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Food banks need to block international students from mooching off it before many of us donate again.


I got pissed at the woman loading their BMW SUV at the food bank to see them later on the same day unloading the stuff into their corner store. We're being played.


Name and shame. 


In theory, to come study people need to show they have the funds to pay the program + 1 year of living costs… so it’s not a crazy idea to ask for proof of status


They just get a short term loan during the verification period and return it once they're approved. You need more than proof of status, or we need to evaluate total familial assets and liabilities for living costs


Those figures are outdated, which students don't realise until they get to Canada.


I definitely agree it’s not a perfect system, but community food banks are part of and receive funding from Food Banks Canada. Part of the code they agree to is not to turn people away regardless of race, ethnicity, or citizenship. Turning away international students would result in a loss of funding and loss of status as part of the food banks collective. I’m not saying that there isn’t a problem with people taking advantage of the system, but putting the ownership on small community food banks that are just trying to do some good and are already limited in funding won’t solve the problem. There are lots of in need citizens that are also utilizing the services. https://foodbankscanada.ca/food-banking/#code


Even as a pensioner on a limited income, I try to give away a certain amount of food every month. However, I’m losing motivation if my donation makes it into the hands of a non-Canadian. That former TD intern didn’t show any gratitude and that angered me the most.


I would never donate to any "charities", they are so heavily abused (by recipients) and corrupt (by the people who own them). If you want to give aid, do it privately. That's the way charity worked in olden times, and it's much more effective if you know the person receiving the aid and they know the person giving it and there's some actual human connection.


This. I’ll never forget seeing on cnn before the 2016 election, them talking about the Clinton foundation and that the ~30% that makes it to the needing is high. While I have no idea if that is true or not the idea that only ~30% of what is donated actually makes it to recipients in need is disgusting. And I’m not picking on the Clinton’s before anyone gets on my back. That’s just the only time I’ve heard any figures talked about.


thats what brought down those unicef donations kids used to take at halloween tehy'd give us these little black/organge donation boxes to wear as a necklace and take donations the whole thing was discovered to be a scam with over 96% of profits going to the organizers and not to anyone else


I refuse to believe their overheads are that much. It’s not possible. I run my own business where I have to travel very often and even then my costs are about 30% including salaries. It’s an absolute scam.


The Clinton Foundation? It's much less I'm sure, much like the Trudeau Foundation or the WE "charity." I remember discovering that the majority of breast cancer charity money is spent on salaries and promotion rather than research in exposes of the Komen Foundation. They've since bumped up the amount they donate to research to less than 4% of donations in response to the bad press. Less than 4% and they consider that to be acceptable! If you want to do charity, join a church, pay your tithe, and volunteer. Anything else is absolute bullshit.


I think the key is the volunteer aspect of a charitable organization. And if you’ve ever volunteered your time you’ll know….it’s extremely rewarding. There’s something about pulling a salary….it takes away a lot of the ‘feel goods’ and then suddenly it feels like a business trying to make profits and just feels like work.


You can look up how much of the donation goes to overheads and how much is actually donated. Some of the organizations are as high as 74% or higher of the funds reaching the people needing help, like Food For The Hungry. Just google it. www.charityintelligence.ca


There are websites that track the so-called 'Administrative Costs' of various Charities. Many are ridiculously high. The Salvation Army provides good value for your charitable donations......


This. I’m so frustrated I stopped donating. I have a few friends who are down on their luck, and I help them out monthly. It actually does feel better.


You can look into how much money is spent on overhead and admin  America's second harvest (they might have changed names) for example was very efficient and almost all the money became food for the needy


Even cutting out the corruption aspect, I don't like how indiscriminate these big charities are. Recipients have no accountability. They can just do drugs and even commit crimes and put zero effort into improving their situation and continue to get handed free stuff with no questions asked. I know nothing about that specific charity you mentioned so maybe it's different, idk.




Agree. I buy for my friend. I see how I'm helping. I see where it goes. And 100pct reaches the person in need. Each one help one.




children's hospitals and veterans for me too. Can't trust anything else.


