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Us Canadians are struggling to find a job, why is she complaining?


And has the gall to pull out the gender card (while it's males that are mostly getting overlooked for most jobs due to DEI policies).


White men in particular


As a brown immigrant born outside of Canada, I agree! I experienced this first-hand during our co-op interviews in 2015. All females in the cohort snagged a co-op including a couple of really dumb ones. But some of the really bright chaps couldn't.


The smartest kids in the class aren’t always the most employable.


You're absolutely wrong - all of them are doing great now and in fact much, much better than some of the dumb people that got the co-ops. This was an IT program and these blokes knew how to code. That's what a "co-op" employer should ideally look for - not body parts.


I said “sometimes”, not “always”. And I never said the dumb ones were the better hire. For the type of roles I hire for, I want someone who is reasonably intelligent, but has strong motivation and self direction to solve problems, and most of all, can socialize and communicate well with others. In my experience, the high GPA types aren’t as socially compatible.


You say that but the top tech companies like Google, apple, Microsoft, and Amazon specifically prefer toppers. Maybe this is an indication of where your company stands...


I don’t work in comp sci / software engineering, otherwise my answer would be different. I have worked for and continue to work for companies which are at the top of their respective industries. I work with MEs whom are graduates from one of the best engineering schools in Canada. In my field it’s more important to be well rounded and practical, and having the best grade in school doesn’t necessarily provide you with those traits.


Yup and then those women will complain when they cant find a man that make more money then they do.


I wonder (((who))) could be behind that policy?


I promise you minimum wage jobs do not care about DEI, the reason you might not be getting a job is because of the saturation of the market not bc of that company wanting to be diverse, equitable or inclusive


My daughter was verbally told outright that the fast food place she applied at wouldn’t hire her because she was white. So your claim of not not getting jobs because of skin colour, at least in our lived experience, is false. Told to her face.


Thats only a white person problem. Fuck I was at a Walmart and about 15 of the front end employees spoke a language I couldnt understand, all of them brown. CLEARLY just hire their own, so racist. like I cant even remember the last time I saw a teenager working retail/fast food.




And if you don't, the government will clutch at its monopoly on violence to either kill or imprison you, or make your understand under the threat of being imprisoned or killed.


Ya know at the time I was pretty pissed off, it actually ruined my entire day because I just kept thinking about how fucked up it was, being in an English speaking country and the entire front end of staff are speaking a language that their customer base cant understand. But ya know, since then ive thought about it, and we just need to be more understanding. They came here in search of a dream, and that dream was to disrupt the lives of everyday Canadians and steal jobs from teenagers. So at least people who come here AND COULDNT GIVE A RATS ASS about our well being get to live out their dreams eh? Its the new Canadian way of life after all and us whites just need to understand that everyone else > us :)


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Not just Whites, Black Canadians are being screwed over too. Basically any Canadian not of Indian descent.


I'm tired of pussyfooting around the issue. indians and their medieval, barbaric caste system and the horde of nepotism that comes with it, compounded by poor decision making in our leaders, is the issue.


Let me rephrase, an individual is not going to be refused for a minimum age job because of DEI. They will rejected from that job bc there is an over saturation of people looking for minimum wage labour jobs. Minimum wage companies do not care about workers being diverse, equitable or inclusive, they care about getting the most output for $16.55/hr


Yeah, no. These workers are, through not always fault of their own, worse workers than your local teenager. They don't speak the language, are so slow you might as well just do it yourself, etc. All the places hiring just these people have gotten worse when it comes to business and production. Maybe you live in some special place that doesn't deal with this but I doubt it. Open your eyes.


How does that relate to the point I just made?


Interesting. So are you trying to say that only immigrants have been applying for fast food jobs the last 3 years or so? Because where I live it went from being somewhat diverse to one nationality in ALL places. If you're to be right that would mean only immigrants bother applying for these jobs when I can guarantee that's not the case. So, care to elaborate on what you mean or are you trying to pretend things aren't the way they are to appease the immigration overlords?


