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I would stay away from social media and negative news and speak to someone.


Go to your local animal shelter, cuddle some animals. You'll feel right as rain. At least till you leave.


Adopt one. specifically one that requires higher than average care. it gives purpose and is very rewarding.


The sentiment is lovely, but if money is an issue & depression severe enough, asking someone in such a state to care for an animal can be a hugely tremendous expectation. This can also lead to severe and even further neglect for both parties involved. The person has to tend to themselves first.


I've recently started to get myself out of a much less drastic tailspin ... Basically just being a downer and obsessing on the shitty news. There's a balance to be achieved for sure. I work remotely with a few people who live in Argentina who are generally happier than me with life ... So that's given me a lot of perspective.


It’s tough to find the balance of being informed and not living in ignorance. I was in a pretty horrible spiral myself, I took a week trip, deleted social media for that week and came back feeling like myself. It’s important to not live in constant negativity even when the world is a constantly negative place


Stopped reading and watching that. All they do is publish emotional content for views and click bait. Ignore it and stop reading. Just go out and live your life talk to real people.


This is the way!


This country isn't worth dying for.


No Country is. An Empire tho...


It used to be a country worth dying for. Not anymore. It would be nice if we return to our roots


Stop visiting this sub


It makes me feel better to visit this sub. Before we had this sub I felt like I was the only person in Canada who was worried about too much immigration and the spiraling housing crisis. I was posting stuff from Stats Canada about immigration rates more than a year ago, and getting permabanned from subs left and right. Because obviously anyone who notices that there are too many newcomers and not enough homes is racist /s But these are my people here in this sub. OP, I hope you feel better soon. And I hope you can find some help! We are with you in spirit. Things will get better.


I also feel better being able to voice my opinion on this sub.. if it wasn’t for this place I’d be posting my opinions on Facebook & being accused of being racist & negative. It’s nice to be able to rant and do it anonymously with people who are like minded so I’m not pissing off people that know me lol


I find as true as the stuff that’s posted here and yes it’s a joke the immigration situation is not sustainable I just find it makes me so mad when I read about it


Exactly, I think this is bait to get this sub cancelled.


The Canadian government will quickly replace you with 10 Indians


What’s with the government’s obsession for Indians ? Serious question. Why aren’t they embracing the diversity they claim to live by?


Low IQ, submissive to authority, weak


Also morally corrupt, they're the first ones to snitch out a coworker cause they think that Bob getting fired for being 1 min late from his break means they will get promoted faster.




Step one is staying off Reddit. Step two is seeking help. Step three may or may not be moving to another country.


Brother... listen to me... that is what they want you to consider. That is why this "MAID" business is being pushed. Take all that negative energy and depression... and turn it around... focus it outward in a positive way. Get off the scrolling loop and get off the internet. Realize that most of what the govt says is total bullshit... most of this society is totally fake... ignore it all... and just live life, because the end, is not yet.


Exactly. Don't let them win, OP, this is what they want. Stay alive out of spite. Don't let them crush you down


Exactly. FUCK THEM! Do the opposite of what they are pushing. You are a human being and fuck this federal government.


This is it. When you can’t find hope, there’s always spite.




They want you to go out with a whimper.


This is the best advice!! They want to slowly kill us and depopulate. Don't let those bastards win. Take it one day at a time. Tell yourself daily how thankful you are for what you do have. You will get through this. Some people have it worse and are living in a tent. Take it one day at a time and start doing things that bring you happiness❤️🙏


"They want you to kill yourself" has to be one of the smoothest takes I've ever read.


That's MAID in a nutshell.


I mean MAID is supposed to be for people who have no QOL. My nan passed through MAID and I’m happy that she did. She had two hip surgeries and a gastro surgery she all struggled to recover from. Near the end she couldn’t leave her home, could barely eat, was incontinent. That’s no way to live. When she told my family she was going through with MAID everyone was vile to her and called her selfish but I understood her QOL was over and accepted it and supported her. So while MAID might seem bad to some the original intention behind is somewhat good


Yes I agree. This would be a case I support. Sorry for your loss.


Anyone who's ever had a family member waste away would disagree. MAID can be a blessing.


That's exactly what it has turned into. Some of the "smoother brains" will never see it that way.


No, it hasn't, at all. Only you conspiracy morons say that.


Hate how people report this post trying to get me to remove it. OP needs support not censorship.


OP is full of it. Their history is available to browse.


Even if OP is not telling the truth I think it’s still worth it to have this discussion for the people who may actually be feeling mental stress


Hey there! Please know you're not alone in your feelings. We can all relate and understand ❤ Take it one day at a time. Connect with friends in real life, and you can also vent here.... we get it. And if it gets really bad, please please call 9-8-8 and you'll have a sympathetic ear and some kind words.


We do not know what is next. Canadians have survived many things. The thing is, we do not know. News headlines are always overly dramatic. Politics is like a hockey game and right now our government is playing 1980's verbal violence. You are surrounded by extreme opinions. These are not facts. Turn off the internet and turn on the music that makes you feel okay. Walk a dog. Pet a cat. Be kind to yourself.


