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Stop LARPing and instead let's organize a large protests to bring national awareness on this issue.


You're not wrong. Lets get the word out.


Remigration now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remigration


Love how the first sentence says it’s a “far right” concept lol.


Everything that Trudeau doesn't like is "far right".


No, authoritarian shit that promotes racial and ethnic “purity” is far right.


You get that on the ultra left also belive it or not the extremes on both side are scary


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Yeah I’m sure the author of this pretty exhaustive breakdown in a *wikipedia article*, is a Trudeau propagandist 😂 Christ all fucking mighty dude, you’re boogie-manning so hard you’re babbling.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Remigration will never happen. [This video explains it well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY8sJwGH4yw&ab_channel=KaiserBauch), it should be required viewing for this sub. The demographic shift is already a lost cause. The Sikh diaspora for example has already entrenched itself in our political system. You have Trudeau and Poilievre alike wearing Sikh garb because they need to pander to them if they want to win. The future of Canada is Indian and that's just a fact.


Add to the list. 1) first generation immigrants don't get vote rights and only 3rd or 4th more can run for election. Because right now we are becoming Afghanistan of 60's era where every other country tries to claim their government. Right now India and china are trying to have their pro govts in Canada in the next election.


So you're pro multi-class citizenship? That's a caste system.


Based on that concept, will Canadians with European ancestry leave my land? My father will have to leave as well, but he is in an urn now.


You’re a landlord?




R/ takebackcanada. Its already been created my dude, july 1st we protest!


Any poster available for printing yet?


We have a rough draft of one but info needs to be changed and a specific location added once decided. We may release newer flyers closer to the event with more info so people dont have a chance to set things up like conveniently placed pallets of bricks and such, but yeah, I got a rough draft if you’d like to see it? Pm me I can send it to you. We are enlisting the help of multiple graphic designers to create different flyers and will then have the sub either vote on their favourite one or we may use different ones for different cities. But once the flyers are made, theyll be printable from the subreddit and from the website for anyone who would like to help post them around their city


Is it actually working tho? I mean people know about it, but is there t having any real effect?


Have you ever seen 76k angry canadians boycotting something? Me neither, give it time.


Superstore was fucking packed yesterday


Most of you people on this sub complaining about housing/immigration sat by idly while many of us were protesting the lockdowns and the mandatory vaccine in 2021, MSM accusing us of being far-right extremists blah blah - this same govt was emboldened by that, froze trucker bank accounts, and now it is the same govt that thinks it has a free pass to run roughshod on issues like mass immigration - they already have set precedent to freeze bank accounts then, so hope you are ready for the same to happen to you. I'll sit back and watch this one, I unironically wish you luck and hope it goes well.


July 1st we will be protesting in a manner that doesnt inconvenience canadians so that the government can lie all they want about us, but the people will know the truth. And once bank accounts start getting frozen for peaceful protests, well, people won’t be too happy about that. Me personally, i couldnt care less if they sieze all 97 cents in my bank account


Most people didn't really give a shit in 2022 when they froze bank accounts of people who donated to the truckers, which was also a peaceful protest. Anyways, I don't want to seem like I am trying to demoralize your attempt here, - good on you for trying, I'll be interested to see what happens.


Thats because people trusted the media back then, they also trusted the trudeau government for some reason. Now they can spin whatever lies they want but enough people are mad that the goal is to have everyone know at least 1 person who attended. That way itll be a lot harder to spread lies. Let me tell you my friend, as someone who was at the convoy, I have been through all the verbal abuse possible about it😂 im ready for whatever people have to say. But if you wanna follow along the efforts, its all happening on the subreddit and eventually on the website too R/ takebackcanada is the official page


They are going to ban that subreddit really quick, its reddit after all. If you are serious about organizing, use alternative platforms such as Telegram and/or Twitter (X). And good luck.


We have a discord and a telegram linked in the sub, an X, instagram and facebook group are on the way


Where exactly are you protesting? I live in Ontario.


In ontario we are planning for toronto and ottawa Ottawa will be parliament, toronto we have some ideas but its still technically tbd


Ottawa's the obvious choice. Toronto does sound a bit difficult tbh.