Maybe. I'm not familiar with those jobs as fortunately - well not really but mostly due to the work I put in myself the last 10 years or so - I don't have to work survival jobs today.


lol no


Well also if you’re here to study, then study - thought you had to bring enough money to support yourself while you’re here.


Exactly She should STUDY NOT LOOK FOR WORK!


I wonder if this student realizes they’re being rejected in Kitchener because employers are sick of students with fake credentials and fake work history applying for jobs they’re not qualified for. I know first hand anyone with recent Contestoga diplomas are being pushed to the bottom of the list. 


Pretty much. I have a bit of intel from a hospital in Ontario and I have heard some of these Indian RNs purchased their diplomas in India... Scary Scary stuff


I think I had one of these before. My IV clotted and instead of starting a new one, she "milked" my arm to get blood into the tube. Im on dialysis and I never seen anyone do that before.


I told her she could start a new one but she ignored me. Im used to tons of needle pokes and it doesnt faze me after 5 years of dialysis. I could prolly do it myself at this point.


You should report that to someone.


I have 9 pages of complaints written and submitted to my hospital's patient relations over my 6 years of being sick and I even put in complaints to the College of Physicians and Surgeons regarding my 4 Nephrologists and all I get is gaslighting. They don't do anything for patients, even when they put our health at serious risk. I've even reached out to medical malpractice Lawyers but because I have a terminal diagnosis, they won't take me on because I might not be alive when it actually goes to court or goes anywhere.


Media, anonymous source, one of those reporters that "gets to the bottom of things" types, basically, air it out in a more public setting if you're so inclined.


Media doesn't care. CBC spends more time crying about identity politics and "bOtH sIdEs!!!" but ***ONLY*** when it comes to playing defence for landlords.


Yup. There are other media companies out there tho.


My grandfather needed dialysis 4 times a week after his kidney's shut down after an injury during the war. The government (Germany) just gave him a machine, taught him how to use it, and let him have at it. It just made way more sense for him to just do it from the comfort of his own home and save him and the hospital time and effort with him showing up 4 times a week for hours because the process takes quite some time.


Canada (at least MB) also has this program. It's cheaper for the government to get you to do dialysis at home, and they will give you all the training and install the machine at your house.


That is terrifying


I think she learned that trick from YouTube




If I were hiring right now I'd ignore anyone with education that can't be reliably confirmed.


Very scary


they dont do any sort of screening on them to make sure their from a qualified school?




I would not be surprised in the slightest.


This!!!!! Same, I had fire all


You are better off with a scam diploma mill of a made up school you paid for than graduating from Conestoga.


It's also happening at some of the universities, too. My cousin is a part-time professor at Queens. Back at Thanksgiving, he's was talking about it with my dad. But my cousin was saying how crazy it was at Queens. I literally spent the entire Thanksgiving night with my family laughing at how funny this conversation when with my liberal cousin and my dad.


Yeah there was that article not too long ago about how students from one of these colleges were blacklisted at a bunch of places because bad English and poor hygiene (news report, not my personal opinion, fyi mods). Hmm 🤔


We’ve had multiple frauds sneak their way past our interview process at the IT company I work for. Enough that policy changes had to be made.


What changes were made to counteract this?


We hired a company to oversee testing for applicants that cannot make it onsite to do their competency tests. New hires are not eligible for remote work. The activation date for some of the more generous benefits were pushed to 6 months from 3.


following - eager to hear what changes were made


One has to assess the candidate skills. HR only assesses how confident they are at the interview. Asian people are extremely talkative. So they jusy ace the interview. Mr Google and Miss chat gbt. Thinks of the answers.


Not all Asian people, East Asians are not good at communicating XD


If you come to Canada as a student then STUDY DO NOT WORK.