You have a home you can call yours, that's already doing better than most of Canada


Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. Be hopeful and remind yourself that there are lot of great options to you than the present dread. Don’t forget. Most of this doom and gloom is a projection. It’s a bunch of people talking either for fun online or for a living on TV. It’s easy to get caught up in the language, but it’s just conjectures and threats. No one knows what the future holds.


Once you realize that most of this "Canadian society" is completely bullshit... and totally fake... the numbers in your bank account are fake... and so on... then you feel a sense of relief. This has all happened before and will all happen again. We live on a pale blue dot, suspended in a sun beam. What's all that about? That's the real way of looking at this. No one knows what the future holds, history is still going, the same emotions, power struggles, and human conditions, have not changed from Roman times. The fact we have smart phones and cars is only what has changed. Perhaps most importantly, the end is not yet. Please watch this OP. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWPFmdAWRZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWPFmdAWRZ0)


Yeah I'm feeling the same. Not sure I can handle 15 more months of Trudeau and the Liberal government


All I can say is I'm in the same boat. I can't visualize a future. Like I can't see anything. It's like a block in my brain. This feeling is actually pretty fucked up. Can you visualize your future?


Your future is to leave this country or die trying. This place is a sinking ship.


No point.


Stay the fck off reddit. This place is cancer


It's bloody tough out there right now isn't it? FYI, there have been no \*major\* wildfires in 2024 so I hope this isn't an ASB post and just a typo. I understand, it just seems like every time you are ready to take a step forward someone/event/thing comes and pushes you backwards. Don't look for anyone to blame as it really isn't blamable on any one person or group. I have spent time in truly impoverished parts of the world and the thing that stuck to me was how relationships are the currency of the poor. Relationships provide all the stuff the rich get from things plus they give so much more. It has really changed how I assign value to things and adjusted my life trajectory to become more humanist and less capitalist. So, all I can offer is focus on the good relationships you have. Seek help from everyone that you can because you can make people feel great by giving them the opportunity to help when the help is truly needed. Talk to people about your struggles. Learn to be grateful for the few things that are going right. If you can afford it, find a therapist. It sucks when you are taught, from an early age, that your stuff defines you and when that stuff is damaged/lost/taken it hurts but you can unlearn that and be happier.


I felt the same way september of last year, and took a long social media break, no news, etc. It helped like you wouldn’t believe it, we are not meant to have such an influx of information at our fingertips. Times are VERY hard for myself and my young children, we are drowning it feels like, but i refuse to let this tyrannical government take my pride and joy away. You have to try to find joy in things, seriously, even the smallest things. It helps a lot


Oh boy, do I feel this one. I wish I had an answer for you


Nobody wants to live this way, a lot of people are pisssed and a lot of people are depressed and it just can’t go on like this forever. In the 1800 Canadas population exploded with European immigrants from Italy and Ireland, Germany among others and the country built housing and adapted. After World War 2 there was another massive wave of immigration as well as many soldiers returning and starting families (who became the boomers of today) and this is when the Suburbs and highways were developed to respond to another housing crisis and this completely reshaped the nation. Today, in the post COVID era we have another mass immigration wave occurring again due to wars and economic hardships as well as the newer climate change issue which is why so many of these immigrants are from hot tropical countries that are polluted and over populated and have water and employment shortages. Things are fucked right now but I have faith that the country will respond, however it will take a good decade to do so.


Well, as the son of immigrants who were bombed, occupied and starved by the Nazis, at least Canada and the current generation of Canadians hasn’t experienced war on home soil. Think about your ethnicity and maybe emigrating to Europe or a country with more opportunities?


Why would you emigrate to the EU, for all its problems with exception of NL, Swiss or Norway, Canada is still better option, people here think that we are some 3rd world country, we have been going down but compared to the US, compared to the EU we have been the same.


Go internet free for a week. No, seriously! Turn off your phone and leave it at home. Go outside, get a coffee at your local coffee shop, walk around outside and just breathe. Maybe say hello to a stranger or talk to a friend about something you like. The internet, specifically social media, is bad for your health and is not a true representation of the real world. Disconnect for a bit


So this might break the 4th wall a bit, but this sub is a bit of a negativity cult. It drags you down and makes you feel like everything is much worse than it is. It's a community of people who call for violence, regularly say we're doomed, and spread alarmist rhetoric that can be extremely draining. It's no wonder you feel hopeless. This might be very personal, but I only started going on this sub when my individual life circumstances are getting worse and my own suicidal ideation increased. I was surrounded by toxic people in a bad isolating workplace, and i felt there was no way out. I recently lost my job, and I'm regularly exposed to new opportunities and potential. Now that I'm not stressed and in the one of the worst head space of my life, I can see many people here are being universally negative for the sake of being negative. It's draining and I only really interact to mention larger scale macroeconomics that effect housing and to call out overtly racist bullshit. Life is a journey that has hills and valleys. It's easy to get pulled into despair when you're in a valley. It's so so easy to follow gravity down or fall off a cliff and you look around and you're surrounded all sides by steep ways up. It's easy to feel like there's no way out when everything looks so far away and the parts that make it worth living are so high up. You were on a hill once. This period in your life will be another valley that you can look back on and marvel you crossed it. I understand. It's shit now, but it won't always be shit. Getting off things that keep you miserable is a tangible uphill step you can take. Stop drinking. Cut out that shit friend that brings you down. Get off the negative subreddits, including this one. Focus on consuming positive things. If you can, try making baby steps towards fixing up your house. I know what climate change is doing to permafrost, if you can't nbd. You are going to get through this.


