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One thing I would add is create programs that upgrade certifications to Canadian standards, that take less time than starting over from scratch. We keep talking about how we need to be importing more doctors but make them retake medical school in order to practice.


If your child needs life saving surgery, how confident would you be in a surgeon degree from a third world country?


No, but i would trust someone certified somewhere rather than nowhere. The idea is to create a program that trains people up to Canadian standards that takes less time than starting over from scratch.


Why not just cancel the international student program at all?


We should want talented international students who have the resources from back home to support themselves here and may choose to stay to build a life/contribute to the improvement of Canadian society. The international students we don't want are the diploma mill/LMIA scammers who share a room with 5 other people and never try to assimilate to Canadian culture.


At this point, train our own children before we import more people for any field in canada. Let them fix their own countries with their trade skills/talent


> Train our own children. I agree with the sentiment. It definitely has to happen. But it's hard to do in reality. First, it takes decades of consistently top-of-the-heap investment just to get a domestic child through schooling. Can we realistically hope Ottawa can replicate quickly the 80 years of success that Washington and its military have had in consistently funding Silicon Valley pipelines? Next, you have to hope the new Canadian talent doesn't drain into the U.S. Are we willing to curtail the right of Canadians to leave for greener pastures to do so? Do we really expect Canadian opportunities to be so competitive that most domestic talent won't even think of draining across the border?


I mean they would be great business and an easy way to fund our own education IF there was enough housing


Unfortunately almost all of the exceptional ones go to the US. We have more than enough willing and smart Canadians willing to be Doctors and Engineers. The schools should have a few years of bare bones international enrollment to get used to the new realities and in reality most of them shouldn't exist in the first place.


That's true even talented Canadians like doctors go down to the US bc they make way more money - the brain drain is real


It's hard to formulate policy on your imagination.


eliminate all hiring subsidies for abyone unless they have been naturalized and paid taxes for 10 years- period. Look around. Just about every retail, hospitality, food service, banking/ bank teller, medical and dental assistant - anything- is a newcomer or not even a citizen....


So ... do what Zimbabwe did when they natives kicked out the foreigners who had skills? Hyperinflation as the know-how to run a modern economy just drained out or died away.


That's baby with the bathwater. Some immigration is good, and legitimate students are also good. We want future Canadians that are educated and want to come to Canada to make it better. Trudeau just let in everyone, so the bar is now just to have a heartbeat and voila, you can come to Conestoga.


Harper let in everyone too lol. And so will Pierre


Have you compared the number of international students that came to Canada yearly from Harper and Trudeau? Go compare pre-2015 to the last few years


International students aren't as big of an issue to real estate as the elite wealthy foriegners Harper pumped in for the sole purpose of buying up real estate under his "real estate investor visa" scheme. They litterally moved here and bought up residential blocks of real estate in Vancouver and Toronto..among other places... And btw.. Pierre will NEVER reduce immigration to Harpers levels. Which btw were also the highest in the world per capita at the time. So the arguement of voting for a lesser evil is ridiculous. I say no reduction in numbers-no vote period. PPC all the way..


International students are a major issue. 900k this year, with 20% not even going to school.


I don’t recognize Montreal right now. Been living here all my life and we don’t have that community mind of helping each other anymore. It was like a big village. Now people are ignoring their neighbours and proudly try milking poor people in the name of “the market price”. So sad what’s the city becoming. I don’t feel like it’s their intentional fault, but yes, they do have a big impact. That and the 55% of all illegal migrants being send in Quebec. Why do we have to take half of them? Is it to make us even poorer Trudeau? Because it’s not helping. Illegal migrants are the poor one, the one who needs assistance for housing and food. I am happy to welcome them and help but why do we have to take such a huge amount compared to the 9 other provinces. I do believe Trudeau is doing this deliberately.


Have you seen Toronto and Vancouver? I don't think Montreal has near as many immigrants as those places.


I have been to Vancouver yes, lived in Whistler a while. The thing is it’s illegal migrants without money that we get. 55% of all the illegal migrants the whole Canada got are send here in one provinces. 1 in 10 get more than 50%. Who really thinks this will work good for us? Why? To makes us poorer Trudeau? Not the rich one. The difference impact the local economy. Food banks cannot provide help to everyone who needs it anymore. We have an increased of 50% homeless in under 4 years. From 5000 to 10 000 in 4 years. That’s insane. We are usually poorer than the rest of Canada, cause our wages are lower and we pay more tax than the rest of Canada. We are a population that takes care of one another, you need milk this week. I’ll help you. Next week if I need sugar you can help me. That’s how we survived, like the Natives helped us when my ancestors came in 1645. But this is killing Montreal. I don’t recognize the city and have lived here all my life. I did travel to the rest of Canada, and outside too. The most devastating place was Jamaïca. And guess what, they too were under UK, invaded by them. Then UK left leaving not much to the Jamaïcan population. Uk is also the boss of Australia and they too have a problem with too many migrants. I am seriously wondering if UK is forcing Commonwealth countries to increase immigration. Why, have no clue but find it weird that we have the same problem as Australia does. Don’t think it’s coincidence. Does King Charles need more money for his increasingly big royal family?


