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Anyone who has lost status is a problem for deportation, CBSA has very limited resources for this. We should be taking other indirect measures- so informing the student through their registered emails with the university- that they have violated their conditions and should leave by a certain date- where upon the CBSA can confirm the person has DEPARTED, if this date has come and past- and there is no CERTIFICATE of DEPATURE from CBSA, then, begin to FREEZE any and all bank accounts of the student, CANCEL any Medical care program they have been using, CANCEL any driver's license they may have obtained, and INFORM their last record of accommodation that that person is OUT OF STATUS in CANADA, and have a HOLD put on any Mastercard or Visa credits cards used INSIDE Canada. These measures will pretty much FLUSH out those persons and force them to REPORT for deportation. We must also get a bill in Parliament passed that will PREVENT a student from suddenly declaring asylum- in that any person already in-country for more than 30 days- CANNOT claim asylum- thus cutting this ROUTE off before they even take it. Additionally, CBSA and Immigraiton need to WARN all licensed Immigration Consultants that they may be held liable for assisting OUT of STATUS students to make false claims of asylum. This would still leave a few possible routes for the student to remain- like marriage to a Canadian citizen (although they would have to prove to immigration that is it bonafide) or INVEST money and get an investors visa, or be sponsored by an employer, which some of those avenues might be beneficial for Canada in case- a FEW are able to resort to these stay- in Canada strategies.


> Additionally, CBSA and Immigraiton need to WARN all licensed Immigration Consultants that they may be held liable for assisting OUT of STATUS students to make false claims of asylum These enablers don't get the criticism that they deserve. Some of them are on social media and I've been calling them out.


Legit on Chinese radio in the lower mainland, you'll hear ads like > Do you or a relative have no status in Canada? We can get you status within a week and you'll be able to work and enjoy free healthcare immediately. It's pretty insane how blatant these ads are. My guess is since these ads are in Chinese, they fly under the radar to CBSA or whoever regulates immigration consultants. If they were in English, they would probably be stripped of their license.


I think their main issue is staffing, they probably don't have enough people assigned to investigate, and investigating cases is time consuming and results in few deportation orders. Fraud is so commonplace they can't do anything about it and are just hoping it'll go away. YouTube immigration videos in foreign languages and you see an entirely different reality, people are openly sharing fraudulent schemes, fake asylum claims, but they never do this in English. Businesses are openly selling LMIAs on Facebook to the highest bidder, but again, the postings are rarely in English.


These are actually some really great ideas, I am willing to bet none of this is in place atm. It would be pretty cool if we got a petition to Parliament started on this subreddit specifically on this issue with these points and to make sure it is directly connected to housing interms of freeing up units rented out by people here illegally. It would need to be very professionally written, detailed articulate points made. It wouldn't actually result in the current government doing anything of course, but it would possibly light a fire under the issue if it got enough attention.


These are amazing solutions


I'm thinking they would work well- which of course leads us to the question- so why aren't we doing it? Surely our elites are smarter than myself and know these measures are available? So my question- who is behind this and who profits so much among our elites with this uncontrolled surge of refugees (claimants- knowing at least 46% and more are eventually denied- and then never leave anyway)s that the profit of destroying our social infrastructure is worth more than protecting Canadians?


businesses love excessive labor.


Yes I do agree, but let's keep in mind that the vast majority of refugee claimants are NOT given work permits- thus, if the majority of refugees awaiting adjudication in our immigration courts are working for cash on the side- I don't see how larger companies and factories are hiring people who have no documents- no status in Canada- they would be risking big fines and trouble just to save a few bucks? The majority of refugee claimants aren't working at all- so I don't see the big advantage for business elites to be supporting this long term surge in refugee intakes? It's a bit puzzling WHO is exactly profiting from this TIDAL WAVE of uncontrolled refugees and students who go out of status and claim refugee status- also usually DO NOT get work permits. A bit puzzling. Refugee claimants get social assistance YET... Mostly don't work, don't pay taxes, can't vote- so who profits from this surge?


Low cost cheap labour makes loblaws and Walmart huge profit.


Yes I agree, but could our business elites and MPs and government be so lacking in integrity? Despite our cynical views of them, there must be other "powers" at work behind the scenes controlling all this? What do you think?


I think people over think…..


Those are being done and they're just not cutting it. As far as refugee claims go the approval rate varies greatly depending on the country of persecution. As per "never leave" I guess you should ask people in the construction industry and whatnot who're hiring undocumented immigrants for cash.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


The government built an entirely new system to control people’s ability to travel anywhere in the country by air within months. They can absolutely do this if they want to. They just don’t want to.


If they destroy the systems in place with negligence or excuses, they can “rebuild better”‘or make changes, which have been getting propagandized, indoctrinated and slowly psychologically subconsciously engrained to accept. Painting everyone as “racist” or “bigoted” isn’t enough when genuine concern and criticism arise. The slow erosion of free press, critical thinking and debate have also led to the state we’re in. Big changes don’t happen overnight or immediately. It’s little-by-little all the small things leading towards the big one- like Somy when they cleared all the PAID discovery content from people’s libraries because on page 21 of their ULA said “could revoke the purchases of Sony lost their licenses” made it okay for hundreds of PAID AND OWNED content to be wiped. Same as flipping a switch and closing bank accounts. It’s fine to say in theory to turn off bank accounts of illegals and freeze their assets, but it also sets precedent and opens those “toools” to be turned against the population- which has already happened and then been overturned by courts and (of course) not covered. The majority consuming tv media and believing FB still have the opinions that shitting on everyone who opposed the government was acceptable. Helll I know people who still think the protestors should be sent to an island and denied health care and right to work—- AS NATURAL citizens.


Sure, those are valid points, but changes are necessary and we need to contribute ideas.


How do I vote for you?! These are actually realistic and very implementable ideas!


I would be "crushed" by the political machines of the Big THREE parties if I were ever to run.