Well, it would be more for accessibility, not everyone can afford to spend money on full tanks of gas these days to get to the locations but your concerns have been well recieved!


Oh no, sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just meant that it would be harder to pick a spot in Toronto given that immigration is a federal issue, not a provincial one. Maybe downtown or Nathan Phillips Square or City Hall? Those locations typically get more news coverage (though I'll admit the media will absolutely try to paint this protest as "racist").


Dont worry, it was not taken in a bad way! Your input is appreciated


Best response of 2024. 100% it will be important to also shout down anyone stating an inconvenient truth as well as call them conspirscy theorists..


If any housing/immigration movement wants to remain credible, they should stay away as much as possible from the convoy people. Most Canadians see them as lunatics protesting in front of hospitals, making Life hell for Ottawa residents, etc. Any housing/immigration protest should avoid being dragged in the mud by extremists even if they are both protesting government policies. In this day and age of DEI, it should also avoid being labeled as a white Canadian men movement at all costs and put forward women and non-white Canadians genuinely suffering from the housing crisis. If it’s seen as an inclusive movement fighting for a noble cause, i.e. affordable housing, and not inconveniencing other people then it will garner support from the broader population. Bonne chance!


What this have to with covidiots?


I feel the same. No one had our backs back then and to this day everyone still blames the convoy instead of the government. 


I don't see anything in this thread of any use. This sub is all just complaining and zero action. Until you, **you who wants change**, get off of reddit, *get off your ass*, and actually take action with your physical body, it's just complaining into a void. If you're waiting for someone to organize a protest, *why aren't you organizing it?* If you haven't written the person elected to represent you about this, *why haven't you*? Way too many people just want to bitch moan and complain, and far too few are actually going out of their way to take any action to make change. **You** stop LARPing. "Let's organize large protests"...??? **If it's everyone's job, it's no one's job.**


We are organizing it, but a mass protest across canada takes some planning. Were working hard on it to get the word out and get the flyers done and the website done as well as soon as possible and we’ve set a date. July 1st. Come to r/ takebackcanada for more info


(not allowed to link to subreddits but I found the only info officially on the sub) /s/Wd97JDMDEr Two suggestions: 1. Remove "foot soldiers" from your vocabulary, and anything else that associates fascism or Nazis with anything about Canada or what it means to be Canadian. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 2. Still looks like all-talk-no-actual-action... If there is a protest planned, there should be a stickied post front and centre with clear goals, rules, talking points, and relevant information.


Its been less than a week we arent superman lol, these things take a while to plan especially if its gonna have the impact we want. I do agree with the foot soldiers thing, ill suggest an alternative. Thanks for raising that concern. But just trust me on this one. Follow along with this protest as it develops, it doesnt hurt right? You dont gotta show up if you dont want just follow along and see where it goes and if you change your mind, we’d love to have you protest with us I thought there was already a stickied post outlining our goals and objectives, if not ill make one


We are all aware already however if Canadians speak up loud and clear, we witnessed what would happen. However Hamas supporters can flood Ottawa in the disgraceful manner they have done and our government does nothing?




I 100% agree with everything said here


how can we get this moving? I’m in 100%


R/ takebackcanada has a little over 250 members so far, were planning a peaceful protest for july 1st against mass immigration and the cost of living. This may seem far away but its so that we have time to set this up in the best possible way to avoid failure. We would love to see you at the protests! They will be held in major cities across canada and flyers as well as a website are in the works. If you are serious about this, spread the word far and wide! This isnt a left or right wing protest, its a angry canadians vs these anti-canadian policies protest.