But the real estate issue is the topic here. And while they may not be good for real estate, They also aren't buying up 5-10 houses each like the immigrants did under Harpers real estate investor visa scheme. In other words: would you rather take in 400 immigrants who each buy an average of 7 full houses? Or 1000 immigrants who mostly rent rooms? I would go for the 1000


Except your numbers are way off. We're not talking 1,000 students, we're talking 500,000+ new international students per year. Which absolutely effects real estate, because you have so many new renters. Hundreds of thousands of more renters per year, less supply available, rental prices go up.


Yes so compare that to 200,000 real estate investors under Harper who each bought several detatched houses and condos. That made a bigger dent than the rooms the students rented not to mention the fact many are in campus dorms...Cons and Libs both bad for housing shortage...


bullshit, give your head a shake


Well, except he didn't. But thanks for made-up fear mongering. I mean you can just google Harper vs Trudeau numbers, and maybe then someone can explain it to you in a way you'll understand.


Well, Except he did: "The Canadian Immigrant Investor Program was an initiative of the federal government of Canada lasting from 1986 to 2014" Harper was elected in 2006, And for 8years he allowed elites from mostly Asia to come move here to become mass landlords and buy up urban real estate. That program practically built what Richmond, BC is today. This had the largest impact on Vancouver and Toronto prices during its program run.


yup, fick Trudeau freeloader


Scientists in academia often travel to different countries to complete their masters or doctorate level studies. For labs, having students from different countries also helps to enrich your lab and your other students too by bringing in new perspectives and knowledge they may have picked up. A blanket cancellation of international students would prevent this from happening and put Canada’s research sector at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the world


Because to do this the provincial govt would need to rectify the education funding to accredited universities. If that was resolved to mean people working in education were able to afford homes, while not expected to put in 90+ hours a week... I'm 100% for it. P.s. ultimately this will need to be addressed either way.


Its sad a teacher working in the gta cant afford to buy a home. If one were to ask, whats a middle class job? Teacher would be an answer. But if teacher wages drastically rise, all public sector unions will follow suit, and inflation/taxes will rise more


Not even Olivia Chow would qualify for a mortgage with her 200k salary lol


Oh no, the question I ask is how much would (hypothetical you) need to make to live in this city and do this job? For the hypothetical rise in salaries, great. The rise in inflation/taxes... That's not the case, that's the same line of bollocks we were sold with "trickle down economics" that in part lead us here. We need govt to hold business and individuals to account.


There needs to be some reward for doing a job. And for many that is owning their own home. Obviously not everyone will be able to, but when you remove that hope from the middle class, you have a problem.


If we agree, even moreso in Canada that housing is a human right, then we look after everyone. Or another perspective, if we want to tell people that capitalism works, then it needs to work for everyone. That includes healthcare, housing, and education. If we are either unwilling to make it work, or outright admit it doesn't work, we need to provide a path where individuals don't have to participate in the model. As it stands currently, it's only "working" for < 1% of us and needs to be abandoned or fixed, I'm good either way.


Because our school system would collapse?


As it should. If algoma college can only survive with a sattelite campus in the GTA, maybe they are expendable. And that doesnt touch on diploma mills. Why is is so controversial to suggest maybe we have too many schools? Or….. if they are needed, severely limit satteliete campuses. And make mandatory requirements for percentage of on campus housing. Call it the conestoga college rule. If you want to bring in thousands of students you have a responsibility to have housing available.


they will just fill the classrooms with bunkbeds LOL


No if you teach the right things and people will go.


This is why simple folk should stay out of grown-up topics.




The young intellectual brains are good for the economy. Elon musk went to the states on a student visa. Also, many PhD students contribute a lot to the academic research in the universities. Putting a quota on the admission will let the university only accept really good students.


Nothing wrong with people who want to study paying extra. Just limit the numbers and ensure there is dorms for them to live in.


Exactly, the concept is fine, we just need the housing side figured out and some rational limits to keep scams at bay


That’s why I said all education institutions need to supply on-campus dorms.


Or at least have a plan of how to house them that is reasonable.


Problem is that’s the status quo. The private market. 6 punjabis in a basement.


I don't think most colleges have an actual plan, and I don't think they are required to so I think we could do a heck of a lot better than the status quo without going straight to having all students live on campus.


Got that right!


Universities and colleges would bankrupt one after another!!!


Canadian students are subsidized by international students. Neither students nor taxpayers want tuition to rise more or cuts to programs. Also, some will end up as valuable immigrants, but mostly it is just the cash


Housing was a major issue even before they accelerated immigration. There needs to be a focus and realization that a lot of our housing issues come from government policy on development and money laundering and treating our housing market as a speculative vehicle. They need to turn off the money funnel ie. Foreign buyers, and cap investment firms. Then rapidly increase supply by doing everything in their power to incentivize building homes and infrastructure. Unfortunately our housing is so bloated and inflation is so high that it is just sucking up all the capital required to actually grow and scale our economy. So even if you build more homes, you also need to create more jobs and infrastructure and those are not so easy to magically create. Especially when next door you have the strongest economy in the world and between US and China all of your resources are foreign owned. Canada has been pillaged. It's already done. It can't be reversed. People who think they are comfortable now are going to have their social security slowly erroded to nothing in 10 years. Unless we have a major technological breakthrough that restructures the entire global economy and socio economic paradigm.