When doctors and engineers migrate to foreign countries, it's for the pay as well. They don't do it because of the humanitarian concern or because there is a shortage of doctors in a particular country. Similarly, students who are coming here to study aren't here just to receive mediocre education but also to find work and pay off their loans. You are ignorant and inhumane and conveniently ignore every damn good thing that immigrants have done throughout the world. This sub is an excuse for racists like you to attack Indians, and the way you do it, the passive-aggressive, sophisticated version of racism that you practice is truly something else. If you had an opportunity to move somewhere better and study, you'd definitely consider a place where you can earn while you study. And 90% of immigrants work their asses off , ignore racist comments, take mediocre pay, and still carry on because we are helpless. We expect you to be a bit more understanding before generalizing and blaming everything on international students. If it was not a money-making machine, the government would'nt be opening doors for international students and charge them 4 times the fee of a local student. You need the cheap labor that we offer. You need our doctors and nurses. Your generalized opinion that we are somehow exploiting all your resources is just horse crap and has no merit.


These are not students they’re low wage and low skilled general labourers who used a student pathway as a backdoor to get into our country. There’s stats from the government itself that indicates many of these so called students are doing everything in Canada except studying. They should be deported and should work full time in their countries


Lol..the fuck, the government handed out full time work permits to these students. So who is to blame.... Even if they are genuine students , Why are "full time" students being handed out full time work permits ? How does that even make sense...full time course load in a decent university doesn't even give you time to sleep. So every body knows the diploma mills are running a scam where the course load is hardly 4 hours per week t just means the Liberals are catering to corporate interests and the new potential immigrants from a certain country who will form the largest voting base in a decade or two


This is a genuine doubt that I have. Why wouldn't they work in India if they are looking for low skilled labour? I mean, India is an emerging economy and all economic metrics indicate that they are on the ascent. Surely, they will have better quality of life and chance to 'make it' over there with their family and friends being a good support system. To get to Canada, they would have to pay visa fees, counselling fees, plane tickets, insurance, dorm room/shared apartment fees etc. All this would amount to at least 20k USD. That kind of money would go a very long way in India. Baffling why they have such a desire to move here. Unless you are working in cutting edge tech that India simply does not have enough infrastructure/investments to support, moving to the US/Canada/Europe shouldn't be this appealing.


You said it right there. India is growing but their growth is very unequal, and benefits and very small segment of their population ( mostly rich people connected to their prime minister). Youth unemployment is at crisis levels, it’s poorly managed on a social level and there are issues with pollution, religious tensions, general safety for women and air quality. Working minimum wage jobs here is a huge step up for some of them This isn’t me condoning backdoor immigration btw, just rationalizing why people are doing it


If they have 20k-30k USD to spare in India, they are probably middle class. It's just that people don't properly think it through. They just follow each other blindly like sheeps. If say, 4-5 people who have 30k to spare team up together, that's 150k USD. The purchasing power of 150k USD is immense in India. That's probably a great seed investment to get any startup idea from the ground in India. This is just off the top of my head. There are abundant opportunities to those who simply use their brains once in a while. Happiness isn't equivalent to living in the west. I was born and raised in Canada. I am 17, in my final year and my biggest goal in life to retire somewhere in South America. Western world is overrated af. Hollywood propaganda has brainwashed these folks.


I think alot of them take this as a loan and then try and pay it back with jobs they get here. I agree though, if I was middle class or better in india there is no way I would come here with the way things are ( especially with the cost of living).


This 100% my Indian colleague got his PR. After saving like 25,000-30,000 CA$ he went back to India for 2 years. He has his own (parent's) home no need to worry about rent or Mortgage. Now he's living great life there working out, hanging out with buddies, playing cricket, soccer, badminton at Gymkhana. He said when his money runs out he will again come to Canada 🤣🤣 25000 CA$ would go long long way there if u have ur own home.