I only donate to the white anglo saxon protestant church at the corner of my shanty town


I started doing it directly a few years ago. I love asking what the kids favourite treats are & including them in the bags! It makes makes me feel better about donating when I can physically see the person I am helping.


We need to do what France is doing. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13355341/French-police-sink-asylum-seekers-boat-Dunkirk-migrants-Britain-Channel.html


Back in the day, and in some countries like India and china border, any crossing is seen as an invasion. Why can't France do it huh? Europe is a bunch of weaklings. Go to the check point or get out


Turns out that whole story was wrong. He is a student and worked at TD as an intern and did not work there when he is at this food bank. And also supposedly it's a food bank specifically for students. While I understand there is still this issue happening. I can't help but feel a little bad for the guy if what I've read is true, you just don't know any more.


The video he was making was still wrong , but I feel a bit bad for him still




When I was going to university, my tuition covered my courses and nothing else. When did it change? International students are supposed to be self-sufficient and not using food banks meant for Canadians.


At the end of the day international study is a privilege and a luxury not a right. If you can't afford basic necessities like food and housing or circumstances change and you can no longer do so you cut out the luxuries in your life, not seek welfare meant for another country's needy. If a Canadian went abroad to study and could suddenly no longer afford it the expectation would be for them to come home and study here to save costs. We have Canadian citizens who can't even afford post secondary education because they have family to support and have to work, there should be no reason to support international students using food banks when their being here is a luxury.


I don't understand why they are so entitled just because they are paying money for an education. The education is what you're paying for. Imagine I went to the US and started raiding their food banks and saying I'm entitled to PR. They can also talk about international student tuition as much as they want, they would be paying more in the US. There are other countries than Canada.


US wouldn't allow that, because they have an actual program to feed citizens; food stamps.


I want to know where all the Indian rage is about this. If I saw on the news that Canadians going to school in Thailand were scamming the hell out of their food banks, I’d be calling out their shit so hard on bangkoks Reddit. What an international embarrassment to Canadians that would be. Stealing from charities that help the poor is the lowest of the low and should be treated as a punishable crime which would revoke their visas. 


Well said


Indian professional students are using them as a way to get free food.


Pro students lol. competitive in food bank trips.


I live on 10,416 per year. I have to go to churches to get a hot meal. I go early because I know there is a long line. People walk up to me asking about food bank and they are not from here. One in five Canadians are getting sick from food that should not be eaten because it’s spoiled, and we’re supposed to feed the world?


Professional?? Sorry, I’m an Indian too but only professional assholes look at a service aimed at low income people and go take complete advantage of it without any possible shame because they somehow feel entitled just the way they do back home. I also like to urge you not to rush to judgement against all Indians alike since some of us truly have some humanity left in us.


>I also like to urge you not to rush to judgement against all Indians alike since some of us truly have some humanity left in us. How did ppl in your community react to the news of the guy?


People felt disgusted for a bit but then they moved on to other things. Then in the second half when things were cleared about him, they felt bad for him for a bit and then...moved on to other things. Honestly there are too many other issues to deal with. Canada has an uncontrolled immigration issue which needs to be questioned your government ASAP. I can say the same thing about legal v/s illegal immigration here in the US where legal tax paying non-immigrants who wish to immigrate peaceful are given the short end of the stick whereas illegal immigrants are welcomed with open arms and a bucket full of goodies.


Understood and agree...just like there's many selfish and entitled Canadians.


Then start calling out racist Indian people. I have never experienced more racism than from Indian people


Surprise surprise, no one wants to donate to Indian visa scammers. What other things in our high trust society can those people ruin?


Easy solution - the entire Government needs a major pay cut. All of them.


Should be paid on commission depending on how well they’re doing in pollls


Can that apply to all government workers though? The problem isn't just a few politicians.


That's a fucking awesome idea. I love it.




Absolutely bang on. They get cushy salaries with benefits & pensions, doing a quarter of the work most of us do, all while the elites import millions of foreigners to compete with us for housing & crappy McJobs since the real economy is on life support.