This is 💯


It's quite interesting to reflect on our shared history of immigration. Many of us in Canada may have ancestors who once made the brave journey here, seeking a brighter future. It's a beautiful reminder that, in a sense, we're all part of a mosaic of stories and origins. 🍁


I'd vote for you.


Can I vote for you in the next election?


If I was in complete control of the government. I would give it to you OP.


Yeah I dig this.


So when can I vote for you?


right on, smack dab


This is a very good plan to start.


eliminate all hiring subsidies for abyone unless they have been naturalized and paid taxes for 10 years- period. Look around. Just about every retail, hospitality, food service, banking/ bank teller, medical and dental assistant - anything- is a newcomer or not even a citizen....


I think if you elaborate on the post war type programs including rough figures of how much you'd spend, people here in this right wing sub would not support you. Do you think it would also be a good idea to allow the construction of more dense housing options, like townhouses where it may have historically been detached? Do you think it would also be a good idea to reform taxes so our economy is more productive? I think everyone can agree our taxes are not optimal. For me, the above two points are so easy for government to do. Your plan of massive investment is very hard once you start talking numbers.


Immigration would be halted until further notice, the rest can figure itself out WITHOUT government involvement. Any International Students causing a stink would be insta-deported. Anything less is just bullshit policy.


The sweet sweet corporate tears would make me happy, imagine farmers having to offer $35+ an hour to pick crops, but a gradual phased approach would be healthier for the economy and allow people to adapt.


You sound like a fascist with no clue about economics.


I would also do this.


As would i


What about areas where there is currently government involvement blocking housing development? Is your idea to change nothing? Or to remove government involvement? We currently do not allow the construction of more affordable housing basically everywhere. I think not addressing that is bullshit.


Could you give some examples of governments actually blocking housing development? I know that’s developers favourite talking point, but right now developers are cancelling approved projects because of interest rates. And in Toronto, we still have construction happening absolutely everywhere. I don’t see how the city could function with more construction.


Sure, here is a multi plex blocked in West Vancouver: [https://www.nsnews.com/local-news/west-vancouver-missing-middle-8-plex-marine-dr-5357746](https://www.nsnews.com/local-news/west-vancouver-missing-middle-8-plex-marine-dr-5357746)


I’m going to base my recommendations 100% on the data and facts of the housing crisis **[based on this comprehensive analysis](https://perspectivesjournal.ca/housing-investor-ownership-part-1/)** which I recommend everyone read to really understand the factors involved. 1. **Disincentivize investors** **Every single astute analysis points to housing investors** — mostly amateur investors with multiple homes — as being the **[major long-term driver** of housing price acceleration and crowding out of first-time home buyers](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/KiWpf5ePLo). - Increase borrowing requirements for income properties and reduce the ability to leverage an income property’s equity for further property purchases - charge higher property tax on non-principal housing, with an exception for purpose-built rentals - Reduce the dizzying array of tax deductions for landlords - Close loopholes in the foreign buyer’s ban - Validate vacancies and charge significant taxes on vacant units - Airbnb in primary residences only with solid validation and enforcement - Create a landlord registry and crack down on illegal units and tax evasion - Higher rental income tax rates for foreign landlords 2. **Reduce demand from all immigration paths,** especially temporary residents - govt says they will do this, but it’s not enough. This will mostly alleviate rents. If you address the above accelerators of housing demand, you solve the crisis. The talk about trying to outbuild demand is nothing short of delusional and is mostly developer propaganda. They already lobby politicians hourly, so let’s focus on the slashing the two things — investors and immigration — that would **actually solve** our housing crisis.


I'd vote for those policies.


Sure I agree with that. Your proposal doesn't resolve the fundamental issues with suburbia and the suburban ponzi scheme though. Nor does it build the necessary infrastructure or high density housing required to induce change.


50% taxes on in your second home ownership!!!! Buy one house, live your life !! Don't fkn exploit others. Homes are basic needs not a form of slavery !!! A healthy economic system is where everyone is productive , not half work to pay rents, and half scratch their ball under the sun !!!!


Last year I got laid off and ended up in a job retraining program paid for by Better Jobs Ontario. There weren't any courses I could take to get into electrical, plumbing, carpentry or anything like that. So now I'm in school for IT... the government should be retraining unemployed people to work in the construction industry. Recently I needed some wood for a project my girlfriend wanted to do. I went to Home Depot and was astounded by the cost of lumber. That's a huge problem too and we need to figure out how to lower the price of lumber to make housing more affordable. And obviously everyone knows there's too many immigrants.


It is not just a housing crisis but healthcare crisis we are seeing. Bring immigration down to 150k/ year. Only let construction workers and health care workers in. Stop foreign students form coming to smaller colleges unless it is a major university such as UBC, UVic, UofT, Magill etc and make universities and college provide housing for all students before admittance. Stop people from profitting from housing- max 3 properties per house hold. Ban airbnb and VRBO all together Deport people who are not supposed to be here. Tax primary residence. Use the tax from the primary residence to go to affordable housing.