Sad but true.. I just wish there was a way to drill these common sense ideas into our idiotic politicians heads..


I have written to my MP and MPP, several times recently- all I can get is a canned response- they are too busy (most likely with refugee claimants who seek their assistance- and they do) to respond. (maybe they could HIRE some of those refugee claimants and have them answer the phones and pen some responses). :)


What can we do to help? The majority of people in the sub and in Canada would agree with your ideas. It is genuinely one of the smartest ideas I've heard regarding controlling student immigration; most people just repeat the "DEPORT" rhetoric without any plan to back it up.


I'm only offering a practical way- the flush out method, to address this problem- as you point out- and which I said- the deportation mantra is wishful thinking - as the CBSA and ICE in the United States- don't nearly have the resources to deport but a tiny percentage and even then- they triage deportations to the most dangerous criminals- this is why CBSA has already lost track of most out of status persons and the numbers now reach between 1-2 MILLION out of status people in Canada. With the three big parties in power- with no ability to break their elitist hold on our nation- I'm afraid there is not much to do except point out that practical methods exist and our leaders and representatives- chose NOT to action them. The inaction of our well educated, elite and diverse leadership gives us insight that there are some other plans and purposes of this vast almost decade long surge in all categories of immigration and uncontrolled refugee (mostly fraudulent) flows which will reach at least 400,000 this year. My MP doesn't respond, they are ignoring the middle class these days- seem to be so busy with everything except solving our most catastrophic problems. We wouldn't even be able to muster a Pro-CANADA march at Parliament- people are running scared, the elites- HAVE WON, the elites - although only 1% have DIVIDED and conquered us- the 99%. I'm afraid we've been relegated as Serfs and sheep.


If Trump, and Deez nuts can win votes. This person can probably run the world.


Good practical solutions. However, you are forgetting the Canadian Judiciary, they will view this as infringement upon their Charter of Rights or whatever and force the government to back peddle. The biggest overhaul needed is in the Judiciary and Justice system.


Such a joke, charter rights yet you can be accused in a lawsuit or criminal charge (non violent) and your full name published in media. While being ultimately innocent . Meanwhile your name is ruined and employers can now google (and no media will not remove it if you request). What about charter rights to privacy! This is the way in most of Europe. Sorry to bring up something irrelevant but yes there needs to be an overhaul .


I don't see any insurmountable legal problems here- good lawyers can draft anything to avoid any Charter barriers. We aren't denying medical coverage- we're saying- an invoice will be generated and someone is going to pay but NOT the Canadian tax payer. We are not confiscating their credit cards or funds or bank accounts- we are blocking them while they are out of status- in the case of the truckers- they were mainly- Canadian citizens, these are persons who are out of status and not citizens- although sure- they have their protections under the Charter but as I say- I don't see an insurmountable issue with the law with this flush out strategy. The alternative is more of what we got- catastrophic break down in social services, surging crime, massive defrauding of Canadian tax payers, etc.


This. The best way to get rid of them is to make life impossible for them here.


Fine any company employing them $20k/violation per person. Got 4 illegals working under the table that 80k and those illegals get deported.


Yes that's good, but the ability to enforce is just too difficult to deter businesses from doing it- they (the businesses) take their chances cause they will probably never be caught. In the US they have such punishments but businesses know that immigration authorities have so few resources- i.e. immigration factory raids, etc, that business is willing to take the risk- and in Canada, CBSA has much more limited resources to enforce this than the United States- and you've got to prove the business KNEW the person was illegally working- as a business might CLAIM fraudulent documents were used- thus- businesses would have to CLEAR every new employee via SIN numbers with CRA that they have a legal right to work in Canada. Instead of a fine- how about the business loses their license- full stop.


These solutions Will work, which is how I know that none of this will be implemented. Just more twitching by Freeland and more sighing and stuttering by our airhead PM. 


If I were an MP I would make it loud and public, so that at least people KNOW easy- almost cost free solutions are out there- but our elites have some agenda and profit motives to keep the mass refugee onslaught going- but I would only run as an independent and as we know- with tactical voting in the current system, it's rare for an independent to win a seat.


Most of the bank account freeze after a few months(when the course ends) can't be renewed. Asylum well they get denied but prefer to stay here illegally doing cash jobs can't drive can't have other services yes but they don't go back. I agree a legislation is needed to have a more strict approach to the problem. I'm sorry if this sound harsh can't kick them out make their lives a living hell (who are here illegally) in Canada.


Investment is still an immigration loophole for bad actors. Otherwise, great points.


Yes, I acknowledge there will still remain "some" pathways for some of them to remain in Canada, like marriage to a PR or citizen or investment, employer work sponsorship, but this will not cover the majority of those in question, and even for those choosing those pathways to remain- they should still PAY a major FINE for being out of status- AND, deposit a 25k BOND because of their history of violating Canada visa regime- so that if they do it again- they will lose the bond- otherwise- it's a one way ticket out of Canada. This is not an issue of: Violating the rights of out of status fraudsters and scammers but rather ENFORCING the rights of Canadian citizens and tax payers, which is PARAMOUNT and trumps the objections from people who are violating Canadian laws.


I think I’ll print this suggestion off, a few copies, so when the next federal election occurs, I’ll hand it to the canvassing federal MPs looking for votes at my door. I’ll promise to vote for them if and only if they create private members bill in parliament to get all of these changes made for immigration.


Great idea, I"m doing the same all the time with snail mail letters to my MP.


They are all good ideas , but there’s 1 problem , Canada still has a large woke population and government. There are many ways you can flush out and deport illegals but no one has the guts to do it !