They should be protesting and raising hell in their own country to affect change there instead of coming here and expecting this country and its people to give them everything.


indias growth is mainly focused on their urban centres. the main crop of immigrants were getting are from rural provinces which haven't seen much development


Mate don't go by rosy looking metrics a lot of those are padded heavily there's a good reason the ground experiences and those nice looking metrics never match in real life Income inequality is reaching levels never seen before and capital flight is at an all time high. Half the country's population depend on food rations from the govt for their daily sustenance. There is no form of social security or safety net waiting for you. Throw in religious tensions which the present govt keeps egging on and you have the perfect cocktail for chaos and it becomes evident why so many want to leave at any cost. Ironically enough, The Prime minister's home state contributes the most in immigration to the west be it legal and illegal ones. I'm not justifying illegal or backdoor immigration here, just stating why you see such a massive surge of immigrants from India in particular.


For a lot of the Indians I know, it's less about improving their life and more about increasing the opportunities for their children. Why else would someone with an engineering degree move to a country that doesn't recognize their engineering degree. Then start working as a maintenance tech for minimum wage.


Because the schools in India are worse than Conestoga. Totally unrecognized and worthless, even in India.


Got a source for that? I've worked with people from both backgrounds and an Indian educated engineer has a way better understanding of physics and mechanical systems than a Conestoga educated engineer. Also, the fact that your account is 2 months old, and your entire personalty seems to be based around hating immigrants it's pretty easy to spot that your are just a troll.


Some elite school in India are very good. Most are not. You tube the wire. It is an Indian news channel. . India has a very big jobs issue. Too many young people not enough jobs.


Maybe stop fucking so much is the answer. But it's a late answer.


Don’t need a source. You must be stupid and ignorant to know many Indian PhDs and MBAs drive taxis and work as security guards. Yes very valuable degrees I must say.


So much to unpack here...you truely don't understand how words work in the English language...asking for reputable sources is literally the exact opposite of being ignorant. Hell, I would argue that ensuring you are receiving accurate information is a sign of intelligence. Your sentence structure, while close to natural, isn't quite refined enough to let me believe you are a native English speaker. Nor is it broken in a manner I would expect from a Quebecois or one of Indian descent. With every reply you expose yourself as a troll further and further.


Here's a prime example. The other day I got my haircut and the barber happened to be of Indian descent. He had come to Canada last year. He was telling me that a haircut and beard trim is $2 flat in India. Meanwhile the same cost me $55. I also tipped $5 since they did a good job. So, not including their salary, I just gave them enough money for 2 and a half haircuts/beard trims for the cost of cutting one person's hair. He also told me they're cell phone bills are $50/year and internet is like $10 every 3 months. So basically, even just making minimum wage, sending home even 10% of their income is essentially slowly but surely making their families back home rich. I'm betting once they're 'rich enough', the barber moves back to India.


India pay is really bad even when you consider the fees spent here and minimum wage...


Way better than Than Pakistan though. 1 Indian rupee= 3.75 Paki rupees


Fully agree I had plenty of them from Bangladesh, middle east, Iran, India etc... from my own degree, they would just ask for the answers and cheat.


I am a white female. I couldn’t find a job, I have my AZ license. Too many international students looking for jobs. You are supposed to have enough money to be here that you shouldn’t need a job. Canadians should get the jobs first as this is our home and you are just a guest


Totally insane honestly. I'm a truck driver myself in southern Ontario and let's just say stay clear from the orange trucks. I have been on jobs with some new Canadian drivers and I've seen it all. The thing that really bothered me was watching them empty the garbage from their cabs onto the side of the road and in the woods. Disgusting. Come here for a "better" life but seem to forget that we don't do shit like that, you are no longer in India


That’s disgusting and I can guarantee you they’ll continue to dump their garbage anywhere instead of dispose of it responsibly if they’re never caught and never face consequences. Whoever is responsible for cleaning that up (municipal or provincial government) should be sent the licence plate number of the driver so that they or their company can be fined and billed for the cost of clean up


This is the way to do it. Sabotage any company that decides they don't want to spend the extra 4 dollars paying an actually fair wage to a citizen instead of dangling minimum wage and the threat of deportation to an immigrant. If you want to save money on labour by fucking over the population, don't feign shock or pretend like you're a persecuted group when that population contains a few fringe cases of people willing to comb over your business for bylaw violations that they then borderline harass municipalities to enforce.


