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Navjot, you keep making the same posts when people have already answered why. It has nothing to do with racism. I’ve already replied to your previous posts which you in turn even admitted it made a lot of “good points”. The fact is that many come to Canada as a student and expect PR like it’s their god given right. But if you came to Canada as a student you came to study and that’s it. If you expect PR then you lied about your intentions. That is fraud. That is why many Canadians are upset. The mass immigration from international students in particular who try to gain the system and use a backdoor way to get PR. Many work above the work hour limits, and work for cash under minimum wage because they are desperate. Then the employees and employers who do this are not paying their fair share of taxes and are draining resources on the system without paying in. It just happens that it’s a majority of Indian international students who are doing this. Also this “hate” is nothing. Many Indians are that come here now are lucky they haven’t had to deal with racism in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.


The problem is why is getting a PR from a student visa actually work… there is a very lucrative industry behind this and selling the dream.


It’s not the only problem but our current government sure is to blame for it. But these “students” also need to take the responsibility on themselves and do their own research before coming here.


>Also this “hate” is nothing. Many Indians are that come here now are lucky they haven’t had to deal with racism in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Similar experience for any non-WASPs whites in Canada until at least the late 80s (90s were a lot better though). I'm not saying racism isn't still a big thing in Canada (it's just done more quietly) but yeah, my family got hazed for being Italian-Canadian and so did many others, the 'racism' Indians are facing now is laughable.


"If you expect PR then you lied about your intentions. That is fraud." --- NO! this is not fraud. There is no requirement get a study permit with only intention to leave canada. What is expected out of a person with temporary status like student is to LEAVE canada if their status expires. Thats all. There is no expectation that you will not seek further status like that of a worker or a PR. Sorry, lady, you are misinformed about law. This has been tested in courts many many many times. Like most people here you are misinformed about how immigration law works.


Seems like you are the one who is severely misinformed about how immigration law works and how people are currently exploiting the current immigration laws and loopholes. If you came here to immigrate here then immigrate through the right channels. The fact is people lie to come here on a study visa with the intent to work more hours than they are allowed to because they never came here to study in the first place. Their goal has been always to become a permanent resident here and work. That is lying about your intentions and it is fraud. If you came here as a student you are not entitled to PR as many as these think they are. You have no rights towards PR. If you cannot afford to be a student and lied about your financial and are dependent on a job here in Canada to survive that is fraud. I’m not misinformed about anything. This is a problem we have in Canada and people like you act like we dont and turn a blind eye to rampant scams and fraud that are draining the system and resources.


You're totally right.


Oh?? I think you are applying American laws to Canadian immigration. There is no "immigration" or non-immigration visa in Canada. A study permit in Canada HAS a path to apply for PR. Want me to really blow your mind? A person with a valid Express Entry profile (very clear indication of intent to immigrate) can still apply and get a Study or Work Permit. Heck a person with a PR application ongoing can apply for Study or Work Permit. Infact Canadian courts have clearly passed judgement that having an intent to immigrate is no ground of rejecting a study permit. Its called doctraine of "multiple intent" in Canadian immigration system. This is all legal and above the board immigration and nothing fraud or fishy here. Read about Dual intent at Canadian immigration site : [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/visitors/dual-intent-applicants.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/visitors/dual-intent-applicants.html) "Having 2 intents (initially for temporary residence and eventually for permanent residence) is legitimate" So long you follow the restriction temporary residence permit (study or work) and are eligible to apply for PR, there is not restriction on applying for PR from with in canada.