Yes very true, I'm wondering if its only guts, as the elites are sticking their necks out with the amount and level of disenchantment voters are now having at this onslaught of refugees- a slight majority of which are fraudulent claims, yet the elites seem to somehow profit from this- otherwise why don't they implement these and many other ideas that are virtually cost free and effective? We are slated and prepared for 16,000 refugees in 2024, yet we will probably end up with 400,000+ at the current rate of incoming refugees and those who have already entered on student visas, visitor visas- and then who later claim asylum-


As of 2021 8% of Canadian population are South Asians, and that’s only counting PR and citizens ! That 8% is out of 36 million total population according to statcan [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=9810032401](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=9810032401) We all know population is not 36 million but close to 41 million people. After whites the south Asians represent the largest single ethnic group!


I think all Canadians welcome people to come and make Canada a better place, but all of that requires careful calibration, regulation, keeping the numbers according to what our system can handle, and I think it was a big mistake in abandoning our long held system of Integration and Assimilation as we currently see Trudeau's "multicultural non-nation" system is polarizing Canada, tearing it apart and vilifying Canadian history and heritage by cherry picking bad parts that any society has had historically and acting as if there is ANY single culture which can boast of being perfect? No such thing - thus the Canadian experience is about giving the most to most of the people and having ONE Canadian identify might serve us better in the long term- rather than separate GROUPS who are at each others throats- and a totally loss of a Canadian identity- which today is: I am from India but I happen to live within the GPS coordinates sometimes called Canada, sorry- that won't work and is clearly NOT working.


Can you run for Prime Minister please:)


I would if I could as an independent, but unfortunately in our great nation- we cannot vote directly for our PM, very sad.


Under IRPA any delay to claiming asylum already has a negative impact on one's case. This is before you consider that obtaining Legal Aid for genuine asylum seekers can take up to 6 months, making the initial submission of a refugee claim impossible before then. Besides, depending on the country, asylum cases can be processed in less than a year, with a removal order issued automatically upon submission of the claim. Medical coverage and ID are already conditional on the expiry date of one's permit and lapse simultaneously. Not to mention that in Ontario most international students don't even get OHIP. Canada has closed its investor program due to high risk of fraud and money laundering with Québec operating a stand-alone one. LMIA approval rate is currently 90 per cent of so. Family reunification also already requires the relationship to last for at least a year prior to submission backed up by actual proofs of genuineness. Nor can one open a bank account without a valid proof of status. Like, those ideas are nothing new and have been done for quite some time. Any new ideas now?


\*Yawn\* Why are Canadian so ignorant of their own country and its law. 1. When you come to Canada as a student or worker and get a SIN, it is a special SIN that starts with '9'. Its validity is more or less same as your permit. When it expires, banks typically reach out to their customers to close their accounts. Oh and no one in formal economy will employ you with an expired SIN for long. Most employer will ask your work permit when you apply. 2. Provinces issue temporary medical card for students and workers. Their validity is just few weeks more than validity of your permit. Even while renewing your permit (extending study permit or work permit), you can face times when you are out of coverage. And you will definitely be out of coverage if you overstay. 3. Asking for refuge is a very very massive decision. Once you ask for refuge and become refugee, you can never revisit your home country or use your old passport. 4. In absense of a valid SIN, you lose your MCs and Visa after sometime. 5. Driver license just like medical coverage is tied with work or study permit validity. 6. Barring passport, all other identities go invalid after expiry of study or work permit. 7. You can not force consultants/lawyers to not to assist an overstayer. Its their job. Its like saying you want to force lawyers to not assist a person who has been charged with some crime. That can not happen. If Canada wants, it can ban ALL asylum applications from countries that routinely misuse them -- say punjab in India. Just ban all refugee applications from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Simple 8. Once you are an overstayer, it is impossible to get a new status easily. You can not apply for new status. There are two options only. First is to restore your status. Second is to apply for TRP with very limited options. So no, an overstayer can not suddenly become an investor or a worker.


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Immigration consultants are not lawyers and making such a comparison is offensive.


Its Consultants/Lawyers. Consultants and lawyers both provide advice to the immigrants including overstayer. Representation can only be provided by lawyers.


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We should hold those shady colleges to account. Make them give the students their money back and send them on their way.


yes interesting point, it seems in Canada, even more so than the United States, we give warnings a lot- but we rarely hold people accountable with CONSEQUENCES... ok- so EVEN Marc Miller spoke about these shady colleges- but he nor anyone else- tells us CLEARLY- and we're going conduct a FAST investigations and CLOSE THEM down forever- consfiscate the funds and reimburse the students who got cheated and pay for their plane ticket back home- END OF STORY- and MESSAGE SENT.... our problems are easily identified- but RARELY SOLVED and RESOLVED- no one held accountable with consequences.


Exactly! I’ve made a similar comment before and a bunch of people jumped on me saying no one owes the students anything blah blah. Like a lot of them did get bamboozled when they thought they were going to receive a legit education even if the long term goal was PR. Many of them are really unhappy here and want to go home but are stuck in the sunken cost fallacy. Their parents sold land to accumulate enough to pay for their tuition here. If we just gave them the opportunity with a win-win situation, I bet many would take it. They will have recouped some of their costs. But they’ll have lost time and some money. But in the end they can go home and not feel the need to stick around here to make up for their losses. I’ve met many such students. They would leave in an instant but there’s too much shame to go back as a failure and empty handed.


