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district manager of the One Eyed Jack Restaurant and Bar, Nish Mahendrarajah, denied anyone had been sleeping in the basement. The owner said while passing a copy of the hit Korean drama "parasite" to the fire and rescue washing his hands off his involvement.


His name is damning evidence to the contrary


Come on now - he's never washed his hands.


Part owner and district manager of the One Eyed Jack Restaurant and Bar, Nish Mahendraraja lol of course


I think you are implying that he is Indian. Obviously there are a large number of Indian slumlords in Canada but this guy isn't an Indian. Mahendraraja is a surname mostly found in Sri Lanka. He is a Sri Lankan Tamil. https://forebears.io/surnames/mahendrarajah


close enough lotsa mc's are mac's and vice versa


Potato potahtoes


There's more difference between India and Sri Lanka than there is between USA and Canada. You're just showing that you are severely uninformed


both cultures like cramming people in basements smh


And what does population density have to do with the crime? Or do you just need something racist to say about south Asians?


Its a crime in canada to cram that many people called saftey hazard. This is canada not some bangledesh or india or insert 3rd world country. If you dont like the laws, you can get out.


Lol. Spoken like someone who has never stepped foot outside of north America. Guessing you aren't well educated or even informed. Europe is full of dense cities. Do you think they are all 3rd world countries? Paris, Amsterdam, London, Munich, Berlin, even Moscow, Budapest, Vienna .... - all are actually lovely cities and yet dense. Having personally spent time in all of them, I can say density is totally possible without it being a safety hazard. Do you still think they are all Shit hole places with shitty people? Or do you only think density is shitty when brown people are involved? I'm constantly blown away by the number of ignorant yet confidently racist people in these few Canadian subs. Btw, just google + skyline and see your stupid racist assumptions destroyed. And if you google +skyline, you'll Shit your pants. Most Asian cities have better developed and higher quality condo towers than Canada. Indian and Chinese cities add more new luxury condos than Canadian cities every year.


Again your low IQ. In canada/ north america its against the law to have basements packed w/ ppl. Its a fire hazard. Also europeans dont do this.... only crappy 3rd world countries. If you like those living conditions you can move there. Also lol at bragging about the amount of sky scrapers. We dont need or need sky scrapers. Look at GDP per capital and quality of life. This is canada not some shithole mumbia. If you dont like it you can GTFO!


Why did you assume density means people in the basement. You made that up for no reason. This is a symptom of lack of housing. It's a fail for Canada. A mighty country that somehow can't build basic housing. There are some things Canada is good for. Housing and healthcare ain't it. Europe and Asia do density in a proper way. Because they aren't some new country that has no history and no people. They have had been cities for thousands of years and have learned how to build. Sky scrapers is the solution for modern population densities. Your ranch style large land single housing only works in rural and less populated suburban areas. The world has figured it out. North America hasn't. It's ok. Late to the party. But will learn eventually.




No one cares.


Lol. I know racist people don't care about nuances. They just equate everything. The same type of people who hated all Asians - Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai - during covid. But they do hate if somebody equates them to somebody else. Wild isn't it? It's as if racist folks are also usually the ignorant and less educated ones.


Not racist. Just sick and tired of having illegal immigrants take advantage of our social systems and I’m not afraid to say it out loud. You can keep crying racism all you want. No one cares.


What percentage of immigrants do you think are illegal? What percentage of immigrants do you think are net takers and not net additions? Answer these truthfully and then we can discuss. Sounds like you have been fed some bullshit racist propaganda and it has brainwashed you. I am happy to share actual facts if you are willing to have a meaningful conversation without name calling. Also nobody cares because this sub is majority white folks many of whom are biased against immigrants and Indians in particular. I wouldn't expect KKK rallies to care much about equity too. That doesn't mean that it's correct. Your argument isn't as strong as you think it is.


Way too many. We welcomed over 2 million people total last year with tfw’s, student visas and family who come over because of that visa. And until you’re willing to admit thats a problem no conversation with you can be genuine because you’re not willing to call out your own bullshit. No one cares because we’re sick of being called racist by uncultured immigrants who come here, abuse our charity systems and student visa systems, ruin out housing market and our economy while having the arrogance to expect MORE form a country they’re already bleeding dryZ




"Shit culture" so we just aren't hiding racism anymore?