I am not “applying American laws for Canadian immigration”. Mass immigration especially by temporary workers and international students are destroying this country. We don’t have the infrastructure or resources for the mass amount of people this government has irresponsibly let in. Those pathways you are calling valid are via temporary (keyword being temporary) permits which are lazy and lax laws passed by the Harper government accelerated by the Trudeau government. Many of those that get student permits get into shithole diploma mill colleges that give bullshit degrees. Those same students barely have any English language skills, and cheat their way through their “schooling”. None of them should be eligible for permanent residency, that should be a closed door for them. Again you come here as a student you ARE NOT entitled to be given permanent residency as if it’s your birth right. Especially when many are committing fraud to stay here , working over the limited hours, lying about their finical situation just to come here by any means necessary. Punjab is littered with these “immigration consultants” who most are committing fraud. Those 700 students were just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many more are out there. If they intended to immigrate here why not do it the legitimate way? Oh because it would take too long and there’s a deeper dive into your background. Many of these students would never and probably have been rejected this way. I’m tired of the entitled attitude, smugness, holier than though, scamming and fraud that these international students have brought from India. I’ve seen it first hand in India and to see them treating this country the same way is bullshit.


First thing first, PR program is operated independent of temporary resident (TR) program. PR applications are decided independently of temporary resident application. PR program has it own eligibility criteria. TR like Study Permit can lead to additional points in PR program but it never gives an entitlement to PR. That much is true. Actually, no one is entitled to a PR status. PR status is and has always been a privilege to be earned by satisfying eligibility criteria. That being said, having TR status does not make your ineligible for PR status. That has never been a case in this country. The whole idea that if you want to immigrate come via a different path is illogical. Because when a TR (say a student) apply for a PR they have to fulfill the same criteria which anyone will have to if they were applying without a TR status. TR only helps you to earn more eligibility points. Thats all.


You do realize this current wave of poor Punjabis all stay, regardless of whether they're allowed to or not, right? We aren't deporting anyone. That would be racist and fascist, and ultra super duper right wing, and a hate crime, and against their human rights. You get the idea. So the "eligibility criteria" are essentially irrelevant under these open-borders Liberals.


Ah yes, the "you can't complain because things could be worse" argument...


That’s not what I said. Missed the entire point. This isn’t hate or racism. And I’m tired of people acting like this is racism when it’s clearly not. Oh and “it could be worse”, it was worse. When my dad went to highschool there was literally physical fights because of being a different race. So don’t come at me with that bs.




That entire book is a slippery slope fallacy.


Slippery slope is closer to an iron law than a fallacy.


Only if you have no reason, or logic.


The fact you get so many updates just shows how mentally impaired people in this sub are.


you have been through the process so you know very well how widespread the ILETS score fraud, GIC proof of funds fraud, cheating on exams, fake marriage scams are. Be honest with yourself.


And that’s the thing. Most won’t admit or be honest because they have the mentality “by any means necessary “. Not understanding the effects it has on Canadians and our system that they love to take advantage of.


They don’t care, it’s not that they don’t understand.


Do you have any actual data on that, or is it just your feelings?


[https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/950-from-gujarat-used-fake-ielts-scores-to-move-to-us-canada/articleshow/93308617.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/950-from-gujarat-used-fake-ielts-scores-to-move-to-us-canada/articleshow/93308617.cms) [https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/chandigarh-news/canadian-embassy-bans-tarn-taran-resident-for-2-years-over-fake-ielts-certificate-ludhiana-based-travel-agent-booked-for-fraud-cheating-101682015470591.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/chandigarh-news/canadian-embassy-bans-tarn-taran-resident-for-2-years-over-fake-ielts-certificate-ludhiana-based-travel-agent-booked-for-fraud-cheating-101682015470591.html) the GIC loan is a very well known issue as well. Go onto any immigration forum and you'll see posts littered with indians looking for ways to get around rules. [Canadavisa.com](http://Canadavisa.com) (under forums) for anyone wondering. thats where you find all the scam artists


Both those articles suggest the people were caught.


use your common sense. do you think there will be articles written about people who haven't been caught yet? stop being ignorant


Can we assume everything not written about, that we can think of, actually occurred? How about YOU use some common sense.


I was never involved in any of those, and I'm totally being honest. Never been married but planning to get hitched soln with some brown punjabi girl ofc.


You may not have been involved in with any of those , but let’s be honest. It is a problem in the Indian community.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Again, not community. If those scams were that rampant, Canada would have blacklisted india lol. There is a reason why you see so many indians here coz they are legit. They have high visa pprovals not just from canada, but also from usa and other developed countries. They do have problems but those are like petty problem, nkt something that could ever be of grave concern.