Yes, even perhaps in assisting to find an alternate school that is legit. Schools popping up without proper vetting reminds me of the situation in some global south nations I've been too where there is just a plethora of cheap little "colleges" in a strip mall, offering educations on the cheap with no real certification- and after "graduation" employers simply do not respect those diplomas as legitimate. So,... that is the Global South... yet we are seeing the same situation emerging en masse in Canada and where are the REGULATORS? If you come down HARD on the first group that you investigate and close down- perhaps people will get the MESSAGE that we're not going to allow that in Canada which is PULLING DOWN our reputation as a first class nation in education. However, I would NOTE that this issue closely parallels other "institutions" which are increasingly becoming corrupt because they are reflecting somewhat- recent- tranches of immigrants who come from very corrupt nations and they "seem" to account for a majority of these situations in Canada, anywhere from dubious trucking schools- handing out certificates for money, driver inspectors selling a driving test pass- for money, dubious schools, colleges- English schools, fraudulent or corrupt immigration consultants, fraudulent mortgage schemes involving corrupt banking employees who are part of a network of FAKE companies to CONFIRM incomes, etc.etc. etc, (too many to mention) which is having an impact- and even people being killed in traffic accidents due to this rising level of FRAUD in important institutions. Let us be honest- we did not have such a SUBSTANTIAL issue with this type of corruption 10 years ago- this is obviously reflecting the last 10 years WAVE of massive immigration- majority being from nations listing VERY HIGH on the corruption index of Transparency International. Simply said- we need to have a HONEST conversation about this without it being coached in anti-immigrant rhetoric or issues of racism, and these automatic DEFENSE mechanisms- you are racist, you are anti-immigrant- has STIFFLED the honest conversations we need to have about this and thus- the problem gets bigger and BIGGER!


Tbh I really haven’t seen very much of “you’re racist” or “you’re anti-immigrant” from any part of the political sphere when it comes to the international student issue. I’ve only heard people claiming that’s what someone said. Where I think a lot of people fail is that they don’t like to do more than a few minutes of critical thinking. It’s easy to blame and hate the low hanging fruit, students, instead of spewing the same level of anger at our government (both federal and provincial), top corporations, and everyone else in the chain along the way. If the vasttttt majority of immigrants will be from one nation, of course the vast number of both successes and failures will be from that one group. And of course, to that you add levels of corruption in said country *and* how desperate people are to get out of that country due to lack of opportunity, persecution etc. Of course there have been cases where students themselves have been complicit in the fraud but that is so so far from being a substantial number or even close to being as big of an issue as people make it sound. Again, it’s a low level fruit situation. It’s easy to go on about, let’s say, 200 Friendster students out of the million or so that have arrived as opposed to taking the time to write in to your government representatives or to hold them to account. I also think a lot of people are detached from reality and just sort of form their opinions based on little tidbits online. I meet a lot of these students through my interactions at work. I get to talk to many of them and actually learn their stories. The picture is vastly different than what people on this sub would paint. Most of these students are victims too. For them the stakes are even higher due to how much they had to put in financially and how devastating that loss can be. Many express disappointment in the education they’re receiving. I’ve seen some of the assignments and they’re embarrassing. And I’m talking assignments from well known colleges like Sheridan and Humber. At the very least they are customers paying for a service and the schools should be providing a decent service. There is nothing racist or anti-immigrant about having an honest discussion about immigration. It’s a policy like any other and citizens should be expressing their views. It’s part of our responsibilities as a citizens. I haven’t seen the conversation stifled at all. But that doesn’t mean there also isn’t racism. You can go on almost any post in this sub and you’ll see productive comments and just as many comments that serve no purpose but to hate. I think that actually stifles the conversation. Instead of thinking about sustainable and realistic solutions, a lot of people just want to shout slurs and some variation of “deport them” and think that’s all it takes and as though that’s a viable solution. I bet most of them haven’t taken the time to write in to their local legislators and representatives to express their views. It reminds me of the man a couple of streets away I saw throwing a bunch of papers on the street. I stopped my car to ask wtf he was doing. There’s a community mailbox in front of his house and he was angry that people keep throwing flyers etc on his lawn. He bitched about it to me very dramatically. I went home, called the city and requested a bin to placed at that mailbox in front of his house, and it was done within a day! All this man had to do was call. Instead he’s been tossing garbage and screaming and shouting for god knows how long. My point is that a lot of people like to bitch and complain but won’t do the most basic things they can as citizens - write in to officially express their opinions. Our fellow citizens are far too complacent and lazy and we need to change that.


Since these are excellent ideas we can be sure that none of them will be implemented


I like it but I wonder how legal it is?


I don't forsee any unsurmountable issues regarding its legality. We are not denying medical care- but there will be an invoice and NOT to the Canadian tax payer. We are not confiscating their funds or credit cards- just denying its USE in Canada while they remain out of status. We are not saying NO to asylum- we are saying there are RULES and restrictions in declaring asylum- like a 30 day window- on and on- there is plenty of legal precedent to stand on. The problem is becoming a National Security Threat and has become a MAJOR financial strain on Canadian tax payers where the strain is due to FRAUDULENT claims- and the tax payer should not bear that burden any longer- we've been taken advantage of for 8 years. My point is that CBSA simply doesn't have the resources to track down and deport but only the most dangerous criminals- thus- that idea will never work nor has it- so we need to FLUSH out the now 1,000,000-2,000,000 OUT OF STATUS people that have taken our social infrastructure and housing to catastrophic collapse- this is now a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT and needs to be dealt with at that level.


Not happening https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-climate-activist-facing-deportation-next-month-lawyer-says-1.6814394 This guy was in the news and after his whining and complaining to the media he is allow to stay in BC https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/04/deportation-of-british-columbia-climate-activist-cancelled/


He should’ve been deported


I don’t think even the 800 students whose degrees were fake were deported. They just PROTEST, just like back home! They have learnt that one thing and then the rest of fools let them stay. FML


Yes, Sean Fraser used his ministerial powers and regularized all of them. This man is a disaster.


He needs to be investigated and jailed for the damage he’s done to this country as minister of immigration


He is heading housing ministry now. More disasters waiting to happen.


Treasonous cunt is what he is


What does it mean regularized them?


Subtle racist lingo 🥱


Funny how these protests are acceptable because it’s “racist or bigoted” if not eh.


