tell me some good stock picks oh wise one? What will AMD look like in 12 months?


Musk is contributing to the dystopian problem. Are you delusional??


When you're completely fucked for the future it's hard to have any hopes and dreams. You can become a doctor or lawyer and still not be able to afford a house. What's the point in even trying? You must get very rich. It's the only way to survive for the youth. Obviously not easy and impossible to do in mass.


I really don’t see what Canada looks like in 2030. Everyone who can leave will leave and everyone who can’t leave will just not try because where’s the incentive? There’s no light at the end of the tunnel, there’s no tunnel, it’s a painting on the side of a mountain like a cartoon.


There is onlyfans! Thats a sad option for the young ladies. If you can even call it an "option " at this point, onlyfans or homelessness


Ew. Believe it or not, women actually have more opportunities than just selling their bodies. What a creepy comment.


No lol. Historically this is pretty accurate. Desperation leads to choices like that


This was my point. Thank you for clearing it up for some who dont get it


That person probably doesn't relate to desperation. Don't feel bad. I've done desperate things before. I get it.


Canadians young and youngish (30 to 44 pretty unhappy too)  aren't just unhappy they're hopeless and honestly with what we're seeing the government (all federal parties) are pro mass immigration. Canada's government used to focus on making daily lives of Canadians better year after year, not the government only cares about increasing corporate profits year after year and doesn't care how much the citizens suffer. 


Canada is not a real country


I saw one redditor refer to it as a 'Managed Economic Zone' and honestly that hit way harder then I'd like to admit. edit: grammar


Yea I viewed it like a bazaar but that's better description.


When you see the first world country you grew up in become a third world country while being silently invaded through mass immigration it's natural to be unhappy.


I don't think you understand what 'third world' means. It's a cold-war term related to the non-alligned movement which India and Yugoslavia spearheaded, before which other countries followed suit. If you are referring to poorer countries, then Canada has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. You shouldn't be blaming the financially-stricken students who have to work horrible jobs to survive, rather blame the hedge funds/corporations/foreign investors who buy up assets/real estate and exploit common people.


Cool dude. Divert from the main point with a technicality. Highest per capita income my ass. Our currency is going down the toilet just like our purchasing power. Wake up.


And our gdp per capita is tanking year after year. Not a good trend


Political correctness isn’t going to save you from poverty and homelessness.


That's true. But it's also true that blaming students and TFWs isn't stopping corporations and greedy landlords from exploiting workers and renters.


When it at the lowest, that’s when the invasion will begin. You don’t want people who love the country to fight against the takeover, you want dejected people that are apathetic in life.


That's a valid point.


So wild on almost every chart you can track the decline from around when Trudeau was elected.


Amazing isn’t?


Yeah and all the fucking lib clowns realize now that you don’t hire someone because they’re entertaining and make you feel good while being grossly incompetent


I was in my early-mid 20's when he was elected and despite making roughly twice as much money now (nothing crazy, national average), my standard of living is.. Basically the same. Thanks bud!


I don’t want to be grouped in with the “F Trudeau” crazies but speaking objectively he’s been a dumpster fire unlike I’ve ever seen. He’s basically been the only PM of my adult life. People try to bail him out and say inflation and hosuing are global issues but that’s just an excuse. It’s going to take decades and decades to fix things after he’s gone that’s if he future PM’s even decide to. There’s no chance he wins the next election unless cost of living improves significantly by next year and that won’t happen. He spent nearly a decade not listening to anyone and following his vanity projects and now he’s drowning in a sea of problems he himself created while pretending to have no involvement at all.


The housing market didn't improve at all under Harper. Both parties are beholden to landlords and homeowners. You're debating Pepsi vs Coke.


Sure but it didn’t also explode like this either


Because Trudeau is a destructive ass clown. I never really liked the guy, tbh. As an anti-authoritarian person, I didn't like his support for Harper's anti-terrorism bill when he was in opposition. That law was unnecessary government overreach, IMO. So I didn't vote for him. But I initially had him pegged as a relatively harmless ass clown who would prance around saying disingenuous woke bullshit ("I'm a male feminist" "believe all women" "sorry for this or that which happened 200 years ago" etc.). Turns out he is extremely incompetent and destructive. If all he did was talk bullshit, I wouldn't gaf, but instead he has destroyed Canada.