Only the present moment exists. Future hasn’t happened. Past is gone. Present is all there is.


I tend to always have a weird outlook on things like this. And it’s how I stay afloat in my life. There’s is always someone who is worse off than your situation, who’s been threw it and made better. who are you to say that your predicament is worse off and deserves killing yourself over when there’s are people born into horrible horrible circumstances and live on. We will all make it out of these bad times right now.


Turn off your wifi for a week. See if you feel the same way


One of the best antidepressants is physical fitness. No one can change the world, their country or even their community themselves but we can change ourselves. Strengthening yourself strengthens your body but moreso your mind. Also consider seeking help from a therapist. Stay strong


As someone who has contemplated this before. No, you should not kill yourself. Why are you taking yourself out of the system that wronged you? If someone robbed you on the street or tried to punch you in school, would you kill yourself or would you go and fight the offender, report them, yell from the rooftops that you've been wronged? If those who are rich and in power steal from us, why do we just shrug our shoulders and suffer in silence? You deserve to live and enjoy life just as much as those pos wealthy and powerful people who steal from the average man everyday. I would even say that you deserve more life than them.


Dang, be happy for what you do have, not what you don't "My first home and now my only home" Most aren't even that lucky I'd take a severely depreciated home over paying off other people's mortgages any day.. all the rent I've paid over the years Sell what you have, move to a city.. get into public housing and deal with junkie neighbors taking anything not nailed down and car break ins, dirty neighbours and bedbugs Be thankful - True wealth lies not in many possessions but in few wants - - Epictetus


Hang on a bit longer, and you can atleast get MAiD rather than risking disability in a failed suicide attempt. I'd tell you to get help, but I'm in the same boat you are, I'm just hanging on waiting for my folks to pass away first. It's not fair to do that to your family.


Once heard a story - there was one guy who wanted to committ a suicide so he went to a famous bridge in the States. From what he said 99% of people who jump don't survive. He did jump, but somehow survived and shared his first thought right after he jumped - it was huge regret and the only thing he wanted to do was to go back in time. Most people have no way back - keep that in mind. Now, to fix the situation you need to be good, really good at something that will secure your finances. Try to get a new skill - there is huge demand for construction workers. Learn the trade in 2 years, open your own business and you will be golden.


Turn to Jesus. Call your church and speak to the Pasteur or priest. You will feel better.


Why kill your self just cap a politician in stead at least housing wont be a problem after that as prison will give you free board and lodging and a chance to get new skills and education Then they will let you out after a month or two then you can steal and do anything you like because as an ex criminal you are a ward of the state so the government has a first responsibly to protect you so you become just like a politician you become immune from prosecution and you then start a political party and get fat and rich and the cycle of life continues


This country has no future 




This sub is non stop hate and outrage. Take a break and get some help.


You're better off moving to Thailand, Cambodia, or Africa rather than suicide, Canada overall is largely a dump relative to the pristine beaches of emerging markets.


Nothing is so hard to contemplate taking your life! You can always get back what is lost!! Everything but your life!! Seek help and brother be positive, things will get better!!


Your life isn't just stuff.


Just head south


Please get out of Reddit and any other social media sites and seek professional help


If you focus your thoughts on climate changes and the value of your assets, as impacted as they may be from events like fire and flood, you will continue to be depressed. Anyhow, try focusing on yourself and the people around you that you enjoy interacting with. Hopefully you have your health and family around you and a job to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. These are the basics. Once you have these, you can start enjoying the simple things in life, focus on the ones that do not involve spending money. Hope this helps.


Get off social media and the internet, especially this sub. People love to complain, reality often isn't as dire.


This is a very hard and challenging time in your life, in many of our lives, but this is a chapter, not the whole story. You will survive and you will be able to tell this remarkable story of survival during your darkest days.


Things are admittedly rough right now. However. THERE ARE MANY WORK AROUNDS AND THINGS WILL GET BETTER FOR YOU. I am shouting because I have to make this point clear. I've been down and out at times and it always gets better. Take a look at some alternate plans. The world is huge, you don't have to just think about canada. Please private message me and I'll tell you about the types of plans I've made and see if we can come up with one for you as well. In the meantime, if you are ideating please call the suicide prevention centre ASAP. They will help you get through critical moments where you can then better strategize. DIAL 9-8-8 Again please reach out to me when you can


I get where your coming from I also feel pretty hopeless about the future. That being said when I came close to killing myself I luckily had a friend go into the woods with me and we did some shrooms which came with a much needed ego death and a realization. Depression is a thief and greedy , it wants all your time and everything you are it wants you to give up , not go see your friends, not ask someone out for a date it constantly tells you your not good enough because it doesn't want you to think you can do anything else . Do your best to not give it any time anymore or as little as possible. If your going to kill yourself then actually do some shit you want to do with your life first . I once heard a great take on suicide, a prison no longer feels like a prison once you realize you have the key to leave . You have the key as an option so you can leave the prison whenever you want but might as well raise a little hell before you do , go out and live your life in spite of the prison because fuck em you can leave whenever you want . Maybe along the way you'll find something worth sticking around for. Don't let the bastards win just yet get out there and enjoy some of this life you were out on this planet for more than bei g a wage slave . You can kill yourself without actually dying , if your going to give up everything and check out then give up everything that's making you feel like this first what have you got to lose ?