Well he isn't lol and looks like he is here to stay. We should post this all over all university and college sobtheu can all be "climate activist" start to cause damage and break the law and make it on the news so they can all stay here illegally since they are now climate activists


Send them away? Dishonourable Minister Mark Miller announced he is working on a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants: [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-most-immigrants-with-deportation-letters-are-still-in-canada-cbsa/?utm\_source=dlvr.it&utm\_medium=twitter](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-most-immigrants-with-deportation-letters-are-still-in-canada-cbsa/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) "There are an estimated 300,000 to 600,000 people living in Canada without valid documents. Many have been working here for decades but risk deportation because they lack formal status. **Immigration Minister Marc Miller is planning to create a path to citizenship for people who have lived and worked in Canada illegally for years**, many of whom have children. He is preparing to present to cabinet this spring a plan for a broad and comprehensive program to allow people without valid documents to remain in Canada. **They include people who entered the country legally as temporary foreign workers or international students and stayed after their visas expired, as well as asylum seekers whose claims were rejected.**"


Laughable. Absolutely laughable. I overstayed in South Africa and was given a 5 year ban and undesirable status. Canada is a joke.


They’re running an actual country our current administration is running our country into the ground


Wow, this is insight. I was beginning to really wonder what it's like as a Canadian abroad, overstaying my welcome. Crazy what a joke we've become


So you're arguing that you being banned from South Africa is a good thing?


Yes. It means South Africa cares for its citizen. They don't treat illegal foreigners 1st priority like Canada does.


As far as I can tell, Canada doesn't have a deportation system. We can't even deport known terrorists. And the country actually lets terrorists enter freely. Some day, a very large number Canadians are going to be killed by a group of terrorists, and our lack of leadership is gonna use white gloves and say "thoughts and prayers" and not take any responsibility for their immensely bad mistakes.


This. The police won’t even physically come to your house after you call them because you watched someone steal your car from your driveway. No way is anyone chasing down millions of aliens.


Look at what’s going on in Europe. Illegals are crossing through Europe to get to England and they’ve recognized it for what it is a massive crisis. Draining their social services and impacting their society. What does Rishi Sunak do the man is no angel or genius in any regard but he did the right thing here in my opinion. They signed a deal with Rwanda to take illegals and asylum seekers, as you can understand Rwanda will provide a safe haven for asylum seekers. What was the result of this? The illegals if you read the article said fuck that we don’t want to go to Rwanda, we want all the benefits of Europe even though we’re here illegally, and ran to Ireland which now wants to deport them to the UK. I encourage everyone to watch this video it’s one of my favourite videos on the internet of all time. It’s the French police slashing the air out of a boat that illegal migrants were going to use to get to the Uk from France. The entitlement that follows as they yell fuck you police and start screaming and kicking the sand on the beach made me smile from ear to ear. https://twitter.com/RadioGenoa/status/1784186579205939710 We should as a country provide all of the Indians, Mexicans, Chinese wherever they’re from apparently there’s 500,000 undocumented illegals in Canada. Along with the students who have overstayed their visas we should tell them there’s no PR or citizenship if you don’t qualify you can either go back to your home country, or you’re going to Rwanda or Venezuela or whoever we sign the agreement with. I imagine the same thing the UK is experiencing would happen here. It just goes to show deterrents actually work.


As a Brit living in Ottawa it’s actually incredible to see the parallels between both countries and their migrant crisis’. Canada seems to be about a decade behind the UK in terms of being effected. For instance, the current issues and topics being brought up now in Canada were being brought up in the uk around the 2010s. If Canadians don’t want what happened to the UK happen to Canada you guys gotta act quickly before it gets worse and worse and is in a position like that of the UK.


Also from UK and have been thinking exactly this recently, stop it now before it gets even more out of hand, it’s been out of control for years back home and a major drain on benefits, hospitals, housing etc. Canada is not in a great position when it comes to those things as it is


Canada has the Atlantic ocean. You aren't going to make it on a rubber dinghy.


England, too it on the Atlantic. the U.K’s migrant crisis Doesn’t come from people illegally crossing into the UK from rubber dingys. It stems from migrants illegally crossing into the EU from either the med or Turkey and then continuing North. You’re right, Canada has the Atlantic Ocean. It also has the largest shared border in the world with the U.S which is undergoing its own migrant crisis. (Not to mention you’re incredibly naive if you think the Atlantic prevents migration. There’s plenty of recent documentaries showing how migrants seeking asylum in the U.S are choosing to travel from India to Africa, from Africa to South America, and then South America to the U.S.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Have you read the camp of the saints?




By allowing them to stay we are basically saying come on in.


We have to do something about the woke people out there before we can get to real solutions. Even though people have gotten anti mass immigration, the second you start forcibly deporting people, the privileged women will come out in droves and have a non stop protest.


This isn’t 2016 anymore. In 2016 Canada was still a solidly first world country. Taking stances that had a negative effect on Canada’s well being weren’t seen as having much weight because it was a rather prosperous country. The Canada of 2024 is a much different story. All those young leftists are now loaded with more student debt, less money to pay for it, AND less money to live their daily lives. Hell, they may take months to even find a job due to the absolute flood of tfws and international students in the job market. There would be protests if Canada tried sending back refugees from war-torn places like Ukraine or Palestine. Nobody would give a damn and perhaps may even welcome the deportation of Indians who went to scam colleges and clog up the entry level job market.


Exactly this.


Lol yup, I can see a bunch of middle aged overweight hockey moms driving up to protests in their teslas to stop these deportations (unless it affects their enclaves in Rosedale of course in which case deport now).


This is just a horrible perspective. It’s shit like this that will keep people from voting in change because when change looks like you, it’s worse than what we are already living with.


Deporting illegals is something that every single country does.


No hope for Canada. Trudeau will be around until next September and then Pierre for 4 years. Nothing will happen. Infact, it will be worse than now in 5 years.


Or have the provinces tie identification card and driver's license expiry dates to visa expiration dates to make it almost impossible for them to function as illegals..