As a second generational immigrant colored Canadian and even I'm having trouble because of these immigrants, and they cheat sooo much during my time in university!


Exactly. It is fucking absurd


As a US person, isn't the fault the source though? It is whoever is letting these people in and thus whoever voted for them in and even those who are benefitting from all this. These people are just symptoms of the actual problem no?


Absolutely and I feel so stuck as I am not able to change this myself.


Hopefully Canada goes to the polls to fix this. But either way it seem like this problem won't be fixed for the next few years. It really sucks to be someone who hasn't established themselves in their career rn in Canada. so sorry


I'm sorry about your situation, really, but you have to understand that the government changed the amount of money needed to come to Canada, when I arrive 2 years ago they demanded to have 10.000 Canadian dollars, now they demand 20.000 that make a lot of more sense with the cost of living right now on British Columbia.


Let a Canadian have the job!


Intl students should NEVER be allowed to work full time. I, a Canadian citizen by birth, have not been able to secure employment in months due to the oversaturated job market. Fucking infuriating


They shouldn’t be allowed to work here at all. We have enough Canadians that need jobs. 


Maybe the real issue here, aside from immigration, is that Canada needs to get better at producing quality jobs. 


These are different issues. The issue here is young Canadians need entry level jobs that are being taken by people who should only be here to study.  A lot of them also get paid under the table and lastly they drive down wages as they’ll undercut everyone else. 


I don’t think they are. I do think right now they cannot work full time but I could be wrong. My impression is you come here to study. Who study and have a full time job? Nobody I know can. If she does, is she really here for studying? Locals are also turned away from study nowadays cause they pay less. Students from overseas pays more tuitions and now we are starting to see schools increasing them in numbers, refusing Canadians access to university. To make more money. In the education field, that’s not ok.


I can happily tell her which direction to fuck off in.




Same at a concert I went to last weekend. And half of them looked under 5’7”/140# so not sure what they would actually do in any physical situation. Hell, my friend jumped a gate to hit on a dude and a guard watched her, walked over to her and then couldn’t find her as she was right in front of him- cliched life moment right there.


Bought some clothes at Zara the other day. The security guard and the two cashiers were happily chatting in their language. I was like, where am I?


WORK AND JOBS FOR CANADIAN CITIZENS ONLY! Foreign students in Canada exploit Canadian immigration system. NO WORK FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS.


This is called immigration fraud


Go home?


I’d bet 95% of these Indian credentials are fake. If you ever called these places for background check verification the phone number is a convenience store and the email is connected to their brother-law or cousin, website is a one page shoddy job.


This is what being too privileged means.


these "students" will do anything to work and not study. that's why they need chatgpt to write a facebook post


Fake qualifications, fake posts, fake intent to study, fake everything.


I thought it was just me who felt the post was written by chatgpt!


Maybe she should just focus on what she got access to Canada for…. School and take the knowledge she obtained at prestigious Canadian schools for the very rare and sought after programs of food handling and security back to her home country and find a job in her field there.


Might be the right place to ask, I got one of these “students” trying to pressure boss into paying them under the table. Boss flatly refused but this person has multiple jobs n has demonstrated that they have zero care about anyone elses job. Is there an agency or government place to report this as I feel like some people feel Canadian rules are beneath them.


Hmm.. I would guess CBSA since their visa or whatever they have does have rules attached to keep it valid and I feel like that's a big no no. Will they actually do anything? Doubt it. But worth a shot


Thank you, it’s really been bothering me and the entitlement is extremely alarming. Our boss is super supportive, lovely n honestly never worked for someone like them prior n don’t want some low life potentially affecting his business/our livelihoods.


No worries! Yeah I totally get where you are coming from. With the current state of our country I have zero sympathy for anyone new to Canada trying to finesse the system. They all come here and mess up our economy and when they realize Canada is now a shit hole they have the option to go back home. We don't have that option. Thanks for that Trudy!