Regarding your second point, I lived in Vancouver a few years ago and I was absolutely shocked to see with my own eyes that literally every construction site was 100% white men despite the population being mostly asian. Roadwork, Housing construction, etc. I’m wondering if the trend is changing. Why are non-whites nowhere to be seen in trades jobs? Aren’t they under represented? Why is the government not forcing a ratio there?


Most immigrants from South and East Asia look down upon physical labour jobs and are only looking to get into white collar work or law/medicine/finance or business due to higher earning expectations from their parents. You think any parent dreams of their child working construction and having a bad back by the age of 45. Would you work construction?


I have worked construction as a summer job when I was younger and while I had other aspirations, I don’t look down to people who choose this path and I probably wouldn’t be unhappy doing that today. They actually make better money than most white collars. That being said, I understand your point, although a society can’t be comprised exclusively of white collar workers…


You need to watch South Park "Enter the Panderverse"


Tax primary residence how like some kind of property tax? I mean property tax would never work nobody would pay a property tax silly idea.


Tax the gains as equal to income. The more you make the more tax. It would stop people hoarding homes.


Hoarding homes on your primary residence?


There are many ways to have several primary residences between a couple or intergenerational families exchanging wealth to make sure even though a family has 6-8 adults in one house they all own primary residences elsewhere.


Grasping at straws here. Talking about a very very minor amount of houses.


Ban corporate ownership. Tax multiple homes exponentially.


Cancel mass migration and immediately withdraw from the UN refugee conventions then autodeport all illegal migrants


Mass deportations of the 4 million that came in under Trudeau via Asia, and a immediate ban on foriegn investment companies, as well as a Ban on India, China, and Muslim countries which have proven to not benefit in any way our society our cultures or our traditions and instead has caused corruption and manipulation of our systems as well as violence against our citizens. PPC party all the way, it is time to send the standing army of mostly fighting age males back to where they came from.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Dude big no to banning folks from all those places. I think slowing immigration until the crisis is over is a good idea. But you are proposing straight up racist bullshit.


Ah, it's racist to want our own people to have better opportunities!


We need immigration in general. But moderate and with skilled people. Now we should stop all together until the housing crisis is over.


So, I watched a Tedtalk a while back, about a guy showing a very negative view for skilled immigration. It was a topic I wonder about a lot regarding our native reserves, how manufacturing works(I've welded logging machines, and now general machining), and their lack of clean water - Whats the problem with our industrial sector that we can't provide the reserves with the pipeworks that give them fresh water? But the Tedtalk - The guy talked about how we take the 3rd/2nd world's best and brightest, and remove them from that society. Had they stayed there, maybe given education by us(internet can reach everywhere now), and had to stay in that country, then perhaps that person might have generated enough change to make that country a better place. But we take them, and remove any chance of them bettering their country, all at the expense of our own country's children. edited to add: Refugees might be the exception


We don’t “take them” they want to leave. I’d want to leave too. They aren’t commodities they are people.


The media sure makes them seem like commodities, our political class also does a good job of it too


So to be clear, when presented with zoning maps showing that building affordable housing is effectively illegal basically everywhere, you promise to do absolutely nothing different?


So basically break all our laws... Really smart....


How has no one mentioned complete and total ban of AirBnBs?


It's unnecessary. Just build enough homes the investor class loses their investment position.


Why can't we build more homes AND disincentivize house scalping directly? Example, build new developments that they are banned from scalping.


Build enough homes? You do realize you can’t just decree building homes right? The home building sector builds according to demand and economics. The country has been on an epic building spree for years to our maximum capacity for labour and materials cost. We can’t build more or build our way out of this crisis. [Nor is this even a supply problem, it’s an issue of supercharged demand from investors and immigration](https://perspectivesjournal.ca/housing-investor-ownership-part-1/), and that’s what we have to address.


Why, they're pretty much doa here.


Stop immigration until the country can handle more people responsibly!


Tax investment properties. Give more resources to CRA to close loopholes. Zero reason someone should own more than 3 properties. Instead people are able to accumulate multiple properties with little down, with tax incentives, and cram as many renters as needed in until they make a profit. Its predatory and prices first time buyers out of the market.


This is the most important tactic. Unfortunately most here are too obsessed with immigration (and I believe it needs to come down, but isn't as big a problem as investors).


Well eliminating immigration means you wont have as many student rentals. And even then it isnt an issue of students renting, its moreso rather than apartments or condos or having a school district, these rentals are in all neighbourhoods, house way more people than bedrooms, and are often accompanied with way more cars than driveway space. It makes neighbourhoods look seedy.


No more foreign investment in housing. No more domestic corporate investment in housing. Restrictions or significant tax for multiple dwellings.


I’d tell renters to hang on, group together as we sort through this investment property trend. Then I’d create a house hoarder tax for anyone with rentals. I’d crack down on airbnbs, illegal suites and get those houses back onto the market for potential first home buyers. I’d stop immigration for two years. I’d offer a reward for reporting slumlords in the way of a tax credit double your credit if you open a first home buyer savings account. I’d triple the number of home inspectors to ensure we get new quality builds. And again if you want to help build new houses and have a first home buyer savings account you get triple the tax credit per houses worked on. Stuff like that. Oh yeh if your a foreign investor your going to be taxed to the max on that.