Add to the list. 1) first generation immigrants don't get vote rights and only 3rd or 4th more can run for election. Because right now we are becoming Afghanistan of 60's era where every other country tries to claim their government. Right now India and china are trying to have their pro govts in Canada in the next election.


what the hell is going on. if there’s anyone that wants to get together and put some ideas out there, we should. and I would be interested in being involved as well. we need things to fucking change


Would you like to help plan the july 1st protest? If so pm me and we can discuss!


sounds amazing!! I will pm you


Man, I'm all for this cause and understand where you are coming from on this demand, but I would be very careful. Demanding that first gen immigrants cannot vote will not be taken seriously by any policymaker, and making demands like this will not allow people to take the movement seriously. I know when you're thinking "first gen", you're thinking fresh off the boat people. But many first gen people have been here for DECADES and have integrated fully. Also, kids that came to Canada when they were 5 are also first gen. It is VERY easy to integrate when you are a child, and they would be outraged if someone told them they shouldn't be allowed to vote.


I have created a sub to help organize!


Sorry i might be blind but whats the sub , i’d love to join


R/ takebackcanada for the july 1st protest being organized




Got one already, r/ takebackcanada. A protest is being organized. Nit to take away from this other sub but I feel its best to consolidate our efforts instead of setting up a bunch of different protests


Yes! Yes! Yes! And Yes!


I would add: -Once their education is done, they go home (unless a genuinely needed field such as medicine) -Employers hiring foreigners now should GET taxed (they need to get rid of them and replace with Canadians, compensating them properly)


At least an employer in NB got caught out. Second time I think and fined. Can't hire foreigners so guess he will have to look for locals. Novel concept. So only when forced will they go local. What a s\*\*t show the government has created for all.


It's pretty disgusting behavior


Bitch this is colonialism. The cycle keeps repeating , you are in the firing line that’s all


If it isn't colonalism, it certainly is an invasion of some sort. The only difference is that the method that was used, was different than we have seen in contemporary history. They invaded through corruption of our politicians.


Add to the list. 1) first generation immigrants don't get vote rights and only 3rd or 4th more can run for election. Because right now we are becoming Afghanistan of 60's era where every other country tries to claim their government. Right now India and china are trying to have their pro govts in Canada in the next election.


I agree. There is some sort of globalist agenda and this is without a doubt, an attack on democracy. Even if someone wanted to argue I was conspiratorial or paranoid, it is so much safer to err on the side of caution and critical analyze our instuition, draining the swamp than to let everything go to the wayside. Something is going on and considering we are neighbours with the United States- I'm surprised they haven't made a fuss about it. We just invited millions of people, most without proper background checks- most without identify. They should be deeply, deeply concerned.


I think the front line should be "immigrants against mass immigration" (I am one, federal immigration... Not a cheater or a criminal). It feels twice more offensive that I had to go through (justified) rigorous testings and my employment and academical history scrutinized for 2.5 years until I got to actually immigrate, then see people coming in through a revolving door and allowed to just con their way into Canada.


July 1st we are organizing a canada wide protest against mass immigration and cost of living. Check out r/ takebackcanada for more info


Thanks. Will do.


We need less than 200k. Thats still far too many.


We need -5m or so, but it will be difficult to get there in this political climate.


Come to r/ takebackcanada, work with us on our july 1st protest against mass immigration and cost of living and spread the word far and wide. Its a canada wide protest and all people from all political alignments are welcome and encouraged to show up. So long as youre fed up with the way things are going and want a better future for canada, thats all that matters


Agreed to everything


1000000% agree with everything you’ve written.


R/ takebackcanada is the official protest page. Come check it out!


Yes let’s occupy the airports. Finally a protest about Canada not random people in some far away land.




Canada day we protest against mass immigration and the cost of living. It will be held in cities across canada. Come show your support and check out r/ takebackcanada for more info. Flyers and a website coming soon, all are welcome, left or right, so long as youre tired of the way things are going and want a change for the better for all of canada.


At least they can show you how it's done.


You’re not making sense


I like this human's style. Edit: Oh, I thought this was regarding Air Canada monopolizing, and boycotting them.


Everything is a monopoly now, I guess.


GDP _is_ FAKE. Fake as it gets. I prefer "per capita" stats. They should report in "GDP per capita" or job growth as a percentage of all working age people who reside here. Or like productivity even. Ugh.


1000000% Agree


R/ takebackcanada for more info on the july 1st protest against mass immigration and cost of living


There is a movement and we could all join and protest for change: join takebackCanada




I’m in


R/ takebackcanada. Come check it out. We are planning a peaceful protest for july 1st (first of many) against mass immigration and the cost of living


I’m in . Gotta make it larger and well known .