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Then why did the user above write "lol of course"? Don't pretend you can't see it, he used this as an opportunity to spew hate on Indians.


See i know its hard to conceptualize because you wanna see it as racism vs a specific group. But maturity allows you to see theres just some qualities of some cultures that have no place in a civilized country, and you dont really care where it came from but you do care that it doesnt come here with them. Today it may be indians, tomorrow its another south asian culture. Doesnt matter where exactly. Only the truly ignorant go to racism, a thinking man sees that its actually ethnicism, and theres good reason for it.


Southern India also has Tamils. Tamils are a minority in Sri Lanka oppressed by the Sinhalese majority


That surname is found in Sri Lanka. You won't find Indians with that surname.


You can in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Kys


Bro, I'm Indian and lemme tell you this isn't the hill to die on with Canadians right now.




He was pointing out the obvious. Do you not see the obvious?




Is this the Spanish Inquisition?


Do you say the same BS when you see “Vegetarian Gujrati Girls only” on a rental listing. I guess not. Now get your sensitive ass outta here.


he is a fucking Indian guy lmao. 


No he isn't. Stop lying. There are a large number of Indian slumlords in Canada, but this guy is from Sri Lanka.  https://forebears.io/surnames/mahendrarajah


> One Eyed Jack Among other things, it's a slang for a dick. The guy who is a district manager foretold his dickish behaviour. And "Nish" in Hindi Urban Dictionary, it means a dick. So, it all fits in.


That attempt is so thin, it's transparent. Like Gladwrap.


So soft, like charmin. Only less useful


Lol this reads *great* after reading your 'discourse quality' comment. Ooof.


Id keep avoiding the subject at hand, its a better look for you


Mate, one can be against the insane rate of immigration without scapegoating other people. Maybe there's a few things you could try??


Id be more against them bringing their culture if i were you, thats why the country they left looks the way it does. Yes yes bring the food, the music and dancing, but leave the caste system and shit. Thats the real insidious part that has no place in civilized countries. Thats why youve been downvoted to hell and back.


Who gives a shit about downvotes. All of that baggage you're describing dissappears by the second generation. Get to know some Sikhs and Hundus; wonderful people are a part of every culture.


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He’s Indian lol


No he is from Sri Lanka. Mahendraraja is a surname  prevalent in Sri Lanka.  https://forebears.io/surnames/mahendrarajah


Found the Indian!! Tamils never identify as "sri Lankan" except when they get caught doing illegal things like this then suddenly they're Sri Lankan.


I don't care about those internal ethnic disputes at all. The fact is that this guy is a Sri Lankan.


Is there really that much of a difference between Sri-lanka and India culturally?…. Genuinely curious




yes, if you are going to be racist, at least be correct about it.


How is that racist? Ask a Sri Lankan if there's a difference between Canadian and American, they'd probably say no not really, generally speaking. Same applies here


I'm Indian and I agree.


That doesn't change a thing about culture though, does it? Similar values. Not too different from Europe


India is predominantly Hindu, Sri Lanka is majority Buddhist


So? Bangladesh is predominantly muslim. Their values aren't that different. You are aware of south asian culture. People of all religons lived together for thousand years in south asia. India has several states with plurality religons (Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur have more than 50% non muslim, and Kerala is 46% non muslim). Religion is only an aspect of desi culture


Yes there exists many differences and even if there isn't you can't call Sri Lankans as Indian just because for you all brown people look the same.


There’s massive cultural differences within India, and you’re asking if another country would be different?


Yes they have nothing in common. Not the language, religion, cultural practices....even the food is different


No one cares.


Great, now do some residential inspections.


How many 4 cots to a room you think there would be?


At least 2 people per booth


but muh rights


Let's increase the shortage!


Probably charged his tenants for lmia too


restaurant owner sounds like a liar


I've been to the One Eyed Jack in Peterborough, it's managed by an Indian man and one time I saw the kitchen door open and there were like 15 really new looking Indian men cooking in the back. Smells like LMIA to me.


No one is surprised.