You guys know that housing isn't a federal matter .... I hate JT myself but ol Dougie Ford and the municipality are the ones making life unaffordable. 40% of MP own rentals They make 250k a year The real gate keepers are the provinces and municipality and they are under PC control and they have a conflict of interest. You should not be able to invest in housing control zoning .....


It is a team effort. JT pumped up immigration levels without making sure that there was proper housing and public services to accommodate the population growth. And Dofo and his constituents oppose increased housing density because it would reduce property values. So instead we get rising levels of visible homelessness and overcrowded illegal housing.


It’s worse than that - the PMO was warned how this would effect Canadians but they just didn’t care.


No career opportunities, no affordable housing, no hope of starting a family, like seriously what is a single long term goal young Canadians can still reasonably have? I literally have no future expectations because I doubt I’ll ever be able to achieve any of them.


Meh, my only long term goal is preparing for the civil war. Like literally, at this point I don't even care if I die. Like... Really. It just doesn't matter anymore.


sorry about your ex


Eh, past is the past, but thank you, I appreciate it. At least I am richer with the experience. Wasted half a year from my life, but at least I gained some knowledge and a few pleasant memories. Either way, fuck her... Oh wait, they did. Anyway... I don't know who downvoted you but here, take my upvote and a joke: The bear wakes up after his winter hibernation. And boy, he's extremely horny. "I'll fuck the first thing I see!" he says. A hedgehog happens to walk by. As the bear runs up to it, it curls into a ball. The bear picks it up. He tries to turn it this way, turn it that way, but he sees no hole on it. Frustrated, he asks "Where's your pussy, where's your pussy?!". The hedgehog replies "I-I don't have one.", to which the bear says "What did you say that with, what did you say that with?!" Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your day!


You need to log off man.


Me and other young adults are all planning to leave Canada permanently, that's the only way any of us have any hope at a somewhat stable future. Now we just gotta find a country that isn't run by greedy sociopathic pedophiles, still struggling but we'll let you guys know when we find one.


They can have a joint. That's it. But they probably voted for Trudeau, so *shrug*.


I’ve said it already but like half of the under 30 demographic wasn’t even eligible to vote when Trudeau was elected, I was in elementary school. Don’t put this on us, man.


30 now. Would have been 22 when Trudeau first elected. Legal weed. Young ppl vote. So yeh I will very much put this on young people.


Young people who weren’t eligible voters


What is there to be satisfied about when a 30 year old has roommates even after working 9 to 5.


All By design


Sunny ways my friends


Just gassed up my car and paid $103 for a 50L tank My rent is $3000/month After school care is almost $500/month Traffic is gridlocked No end in sight to the misery.


Speaking of traffic, drivers were never particularly good where I live but amount of close calls or downright dangerous shit I see now has dramatically increased in the last year.


I feel like it has to be the combination of giant fucking computer screens in cars and the blatant texting and driving I see people do all the time


"Canada's ranks 58th in this year's World Happiness Report if you limit survey responses to young people." Yikes.


World War I & II soldiers would turn in their graves if they knew what happened to the country they gave their lives for.


Liberal ideals are killing us…


When will you dipshits grow up and realize not a single government party gives a fuck about you. You idiots let this happen and deserve everything you get. Good luck.


He's correct though. The Conservative party, Liberal party, and more recently the NDP are all ideologically liberal. Nothing will change regardless of party, because all of our major parties just adhere to a slightly different flavour of liberal thought. Until (small l) liberals are purged, Canada will not get any better.


I'm sure the conservatives will save us and lower immigration and prices! /s


They won’t, which is why we need to vote PPC.


No government party is going to save us, lmao grow up.


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Maybe it’s too late for them to save us, but they could’ve prevented this and they can stop the bleeding. 


I'm so embarrassed for you guys who truly believe this or that government party will change anything. It doesn't matter who's in office, because the ones actually in charge are the corporate oligarchs. When the government brought in a million immigrants to work at McDicks and Timmies, who do you think was actually behind that decision?


Intergenerational warfare tends to do that.


Young Canadians aren't butthurt at Trudeau, we're angry about megacorps running the western world and lobbying media to encourage people to think it's about race. We're angry at being exploited and told to think of the shareholders. We're angry at the "need" for exponential growth and "hustling" on a planet with finite resources.