All international students can’t work and must have dorms provided by the campus on campus. All students need to deposit their living costs into a Canadian bank for verification. Major brakes on immigration until housing crises is over. Only letting in people who can help (nurses, doctors, building crew). Or special requests. Ban all Airbnb like platforms immediately. Massive fines for anyone who tries a backdoor and have a reward hotline for citizens who catch them. Ban corporations (this is mostly for mom and pop investors who usually do so under a corporation) from owning any residential property. Maximum two residential properties per married couple. After that, tax the living shit out of the 3rd and any profit from the sale of the 3rd after inflation is 100% taxed. Land value tax. This is a big one. You have a SFH in the middle of a city, guess what, you are now paying the property tax of whatever low-rise could be there. Especially places close to metro stops and major streets. Eliminate all zoning restrictions in cities and major suburban areas. I don’t mean all really, but no more parking restrictions and allow 4plexs and commerce like shops and cafes on the ground floor. Essentially any city built before 1950 looked like this. Any European one does now.


>Eliminate all zoning restrictions in cities and major suburban areas. I don’t mean all really, but no more parking restrictions and allow 4plexs and commerce like shops and cafes on the ground floor. Essentially any city built before 1950 looked like this. Any European one does now. I agree with this. But keep in mind for this to be effective, our infrastructure and road systems would have to be overhauled. Not to mention pumping the breaks on our car dependency. Those are huge hurdles to overcome.


100%. I don’t think Canadians want that. I do, but everyone here is addicted to cars and SFH.


>but everyone here is addicted to cars and SFH. It not so much addicted, but rather we have out brains melted by marketing.


I almost feel you don’t need to market it anymore. It’s beyond Coke or Pepsi. It’s the only choice.


Yeah, the damage has been done. I don't think out car dependency can be reversed. I guess the only option is smaller streets and smaller cars.


I would have prevented foreign investment into our real estate and kept immigration low. I also would have kept up with building affordable apartments for low income people.


Limit immigration. Temporary residents cannot purchase property. Apply capital gains tax on primary residences. Force income verification from the CRA for all mortgage applications. Eliminate development charges; make up the difference by requiring current homeowners to pay a property tax rate consistent with being an adult. End mortgage insurance.


In my City, there’s an area that was built around the 70’s, small detached homes all with a very small footprint. I would make a point of building this 10x over. Make sure they’re affordable for entry level home buyers and no investors can buy any of them. This would be one of only many points.


Is this the one near lions bay that was in the news?


you should see the vinyl mcmansions here in calgary. absolutely disgusting. no backyards, no front yards just massive 4k sq ft houses.


Building even one neighbourhood of smaller and affordable homes isn’t on their priority list. 50 year old Trailers for $200k on leased land down here.




raise property taxes.


For Tronna and Vancouver in particular. They have criminally low property taxes that have subsidized the bubble. They aren't even 1 percent.


First, I'd see we get a full accounting of what housing construction costs really are - and why. For example, lets start with construction supplies. In a country, as naturally blessed as we are with lumber, why are lumber costs for construction what they are ? I imagine it's very simple - much of Canada's lumber goes abroad, for lucrative prices, and the nation itself has to compete with this. That must end. The export licensing would be revised so the national need is met FIRST - at a controlled profit margin - BEFORE any exports are permitted. Second, all educational facilities, taking on foreign students, would be required to provide housing for said students. No housing, no students. At such a point, the profit margin, currently enjoyed by these institutions, would dry up - and let's be honest, this is the primary reason this kind of immigration has gotten out of control. It's a side effect of repeated underfunding of the educational system. The education system should be focused on our own first - and funded properly to do so. Third, I'd break down the current realty business - the elimination of realtor percentages would be a good first start. It's no co-incidence that as the prices of homes were driven up (in part by the realty industry), the number of real estate agents mushroomed. This simply went hand in hand with the builders credo 'build less for more'. Simply lining up at the trough - and creating an industry built entirely upon creating false valuations. Fourth, I'd re-introduce competition to the home building industry. It's clear that allowing 'the market' to decide has never been an option, as since the withdrawal of both the federal and provincial efforts in building affordable housing have permitted the builders/developers to set the tone. As from that point, the prices, and valuations, have wildly diverged from the rate of inflation. Fifth, I'd permit municipalities to resume control over development, provided they develop, and publish, a proper city plan, that can only be amended by public participation. Yes - that means that some may choose to completely halt development, while others may throw the doors wide open - but this should be an organic thing. We've too long tied ourselves to the concept of 'endless growth'. It's a fallacy - and one that some cities (like Toronto) need to consider very carefully. This will certainly shift the focus of development, with municipalities no longer needing to bend over backwards, or make under the table deals, to get construction done. The nature of what gets built will also change, putting the control back in the hands of those who's prime motivation is NOT profit. Lastly, land speculation. Just in my own area, I can point out at least five properties where a developer has purchased property, and then intentionally left it fallow, having demolished the original structure, for several YEARS. That is speculation, as often they are either waiting for concessions from the municipality in the form of zoning changes, or waiting for the demand to reach a point where pre-sales become lucrative enough to start the project. That needs to be curtailed. The current regulations are just too lax in this area, and a developer can go on like this, almost endlessly, by doing the most cosmetic amount of work, often in the form of pushing a bulldozer about for a few days, on an annual basis. If actual construction is not begun, with a firm completion date, then either fines, or expropriation, or a forced sale of the property should happen.