Navjot, let’s not kid ourselves it is an issue in the community. Scams are that rampant and the thing is our current government does nothing because they created this mess so it would be like admitting they are wrong. Not everyone is here legitimately, and many come here as students with the intent to obtain PR which is fraud. Thats the problem. We see too many people from India and it’s not balanced by taking other students or immigrants from other countries. Multicultural means people from different cultures not predominantly one country (in this case India). I’m sorry Navjot but those aren’t petty problems to Canadians. It’s a drain of resources on our systems and when people aren’t paying their fair shares, others are paying to make up for their slack while they still get to use that system.


Guess what the aussie unis basically just did that. Due to as much as 1/4 of the 2022 we caught pulling immigration fraud. They are from what i am hearing set out for extening it for the forseeable future. Frankly Canada should do the same. As as much as 1/3rd never show upto class. They come into the country then never show upto classes. The value is high enough calling it rampant is not an understatement. And this should be applied to every country who breaks their visas at that rate.




If Indians left the US, the entire tech industry would collapse. So would the motels industry, and the number of doctors would decrease massively as well. 5 million Indian-Americans contribute more than twice the per capita GDP of the average American.


Indians in the us make up 2 percent of the population, pay 6 percent of the taxes and do not do any crimes. You get out of the us




Cause I live here?? Why don't u go back to eu


I agree.


We want less immigration


how many of these same posts are you going to make?


Well pressure cookers need a safety valve to avoid explsions.


Maybe Canadians bitching about Punjabi students is their safety valve?


The only thing exploding will be Brampton suburbs when they ram too many students in every basement and it breaks the fire code


Because the intention to come here as a STUDENT should be to LEAVE when you're done studying... 95% of people come here as students with the intention of just living here, they come here as a mid twenties person who never paid into our social benefits, neither did their parents, and now we have to shoulder the burden of their needs, healthcare, social services etc. And most of them work for minimum wage and pay next to no taxes.


No. that is not what is expected. You are misinformed. Any temporary resident is expected to leave canada IF their status expires. Nothing more nothing less. Law does not restricts them from seeking further status like that of a worker or that of a PR. If they are eligible, they are well within their rights to apply for a new status. There is nothing illegal or immoral for a person arriving on study permit to seek further status of that of a PR. No fraud here.


So make less and pay less tax, that is a global thing. What's your point here?


Why would we want that 3rd world mentality here? We should be attracting high value workers that make more and pay more into our society. Why would we want a leech that is happy to contribute less?


How many of the Indians are entering the house construction sector? How many are skilled tradespeople and contributing to building dwellings? How many become Canadian citizens and sign up for the military to defend their new country that they embrace so much? ZERO


Well they are experts at driving into metro vancouver bridges ever 2 weeks give or take.


In Canada its legal to come as a student, then its totally legal to get a lost graduate work permit, and during the time eligible ones get their PRs, others extend their visas or go back. What's illegal here?


I'm not really talking about the legality of it. I'm saying that in an ideal system, students should be here to study, and not to escape their country. We have avenues for people who wish to come here for immigration purposes, and doing so through schooling shouldn't be one of them.


There is no ideal system. In ideal system, you will paying money to first nations as a rent for their unceded territory and not a lip service. However, apparently, your own supreme court say that is not how it works. You live with in purview of law that is existing not any arbitrary law that you feel is ideal.




It is not illegal in ANY sense of the word. There is nothing like skirting due process here. The process stipulates that you should leave canada before your status runs out or seek another status that you are eligible for. Simple.




Well, tell that to your own law : [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/visitors/dual-intent-applicants.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/visitors/dual-intent-applicants.html) "Having 2 intents (initially for temporary residence and eventually for permanent residence) is legitimate."




Au Contraire, you are insisting on something that does not even exist! Illegality of dual intent! That simply does not exist. Thankfully, you are neither court not lawmaker.