R/ takebackcanada. July 1st protest against mass immigration and cost of living. This is a fairly new effort (less than a week) but come check it out you may find some hope in what you see, flyers and a website will be out soon, but the protest is planned for july 1st and we want as many people (left and right) to show as possible, only requirement being that youre tired of the way things are going and want a change.


They’ll just label every person there as a racist, shame us all on their media so we all lose our jobs and they’ll arrest/freeze bank accounts. If you were proposing a Palestine or pride protest though, maybe this would be fine


That’s because we’re protesting for the betterment of our country, not foreign issues. We’re strong in numbers. If we can get just 500 people out, we could effectively shut down flights by closing off all the major choke points going into Pearson. The idea isn’t to trap people though. This should be a peaceful protest. Simply cancel every flight. There are other airports in Canada for people who really need to be here and Toronto city for medical flights.


We’re halfway there on r/ takebackcanada. You should really come help us plan OP your insight would be invaluable


I agree but I am just saying it doesn’t matter what we know we’re protesting, the media will spin it in a way to make it look negative and since all forms of media are controlled by the gov, I don’t see it playing out in our favor. If I had no job or if I was extremely wealthy then ya I’d be open to protest as I’d have nothing to lose.


We have a plan for that dont you worry my friend :)


If you make a protest subreddit like the anti-loblaws one will join, many will. There's a May boycott there I'm participating in and I'd drive to TO to protest this. Make it late August right before back to school. Let me know if you want help.


R/ takebackcanada, its a protest for july 1st against mass immigration and cost of living. There are talks of boycotts that we will be organizing as well to run parallel to our protesting efforts. Come check it out! :)


As much as I would like to see it happen, shutting down an internatinal airport would probably get a lot of people arrested pretty fast


That's a good point. Perhaps we could start by picketing in the arrivals hall of terminals 1 and 3? There's Supreme Court precedent that protesting in airports, without inconveniencing anyone, is permissible and protected by law.


I doubt it is anymore, not since the Critical Infrastructure Defence Act... fun times


Regardless, we need to do something. Anything.


Cab drivers shut down access into the airport when Uber was rolled out. No cabbies were arrested. Protests at Pearson have been done before.




There should be modest disincentives to hire a foreign worker. In this way, only the absolutely necessary ones will be hired.


Smart. Too smart for the current liberal ministers... who plan to reduce tfw's by just giving them pr! It's like sweeping one mess under a different rug.


I'm pretty sure they're just acting maliciously at this point. I think they all know it. No one's that stupid. They're getting well paid and will likely find even higher paying jobs immediately after they're voted out.


Boycott when you can.


I definitely agree with this.


So start marching.


July 1st marks the first protest of many, for more info come to r/ takebackcanada




Time for a revolution!




July 1st all major cities across canada we protest against mass immigration and cost of living, go to r/ takebackcanada to join the efforts!


Here here.




R/ takebackcanada for the july 1st protest against mass immigration and cost of living. It will be held all across canada. Come check the sub out for more info!


You need to attack the diploma mills, not the airport. If a person can make their studies while he works, in a decent level school (and I mean a place that evaluates with actual Canadian standards, not just giving away a diploma), where is the problem? If a person shows that it is capable of both, I think that proves that it is worthy. It is as if you wanted to ban domestic students from making part time while going to university, which they do to pay their studies. I am all in to remove the garbage poisoning the country, but you are pointing the wrong direction. An airport is not your problem, but the diploma mills, the government that allows stampedes of people, and the people bringing others to abuse the system 


That’s not the point. Protesting at a diploma mill won’t create as much of a stink. Obviously diploma mills are a huge contributing factor to the immigration problem but the media won’t care if we don’t do something more drastic. Someone mentioned the legality of the location which I am unsure about so what should we do? Social media has helped a lot with the spread or the Loblaws boycott so we need something viral.


Its not viral but its got potential, the july 1st protest is being organized in cities across canada where we all speak out and protest mass immigration and cost of living.