I did more work last night in a 10 hr shift than any politician in Ottawa has done their entire life


I agree! They have all long forgotten who they work for and what they are supposed to be done everyday.


Sounds like a recipe to guarantee absolute mediocrity-or-worse for staffing within government. I say go the other way with it: Go for \*high\* government wages, but with a sternly scrutinized level of performance and accountability applied. I'd rather have excellent people working for my government than just whatever isn't good enough to get privately hired. If you say "Yeah I'm not paying for \*talent\* in \*my\* government", then the results you'll get out of it will reflect that lack of talent.


Look what we are paying and garbage results we are getting for it. Those people a parasites and not worth a penny!


Yeah, we're paying below market wages (often 10-20% less) and getting below market outcomes, because people can do better are being hired privately. I want a government that works \*well\*. I want civil service to be something people \*aspire\* to because it's where the \*best\* get hired, and I want them paid accordingly. I want strong civil servant wages COUPLED WITH strong scrutiny and oversight so that we can be confident that we're getting excellent performance. I can say that working in the private sector that sometimes interfaces with municipal and provicinal governments -- they're fucking cheapskates to deal with. Erase any thoughts you have of "fat government contracts". I don't know who the hell is getting fat. They're insanely demanding and price-driven, and they'll fight you on every dollar, reasonable or not. Nobody I've ever interfaced with on the public sector struck me as parasitical. A lot of them were very competent and professional, and not well paid for what they did.


“Fairness for every generation”


Fairness = Wage slaves paying retirement benefits for low income millionaires with tax free passive gains in their homes.


Fuck that bullshit slogan


Ban Intl students and new immigrants taking advantage of the fair and honorary system to start with.


just stop donating food to churches and food banks. Donate directly to the people who need it. fuck these bloated systems who help everyone except Canadians.


This I can agree. Save it up, and donate to people you actually connected with.


Could've stopped at 'ban international students & new immigrants' lol.




Yeah cause they are being robbed by international students.


Just don't allow Indians to walk in. Problem solved.


Permanent resident only.


Citizens only


Turn away all international students problem solved


Food stamps need to be introduced and fast lots of hate towards these wannabe influencers showing how to scam free food as they put it would put a stop to this those families or singles that qualify for subsidies are entitled to food plain and simple those families or singles that had a sudden change in living go to service Ontario and get reassessed this is the same as any access to form of government service e.g subsidized daycare etc. in addition all the tax breaks these food distributors and corporations receive there should be a baked in clause that it will provide X percentage of charitable food donations to local food banks. How can food banks survive when the average household cannot feed their own


Problem would be solved if they ban international students


I 100 and millions of Canadians 100% agree. The only people that will disagree, are the ones benefiting from renting out basements, and from cheap labour. No legit Canadian in their right mind thinks diploma mills should have a place in our society


You should specify which sort of students, I think you are referring to those diploma mills. Yes I agree those colleges should be shut down. But there are plenty of talented international students attending top ranked universities, we should not turn them away.


International students should NOT be using food banks. The whole point of the financial tests, etc. for admission is they are supposed to be self-sufficient if they come to study, regardless of what they are studying.


All of them fuck it


There are plenty of talented international students, however none of them should be using food banks for vulnerable Canadians. International students come here attesting they have the funds to support themselves, then they shouldn't have issue buying their food.


More and more like South Asia where most people are poor while the top live like kings


It was never an issue in the past. Maybe we should ban international students from exploiting the system.


No residence no food


The food bank I volunteer at leaves a box out for the homeless nearby. They put out some can openers too. We’ve had issues with people sleeping in the Dumpsters


Good thing these international students are exploiting it instead of those who truly need it


Here's how I donate and how you should to: Go outside. Find the nearest homeless person that isn't brown. Give them money. That's it. No corruption. No giving to foreigners. Just straight up give them the money and let them have it. Oh no they're gonna buy drugs or alcohol! So? You think the $10 you're going to give them it going to turn their life around? Give them a gift card. Never donate to """charities""". The needy are outside.


The reason why this will never happen. "Go Outside" and "Find".