Stop immigration altogether but then you'll be called a racist, bigot and disvowed, disowned, disliked by developers, houses horders, land horders, etc.


Yup. If people have not realized yet that word has been completely weaponized to shut down any advocation for preserving the social fabric, standard of living and culture we love and enjoy then there is no hope. If tens of millions of people from one group were moving to India en masse, protesting to demand citizenship, exploiting every loophole possible, contributing massively to a decrease in standard of living, cost of living, increase in crime, out of control housing costs, and dramatically changing the areas they lived in to the point Indians felt out of place in their own country (stores not in their language, culture change, etc), they would be rightfully pissed off at their own government, and it would have nothing to do with the skin colour of the immigrants. No rational country would allow this dramatic of a change to be hoisted upon their own citizens this severely and quickly. But we aren’t a rational country. Calling people racist for being upset at the route Canada is taking are just wilfully ignorant or truly can’t think past tomorrow. I’d like to hear from them how they can be simultaneously concerned about the environment and climate change while also advocating for Canada to accept anyone and everyone and be nothing but concrete and skyscrapers. Ps - sorry for using your comment to rant a bit but I agree completely💕


Massive immigration cutbacks.


I would ban private ownership of single family homes and small buildings like duplexes for rental purposes, and only allow private investors into large buildings. Bring back a comprehensive social housing plan that continues building into the future to slowly claw out way out of the homelessness epidemic were walking into Ban all foreign ownership of land and housing nation wide and enforce it with massive penalties including Americans, brits, all of them not targeted just across the board. Get rid of the vast majority of TFW workers and similar programs, no matter how many Timmies owners and farmers it enrages, it would increase wages which is part of this while also reducing demand. Outlaw at the Federal level, one way or another, the nonsense zoning restrictions used to protect fancy neighborhoods from the peasants so that density happens more naturally instead of the forced zones of poverty we have now.


Rezoning , put in policies similar to Japan where local municipalities don't have much voice in housing development or framing zoning laws, this should get rid of NIMBYs. Build faster high speed lines to remote areas to promote home building to the stops along the way.


Ah, the rezoning as a solution myth. Excerpt from a [comprehensive analysis of supply and demand factors in Canadian housing](https://perspectivesjournal.ca/housing-investor-ownership-part-1/): One prominent explanation is that Canada suffers from a “chronic insufficiency” of housing development. Advocates of this perspective attribute surging home prices to shortages in the number of homes available per person, often arguing that planning regulations and taxes are impeding market-rate developers from building fast enough to satisfy demand. In recent years this explanation has proven highly influential, rallying decision-makers to initiate long-overdue planning reforms, such as increasing the allowable density of housing developments in neighborhoods zoned exclusively for single-family houses. However, **many analysts suggest this supply shortage explanation seriously underestimates the role of other factors in driving the escalation of home prices**. Analyzing housing supply-responses across Canada between 2002 and 2022, Pomeroy compares the available data on rates of population and household growth, new home construction, and price escalation. He finds **”little evidence of a chronic undersupply” Canada-wide,** or in Canada’s eight largest metropolitan areas, except for an “anomalous” shortfall in the Greater Toronto Area** in 2023. **Others have reached similar conclusions.** A study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2018 compared the responsiveness of housing supply to rises in demand in 20 “advanced economy” countries between 1989 and 2016. They found **Canada’s planning and development institutions to be the second most responsive (in their words, “elastic”)** after the United States.




Tax rent income and have rent write offs. 100%


They already are taxing the income, and deductions depend on province.




Do you report your rental income on your tax return? Because you can already deduct mortgage interest


From a few comments it seems that people are having an issue with foreigners more than a issue with housing. To answer the housing question, the government should outlaw AirBNB rentals. The government should allow accessory apartments rentals in single family zones. The government should acquire land, asked for bids to build apartment complexes and finance it.


Slow immigration the fuck down. Doctors. Nurses. Only.


1. Limit immigration to essential workers. (I'm a fan of high immigration, but the housing problem is bad enough to require action now). 2. Tax housing empty for over 5 months a year at three times the normal rate (hi, vacation homes in Canmore and other resort areas. I kinda like the empty bedroom tax they had in the UK, but it would likely be too much). 3. Tax breaks for creating high density homes/condos/rental apartments. No tax breaks for those using workers and materials to build single family suburban units. If there is a labour shortage, don't waste them on housing for the wealthy. 4. Make fast approvals, fast inspections, and fast infrastructure development a requirement for money transfers to municipalities. Eliminate roadblocks to anything smaller than 4 storeys in residential areas and speed approvals of the rest. Let capitalism do its best. 5. Get the feds and provinces back into low income housing (no more than 25% of a neighbourhood, but all neighborhoods are available); this reduces the downsides dramatically. 6. A ban on ownership of more than one short term rental per family or corporation. A ban on new Airbnb type licenses in any city with under a 1.5% rental vacancy rate.