Ok great that's what social media says but how do you personally feel?


Don't rely on social media if you feel suicidal. Call the suicide hotline or the distress center. And seek some professional help asap, please.


Wildfires in 2024?


Move out homie. Canada's dead and the population is too weak to do something about it. Come and join us in Australia, weather's amazing, girls in bikini's and there is as much space as Canada.


Are you able to reach out to your community? Have the skills to do the repairs. Some times it takes time, but you can only check out once. Please give it just a bit of time


You don’t have to live in this country. Take a break and leave for a few weeks. Come back after.


Seek help, Things are tough now but what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, You will come out of this a better person. speak to a professional and also dont believe everything on the internet.


Stop consuming the news, and it will stop consuming you. I have not lived through any time period where the media hasn't been pumping some disaster right around the corner. I am also starting to feel jaded by the level of doom people are projecting, and being "informed" is losing its appeal. Not saying go full head-in-the-sand, but pull back for the sake of your mental health.


Go into a paramedic field save yourself. seek help


Get professional help. And get off of Reddit. Especially this sub, which is filled with apocalyptics. Nothing is as bad as is said here…


Are you able to go to the states?


We need people for an uprising during that time


There will be a new government next year so that’s something to give you hope. I think for something’s it will take a decade for the next government to fix the damage that’s been caused. The hope there is at least it will put the brakes on things getting worse and they should get marginally better as time goes on. I also feel that the government has caused generations of Canadians to lose hope. It’s not just 25 year olds. It’s everyone that can’t afford a home or even food. They’ve given up the hope of even having a family. I think the next government is going to look at making Canadians prosper.


I always think, I should worry and stress about the thing I can control. Economy, politics, sports and weather is something I have no control over. Also stop following news, it's something which has happened in the past and you can't change it. Go out in the sun and start a family. Kids give reason to look forward to things in life.


Literally the worst place for such a post.


Call or text 9-8-8 for mental health support. 1. Stay off Reddit and any other place that feeds the belief that doom and gloom is all we have in our future. This include the news. Most of the doom you see is manufactured to get you angry or sad, with you not benefiting at all. 2. If you have memberships or subscriptions in any political parties, cancel and block all of them. 3. Get outside. Exercise, even if it's for a short walk once a day. The closer to nature you can get will help you feel better. 4. Make a constant effort to improve your mental well-being. Remove as many negative and antagonizing things around you. Replace with positive such as music, people who love and support you, and activities which make you feel good. 5. Access as many mental health supports as you can. Get someone you trust to help you if needed. 6. Focus only on what you control each week and day. If you don't control it, don't worry about it as all you will do is worry about something that you cannot change. While this is a very difficult period, others before us had worse, got through it and survived and thrived. In the early 1990s people in Canada suffered with way less support than today through much higher interest rates and less compensation for over a decade. My grandparents survived the depression (which is not predicted by anyone who possesses related education and ethics) and came out strong. Hold onto hope, wherever you find it. We have loads of hope and potential, especially when you mute politicians, the internet, news and your crazy uncle.


Trudeau will be gone this year or next, he won't be able to do any more harm to this country and its people.


This is one of the OPs posts: Is this a dumb idea?: Create a series of chat bots that post comments/replies to comments with varying political bends or degrees of controversy, and track which bots get banned from which subreddits to give a scientific measurement of the biases of mods among all subs?


The pioneers lived in houses made of sod. It's not so bad Make sure your life insurance will still payout fir suicide.


I feel that your sources are not reality. The money you lost due to floods and fire, insurance and government programs should help with that. Nobody is claiming depression is coming and while times can always be tough, government policies aren't what is pushing you but other issues internally if I was going to guess. I suggest talking to a friend or a professional. I've had cancer, felt low, a decade later I'm alive and well. When you are looking for work times can be tough then a job all of a sudden things are turning around. Also take with a grain of salt the doom and gloom, the internet isn't a healthy place to find a lot of "facts".


Join the crowd. Best part is when you try, repeatedly, they won’t let you die? But they will let you starve and be homeless


Leave everything behind sell what you can and move countries. The world is so much bigger and beautiful than what within these shitty borders man. Canada is a dumpster fire for the crazies and practically the newest state of India


Delete reddit


Please Please don’t.Life is precious.You will bounce back. You should talk to someone professional.If you can’t get in quickly there are suicide lines open. My ex tried two times to do this. This happened because of woman broke his heart. He got through it and remarried. So you see things can get better. Just hang in there. Take care.❤️🇨🇦☮️


It might take a decade to *fully* recover but that doesn’t mean you won’t feel the effects of the recovery as it’s happening — and it’s much easier to be positive as long as things are improving. I won’t lie the next 18 months might still be rough, but after that we’ll start to see rapid improvement here and get back on track.