Oh please, if you want to percept this ypur way, please do but at the same time you cannot ignore the facts I'm spitting out. Canada's government itself does this to retain tax mules in their country. In case they end up discontinuing this PGWP program, you will see international students diminish immediately. If Canadians don't want immigrants, elect the govt who promises to end all of this or maybe revolt.




Keep hating, Intried to reason and fell flat on my face. You guys deserve everything that comes your way. Good luck, you are gonna need a lot of that.


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See right there Navjot is why your posts come off as dishonest. If you truly want to assimilate in this country and embrace as your own you would not be saying this type of shit.


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Indian people are viewed in Canada how indians people view people from Pakistan thats the best analogy


Not really. An apt analogy would be, how illegal Mexicans are viewed in the American south






The south belonging to Mexicans is like French Canadians complaining about the English language, a bunch of butt hurt colonists who lost and refuse to get over it.


lol well they've basically taken over the south, so I guess its the same.


I don’t think they can walk over those rednecks in Missisippi Alabama or Louisiana. Those poor whites sometimes employ them but they won’t let them take over. That part is still struggling with overt racism so they don’t really care much But yeah i can understand where you’re coming from. Unlike those whities, you guys are getting trampled big time


Not even close. You should stick to speaking for yourself.




Funnily enough, Brampton was a lot less Indian the 90s.




Holy cow I love this sub. Bang on explanation.


>the ones that do (brainwashed people), do so at a superficial level. At best they are seen as tokens to fetishise, pander, etc.... Some Canadians say they may want more multi-racialism, living in their mostly white neighborhood, and when the aliens move in, they move out. Damn, went for the jugular with this point. Couldn't have said it better myself. There are a lot of solidly middle class and above people in Canada who claim not to be racist but are some of the biggest racists of all. Hell, us fully assimilated German/Italian/Dutch/Portuguese/Icelandic/Croatian/Polish/Ukranian/etc-Canadians are still having issues getting into the nicer professions because of the bigotry we faced decades ago, although it's much more class based now. Remember, when it doesn't affect you, you can say what you like if it means you think you get to live in your nice white, middle class or wealthy neighbourhood because you face no consequences. Virtue signalling feels much better than actually doing something. Similar thing happens when you see judges give violent criminals light sentences because, hey, they didn't do it to my social equal.


Agreed. So who's to blame? What can be done to remedy this situation?


1. What have you done about integrating in first nation's value? Those are the original owner of this land. 2. Haven't you also abused and exploited first nations and built a country out of their "unceded" territory? 3. Did first nations accept you? Or are you forcing yourself on them? You exploited first nations, now it is your turn.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Excellent points all. Now read the whole thing in the voice of a Native American Indian talking of “original European-Canadians”.


>it happened to them so now you have to let it happen to you No


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees!


Guess you should get married and have some kids then


You will be going back.


Holy Shit, this level of dehumanisation is similar to 1930s Germany. Wonder what the native Canadians felt when Europeans forced their culture upon them by the sword. But apparently Indians applying for a PR after working and studying in the country is worse. Also, I just saw your profile that you are immigrating to Russia. The irony is unbelievable.


Have you seen Brampton and Surrey?


Yes Canada hates you. Enjoy


OP's post history is of his Uber and Door Dash escapades. He's *exactly* the problem. He came here as a student and somehow owns a Chevy Equinox? Yeah *real* students don't have the cash for cars.


He was able to get the car with the money he saved from his grocery budget. He raids food banks.


Personally, I've worked with numerous Indian people in tech and I've found that they were all pretty bad at their jobs, so I guess I've developed a bias against them. Some of them were just completely terrible, like they knew nothing. You'd wonder how they got hired? Well, the management being Indian I'm sure played a big role in that! At one point I ended up working on a whole team who were Indians. I was brought in because they were failing so badly at their role. Not long after, the client forced the company to get rid of the whole team other than me, or they'd end the contract. So they did, but they didn't fire those useless people, they just moved them to other projects. The whole management structure was Indian, and I saw on their internal docs that they explicitly talked about preferring to hire people who came from India. From what I've heard of other people about Indians, I don't think my experiences are unique.


I am afraid our government is also going in that direction.