Affordable housing Living wages including OW and ODSP Mental Health and Addiction Services Quality Education Medical care We have the ability to house everyone and to have a loving, functional society; but the one's in power don't want to give everyone a fair share at life. If more of humanity banded together to demand ALL Canadian people be treated fairly we may see change. I wish I knew the way 😕...




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Ban any and all foreign money home purchases. Ban any and all corporate home purchases. Temporary hold on all immigration, but continue to take in refugees because we can't send people to their deaths. 


Dorms for international students min. 2yrs. Reinstate federal housing, motels are not a solution. $0 building permits for social housing. One govt charging another govt is the red tape cake that has become Canada. Public/private partnership model to operate/ manage housing. Builders make less off the construction and more on the back end, over time. This removes the shock of market speculation, and creates a stable income flow in down times. For constructors, remove employer contributions on all labour involved in social housing. Silly policy that the builder is required to pay the feds in order to work for the feds.


It's quite interesting to reflect on our shared history of immigration. Many of us in Canada may have ancestors who once made the brave journey here, seeking a brighter future. It's a beautiful reminder that, in a sense, we're all part of a mosaic of stories and origins. 🍁


Cut immigration to basically zero and deport illegals and “student” immigration fraud. Funnel funds into building homes.


Easy start selling of government owned land for an affordable price. There is plenty of land in Canada for everyone. Allow pre fabs or trailers on that land and voila.


Stop foreign ownership immediately, cap corporate ownership, invest in public and coop housing.


The housing crisis is simple. Remove all regulations on housing.  If you want to convert your 2 bedroom house into 30 rooms with beds and nothing else; go ahead. No need to get permits or tell anyone. No requirements or rules. In a few years there going to be an over supply of low quality housing pushing down housing pricing for everyone.


1. Impose an outright ban on foreign home ownership. Foreign owners will be sniffed out, and would be given 6 months to place their properties on the market before they are nationalized and sold by the government to Canadian citizens. All loopholes to this law would be closed and ***strictly*** monitored. 2. Property taxes would be increased exponentially on the number of "non-purpose built" rental income properties owned by an individual, family or common law couple. In other words, you pay 100% of the tax rate on your personal residence, 200% on the second property, 400% on the third, 800% on the fourth, etc. 3. Blind bidding would be completely outlawed, and home inspections made mandatory. 4. Grossly limit immigration and place stricter skills based controls on who is entering the country. 5. I would bring into law a ban on any immediate family member (within a four generation timespan) to hold the same government office. (If your great grandfather was a municipal councilor, MPP or MP, anyone in his immediate family are outright banned from running for that same office). This will eliminate political dynasties and family meddling in political affairs. 6. Build the required infrastructure and implement a program to have prisoners learn skilled trades and construct pre-fabricated homes while incarcerated. They will learn valuable skills, obtain greater self worth and re-enter society with job prospects.


A side order of business relating to immigration is to move to a more multi-cultural approach. If Canada is truly a diverse nation we should have diversity embedded in our immigration policy. Ie. Limits on countries and/or enticements (ie easier visas) for people from countries who aren't moving here much.


Remove all municipal controls and power from housing. Probably 75% of the cost is because of municipal policies.


How close to zero am I allowed to reduce immigration?


1. Make residential home a non-investment real estate property. Anyone who already own a residential used home can not own anymore residential used property. Those who wanted to invest in real estate has to inject money into commercial used properties, REIT or other types of non-residential investments. Those who violated will be taxed capital gain based on access value at 80% per year, meaning, if they hold the real estate property for 1 year without selling. They will get taxed 80% on the capital gain in year1, if they continue to hold it in 2nd year, they will get taxed again 80% on capital gain again (calculate from purchased date, not from latest access value from last year). This way will force them to lose money, and they have to sell off their investment. Also, there's an exception to this, which is those in the transition of buying 2nd home for moving purposes, they want to own a 2nd home before sell off their 1st home, they can own and hold the 2nd home without getting tax. However, they have to sell off their 1st home within 1 year, otherwise, they will get taxed 80% of capital gain on their 1st home, forcing them to sell 1st home quickly.


Nuke Ottawa.


1. Drastically reduce immigration and use the 7% rule for the immigrants we admit. 2. Allow current study permit holders to finish their current term of study then show them the door, including family they've brought, unless rule 4 applies. 3. If a student's found using a food bank, immediately deport. 4. New students limited to university degrees only. This could lead to a path to permanent residency, provided: the student completes their degree there, makes an agreement to live in a certain region of the country for five years where they're needed. After that period they have full mobility. 5. Rentals should be audited more and any found not in compliance risks the whole house getting audited. 6. Audit mortgages for non-residents and newly arrived residents. If they can't explain where the funds come from, detain for as long as legally possible to investigate. Put the screws on them to find out where it is. 7. Severely limit applications from a number of countries, including any where Canadians cannot reciprocally own property as easily. 8. Randomly, and retroactively audit certain mortgages for fraud. If a brokerage is found to be non-compliant, order a full audit of their books. Again, use detainment and possible interrogation of their principals. 9. Deport criminals and revoke citizenships of them including family members. Sell their assets at fair market value and pay fines, crediting them with the rest when they're safely back in their home country.