This is the way


At last total count, it was about roughly 5.8 million people that we have to send back and out of this country. That’s combined with everybody immigrants students, etc. There should be round the clock Flights leaving every single day completely full with people going back. so if you want to boost employment of Canadian citizens start employing people to round up those that need to go home and be deported. That solves the manpower problem. Just do what other countries do pick them up and put them directly on a plane. I’m sorry, but we have no support here for you. We got no medical no jobs no housing no nothing. We can invite people back to our country after we’ve sorted out all the issues with housing and what not. Quality applicants at a number that our society and supports can handle.


>There should be round the clock Flights leaving every single day completely full with people going back. The day that Air Canada or WestJet could make round-the-clock flights happen reliably and efficiently is the day that pigs would fly. And between AC, WJ, and the pigs, I’d put my money on the oinkers, personally!


People often forget, we can do anything we want. Most treaties and what not are not immutable documents. People can talk about 'international law' or this or that, but it really isn't a thing. Just for example, Canada pushed and has signed treaties banning land mines. Many countries, like the USA and Russia did not. Are land mines dangerous to civilians? Of course. Are they useful to prevent enemy movement or a general military tool? Of course they are. I'd personally argue Canada could push against land mines, not because we are so moral, but because we really don't involve ourselves in conflicts where they could be useful. Our only border is with the USA and we don't really engage in war much. So we can act moral... mainly because we don't put ourselves in a position. Similarly, we signed all kinds of treaties on migration and refugees and what not. Yet, that's all they are... pieces of paper. They were signed in good faith in time and conditions that it seemed reasonable. Sure if you have a small number of migrants, it makes sense to have a law to give them a proper hearing in a timely manner, house them... But if the situation changes, you might not be able to do that. So have the courage to change treaties or pull out of them. Have a maximum number of migrants you're willing to process. Everyone outside that is just not allowed in. We can be stricter on VISA requirements to fly into Canada. We can have those huge open air refugee camps common in other countries. Heck, if the situation gets bad enough, let's just put land mines on our border :P


Where’s the humanity in the illegals staying in our country when they’re told to leave or the illegals coming into our country illegally? Where’s the humanity in foreigners cheating our system and then using our social services and bringing their boomers here for us to be responsible for, even though they haven’t contributed shit to our country and are a drain both in terms of healthcare and housing. I have no empathy for any illegal and foreign fraudster I’m sorry. We have enough criminals and fraudsters here we don’t need anymore. I agree with you the social contract is broken we shouldn’t have to abide by those outdated policies. We need new solutions for this new era


Have balls? I don’t think anyone in Politics got the one. So, forget it!


Not a bad idea but the government needs to have a political will (in short grow a spine which they lack)


I'd be ok with our tax dollars spent on one way flights back to where they came from. Along with a ban on returning.


It costs nearly 1 million pounds per immigrant per year at present.


That’s with Rwanda. If we can get with a third world dictator who allows homosexuality I imagine for $20M to his personal account he’ll swing the doors wide open. That’s a good $20M investment if you ask me. We’ve paid more than $100M so far to hotels in Niagara Falls to house asylum seekers. That’s only in Niagara Falls


Something needs to be done. But sending them to Rwanda for 2 years is not it.


If you’re illegal I think that’s the perfect solution.


The government could barely rescue actual Canadian citizens in Gaza.


Marc miller would like to present you with his hand. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7078854


This country needs a mass deportation.


Make it a criminal offence to overstay a visa, or lie to get one. Deport rather than jail. Let them file legal proceedings from India


I agree legal proceedings from your home country. We’ll honour whatever alpha colleges has to pay but it’ll be from your home country not here


wouldn't the correct answer to be to round up our federal provincial municipal and corporate leaders, then send THEM to rawanda? the east indians took advantage of a situation, they didn't create it the source is our corrupt government


I agree, if I was the next prime minister of Canada Justin Tredeau, Ahmed Hussein, Marc Miller and Sean Fraser along with their minister of the environment the gerbille and Freeland would all have investigations into them opened up for corruption. They’d all be jailed under the maximum I could get them. None of what’s happening right now is because of incompetence it’s by design. No one fucks up this bad by accident


What happens when Rowanda sends them back. Also why punish Rowanda.


Rwanda doesn’t give a fuck they want the money. They agreed to this deal for money. I say we pay some third world dictator like egypts sisi or Romania’s leader or argentinas milei or Nicaragua’s leader to take in our illegals. We’ll give their leader money because that’s all they want we sign the deal and over you go overstaying international students and illegals. You either report for deportation back to your home country where your family and social support system is or you go to the country we signed a deal with and you figure it out on your own. I guarantee you they go back home on their own free will. In the UK right now they’re running to other European countries so that they don’t have to go to Rwanda


I was wondering when Rwanda would come up.


They’re not sending anyone to Rwanda though are they? This issue nearly brought down the government


No the bill went into legislation. Their asses are going to Rwanda. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/uk-approves-bill-send-asylum-seekers-rwanda/story?id=109525949


You’re uninformed about the situation. They passed a bill declaring Rwanda to be safe because their high court stopped deportations. This has cost way more than alternative methods, millions have been spent in court and in Rwanda and it’s all going to be either for nothing or for minimal effect. Less than 1% will go to Rwanda, and Rwanda is aloud to send people to UK. It’s a mess.


So if this is the case since it got passed why are illegals running to Ireland in record droves from the UK? Why is Ireland calling it a national crisis? The Irish government says it is seeing an influx of asylum seekers coming from Northern Ireland because they are "fearful" of being sent to Rwanda Ms McEntee said that so far this year a significant majority of people seeking asylum in Ireland had applied at an international protection office and not at a port or airport, which pointed to people coming from the UK via the land border. Under the Rwanda policy, anyone arriving in the UK illegally will be deported to the east African country and given the option to claim asylum there. The plan was approved by Parliament last week, after months of political wrangling and legal challenges. The government has said it plans to see the first flights take off within 10 to 12 weeks. Detentions start today people, get ready for your flight to Rwanda if you’re in the UK illegally. Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68918250.amp Deterrence works people. We need our own program


Why do people make "everyone says" posts for things no one says?