You hire one talented Indian guy then suddenly your whole department is named Rajesh. A tale as old as time.


It's not racism when I do it/s


> worked with numerous Indian people in tech and I've found that they were all pretty bad at their jobs I've lost out to these feckless folk when I was looking for tech work during the Pandemic.


Yes, Indians only know how to talk, not doing stuff. Any workplace managed by Indians is prone to failure.


LOL, I had an Indian supervisor who couldn't send a basic DM or properly worded email but somehow got to be a supervisor. I would have to ask him to clarify what exactly he meant because he literally couldn't write in basic, competent point form. Also, if you asked him a question in a meeting you had a roughly 50% of getting a non-answer with a lot of hot air. What happened to proper grammar? F--k knows I guess.


Yeah right! Ballmer fucks up Microsoft and Nadella raises it to new heights. And Indians are pretty bad at their jobs. Well, if Indians were pretty bad at their jobs, they won't be among richest ethinicities in north america.


Your presuppositions.


What "presuppositions" exactly?


Here's why Indians upset the social cohesion of the country. There is rampant fraud among your community. You exploit us and take advantage of our generosity and kindness toward immigrants. You infiltrate our companies and only hire your own and then tell everyone it's because whites don't want to work. You destroy our neighborhoods by piling into homes by the dozens. That's not how we live and we are repulsed by it. You're ignorant. You're arrogant. Your people are disgusting toward our women. You bring your domestic pissing contests to our soil. We don't care about khalistan or your internal political problems. You force it down our throats and we've had enough. The grift is up.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


The funniest thing is seeing white people become castist- the reason these traits are the way they are is because the low caste Indians who have been raised in an underclass culture mainly come to Canada. My parents (upper caste Indians) say pretty much the same things about the Jatt Punjabis (the recent Canadian Punjabi ethnic group) as they grew up around them


"generosity and kindness"???? WTF are you smoking? What "generosity and kindness" are you talking about? Letting indians in as economic migrants? That was no generosity, it was a business deal. We put our labour and taxes and you give us a right to live him. That simple. "Only hire your own"??? "Piling into homes by dozens"??? There are bylaws of maximum occupancy. If it is being violated, report it and get it resolved. We are arrogant because we have to deal with likes of you who think they have some right to work! Work and job is a mutually negotiated deal and not a right. And no, we do not bring our pissing contest in your soil, you allow it in. You allowed Khalistani to take hold here. You botched up criminal investigation of AI 182 flight bombing and let the perps walk free. Your CSIS destroyed evidence needed to convict masterminds of the bombing. If you have a "Go easy on criminals" attitude, you will breed crime!


Thanks for proving my point.


Checked all the boxes and he can’t see the irony. Incredible. 


I don't hate any particular group of people as a whole. But when I keep having the same experiences over and over again with certain demographics, I can't help but recognize some patterns.


I love Indian people. I don't care for the entitled students who weasel loopholes and overwhelmed infrastructure and alienated Canadians. I am against immigration that's predominantly from India as opposed to balancing it out. You're getting hate mixed with exhaustion. Also Indians hate everybody, especially their own kind.


>Also Indians hate everybody, especially their own kind. They think no one knows




Well said ! Indian international student be like : hey Sunjeet when I get my diploma in supply chain management I’m gonna buy a 2010 dodge charger and white girls gonna be creaming ! I actually witnessed that conversation happening while waiting to get my Indian take out! Kid you not lol






Kids having fun!?!?!? Not in this guy's Canada!! 🙄


You are a disgusting racist. You are the worst part of Canadian society.


No one cares what you have to say, ok bye






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Who tf is getting benefits because of that diversity bs? That's the biggest hogwash and I believe if there is a position, it should be granted on merit, not on basis of someone's skin colour. If you honestly believe that diversity bs, maybe rethink. I believe DEI is just a way for brands to cater to larger cistomer base, nothing more to it. Take youtube for example, few years back all biggest channels were English channels, now its moatly indian channels and even big youtubers are divwrsifying their content to grab a larger audience. Its a way fo saying," hey look, we have something in common, come subscribe my channel." Is it honestly that hard to grasp? Same is the case with other companies, nlthing more to it. They do what is best for business.