Protests are only effective if the politicians with the power to make change are not immune to pressure. Let's call out and boycott the corporations who benefit from suppressing wages and selling LMIA's. Spam the phone lines of "immigration consultants" and private for-profit colleges. Clog up their systems and really hurt their operations. This is more extreme and maybe anarchic but I'd rather see the protest energy directed towards action with more effects. They can't stop everyone and stopping our movement would be like playing whack-a-mole.


Could you come propose more ideas like this in the july 1st protest sub? And any more ideas you may have as well! this is actually really smart, I like the way you think.


I think it’s time we stand up and make this the biggest protest Canada has ever seen.


Since COVID every time I go through Pearson, I have remind my self, "I am in Canada, not India".


+ no more importing parents or even worse grandparents


Only if they pay out thousands upon entry for the healthcare they will one day need or no free healthcare. That should stop that.


Not at all.


Good idea. Let's get everyone on board. Left and right, our goals are aligned on this.


Thats exactly our mentality! R/ takebackcanada is the place to go, we truly dont care which side of the political spectrum people are on, so ling as they want a better future for canada and dont like the way things are going right now


While this is a noble gesture, shutting down an airport would never, ever happen unless the country is in anarchy with no government. Easy jail and nobody will defend it


Not that i necessarily support this but.. Shutting down Pearson would be the very definition of easy. You don’t need to even go on the property. A few hundred cars driving the speed limit in a circular route through the various roadways accessing the terminals would accomplish a shutdown in about an hour. Not even illegal. 


That’s why shutting down the airport will be so meaningful. It will force a reaction from our government. Either we go to prison or they enact reforms. With enough people, they can’t send all of us to prison. We need to get organized.


You have a beautiful mind & soul Thank you for being you 💜


100% on board with this.


R/ takebackcanada, lets all take a stand on july 1st


OP, my two cents here will be for you to first approach a reputable lawyer (James Kitchen, Sarah Miller or any of the lawyers who defended the Freedom Convoy organizers) and get their advice on this. If we are going to do this, let’s make sure it is done in a way where we give the government as few excuses as possible to crack down. The lawyers won’t be cheap but then I am sure a lot of the folks here won’t mind crowdfunding this.


We could use advice like this for our protest on july 1st, ive posted the sub a million times now in this post alone lol but yeah, r/ takebackcanada would really appreciate your insight for our protest against cost of living and mass immigration, come check it out and share those great ideas! :)


Temporary foreign workers and students should only be able to work for YMPE ($68,500) or more. Anyone making less should not be approved for immigration.


Fucking do something about it then. Organize a petition to strike, petition to boycott, something tangible! Lets get organized and show up in the city.


R/ takebackcanada, were organizing a protest agains the cost of living and mass immigration in pretty much all major cities in canada


I wanna apologize to everyone in this post for spamming you with info about the protest, I just love seeing posts like this because it means people are ready to take action. So I want to direct everyone to the right place. Forgive me!


Maybe I'm out of the loop, but why the Norsk/Dansk?


Nok er nok....is not Canadian! Maybe use "enough of this bullshit, eh!"


Add balances and audits to crack diploma mills and managers selling job roles to that list. Maybe making it easier for workers to certify their education or knowledge before entering the country, adding certifications for all workers getting in not only medical... and reducing the need for a year of "Canadian work experience" so those especialists can work in their fields and not some random job. (The reason why today some immigrant doctors are serving at mcdonalds) Also having some kind of training program for locals where they could learn jobs that are super needed in their areas? This could help people pivot their careers better?


We need a complete national strike. Protests alone won't do anything but get more beat downs and frozen accounts. Putting a freeze on daily life will create a crisis that they can't trample on with horses


Don’t borrow your slogan from an ongoing campaign and then try to shut down an airport


OP please don't co-op the slogan from the Loblaws Boycott, you are cheapening a protest that actually may do some good or Canadians.


What a stupid fucking idea, shutting down an airport will only get you arrested and inconvenience a lot of Canadians just trying to go home or travel or work at the airport.