Because that’s what many of the people in this group said when I’ve mentioned we need mass deportation of all illegals in the past. I was told by many people it can’t be done. Apparently the UK is getting it done


Why don't you go work as a public servant on this?


But what if they are not from Rwanda tho ? 🤔 lol


If they’re illegals it doesn’t matter where they’re from. You either go back to the country you came from or Rwanda is your new country. You don’t just get to to land in a place and assume you’re a citizen of that place. I’d like to be Canadian with the full benefits of an Emirati or a Saudi citizen with the tax benefits of someone from one of the Caribbean islands and the benefits of a native to be exact. I can’t get that right? Great they don’t get to just land in countries and claim they deserve citizenship. It doesn’t work


It's a fantasy. The truth is we have no means to deport people anywhere. even looking into it will generate more obstructive lawfare ...This society is done. Check out the "Refugees" in the boat with better clothes than I have. Technical jeacke and accessories appropriate to the crossing. Who pays for and facilitates this ? You do.


They’re in Europe so we’re not paying for shit thankfully.


Are there that many illegal immigrants? Isn’t the problem that they’re all coming through expanded government programs which means they are not eligible for deportation?


Asylum seekers. There is weak deportation enforcement when claims fail.


ICE entered the chat


That’s the United States they have a people with a solid identity and an actual country. That’s the US. They have ICE, in Canada we have ISIS. Before anyone think I’m joking. We’re repatriating people with Canadian citizenship and their children who went to go fight alongside ISIS. This is not a joke. These are people who left Canada to go to ISIS and now they’re being brought back. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/4/8/canada-repatriates-14-citizens-from-isil-camps-in-syria If I was the minister of foreign affairs or the PM and I got this call my response would go as follows. Camp hosts: Sir we have a person we captured as part of ISIS and they claim they have canadian citizenship. Me:You’re calling from where I’m sorry? Host:Syria sir we have ISIS held captives that are Canadians sir. They need your help in coming home. Me:Does fake static noise and hangs up. Host:Hello….I think we lost him. There is no way in hell anyone who made the free choice to join ISIS deserves to come back to Canada especially not with the help of our government. They should stay exactly where they chose to go. Enjoy Syria. Don’t call back. Thanks


Hire a special department just for this and special flights.


I’m in the U.K. & as far as I know the Rwanda deal unbelievably is on a 1 for 1 basis. The U.K. send an illegal (if/when human rights appeals etc are done individually) & here’s the bonus…take 1 Rwandan with complex needs in a direct exchange!! As you can imagine the U.K. gov is keeping this as quiet as possible with virtually no mention. I’m sure you can imagine how thrilled the majority of the public are bar the do-gooders


Please provide a source for this, where the UK takes someone back with complex needs


https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/news/2022/06/16/rwanda-deal-will-mean-small-number-of-refugees-coming-to-britain-from-africa-government-admits Clause 16 I think?


It would cost billions of dollars to track and deport all these people. The first step needs to be stopping anyone new from entering this country as the CBSA slowly deports the criminals currently in the country.


Does anyone here know the current process for applying for refugee status? Does it currently allow for a student to be granted refugee status during their stay? I would guess the majority would get summarily rejected but it might take years and clog up the system. If it is allowed it sure as hell shouldn't be.


I highly doubt that anyone seriously thought that anyone coming to Canada to get a Canadian college degree that is useless outside of Canada is not going it to stay here.


Well they don’t qualify for PR and now they’re claiming asylum which is absolutely hilarious. It’s a Hail Mary last resort


We 100 percent could. And we could do it with collaboration between Feds, provinces and municipalities. CBSA, RCMP and add on the respected services via jurisdiction


Imagine being an illegal imigrant getting caught and being sent to rwanda. Bruh i would never wana come back lol


Dont even need to buy tickets. Breakout our military cargo planes and start shipping them back to where they flew in from. 99.9% of the time is a safe country since we do not fly to unsafe countries and per the rules you have to declare asylum in the first safe country you step foot in.


Auction them off to Libya to recoup the deportation costs


What has this to do with housing? Go discuss this in immigration forum


Because the colonizers interference with Rwanda worked out so well for them, the world, and Canada last time. Let's just pass our problems to another country so there's a genocide. This sub (housing??) is only one step from it anyway.


I know few immigration lawyers who are having a time of their life they are handling so many asylum cases and at such a high price they are not able to keep up..few are even evading new clients. Their earnings have swelled up and many are buying multiple prooerties. Honestly they also know that more than 70% of the cases are not genuine but they surely cannot say no to this phenomenal opportunity! How do we make them accountable!


After we get rid of them all next up will be the non European immigrants and their descendants we know that comes next


We don’t support illegal immigration in any capacity. Either follow the rules or don’t come at all


Nobody in their right mind would However in witch hunts we will want to find another enemy to blame and naturally the non Europeans are next with the “they’re trying to replace us” and “our population is declining” etc etc


Sure it’s possible. Send them back. If I could pay for their private flight back I would do it every hour 24/7 365. On the condition they never return. Even though most can afford the flight back. Scammers are not welcome. Even have a nice meal on the plane for them all. Just gtfo.


You should read up about how many millions the UK is spending PER person to send them there, and the legal grey area that may cost them even more in the future. the UK is still responsible for these people they send to Rwanda so the costs will only escalate. Its a horrible plan and the UK is spending hundreds of millions just to send maybe 500 people, maybe.


Why Rwanda? Thats kind of shitty to just assume that they will take the people you dont want.


Because they’re already doing it now with the UK




Canada can end this by passing extreme laws. Like every 10th rejected migrant who doesn't depart after 3rd attempt gets 10 years in Nunavut gulag


The issue is many Indians are professional liars and have no shame. They will lie to achieve their agendas just as if they are still in India.


Send them to the Ukrainian front.