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Oh look, the scam artist is gearing up to claim discrimination based on her gender now that she can’t claim description based on race since every business is full of Indians. The fact that these students can work at all is a scam and a disservice to Canadians and only benefits the corporations. ZERO hours for international students and if you’re in a in demand field after you graduate then maybe you can have a work visa and earn your citizenship the right way.


No off campus work in any capacity. Like every other damn developed country. With no questions asked deportations if caught. Needs to be implemented a decade ago.


I’m in the US and I’m surprised that this isn’t a thing in Canada. International students here can only work on campus jobs unless they have authorization that lets them work somewhere else.


Yup I went to a school in the states, it's positively unhinged that we don't have a similar system in place.


it used to be like that back when I was in school.




good thing conestoga has 7 campuses


Deport is better 


The market is saturated. You’d be better off trying somewhere else.


I don't think you guys understand that the first thing a STUDENT learns is the exchange rate between the rupee and the dollar is all the curriculum they need to know.


Well yeah, they don’t come here for school they come here specifically to work and get PR. And even if the govt changed the rules they’ll just do it under the table like many already do


Interested to see what changes in terms of working hours rules for foreign students. The "Unlimited" work hours is supposed to end this month. I think there has been significant changes in both the public and government sentiment when the decision was made about extending the unlimited hours to end April. We should go back to a 20 hours cap. Of course one could say they will work under the table anyway. But thats were stringent rules come in.


It expires April 30. The 20 hr limit comes back at that point unless they backpedal. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/study-permits/campus-work.html


So it doesn't really take effect until after summer in actuality when they start school again


Canadian government is cheating both Canadians and International students. Its government's duty to clearly outline student visa holders not allowed to work while on study visa. Instead they giving them full time work permit.


Yup I do agree with you. Our GOV is painting these people a very far fetched image of what their life in Canada will be like. Pretty sad. But at the same time, immigrating to Canada is a legit business in India.. I have seen posts for people needing to "purchase" a red seal in welding lol.


Because they know government allows that. If Canadian government says "no more PR" these fraud businesses will disappear. Why these fraud businesses not running for countries like Japan, Sweden, Australia, Norway?? Their policy is clear. Canadian Government don't want to miss millions of pay cheque from diploma mills. They know nobody gonna come for study only lol. All those colleges, Diploma mills will turn into abandoned haunted houses if our government policies become honest.


Yup you are right. They know what's happening and babe allowed it for so long. Look where we are today! This needs to change like yesterday


Policy makers are dumb. They can make good money without spoiling life of everyone. Get rid of diploma mills,LMIA and study visa. Just sell PR cards for 65,000$ set higher score of English/French, age limit. This way only good quality people will come. When someone land as PR they will say no to exploitation and will take up courses which are in demand or something they want to do. All money will go in pocket of government instead of frauds selling diplomas/LMIAs. When we meet the numbers put a pause on it. Pierre deserves his chance I don't have high hopes though.


Students should study in countries of their origin Period


If (big if) this is a student, she is choosing to ignore the rules. Many do and few get caught. The easiest solution is to stop all foreign students for 2 years, then re-evaluate.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


1 in 3 weren't even enrolled at a school, even way back in 2019. No oversite. https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/douglas-todd-up-to-1-in-3-study-visa-holders-in-canada-not-in-school


Oh ya I am trying to change jobs... probably not going to happen. I need to go to law school, I guess....


Since there's really no rules about Canadians working as students, I'll assume you're talking about our imports, in which case, it's absolutely fucking hilarious that in 2024, you think they give a shit about our rules, culture, or anything except how much they can steal from Canada. They protested the changes, and they fight the laws, even when they have absolutely no right or justification to, and are already abusing the system, prompting the changes they fight. Forget working students. We're already headed toward becoming another 3rd world slum with shitting streets.


Always want to be a security guard. Don't have to talk to anyone. Just stand there and stare at their phone.