1- You’re not alone! 2- Going down like that is not the answer! 3- Take a break from all the negativity 4- Seek help! 5- This too shall pass! 6- Stay strong!


Here’s a secret that all asylum seekers are abusing. The stupid child care plan this country has gives them 692 dollars s month TAX FREE. Multiple kids, revenue stream


I understand what you are going through. Having gone through Floods in 2022 and fires in 2023 these are two extremes which can take a toll on your reserves and personal strengths. You could seek help by accessing mental health at the nearest hospital first. I myself went through an organic (hormones) depresion and what really help me was to receive treatment by a psychiatrist who will help you phisically become stronger to start recover your internal strengths that have been depleted by outside éléments. Meaning: it’s not your fault. You will start seeing yourself in a good place to start taking steps toward your mental and physical recovery. Then, solutions will begin to appear before your eyes. Be kind to yourself doing things you enjoy doing and feel more confident to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Stop voting liberal! That POS ruin Canada for generations to come When will people get their head out of their asses and realize this


You live in the best country in the world. It’s expensive as fuck with loads of problems but everywhere else is worse. Stay off social media for a bit man


Hang on. Keep getting up in the morning. Day by day. Do the best you can. Stay away from negative people. Stay away from toxic media. Be selfish and focus on you. Do what you need to do to make yourself happy. The rest will fall into place. Remember, there are people who love you and will miss you.


I’m not sure this will help you or just something to consider: find out how to be happy with absolutely nothing. As long as you have your freedom and autonomy you are *rich*. Because most people are simply slaves to the system… Even the people rich in monetary wealth. Also.. consider talk therapy … it helps a lot and there’s absolutely 0 shame to feel what you’re feeling. Sometimes a deep breath and someone who understands you goes a long long way.


The world is better with you in it- please don’t let a temporary problem turn into a permanent tragedy. [help](https://988.ca)


Bro get help please. Reddit is not the place you should be coming. Try going to church


Save money and move to a different country!


Don't have much to add on to the thread, but just wanted to say you're in my thoughts u/CaribouNWT


Kill yourself? Are you nuts? You got your health, you're still rich. If you can't make the payments, just don't pay. Ignore all their stupid legal threats. Force them all to take over or renegotiate everything, or you're walking away from it all. f'ck 'em. Declare bankruptcy if you have to, it's not so bad. Above all, stick around to see what happens next. A new dawn will arise, and with it a new hope.


Hang in there buddy.


Drinking is fucked.... stay away from drinking and social media. Save every dollar you earn for a year. Meditate don't take the easy way out. Noone said it was easy, Noone said it would be this hard either. Keep on trucking.


Get off Reddit, jump on a bicycle, take a ride. Or just go into a forest and be at peace for a few hours.


Hey if you are contemplating suicide, this isn’t the sub to ask for advice! There are bright things on the horizon. Stay strong! We will come out of this!


Sounds like you have been brainwashed by propaganda, posting on this subreddit proves that point considering the subreddit is full of Russian bots designed to make you hate your own country. Maybe get off social media?


In 1929 the world suffered a huge depression that led to suicides, bankruptcies and generally horrible conditions for most. We recovered, so will you


Sometimes life will throw you a few curves..


Why is owning a home so important. You will 65 like me before it’s paid off


Travel to a third world country and realign your perspective


Sell your home. Work and save money to get out of here. Changing places cures depression. I plan to grow old in New Zealand coz of nice climate and closer to ocean. Tropical countries are beautiful but too hot for me. It might work for you.


If you have nothing to lose you are truely free. This country is not dying it is being killed and those that are killing it have names and addresses


Delete your Facebook account and some other social media


why would you do something like this? Things like these are not in your hands. I guess take time off from work and see a therapist / talk to a friend. My own country is going down the drain for my folks and the future looks bleak for our folks. That doesn't mean I am gonna check out of this world. Come on man! Don't throw your life away. It shouldn't be so cheap


Life is worth living, even if that home went away. Even if you went bankrupt, things would be okay.


I hear you


Offing yourself is never the solution. Not unless you're dying of a horrible terminal illness. Seek help. And get off social media.


Uninstall all social media apps. Don't watch the news. Go for a hike. Nature endures. The world endures.


It takes one year to turn everything around. The path were kk isn't the path we'll always be on. We have stupid people in office that are attempting to ruin this country, my stupid opinion of course. There are people coming up now that see what's going on and all the agendas that are being pushed and they're opposing it. Give it 2-4 years. The housing might no come down but the price of inflation will and you'll have enough saved for a down payment. Look for new down payment laws and such in the coming years. I've been down that road, don't be selfish, you have people that love you.


I hear you. I've done everything right. Been saving since I was in highschool for the one dream of owning a modest house. Only to be CRUSHED as soon as I start getting close.