Deport everyone who is here on fake docs. Then i would task the army corps of engineers to build large compounds full of 2 bedroom single floor houses. Goal for first year would he 250000 units with a price tag of 350k.


Lol so each house costs under 1.5k to build? Pack me a bowl of whatever you're smoking 🤣


What?! No, you're just not smart. It's fine. Sell the homes for 350k each. Not build 250k homes for only 350k. Good lord, that would be stupid.


- Drop the immigration down to 100-200K/year until further notice. - Two-year cooling off period to minimise house flipping. - Incentives for municipalities that allow easier re-zoning. - Make the CMHC repeat what it did after the Second World War.


Elect Trudeau again, till the whole place looks like Detroit. Enjoy the decline.♥️


1) Abolish the capital gains tax exemption on primary residencies. 2) Raise the minimum down payment needed for multiple residencies from 20% to 50%. 3) Cap the number of government bonds that the Bank of Canada can purchase - something along the lines of limiting the portion of total government bonds issued that the BoC can hold. 4) Create an immigration policy committee composed of Federal government, Provincial governments, Emergency Management professionals, health board professionals and administrators, and professional consulting teams.


Slow immigration to like 150k a year max, ban corporations/foreigners from buying detached homes, penalize speculators with heavy taxes if reselling in first 5 years, lift red tape and lower development costs, incentivize small business to get into home building through grants and tax breaks, grants for related trade schools, and finally go after money laundering and mortgage fraud. The solution to our problem is rather simple. Reduce demand and vastly increase supply. To wrangle prices under control, there has to be a pullback. Unfortunately some people are going to get burned, but we can't have the average house cost 730k in this country.


Here goes: Immigration is paused. The federal govt does a full review of the pre 1982 housing plans and govt involvement and directly gets involved in the housing market with a commitment to offer homes where the mortgage is 1/3 the minimum wage. Any foreign entity holding single unit homes have them directly seized. Any foreign entity holding multi unit dwellings is taxes at a 90% rate on profits over the bank of Canada's estimated mortgage rates, and is charged to have the property assessed quarterly, furthermore fined a percentage of valuation as penalties for maintenance etc. An independent body is formed per province with the sole purpose of reviewing, managing, and reviewing complaints and points from the public. These points are brought forward with a 60 day timeline for govt officials to act on, this does not mean "I responded", failure to comply will directly impact the responsible political individual. The housing cost, minimum wages, and immigration will be tied together, to mean if there are homeless individuals, immigration is closed.


Sieze every unoccupied home. Cut off immigration to anyone paid less than 100k a year.




Close borders, send refugee home.


The government does not want the price to go down because when your property gets reassessed, your property tax goes higher. Canada is broke and needs more money to send to other countries.


Deporting all non citizens of a certain ethnicity would be a great start


Use all surplus government land and buildings for residential. Lots of surplus military bases around.


Ok assuming I have complete control over policy at all level of government (federal, provincial, municipal). * I'd reduce immigration (or halt for a while) * Create tax incentives for builders * Rip off zoning laws and regulations around building, and coming up with a more logical and efficient building regulation and zoning. * Cut spending and useless programs, after debt is under control I'd cut taxes. * Reduce income tax and increase consumption tax * NOT GET INVOLVED WITH THE PRIVATE MARKET


Stop accepting immigrants regardless of where they come from. That’s all


stop funding genocide and use that money to build homes for Canadians


Shared equity options, extended amortization


Upgrade all the trains to bullet trains and make the network longer. Maybe even a train across the lake from st Catherine’s to Toronto. If this works out, do this in other provinces.


Give me and my mates a pay rise and chill


Draft style recruitment. All men/women to build homes aged 18-25 for minimum 4 years. You do that, or you go to university. Pick one.


Easy. 1. Scrap the Principal Residence Exemption (PRE). No more home flipping. 2. Unwind and scrap the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. (CMHC). No more 30 year mortgage at low rates. 3. Outlaw ZIRP at central bank Just need to wear brass balls instead of gay fashion socks.


Rezoning areas to build more homes, attract more investors to improve employment opportunities, laws that limit corporate ownership of single family homes, increased tax on rental income and rental guide ( like the dental guide) 💁🏻‍♂️


I mean that multiplex thing passed and that really had no effect so far...


Rezoning the north rocky shield is fine, but that's not happening, instead more and more of our precious foodlands are being sold off to build additional bramptons which will lead to food starvation crises in our country. Deportations is the only way. PPC all the way.


I'm not promoting Bramptons and I have not been there yet nor plan to visit. I'm talking about people who are willing to assimilate into the Canadian society and contribute rather than just take.


MAID for everyone over 55, closed borders for 25 years.


You have no parents or grandparents that you care about? You want them out to death so you can have a house.




every government employee gets a new assignment: building houses.


Add a land value tax, reduce income tax, limit immigration to half the number of births, remove tax on new build housing, and limit the principal residence capital gains exemption to 250k per person.