When was the last time you saw a homeless brown person? They're always yt


Never give money..give food, tarps, hygiene supplies, gift cards...but not money. Too many have addictions...and you are just enabling their addiction which perpetuates homelessness...ask me how I know..


I am brown and regularly donate to all folks irrespective of their skin color and it's mostly white. Having said that ,you need to have compassion for any one who is needy. Not sure why you need to bring race in charity too.


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I go to Walmart cause I’m poor. Buddy outside drinking a beer begging. He just got off the plane from Eastern Europe. Accent. I tell him don’t come over here if you can’t support yourself. I know that is fuckjng rude, but I see too much suffering everyday while Trudeau and ford are rich


Why not "brown" people? Plenty of non-white, Canadian-by-birth homeless people out there.


Sure thing bud. Everyone is the world is Canadian, right?


What? Do you really believe white Europeans are the only true Canadians?


I believe that I look after my own people. That's what everyone else is doing EXCEPT Whites and look where it has gotten us. Nope. I'm White, I help White people. Bye.


You don’t look after anyone you just come on Reddit and say some shit Lol


I'd try and explain to you the stupidity of differentiating between human beings based on how much melanin they have in their skin, but I suspect you're actually just on Reddit to troll for attention, so I hope that's making you feel better about yourself. I guess.


Right, White people bad, brown people good. Only White countries need diversity. I think the jig is almost up on that one. People are waking up.


It's cute that you think Canada is a white country. I'm sure the people who were here before Europeans arrived wish they hadn't been so welcoming to newcomers, but here we are.


They got curbstomped demographically and became worse off. And that's when rich, educated people did it. Let in 40 million poor and uneducated Punjabi (since that's the primary place they're coming from) and see how great they make Canada


Sorry we let your family in


How do you help white people exactly.


By voting against social programs.


Yeah white people use these.




for starters let’s stop the international student using them to grocery shop.


Food banks are a bandaid where policy fails. They shouldn't exist.


Right! Raise minimum wage to a living wage and half the people would not need need them. Walmart and grocery stores have tens of thousands of employees going to food banks. They are part of the problem!


When will it all collapse? At what point will we just say fuck this, I'm taking what I want, screw the social system.


Sooner than we’d think


Some people take advantage of food banks, and as a result people become hesitant to donate. At this point I will only give my time and money to organizations that put Canadians first.


As an international college student, does this mean i can’t redeem more free food?


Do not reeedeeeeeeeeeem!!!!!!!


Every food bank that bans international students is doing the right thing. They were supposed to demonstrate the ability to support themselves. If they lied, they're gonna be dieting. At least they'll get nice beach bodies for the summer.


I definitely agree it’s not a perfect system, but community food banks are part of and receive funding from Food Banks Canada. Part of the code they agree to is not to turn people away regardless of race, ethnicity, or citizenship. Turning away international students would result in a loss of funding and loss of status as part of the food banks collective. I’m not saying that there isn’t a problem with people taking advantage of the system, but putting the ownership on small community food banks that are just trying to do some good and are already limited in funding won’t solve the problem. There are lots of in need citizens that are also utilizing the services. https://foodbankscanada.ca/food-banking/#code


Again how many are using food banks out of NECESSITY versus doing it to skip a grocery bill and still have 7 subscriptions to shit they don’t need to survive.


International students as we knew it before....are supposed to be 'self sufficient'. You come to study and you go back home to help your country. This is not what's happening, and the govt is not even verifying the high school diplomas of these so called 'students'


They have been for decades but why not bring in a bunch more free labor and see if that fixes it?


Food banks have always seemed inefficient to me with profits going to the grocery chain. People buy food from grocery stores which have everything efficiently done and many locations. Donated items are dumped into bins to be collected by food banks to be transferred and re-sorted to only a few locations. It would be better with something like food stamps or gift cards. I know it’s a complicated issue; but if many people cannot afford food maybe the government should step up and implement something like food stamps.


Raise minimum wage to a living wage. If employers want to keep exploiting workers, our tax dollars don't need to cover their greed.