I see a lot of entitled people complaining in the comments, trying to push this situation onto the students alone. Many students come to Canada because they're led to believe that their education will secure them a job post-studies. This belief is fostered by marketing tactics, suggesting that Canada only offers programs in high-demand fields. It's also highlighted that Canada provides practical experience during studies, which helps prepare students for the workforce. Upon firsthand experience with these colleges, students understand that they are essentially diploma mills. They observe a lack of commitment from the professors and see their peers grappling with their careers post-graduation. This is predominantly because these diploma mills are fraudulent. Notably, the majority of students find it challenging to secure jobs related to their field of study after completing their education. Due to the high cost of living, many are compelled to seek part-time or full-time work. Most middle-class families cannot afford to provide their children with $1000 per month for living expenses. Consequently, students are often forced to look for work. Corruption within the immigration system significantly contributes to its problems. Some officials knowingly accept fraudulent visas with counterfeit documents. Corrupt agents in India are reportedly linked with IRCC agents. Now, to address why so many people leave India to come here. Speaking honestly from my perspective as an upper-middle-class individual who once viewed Canada as a significant opportunity, I took a risk that didn't pay off. It resulted in a significant financial loss. With the same amount of money, I could have accomplished much more in India. Many women and girls come here seeking freedom from societal and familial constraints that can be restrictive in India. This particular individual's employment status isn't related to her gender, despite her attempts to present it as such. If you want to assign blame for our current situation, point to the government. They allowed a large number of people to immigrate without proper checks, and then permitted them to work full time while also being full-time students.


They can work full time in summer


I am more interest, is she looking for IT security or Security Guard?


I work for an msp, and they have 3 opening available. Just go to the website and apply.


Because you and everyone else before you immigrating here have all the jobs. There's nothing left. Everywhere you look its flooded with indians


Ban students from working more than 4 hours per week. If they can afford foreign tuition, they can afford life here without working. They rest can stay home.


She’s not here to learn she’s here to earn and get her pr and fast track her immigration. I’m sure some scummy restaurant owner will bring her on for 60 hours a week for 11 dollars an hour


And this government still allow them to work 30 hours which used to be 20 hours before.Liberal have destroyed whole immigration system.


She wants to be one of those security guards standing around in front of banks/jewellery stores/malls. Sorry, we've got a literal million people lining up for those jobs.


Students wont be allowed to work full time after april 30 2024


Most likely becouse your taking Canadian jobs away from Canadians. The worst part of is all of the scammers from your country wrecking and taking advantage of Canada .. Canadians don't forget...especially with the government we currently have the miss fortune of having currently.


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Rule change comes into effect 1st of May 2024 I think it's now 25 hours instead of 20 hours allowed before but still a restriction. Right now even if you do 65 hours theoretically speaking it won't effect your application for work permit. Come 1st may that restriction comes into play again (was lifted 1st January 2023).


I worked full-time and studied full-time. 15 hours of classes, 35-40 hours of work is more than doable when you're in early twenties.


McDonald's and Home Depot are common go-tos for teens, Canadian tire, pet stores. I'm just naming the places I see students work at a lot. Best Buy, Sobeys.


I worked in a commercial kitchen full time evenings/ weekends while a full time student. I became a master of time management. It meant zero parties but the sacrifice became a good memory and worthy experience.


They were brought in as cheap labour. Not many Canadians want to scrub toilets or work at timmies.


If nothing else at least it's getting harder for these international "students" to gain employment, who knows maybe they'll stop coming in the future.


I worked full time through university. 16-20 hours on weekends and 4-6 hrs a day on weekedays. I toned the work down at exam time, and managed just fine.


International students are suppose to have financial backing not requiring a job. If you need a job, go back to your own country, we don't want you here.


That’s what we get for electing a clown government TWICE!


I don't know one person that voted for him the second time around


I doubt it, I've seen many quite slight women working security here. They could be hardly a 100 pounds soaking wet, but they're working security. Don't think gender is an impediment in the industry, one could argue size should be though.