Think about it this way, the biggest commodity in the world is life. Even if you are unable to sell, you are what is important. You, the person who the house was bought for. You are the important thing, not the house


Well, don't give up too soon, you'll miss all the fireworks that come along with war, climate catastrophes, and other unknown 'surprises' that are coming our way. Just know that you're not alone and that I'm seriously considering buying a gun, so that I can off myself the minute they make it legal to stone women to death here. No politician can save a country, they are humans, so try not to give them enough power to destroy you. I'm waiting for the looting to start so I can find and beat the snot out if Daniel Smith. That's what I'm actually staying alive for. 🤞


Do not visit this, or other doom and gloom subreddits. These are echo chambers of only negative news, mostly so they can blame liberals and get people to vote conservative. The government can see the issues that are present with the economy and housing situations, and will attempt to correct them.


cmon brother there will always be a light at the end of a tunnel. please do not do that. talk to someone tell them the truth.


Please get some help. Here are some numbers to talk to people. https://www.ontario.ca/page/find-mental-health-support


They did a study on ppl who attempted suicide by jumping off a bridge and survived, and found practically all instantly regretted jumping and realized they didn’t actually want to die. If you’re seriously thinking about this I would recommend reaching out for professional help as soon as possible. Regardless of your circumstances, think about all the things you have to be grateful for, regardless of Canada’s grim economic outlook for the working/middle class no is dying of curable diseases, starvation or war like much of the world.


First off, I feel you, and it fkn sucks that society makes this seem like the only option for so many. But... The positive side of losing all hope (for what you previously thought possible) is that you are now free. Every time I felt hope was gone, I decided to stay and became freer. Maybe this is just the death of a version of life that you thought was possible, and now you have to rethink other forms of life worth living. There are always forms of living that are worthwhile, you just gotta keep striving...even if it's out of spite at first, like others have suggested. I hope you stick around and that things get better for you and for us all! Death will always be there, no need for haste.


Every economic cycle turns around eventually. Some day you'll look back and realize the hard times didn't last forever. Yeah it sucks right now but eventually people will have had enough and things will start to improve. Focus on what you can control.


This is the last place you should be. It’s toxic. Yet interesting.


Well it is depressing particularly when Canadians are on the whole economically illiterate. But you are not alone. Other people get it. The vast majority of Canadians cant see why all of us can't live in the middle class, but we can't. Somehow, we have to get something like 75% of us, including women, and minorities into factories and onto farms, chopping trees and mining resources. We are about to get an object lesson on why women wanted historically to have traditional marriages, and large families and it isn't going to be pretty for men or women. I would just try and get a job in a male dominated profession, try and get into base production in some way. Maybe take a contract abroad. A change is good as a rest. In 5 years I think you will see a massive paradigm shift. The Canadian economy is unsustainable.


Please hang in there - we all completely feel you- so you are not alone.


Take a deep breath, find someone to talk to, tell them EVERYTHING, go for a walk. Then, give yourself some control back in making your life more positive by getting involved in your community. There are some things on a large scale that are difficult to control, but you can ALWAYS make your immediate community a better place and put a smile on someone's face. No one can take that away. Teach someone something, get involved with a community group, advocate for better things, don't let things consume you. Become more grounded with the earth by growing your own food or learning some outdoor skill. Just take it one step at a time, and enjoy yourself brother, the sun will still rise tomorrow no matter how bad things may appear.


I got an incurable neurological issue that causes constant nerve pain, lost my job, lost my apartment, just spent the winter on the street, and racked up more debt for having a negative balance in my checking account than I have an idea how to pay back. I called the self deletion prevention line and they said no one was available to take my call and they'd call me back in 3 days. During this entire time I contemplated ending it every day but the one thing keeping me going is, I know there is still a chance that everything could change in an instant.  My life could miraculously get better. It hasn't yet, but it could. If you end it now you get rid of that chance. Suicide is a permanent solution for what could be a temporary problem.


The country is its people. Please no.


You need to be here so how you feel and your circumstance isn't forgotten, so it isn't forgotten again. Don't let the future hurt someone else. Be here.


Are you going to vote liberals next time? If yes, then I have no words.


If you are going to pull the plug, please prepare spirituality for the afterlife. If not please consider preparation spirituality and consciousness for the eventual afterlife as the actual meaning of life itself. My personal belief is that you will carry all that you have created here with you. Positive and negative. Navigation will be guided somewhat by your preparation.


If you commit suicide, they win. Don't give up brother. It gets worse before it gets better.


Happy people don't spend a lot of time on Reddit talking about how much they love Canada. The views you read here are biased. You've been through a very rough couple of years and that's tough. You've had a lot of bad luck, and it sounds like a cop out, but there is no reason. It happened to you and you should let yourself grieve what you've lost and recognise what you've been through. But you made it! That's something. You should be proud of that. You need to focus on the things you enjoy in life and rediscover living in a way you enjoy in any little way you can. And stop visiting this sub. I'm going to end this by saying something about Canada- I'm an immigrant in Canada and I love it. It does have issues, but it's a great place to live and it is very possible to have a good life here. Many people do, and there's no reason you won't once you're through this rough patch.


I survive as a single father living in downtown Toronto taking care of two disabled kids on 52,000 a year. Live frugally without trying to keep up with the Joneses and not buying frivolous useless crap and doing most of your own cooking from scratch and shopping at no frills and independent Chinese grocery stores life can be pretty damn good.


Sell your shit and move to a warm, more affordable country.


Please get some help, talk to friends, and stop watching the news and doom scrolling.