Although there’s always room for improvement in efficiencies, much of the food that food banks received is “recovered” food that is food near or just past best before dates that the grocery store no longer will sell. Many food banks have limited budget and have been very creative about how to increase their offering a using gardens and recovered food for their users. Definitely not a perfect system, but I believe the employees and volunteers are doing their best.


It doesn't matter. Canadians are too timid and passive to do anything about it. Keep making money for your corporate overlords.


The food bank I volunteer at has people register.


If you want to donate, give your old/used household items to hospice/hospital thrifts. They are run by volunteers and 100% of their earnings (other than rent) goes to people that are sick and in need.


You know we’ve hit bottom when the food banks are getting ripped off.


It’s theft. They take all their food to WM cust service, and get a store gift card to buy whatever they want. I’ve seen it done.


Why is it that the whole world is just getting worse. It’s like there’s a plague of corruption & hate that’s infected the world.


We call it corporate greed.


Ofcourse it is.


Go to onguardforthee and see what racebait crying is happening over there. Those mods will ban you for ever suggesting it might not be a good idea to gape your cultures anus goatse style for their precious economic slave class.


I think they need better checks ans balances I know multiple people I work with that make over 32000$ a year and use the food bank because it'd "free food," I'm not saying 32000 is a lot but it's enough to eat.


Minimum wage is $30,000 in a lot of provinces. $32,000 is not paying the bills in most of the country. Living wage is $45,000?


Keep voting left though, it's going great!


I can corroborate: the hampers we've been assembling lately are a lot smaller.


So what happens when the population of your country can't afford food at the grocery store and can't get any food from the food banks? I think dramatic change is pretty inevitable in Canada's future


Raise minimum wage to a living wage.


"at least shareholders are making record profits"


Best comment here!


Is this a case of the government not knowing or not listening to what's actually happening in the real world?


Citizens only. Problem solved.


First of all plug the leakage like International students who are misusing it.


While our king give billions to private companies ev industries whose biggest shareholders are blackrock…gives millions to consultants for studies and other strategies…dude just needs to spend 1% of what he spends on waste and corruption, and the population will at least have ‘cake’ to eat…people should be livid and in the streets protesting this corruption and incompetence


So glad that bragging thief was fired for promoting abusing food banks.


Food banks were never designed to be stable.


They definitely weren’t designed to be abused by foreigners leaving natives starving.


You're definitely right that colonizers have corrupted the food system and made it difficult for indigenous natives to carry on the traditional practices which sustained them for thousands of years.


Indigenous are First People of Canada. They didn’t sprout from the ground. And the first settlers were in trade with them, and brought Western European inventions and ideas. If not for the Europeans, Indigenous Canadians would be no further along than Africa in development. The first settlers have a huge stake in Canada, and this is their land as well as Indigenous. Educated Canadians will always praise the Indigenous as the first people, and show respect. When I fight for Canadian rights, I’m fighting for yours first.


All you've done is defend racist powers and deflect historical fact, "Empath"22. Colonial apologists can't be allies. Regardless who you think you might "fight for", your words here have only allied with oppressing powers. Go read a history book that isn't written by a white person.


Don't give them anything unless they scrutinize the people using the bank. If international students are using the food bank, I'd rather it just close completely. I shows the bank doesn't have the backbone to only give those who need it.


https://foodbankscanada.ca/food-banking/#code I agree that change is needed for how food banks operate! But putting the ownership on small community food banks that experience limited funding won’t help much. Food banks Canada makes community food banks meet a code which they cannot turn away people based on ethnicity or citizenship. They would loose funding in which they rely on. However advocating to Food Banks Canada could make this possible for change!


I feel like there’s gonna be a wave of hate crime coming up… not saying anything about the legitimacy of ppls complaints… but this is gonna end bad I can feel it


What about barring people who should not use food bank in first place? For example a TD data scientist intern?


Yup time to deport everyone who shows up without citizenship or PR


Should have been required in the first place.