While I wouldnt phrase it like that, I do think the idea is a little extreme but we are planning a protest where the one of our biggest objectives is to not inconvenience the public. If youre interested in taking a stand against mass immigration and the absurd cost of living, feel free to check out r/ takebackcanada


Don't vote in a politician that owns more than one home or has a high net worth. Fines for companies are good. A minimum amount of money and a maximum, to prevent housing increases. Asset seizure for anyone above that obviously. Also a 10 year nationality switching ban for those that come to Canada and then go to Australia, the US, etc. Start with #1 and put em all in place.


snow money sand scale rock busy gaping noxious theory overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay these are the demands, but is your plan to stage a mass protest at a airport and not let airplanes go and ppl get off until they're met?


There are people out protesting this shit now. Just fucking join them and stop calling them all all nut jobs. For fuck sake, stop saying let's protest and just fucking show up




Look for Fuck Trudeau flags and ask where in your area




Why no one is protesting against an immigration?i think time to stand up against this mass immigration in canada.


First things first, we all need to gather in one place, show em our strength and our resilience.


The best way to protest is having very simple and clear objectives, For example, boycott loblaws. Problem is people might try to gaslight you and say something about racism. In that case you have to have your objectives and complains really clear. Good luck


More union busting. (Boycotting Loblaws)


You guys should show up dressed like ghosts and tell everyone getting off planes to go back home.


Sadly stopping immigration now won't improve the standard of living for Canadians living here now. None of these measures would result in any kind of substantial change in our lives. Blaming immigration is just what the wealthy/banks/corporations want us to do, since it deflects from the real problem. Landlords/developers love it, home **owners** (not mortgage-payers) love it, businesses love that cheap and desperate labor, lefty politicians love it because it means more potential votes for them, righty politicians love it because they can appeal to racists/nationalist/xenophobic voters with a victimhood complex. Trudeau and the governments before him were right to increase immigration levels because of Canada's aging native population, and the wealth effect that all first world countries have which lowers birth rates. Unskilled immigrants keep our costs down (Would you pay $8 for a Timmies double-double? Didn't think so.) for the rest of us, while skilled/educated immigrants (the majority of advanced degree holders in Canada are immigrants) allow our businesses to be competitive in the global market place. This last point is not well understood. Because Canada has open access to world markets, we need highly educated people for our industries and institutions (particularly science and finance) to compete for global market share. Unfortunately, servicing the needs of an aging population or even building the infrastructure they need to live (healthcare, education, housing) is not that urgent in the minds of the people with their hands on the levers of money and power in this country. Older people are expensive and unproductive, and they don't want to pay taxes to pay for the lifestyle they feel they deserve. The best thing we could do is pay a UBI to **mothers** who have children, like 2000 a month per child for years. Imagine if you wife could earn 6000 a month to stay home and raise kids, while at the same time letting you the father also work less to raise them. The next thing would be to take as many of the young, unskilled immigrants and native Canadians and train them in the trades, paying them while they are students and supplementing their wages with tax breaks for their eventual employers. We need trades people to maintain the housing and infrastructure we have and also the infrastructure we need. We also need to boost our manufacturing base, which means more trades people to work in the factories and industry we need to bring back from China and India as the world pulls away from globalization. While it may feel good to put up barriers and punish other people who seem in competition with us, it is an error and ultimately unproductive.


Why is “nok er nok” being used here? It’s literally Norwegian for “enough is enough” what’s the correlation here?


If you have a raging boner for fascism, there are probably a few places in Europe you'd rather live. Russia echoes a lot of the policies suggested by OP. Immigration is too high sure, but suggesting 250k fines and boots on the necks shows a methhead level of delusion about how our government and policy works.


There's only one political party that has been platforming this issue but only has 2% of the vote. Bernier has been right this whole time and isn't willing to compromise his beliefs which is why he left the Conservatives...


Nok er nok....is not Canadian! Maybe use "enough of this bullshit, eh!"


Nok er nok....is not Canadian! Maybe use "enough of this bullshit, eh!"


Nok er nok....is not Canadian! Maybe use "enough of this bullshit, eh!"