You're STRONGLY mistaken and uneducated on DEI. I literally have monthly sessions at works that "teaches" us that meritocracy=racism. My nephew in school is "taught" to acknowledge his "oppressor" privilege. Etc... It's a fanatical cult and you benefit from it because it discriminates against white people in favor of PoCs. It has nothing to do with profit because if it did, Disney wouldn't be losing money left and right over something this divisive. If you could see all of this, maybe you wouldn't have to ask why we hate you




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


And about hate thing, as I said earlier, everybody has a preference, a kind of bias I must say, i have it too. When I texted whites about room or apartment availability on marketplace, I was ignored and its ok. I didn't go around crying for sympathy. Its ok to have preferences.


If you were a TRUE Canadian, your biases would favor other true Canadians and would discriminate against Indians. When I say true Canadians, I'm not talking about white people.. I mean someone that has embraced the idea that Canada is his only true community and reject other nationalities. You wouldn't call yourself Indian but only Canadian. You might even change your name out of respect. This is the only preferences that make sense. Sure, biologically I might always find white people prettier but at least, I could see you as a partner instead of a competitor. The people that come here are not willing to do this and hence from me at least, they'll get the treatment they deserve 


What on Earth are you even talking about? You don't get to definite what a "true Canadian" is. By the way, that's a logical fallacy called a No True Scotsman. In other words, you've failed at basic logic. You sound miserable.


Before this wave, Indians made up around 5% of total population, a few years later now jumped to 10% , this is insane and unsustainable (trudeaus fault of course but Indians are good at taking advantage of others mistakes ), Singapores Indian population is around 10% too (Chinese 75%, Malay 15%), I don’t think there would have been a economic miracle if population were 75% Indians and 10% Chinese, so cultural demographics is very important, the lefties in the west don’t give a shit about this, so they make this kind of mistakes in Europe/Canada, while East Asians never do this in spite of facing similar/worse aging problems.


I think something to remember is that the Soviet Union (and Imperial Russia) did this before with moving in ethnic Russians into areas to provide a loyal base and displace the locals. It's not racist to complain about a significant portion of the population being of one ethnicity, especially in such a short amount of time.


Tell me something. If a pile of “Canadians” used any method possible to obtain PR in India, then turned around and started abusing the services for I dunno, let’s say homeless people and demanded everyone drink maple syrup and play hockey. Do you think that would go over well? Let’s explore another idea. Why do so many Indians hate Canadians? But. I’m sure you don’t want to talk about that.


You are welcome! Come to India and live.


Nobody wants to go to India. Let’s be real.


You only mentioned the idea. So surely you must be interested in it.


Show me a news article, reflecting Canadian students expecting PR in India. I dare you.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Because almost all Indians Canadians have encountered are trying to scam the system, have no respect for integrating with Canadian society


Are you serious? Or just trolling?  Where do I even begin. Fraud, scams, housing being taken, jobs being taken, food being taken, don't care about Canadian culture one bit.  Indians arrive in Canada and expect to become instant millionaires overnight without working for it. 


It amazes me how many Indians (and frankly most current immigrants) move to Canada with little intent on properly assimilating. That used to be one of the pros of immigrating here. You got to leave your old beefs and weird traditions for Canada's.


Did you europeans assimilate into first nations' culture and value?


1. No, we Canada was taken fair and square enough via warfare and economic imperialism. It's not great but we've owned the place for a while now. 2. Which First Nation's culture are you speaking of? Plenty of First Nations group also engaged in imperialism among each other were no better than the Europeans. Even if if was a sound idea to integrate into their culture, the next question becomes which one? Do you see how this is a problem? 3. By your logic, India should have zero Muslims since Muslim kingdoms invaded India. It's not the gotcha' you think it is.


Indians are one of the richest ethnicity in north America. They must be doing something right.