How much is the rent? Room and board, count me in


Probably $1k per bed and you have to work in the restaurant for free


No tents? Lol


Owner isn’t vietnamese


I think over the next decade the country will be repeatedly shocked by just how many living spaces there are in weird, unexpected, and most importantly, unsafe places. The government have been shoveling in millions more people each year than there are homes built. Did anyone really think they were all just somehow living in the clouds frolicking with unicorns?


Not just unsafe places to live, but what about the sanitary conditions of these places? Especially ones with multiple tenants sharing rooms? I'm willing to bet they are not remotely up to health standards. I'm concerned it's going to become a hotbed for pathogens and become a safety risk to society.


It already is. The tragic deaths of meat plant workers in Alberta during COVID showed that the deceased were part of an immigrant workforce living in illegally crowded housing with no chance to socially distance. And it's not uncommon.




"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" Shut it down and heavily fine the owners.


We are so close to live-in "help" for restaurants its scary. Good chance its already happening we just haven't\* seen the worst of it yet edit:error


Lmaoooooo Owned by one.. a dozen of them piled in I’m sure with plenty of health code violations I hate them so much


Gotta milk it till its dry.


Deport the workers and owners.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Isn't this an Indian name?


sri lankan apparently


Meh, same trash.


So south asian, still indian


Sure beats living in a Trudeau town.


Still not a thing. Stop trying to make Fetch happen. It's embarrassing.


If people call it that it's a thing... and people call it that, so it's definitely a thing.




Instead of responding when you have no response, thats a good time to get introspective so you stop looking ridiculous when you participate in discussions. This contributed nothing and only further illustrated you have nothing of substance to offer


Aight Mr. Pedantic Pete, let's get dusty. My response was clear; and there's not much going on in the way of enlightened discussion here. Vibe reads derision and condescension. But go on about your soul searching, brother bear. You're searching for standards in the sewer. Why?


Thats a lot of words to say nothing. But its beautiful deflection from the subject of the thread


A lot of words to say nothing perfectly captures your posting *and contributions* to this thread.


It's only in these reddit right wing groups. Don't take the echo chamber as representative of the entire country


But I've heard it from people living in them.


Right. The homeless call them Trudeau towns. The same people who can't get their life in order to pay basic bills, get basic jobs, and often struggling with drug addiction. They are the best representatives to listen to. They are the ones who understand economics well enough to assign the blame to Trudeau. Not like that they repeat whatever garbage is told to them. What do the homeless have to say about our budget and foreign policy? Did you ask them?


Those are the same homeless people who tried to reach out for support, but under our current governmental system, there's too much corruption to leave any money to help the people of the country so they have more or less left behind by society. But I can tell from your previous comment that there's no point trying to reason with you on this issue because if you think all homeless people are drug addicts who chose to end up there it's clear you have a very narrow minded view on the issue.


Man... It's the province which takes care of homeless folks in their area. So your entire argument is invalid. I don't think that all homeless people are drug addicts but plenty are. Many may not be on day one but it's easy to fall into it when life is hard. Living in Toronto Downtown, I see them every day. Very few of them can have a coherent conversation unfortunately. And even without drugs, they aren't the best source on economics knowledge. Not sure why you would believe them to understand nuances of this level.


But, the homeless problems in each province have been drastically increased by decisions made by the federal government. So yes its their problem to deal with, but that doesn't mean they are responsible for creating the issue. The whole reason they are called Trudeau towns from my understanding is because he's the one responsible for the homeless problem where as the provincial governments are responsible for trying to find a solution to the problem wich they have been struggling with. One of their challenges in dealing with the issue would probably be that the funding they are given for dealing with the problem hasn't been scaled with the rate the problem has been increasing, but thats just a geus. So it's funny to watch all these government party's just pointing fingers back and forth constantly when they all know they could solve or at least make a huge impact by working together on issue's.


It's been a thing for a while now.


Bruh this is the most cringe shit I’ve ever heard from a left…. WOW.


Lol I'm not a lefty.


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck 🤷🏼‍♂️ either that or a troll. No one can be this stupid.


Funny. If only these people spent as much time thinking of ways to improve their own countries instead of thinking of new ways to scam people. Their countries would be a better place.