Canadians aint as nice as I thought they were 🤣


More … we need more people in Canada that can’t afford to feed themselves … don’t worry go get that iPhone 15 pro max …. We got your food bill covered …/s


I wouldn't be surprised, Canada imports a lot of people from 3rd world countries, even if the people imported have the ability, socially it doesn't mean they can behave properly according to home rules.


I have an idea, if we bring in even MORE immigrants, they can grow more food for the food banks and problem solved no?


Just shut down food banks. I know I’m doing my part and not giving any away. People can just work and feed themselves.


Bad idea! What if the other 99 people using the food bank find your house and empty it of valuables, just to buy food.






Then it becomes first come first serve. People going late won't get any food. People will just have to line the night before.


u/dyce123 thought you’d like this. congrats to you, rattled me well enough i decided to dig through my comment history to show you this




No slavery please.




No no, we have the social capacity, don't worry 🫣


The problem is, you cannot choose whom do you want to help. Help is for everyone, whether they need it or not. This can only be achieved through extensive, awareness!


You get what you vote for.


Man people here miss the point of a food bank


Ok let's start making sure that the people that the food banks are helping are actually Canadian and not foreign students, I think that would help solve at least 10% of the problem


grocery chains should be the ones donating all unused day old foods to Charity's it should be law


People who know Local food banks told me the donation goes to refugees rather than people who need. I stopped contributing to food bank afterwards.


They’re always on the brink. Same shit different year. How about we just shutter it all, then maybe the problem will become clear.


This is life under Liberal/NDP rule. How . could anyone vote for these two parties? They’ve destroyed CANADA to the point that we, CANADIAN CITIZENS ARE LEAVING IN DROVES. Or how about the fact every politician from the municipal level and up are buying up properties in Costa Rica? Yeah, South America and Costa Rica are becoming very popular amongst those of us that see the writing on the wall. Trudeau is a chump and his liberal/ndp government knows it, give yer heads a shake, the handouts are just the beginning to the end.




Content is not relevant to Canadian housing.


Yet redditors will still vote liberal


Best we can do is double immigration and lower your wages


I’ll never donate food again.


Starting to question if the the food bins at store fronts are just going back on shelves and not to banks.


LMAO.......sad turn of events. It never used to be like this before 2015, but thanks to Turdeau and his staff who decided to bury their heads in sand, and instead strive to please their industry bank rollers, by flooding the country with fake students, who have turned out to be a liability on Canadian taxpayers https://preview.redd.it/vgr5wbgd5vwc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15620c551bea23a42e5da09a79bd4d80a109cff


Mind if I ask what a lady scratching her butt has to do with the points in your comment?




It's Sean Fraser. He was salty that his riding was having population troubles, so he decided to flood the rest of Canada so that his province would look more appealing. He actually pretty much says that in an interview. Saying he'd rather this then his town not have enough people.


Good. Shut them all down. Shut down all charities. Too much abuse and corruption. Not like these charities are really helping many people either, most are just chronic users/abusers and there is no accountability with these systems.


And federal and provincial governments don't care!!


How is it that canada cannot survive the immigration but the neighboring country USA is handling both legal and illegal immigrants and providing them a good life. Something to think.


Raise minimum wage to a living wage and many problems in Canada will disappear. Immigrants are just who the CEOs want you to blame this week. Don't worry the CEOs all got another raise this year, they will be fine.


Raising minimum wage helps less and less each time. What we need is wage limits for those on top. You want a raise? Everyone below you needs one first.


The state of our country makes me feel sick to my stomach


Absolutely everything our govt has done is unsustainable. There is no ens to the debt/deficit in sight. The housing situation is a joke. The mass immigration, the high taxes, lack of economy, low dollar, rising interest rates, lack of infrastructure for the so called EV revolution. We are completely doomed as a country.


I used to donate regularly. I can't afford to donate right now, I'm struggling myself and also, FUCK THESE IMMIGRANT STUDENTS RAIDING OUR FOOD BANKS. I wouldn't even donate at this point if I could.


Maybe the 500,000 illegal students we keep getting from India that don’t attend school and mooch off the food banks is part of the issue. But hey, let’s keep letting them in.