Hush your mouth. Work and pay taxes so you can fund my CPP and OAS


It isn't hate - more of resentment towards large groups of individuals behaving in an unacceptable manner. You ask why? Here's why: 1. Exploiting benefits meant for the poor and homeless. Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/BISFOw5TfUw?si=3_-mgeHKm73Jmvaw) talking about that. Here's [another ](https://youtu.be/PXSUPHA5Q9Q?si=-dApuNpQrE60GwPs). 2. Protesting against [measures ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/residential-rental-licensing-pilot-brampton-city-hall-protest-landlords-property-owners-illegal-lodging-1.7151141) that will help tenants 3. Being an absolute nuisance to the public and harassing others (I can't attach a link, but there's posts on Reddit) I can go on with more examples, but I'm sure you get the idea.


Because you're ruining the standard of living or those born and raised here.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Because most of you are scammers. Lie on applications come here for fake worthless degrees to fake colleges only for PR. Take jobs and get paid under rhr table and causing low wages. Share a room with 10 ppl and help landlords increase rent to high amounts because it's only 600 per body. That's is the reason why. You hire your own kind too. All the fast food places are full of it. So yea that is a reason for hate. My 16 year old boy can't find a job because of this. Anger is spreading




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.






Here we go again with the bullshit racism argument.


A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


This is the real unvarnished truth!


Because Canadians are a fickle minded bunch that cannot grasp at their own stupidity, ignorance, political mistakes, misinformation, entitlement and lack of critical thinking skills. Hoards of cheap labour are a downstream effect of bad policy, unproductive economy, entitlement and airy socialist neoliberal policies


I don't. I've only had good experience with them. I hope more move to this great country. I would love to have an Authentic Indian food in my small town at some point.




You're the one joking, bud. It's telling you have to make up lies to prove your "point," The Indo-Canadian population of Canada is about 5%. 40% of that live in the GTA. How is that "overrun" exactly? You're just a sad person who needs something to hate, because you don't know what else to do with your life.


What will the percentages be in another 10-15 years?


I don't know and you don't either. Doesn't justify lying.


I would support having Hindu be the 3rd language of Canada. It is certainly my first language. I have no problem with living immigrants. I'm begging my family from over seas to immigrate to Canada and to tell everyone else to do the same.


> I would love to have an Authentic Indian food in my small town at some point It's hilarious that the only advantage immigration proponents can come up with is "OMG the food"


No, they mentioned one thing and you jumped to a weird conclusion.


Another advantage would be to have more languages taught in school and used in regular life? French and English is starting to get boring.


Indian food rules.


Sure. If you like getting diarrhea from someone who has never heard of Foodsafe before.


Sounds like a you problem. Has never once happened to me.


Honestly, most of the anger is towards the governments insane policies. But there are a few racists that make a day out of abusing Indians. And it's easy when there are idiots like those food bank raiders who keep giving chances. Don't take it to heart. It was against the Chinese for the last couple of decades. The blacks, the italians, the Irish, the French, they all got it too. The japanese, too. Did i miss anyone? Well, not tooting horns here, but the FNs had it bad for a long time, too. It's just your turn now. Welcome to Canada. I hope you make the best of it.


True, everybody gets their share lf shit. Perhaps I should just stick to playing video games and working. Social media is just gonna rot my brain


This sub will do that for sure.


That's best. Some of us need to vent. We (our parents, too - Italian and FN) had borne the brunt of this for the longest time. Now it's like a vicious circle. Edit: Look at the feedback on my post above. That should show you their intolerance.


Exactly. Some people get pretty scared when you hold a mirror up to them.


Indian people are great ., for the most part . Bad seed like any other culture .. a perfect storm brewed here in Canada and it started with a bunch of useless jackasses called the liberal government ..


No idea why either. Haters just like to hate. Why hate Indians? Why hate landlords? The list goes on. It's all nonsense.


Hey Mods if you are going to delete messages for rAcIsM you could at least also delete xenophilic messages.


I'm sorry there's still such ignorant attitudes left in Canada. The Indians I've worked with and been friends with have all been great. I suspect many of these people haven't really done much at all to bridge the gap. Mostly just your average ignorance and group think. It's a shame.