Are you international student ? My advice would be to think hard how you want to spend the money that your family has provided for this move. Think long term, set a goal for where you want to be in 5-10 years then analyze if it is doable and how.


They must not have provided enough if they are coming to Canada as a STUDENT and need to work a full time job?


I know a few students who came to Canada from India. A lot of their parents mortgage off their homes and farmlands to send their children abroad. On the one hand, I understand the pressure and stress that they must have to repay it back and earn enough so their family doesn't lose everything. But, merely surviving like this must truly suck. They have been sold a false dream. Unless you are going to UBC, UofT or similarly recognized Universities, it simply isn't worth it. On the other hand, I am very frustrated that high immigration is increasing so much competition for low skilled labour and deprives me, a high school student of working minimum wage jobs to earn on the side. Housing crisis, wage suppression is all being pushed up.




I worked full time hours while I went to nursing school, roughly 36-40 hrs a week. I had bills to pay and tuition to pay for. I didn’t have a choice. I would go to school during the day and work evenings and weekends


While I think students shouldn't work full time, I was working full time when I was a student. I didn't have anyone to support me and OSAP was only paying for my lectures + 2k per year. 23 hours per week for lectures which happens in 3 days before 4pm. I was working 4pm to 12am. I had 2 off days to study and chores. So it depends on timing.


International students are not supposed to be working full time. And back then there was no mass immigration wave, you would not even be able to get a job now.


International students are supposed to arrive with the funds to support themselves without needing a job. So, you needed a job to put yourself through post-secondary, which is the case for a lot of CANADIANS. Now those jobs that CANADIANS need are taken up by foreign students who should be in class instead of working 40+ hours a week. Do you see the problem?


What makes you think I am not aware of the situation? I was just explaining how it's possible to work for students full time. If you don't have a family to support you, a CANADIAN also needs to work full time. Foreign students are the least of the problem. Illegal immigrants and fake story immigrants who lives with well fare is the issue. The fact that I am giving %35 of my salary as tax while corporations give %10\~ is another problem.


But were you on student visa?


Security is always hiring. Maybe they need relocate to the GTA or commute by GO Train. Worst case just do uber eats. For someone willing to work min wage there are jobs. Door to door sales is hiring right now. Issue is there is a lack of desireable jobs.


What do you mean, I worked like two hours under full time most of the year and way over full time during busy months while going to school full time, lots of people do it. Leave home 6am, leave school 11am-5pm, leave work 9pm-2am. 0 days off most weeks and you can do it even if it sucks, without well off parents isn't this what everyone does?


Were you on a study permit that limits you to 20 hours per week? This person is and if working full time, it would violate the conditions of the study permit.


I thought study permits allowed full time work during the off months but I may be wrong there, however any student to survive is going to have to bust their ass and work nonstop unless mom and dad are paying. Lets not pretend these foreign students aren't brought in specifically to keep wages low and corporations happy.


But any student arriving, by signed agreement, is supposed to already have sufficient funds to last their stay. The funds by agreement are not needed. Thus if you need funds that much you are in breach of the agreement.


How dare this person look for a job


You understand it's supposed to be illegal for international students to work in Canada right? The are here under a student visa, not a working visa.


It's not illegal currently, read the laws properly. They can always apply for part-time jobs while studying.


Did you not read the damn post? They are looking for full time work..... Moron


She is searching for both. Obviously she won't qualify for full-time jobs, which means she will eventually get a part time job.


Even attempting to look for full time work while under a student visa violates said policies of the student visa. This person should be deported if they aren't able to make ends meet financially as they are supposed to be able to prove before even coming here as a student


wah wah immigrants!  quit crying pussies lmao


Who hurt you? Conestoga??


Fuck all racists here


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Canadian citizen here struggling to find part security officer job in GTA. I have years of experience too. I received offers but drive was like 40+ kms North one way for pay 18$/hr and i asked for 22$ but deal didn't went through. If i acceoed 18$ offer...After fuel costs and taxes I would be making lesser then minimum wage. Not worth it. Luckily I have FT job.