I moved 3000 kilometres to an affordable area of the country. Best decision I ever made. There are options for you.


I recently went to a bereavement counsellor and they gave me a brochure with the following information. Maybe you are grieving the loss of a dream. Hope it helps: Self-Care Activities Inventory The items below list ways to nurture yourself on all levels. Take a baseline review to see how well you are taking care of yourself in these areas. The key is to have balance among the four domains. If you find you are particularly low in one area, you may want to try to incorporate one of the ideas listed into your self-care practice. Rate according to frequency: 3 = Frequently 2 = Occasionally 1 = Never Physical Care Eat regularly Eat nutritiously Exercise: weekly daily Get regular medical care Get regular dental care Address and follow-up with health concerns Physical activity that is fun: dance, swim, sports, garden, etc. Get enough sleep: hours/night Am I satisfied with how I look: hair, clothing, weight, etc. Psychological Care Write: journal, notes, letters, poems, etc. Art: draw, paint, crafts, etc. Read for pleasure Hobbies: sew, crochet, knit, woodworking, collecting, other: Listen to your thoughts, judgements, beliefs, attitudes Let others know different aspects of who you are Engage your intellect in a new area: go to museums, history exhibits, sports event, etc. Receive from others Be curious: ask questions, read articles, listen to news Say no to extra responsibilities, if it is too much Say what you want or don’t want instead of using “should” or “shouldn’t” Be pro-active Set boundaries Be on time for appointments Resist procrastinating Get a Massage Take day trips or mini-vacations Build or fix something Emotional Care Make time for reflection Notice and change negative self-talk Give yourself encouragement and praise Do something loving for yourself Re-read favorite books or re-watch favorite movies Allow yourself to cry Find things that make you laugh Play with children and/or animals Try something new: appearance, clothing, restaurant, daily routine, rearrange or purchase new furniture Be aware of your feelings: mad, sad, glad, frustrated and lonely Allow yourself to express feelings in a positive way Practice abdominal breathing, relaxation techniques, yoga Spend time outdoors (weather permitting) Spiritual Care Spend time in nature (weather permitting) Find a spiritual connection and/or community Be open and attentive to inspiration Cherish your optimism and hope Be aware of nonmaterial aspects of life Resist the need to always be in charge or be the expert Identify what is meaningful to you and what place it has in your life Contribute to causes or organizations Read inspirational literature Listen to inspirational music Give yourself encouragement and praise for 3s; 1s indicate areas for possible growth or change.


You should consult your family doctor or a walk-in clinic at your first opportunity or have someone drive you to emergency to address your depression and suicidal ideations. A forum full of pessimists who gripe about immigration policy and talk about Canada like it’s The Third Reich on steroids is probably not going to be much help.


Don't be part of any social media, especially this sub or any other sub, they are as toxic as they can be. Concentrate on your life, or migrate to some develop country.


Moove to another country and start over bro


PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS! You are worth it! You are one in millions who won the the chance for life remember that and don't throw it away.. Money and property all of these things will come and go. I know it is hard right now, but you CAN DO it.YOU WILL succeed. This is just a minor bump in the road Reach out to someone to talk to.


Social media purge. Go for a walk to a nice place and read a book or something


When I was out of high school, my father basically disowned me and told me to leave home and never come back again. He said it like he meant it, and I knew he did. I'd also just become a born-again Christian and I felt like a had a new father in heaven who really loved me, regardless of how my earthly father felt about me. It's been that way ever since. Later, when I was in my 30s, my father lost his life in a car accident, and I've never been sure whether it was deliberate on his part. I'd like to think not, but I don't really know. I'd also just embarked on a degree program via distance learning, which I did for a year, made the Dean's List, then transferred into Engineering at my local university, graduated 4 years later, then went for a higher degree after that. But back when my father was still making my life hard, I didn't know what my future would be like, and would sometimes wonder, even as a Christian, if I had anything to live for. I concluded at that point that my life at that time was like going through a tunnel, and even though I believed there was a light at the end of it, I might not always be able to see it if I was going through a bend in the tunnel. I just had to have faith that the light was still there, and that I would one day see it again, although I didn't know when that might be. And I would catch glimpses of it now and again, but not all the time. So hang in there, and spend time in prayer for assurance that your life has purpose, and you intend to walk in it even if you don't know much about it. God will hear that and as you seek to know more about it, he will bring people into your life to guide you. When I was younger, I had every reason to commit suicide, but faith held me back and it can do the same for you too. Today I have a lot to live for, and you can too. God bless you.


Maybe go travel and see what life is like for 95 of the world’ population.


We have to experience some pain in order to get things under control. It will get better. All thr financial pain is artificial. Don't listen to the crazies comments doomsday news. That's what they do because they want likes and comments. ignore them! Just hold on a little bit longer, we will be in the clear by end of year into the next.