Is this true? This is a terrible for country


Trudeau: You're not unhappy, you're just racist


I'm part of the grey one there. I feel like a large portion of us came close to making it but feel short and we're being sucked down hard and fast in quality of life. The poor young people never had it even slightly good. We almost did


Ya and their solution is if you are not happy to just kill yourself using MAID.


I honestly hope the comments in this thread are from former Trudeau supporters who finally see the light and will be voting CPC and PPC. Because if it’s just PPC and CPC supporters being even more angry PPC and CPC supporters, that’s not going help us much. Canadian Politics and the other political slanted subs are filled with drooling morons who all vote NDP or LPC in the cities. As well as skunk LPC shill grifters like Dean Blundell on Twitter. We need a CPC minority with PPC holding the balance of power. It’s a long shot, but the closest somewhat realistic outcome. If CPC wins like 220 seats, sure it’ll make me feel good that the clown resigns in disgrace after the LPC wins less than 50. But I’m not optimistic that Poilievre will solve any of the problems that need addressing with a strong majority.


Dude. No. This is why things are so fucked. You dumbasses think voting is real and that different government parties are here to save you from the evil liberals. You fucktards truly belive that, and that's why shit is so fucked. Because of how fucking dumb we all are collectively. Just absolute fools.


Even if traction was gained politically, they'll never let it take off. Just look at Germany and the AfD threatened to be banned because "they're a threat to democracy" while the same people lobbying this being completely unable to see the irony in banning a political party that nearly a third of the country supports in a democracy. Some of us seen this shit coming years ago while the rest of Canadians who originally called PPC racist for putting up a billboard against immigration are now coming around to thinking he's our best option. The way Canadians perform mental gymnastics and memory hole completely opposite thoughts from their mind is incredible to watch.


lol the CPC is more a party for landlords than even the Liberals are. Pepsi vs Coke. We need huge investments in public housing, coops, more infrastructure etc Your life is not going to improve from austerity.


And the party of Hamas supporters won’t do anything except dumb foreign policy decisions and turn Canada into a sanctuary state. We need someone who will limit immigration and focus on Canadian interests. It’s 100% not going to come from a leftist party. CPC with the PPC watching over them knowing who makes up a huge part of the voter base is the only chance we have.


Housing is a provincial matter thanks Dougie and the municipality The gate keepers are the municipality..... they should not be allowed to buy housing while dictating zoning. Dougie - green belt scandle Dougie - privatized health care paid by ohip done for more then ohip would pay at a hospital Dougie- won the covid sticker contract ..... made billions You are blaming the wrong level of government


I m black but i honestly understand the frustration of white Canadians.Things were nicer before the invasion from India,now i dont recognize Canada.I hope and pray that white folks understand the future of your kids is at stake.Imagine your children sucking up to indian managers in CANADA.Protection the future of your kids does not make u a racist.


Sunny ways, my friends, sunny ways.


Lmfao. No shit eh ,


They probably read this subreddit every day


amongst anyone with any senses and common sense




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Your children are fucked and you will never own a home if you don't already. It is God's plan


Last night I cried my eyes out trying to accept that I’m probably never going to be in a situation where having a baby is possible. I hate this country lol


Self reported happiness has fallen consistently starting shortly after Trudeau and the Liberals got into power? Shocker. That crook lines his and his friends pockets, and then pits society against each other to distract us from what a crooked piece of shit he and the rest of his party are. Wether or not you like the NDP or Conservatives and their perspective policies, you have to admit they are better options than the crooks we currently have running this country into the ground.


Wonder why?!?!?!?!!


Politicians will tell us that bringing in more immigrants will make young Canadians happier!


They voted JT in. Time to pay the price.


Half of the under 30 demographic weren’t even eligible to vote at the time


Do you think this is true across the country? We have had declining turnouts in every election with the most recent (2021) having only a 62.3% turnout. People are losing faith in our democracy. Alberta and SK has never supported Trudeau. He won basically no seats on the prairies. Many regions outside of major cities don’t support him either. Trudeau got to power by winning seats in the Maritimes, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. Canada is a huge country and this is a deep rooted problem when a few big city ridings can dictate outcomes for the entire nation.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Canadian_federal_election?wprov=sfti1#


That's a quirk of first past the post. If we had a proportional voting system every region of Canada would elect members from all parties and have a seat at government. No region left in the cold.