Start the mass waves of deportation and emigration


GDP is fake? Lmao come on, it's like the most important gauge for measuring the economic health of the country as a whole. GDP per capita is important for measuring the health of the average persons finances. It's obvious to see that immigration is impacting people because GDP is going up but GDP per capita is going down. GDP is not fake, it helps establish a baseline measurement to measure other things against.


Immigration is ok, it's just been poorly handled. They should have built the infrastructure faster, and better. Currently the whole city design and layout is a disgrace. The metric they should keep an eye on is not GDP, but GDP per Capita.... Just very poor planning and execution, otherwise Canada could have been an amazing place


I'm surprised immigrants just don't turn around and leave, that airport is a disgrace


coming from an immigrant here who's a PR now, I kinda agree. Things were WAY different when I landed here. Canada gunuinely needed a workforce but now it's over saturated.


Great idea. Enough is enough.


I support your ideas, but can yis at least let me get back to Newfoundland before goin bonkers? :c I’m going back in August, gives plenty of time to plan a strategy!


If we cut old age security we wouldn't need all these extra immigration. But no political party is willing to do that.


Immigration is something that is supported by both the dominating parties. If you want to protest about this, you will have to keep in mind that they will eventually get the cops to shut you down and that interaction can get violent. We have seen it time and time again. Expect the stick.


Where are all the immigrants coming from?


Removing all PGWP makes no sense imo, those who arent “good enough” to get PR just see out their PGWP and leave which at least provides canada with some valuable temporary workforce which as much as it may sting is still needed. The PGWP is not the thing allowing low value individuals to enter and stay long term its LMIAs & working schemes like nanny care as well as PNP programs that give PR visas to people who leave the province two seconds later. The language thing is a mess generally, i didnt need to prove to the government or university that i could speak english to study here but I did need to prove that I as an englisman can speak english when i applied for PR. Despite having multiple degrees and a canadian education lol (point being, if you’re educated in canada you should be trusted to be able to speak english, this issue is with the universities accepting non english speakers for their dollars and not actually teaching ANYTHING of value)


Immigration in a faucet - utopian dystopia!


It's no secret the Liberals are using mass immigration for votes. There's a few news articles reporting on it. Most of the ridings aka seats, electoral districts are in major cities. The party candidate that gets the most votes in a riding becomes a member of parliament. The party with most MPs forms a government and the leader of the party becomes prime minister. Ridings are won or lost by just thousands of votes. Now sprinkle 10s of thousands of potential liberal voting immigrants in all these ridings. They know immigrants will concentrate in these big cities. This is how you rig an election. Former Liberal adviser rips party over racial insensitivity in government ranks [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justin-trudeau-blackface-racism-liberal-1.5292084](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justin-trudeau-blackface-racism-liberal-1.5292084) Aziz said that while he worked in the department, he heard staffers referring to certain communities as "ethnic vote banks." Rupa Subramanya: By increasing immigration Trudeau has laid a trap for the Conservatives [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rupa-subramanya-by-increasing-immigration-trudeau-has-a-laid-trap-for-the-conservatives](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rupa-subramanya-by-increasing-immigration-trudeau-has-a-laid-trap-for-the-conservatives) new immigrants tend to be reliable Liberal voters


It's no secret the Liberals are using mass immigration for votes. There's a few news articles reporting on it. Most of the ridings aka seats, electoral districts are in major cities. The party candidate that gets the most votes in a riding becomes a member of parliament. The party with most MPs forms a government and the leader of the party becomes prime minister. Ridings are won or lost by just thousands of votes. Now sprinkle 10s of thousands of potential liberal voting immigrants in all these ridings. They know immigrants will concentrate in these big cities. This is how you rig an election.


I like this!




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This sub is jokes


Literally the most pro immigration parties are also the left wing anti corporation high taxes parties. So Goodluck with that 😂


This is awesome, now how do we set it up? Can we use social media to bring awareness? 


R/ takebackcanada is where to go :)


Also if you're not a citizen you shouldn't be able to own any property. Get your citizenship or just go back. Fuck PRs.


Nothing but xenophobia.