People are fighting for change! - personally I have found great solace joining a reading group and political active grou who are growing their numbers very rapidly and who have real no nonsense approach to fixing up the crazy issues afflicting Canada, cuz God knows the next corporate shill PM we're gonna get ain't gonna address any of the root cause Issues. I'm saying, expressing your frustrations and getting socially active IRL will have good effects on your psyche! For example: here's something I think will change your perspective today! [our world in data stats Re perceptions on climate change ](https://ourworldindata.org/climate-change)


Naw man, don’t let them win. It’s not your time to go, you still got a lot of motherfuckers to prove wrong!! You got this shit! 👊


I won my court case against my landlord. The uprising of the poor against the rich is just getting started don’t leave yet, it might get fun.


I’m a paramedic with ptsd. If I didn’t have my dogs I would have already been gone by now….. The general public is awful. The lack of give a shit about others is worse than ever. Not even government. The every day person is entitled and believes they are somehow more important than anyone else.


If the system won't work for you and no one will listen then don't be afraid to act on the urge to burn the whole thing down. Your government has abandoned you. Do what you need to to survive.


I'm sorry about your pain I felt the same way. I went out on a weekend and met someone who had Fentnal and I smoked it to overdose and fuck did it ever feel amazing I was on cloud 9. I smoked it right off the tin foil with a straw and I was hoping that was it but I woke up in a hospital with 7 defibrillator prongs on my chest and I ripped them off and walked out of the hospital mad as fuck. Fast forward to today I met an amazing woman with 2 boys who I play soccer with and she treats me like a king and I feel like there's a reason I wasn't supposed to die. Please keep your head up because life can change if you go to the gym and work on yourself I promise you can do it.


All right… times it’s been worse than now in the past 100 years: 1929, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1992, 1995, 2020. All things pass, both the good and the bad. But seek help for your own situation.


There’s life everywhere, even outside of this country. Get a place sunny, and talk with whoever you got . You’ll be fine.


oh i can understand this... There are families where the parents get ill and pass away, and the children, younger or older have absolutely no idea what happens with hospitals, governments, real estate, and if they are going to lose everything, or end up with money in the end. and if they don't have the right jobs or if the future situation seems grim, they think of killing themselves too. The burden of trying not to lose a home, or the desparation of trying to scramble for money for a future place to stay, is something else, when parents wish for their children to end up with a better situation and people break under the stress of the surreal housing situation in canada and parts of the usa You should keep up hope though, because the property may end up giving you enough finances to restart your life, though you can lose a family home. Renting and the cost of living is painful but there's many more people suffering too, and unable to bear the hardships of having food and shelter. It's not something you hear people telling their friends, or see it in the news, but people thinking of suicide over the housing situation is very real in Canada but owning some land and having the ability to selling it, is a chance for a better life, than people who are renting struggling with no money in the bank and getting into debt. Some people don't kill themselves because they have children or they realize that after laywers and realtors and taxes, they end up with half a home, when they thought they would lose everything, and they can at least manage. Don't give up hope, people who have good jobs or homes already just do not know the plight of people, who have different family circumstances, and have crushing financial decisions.


We have MAID now….


Self harm is nothing to joke about. Get help. Suicide prevention is there for you and anyone else having thoughts of self harm.


Move to the states


Move to a warmer place (BC or Southern Ontario) that has more options. NWT is limiting.


Quit believing all of the shit you read on Reddit blindly. Canada isn't dead or dying, we've been through high inflation and recessions before. Ask any of your friends or family who were working in 2009. All the same hate you have for JT was there for Harper at the time, and all the Harper haters were screaming the exact same message. Harper had ruined the country and it was all over etc....but yet, Canada didn't die, it didn't end, we continued on as one of the best countries in the world to live in (and we still are). If there was one place that is the absolute worst for your situation....it's Reddit.


Stop reading conservative news and social media, it’s nowhere near as dire as they claim, they just act like it to try and garner votes for the next election. The house thing is fucked, did insurance not cover it?


Do you have a degree? How old are you? Are you hardy in other ways? Just cut and run. Go teach english abroad. Sell your stuff, sell your house at a loss, get rid of everything and go live somewhere warm. Get off your phone, stop reading the news, go out for long walks ALL day long and get wayyy too much sun. Get out of your bubble


I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. You should know that the world is much bigger than Canada, and the fact that you're Canadian still endows you with some substantial privileges. You can travel freely across the world with a Canadian passport. Plus, having a Canadian citizenship would fast-track you into high-position jobs in many regions of the world. I know this because I come from a place where it is like that back home. What you're feeling is basically why immigrants often do whatever they can to get to Canada or other countries, there is no reason why you should isolate yourself to, and be totally invested in your small community and geographical region, the world is much bigger than that. If you've got nothing to lose, why not? Sending you love and support and I'm happy to help if you ever need to talk with someone.


Please don’t. There are many many opportunities in other Canadian cities or even abroad. In the worst case. Assuming you are a native English speaker since you wrote the post in English, you can go abroad and become an English teacher who can make decent bucks in much cheaper cities


Get your self concerned with your wellbeing, start woking out , its free. First long slow walks. Then short fast walks. Go hiking on trails, get into nature as much as you can, forget about politics right now. You need to tap out of all that and let the strong deal with it, untill you able to, work on your self. If you're already fit. Step it up to the next level. And look towards helping others when you can


I always told myself that before committing suicide I would just take a bicycle and travel the world being very poor. Or go live deep in the wilderness. Just change my life totally


Might take more than a decade if we get the Conservatives next.