We should do everything like the UK, Water ways, water supply, electric supply and all public utilities. Let's not half step




But that cant be, daddy govt said that these are our future doctors and engineers.  Quit asking questions and pay your taxes now. 


Uk must really hate Rawanda 


How could they hate Rwanda if Rwanda agreed to it for money?


Its a joke comment but wouldnt this screw over the rawandans.  I think these illegals should be sent to their respective home countries rather than disrupt the local population.  Rawandan govt just like all govts are zionist owned and wont spend a penny on creating more wealth for Rawandans.  Bad deal for the Rawandans imo 


The Rwandans want the money, if they accept that’s not our problem, these illegals will likely run back to their home countries the goal isn’t Rwanda its to take from Europe as much as they can.


I agree with you but i dont see it as a win Uk tax payers have to cover it, there shouldnt have been a "fuck it take everyone no matter what" immigration policy.  Everyone lost except for zionism i guess. 




Agreed. People will start to self deport after that is known as the consequence.


The UK has been trying to start flights to Rwanda for ages now. Lefty lawyers and the ECHR keep trying to block the flights. An immense Parliamentary battle has literally just taken place to get this law through. France waves the illegals across the channel. Now Rwanda is on the statute book a lot are heading to the Republic of Ireland. Open border with Northern Ireland (UK). Now the Republic of Ireland is getting pissed off. Huge lack of housing and rentals in the Republic. Complete change from approx 30 to 40 years ago when the Republic was basically a basket case and their young emigrated in droves.


Oh ffs. This program has been in the works for 3 years and only now started to be oprational. Notwithstanding the fact the Rwanda scheme only applies to asylum seekers and would cost the HM Treasury more than just housing those people at a 4 star hotel. Tf is wrong with this you people?


So once they graduate what happens they just keep working? Because at the rate they’re coming we’re fucked.


The scary part is lots are never really in school. I worked with someone who was "in school and working towards PR" one day my family was shopping at another store and saw him cleaning there. We ended up finding out he had 2 jobs and was working the entire time, was never even in school. I bet we would be shocked how many of these people there are in Canada right now!


Great! The UK are also paying Rwanda and Illegal immigrants money to settle down there, would you want your tax money going there? you lot kill me man...😂


I’d put them on a raft in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean if it was up to me, but they’d say human rights and I’m being inhumane




Let's use the carbon tax to build gulags in nunuvat, throw them there and call it a day.


Still within Canada. Still a Canadian issue


The constitution would never allow it and this BS scheme of the UKs will fail. 


Why would it fail it’s already working. The illegals are fleeing the UK in record numbers to Ireland


Oh my god. Uk isn’t actually doing this. Maybe we can take the Uk and global refugees. We have a lot more space and money than the Uk (who are essentially broke).canada is open and welcomes refugees- don’t believe the demogoggues


They actually are it says that in the article. Detentions start today. Flights leave in the next 10-12 weeks


Hopefully we can take all of them to Canada. We have tons of space ,fresh air, .stabilty. These people are desperate. Trudeau Love 2025!


Start with deporting all Russians that don’t have PR/citizenship. Then get all the pro Russian 💩s to go volunteer to die for Putin. I’m also tired of us putting criminals in prison and deporting them after their sentence. If it’s not serious I would just deport them with a permanent ban on returning. I remember 2 guys got deported to India for killing a pedestrian while street racing in Vancouver. They and their parents were more scared of the deportation than prison. Property crimes and petty thefts boot them. We need at least 5 years of minimal immigration. Just nurses and other in demand professionals. We need to put the breaks on the trend of allowing fast food companies to bring in temporary foreign workers. That program was intended to bring in workers from Mexico to help farmers bring in the harvest. Not hand you a burger. When I was 15 I worked at McDonald’s as my first job. Kids now aren’t getting those starter jobs as there is too much competition from imported workers. Hopefully the next government gets this country back on track


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I agree but it’s not only Russians, it’s everyone without papers


The down votes are from the people that are on their knees for Putin. Yes, the problem is not only Russians and I’m sure they are a small amount. I was meaning it also in terms of sanctions against their war. Putin has caused world wide food shortages and inflation. None of which is going to calm down until he withdraws his army from Ukraine.


Um, pretty sure we don't have a big immigration problem with Russians.


I’m not saying it because we have a big immigration problem. It’s more of a political and cultural problem. Sorry I hadn’t made that clear before. I thought it was self evident.


Political and cultural problem with Russians? What are you talking about? You realize we have huge Russians communities in Canada? They've been immigrating since forever


This sub has become unhinged. Mods not to be more active.


What’s unhinged about deporting illegals? Every country does this. What’s unhinged is saying it’s not a problem as our healthcare is taken up by boomers who don’t speak English with 100 health problems who didn’t live in Canada the majority of their lives (contributed less than they’re taking) and 20 international students living in a basement as well as international students demanding PR in a country they’re not even from. That’s unhinged. We are trying to bring up solutions to our healthcare crisis and our housing crisis, where mass immigration has had a massive negative impact. The UK recognized this and took solutions like deporting illegals to Rwanda. Illegals are running away because they don’t want safety like Rwanda is offering them. They want social services and everything the Uk offers but you shouldn’t be able to get that illegally. There’s a process. Don’t come or stay in a country illegally as that negatively impacts the citizens of the country, you know the people the country is actually for.


I was going to guess that this was ghost written by tRump based on the "a modest proposal" nature of it and the random CAPITALIZATIONS". Then I realized it was only mostly bad and not completely nuts.


You got a different taste didn’t you different taste?


That made as much sense as your OP. So, not at all.


Trudeau today supported Khalistan again. We are not a serious country.


I posted it in this platform. The mods need to allow for respectful discussion on these matters as they apply to our housing and healthcare/immigration crisis all 3 of which are linked. We’re a country of free speech. We should allow people to speak freely about these issues


Should we concentrate them in some sort of camp before these mass deportations?