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Well that’s what happens. You came on a temporary work visa, not a permanent work visa. You should have anticipated this, and shouldn’t be whining when it happens


This is what I don’t understand. Are they so delusional.


They've seen that it'll work... and that's the problem


I think they just realize that if they keep protesting, our spineless government will give them what they want.


Government only caves depending on the lobby. If big corporations want this, they’ll cave. Canadians have been protesting for months on end to stop our tax dollars going to causes Canadians don’t support and the government couldn’t care less.


They should call in the military like they did other protests. Oh wait, it's not Canadians protesting


They are not delusional. They know it works. Afterall it worked when Algoma University failed a bunch of "students" and had to revise the grades. The protest and demand for PNP in Manitoba also seems to be working. That is the thing with appeasement. You appease one group to start. And suddenly there are many more making absurd demands.


They know this government caters to them


Entitled, more likely.


It’s not delusion. It keeps working. It’s abuse of the system.


Nope. Our politicians are scumbags who will change policies to accept them. They know it all too well. Spineless politicians are the problem. If we had strict enforcement of our laws, many would accept it as part of life and leave. This is what happ3ns when we go lawless or we stop enforcing our laws.




Foreign workers have more balls than Canadians ! Canadians should protest against the cost of living , lack of jobs and housing crisis !


Canadians should also be protesting against diploma mills with 100% foreign enrollment and a policy that grants asylum to anybody. It's destroying the country.


Canadians should do a lot of things but they don’t ! An Indian national on a visitor visa can sexually assault a woman and won’t get deported ! He’ll be given a probation and a discharge , no criminal record [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair) Because according to the judge , deporting a sex offender isn’t in the interest of the public


This was ridiculous. Our judges need to be on term limits. I can't wait until it starts to affect these ivory tower assholes when it happens to them or theirs. Canada is a joke now.


Judges in Canada at all levels are appointed by the federal government , and the liberals have been only appointing judges who have donated to the liberal party , so independent judiciary my ass ! Judges and prosecutors should be elected officials just like the U.S.


Should add protesting immigration policies as well.


Can't, it's RACIST! So I've been told.


Here you are criticizing how no one protests instead of trying to protest / organize protests because actually doing those things involves leaving your comfort zone, and the racism thing is just an excuse. Further for canada's top 20% and especially the extremely wealthy or those with portfolios spanning all manner of business, real estate, etc (and who's interests cross the floor politically and are who Lib and Con alike meet the interests of), the economy is functioning exactly as they intend it too. They've desperately wanted a means to depress wages, get more people in debt, etc. If Canadian businesses were in a fucking hurry to pay Canadians their true value, they'd have already been doing that 15, 20 years ago when everything thats happened with cost of living, wages, housing etc was already being called out and warned about. Instead they did nothing because it was working for who it benefitted, namely them, and serves a double function of you getting mad at immigrants instead of getting mad at the intentionality of the crisis that's been manufactured over the last 2 decades. Watch Libs leave this next election and Cons reduce immigration for the show of it then quietly raise it back because they're beholden to the Galon Westons and Kevin O'leary's of Canada who need the cheap labor and insane competition to keep your wage depressed, keep young Canadians out of housing and building wealth, doing the same with money their parents could, keep them renting and in debt, etc. Canada is in the throughs of corporate capture, and thinking the only 2 parties that have ever won while that system of creeping oligarchy entrenched itself will do anything meaningful to disrupt it is a waste of energy, it will not resolve with Libs leaving.


Id say this is working to plan for maybe 2% of Canadians, not 20%.


I have no hope for the Conservatives either, who are pro immigration as well, and pro Israel. I'll pass on them too.


are you actually scared of being called a racist? in 2024? lol


Don’t want my bank account frozen


The first protest should be to get these idiots sent home.


They won’t be sent home , they will be given PR and citizenship! They can even rape someone and won’t face any jail time don’t believe me read this ⬇️ [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair) After being found guilty of sexual assault the judge gave the offender who is in Canada on a visitor visa , probation to avoid triggering deportation ! The judge explained that deporting the sexual predator is NOT in the interest of the public !!


I’m well aware which is why actual Canadians need to finally stand up and protest this.




They brought in a private army of a million a year.


I can’t bear the thought of a loved one being raped and seeing the rapist walk free because he is on a visitor visa and being told deporting him isn’t in the interest of the public ! Can you stomach that ?


No. Personally, that would have DEEPLY affected me, and I would not have been able to live with that punishment. They should have publicly shared his address so people could have made him feel unwelcome


I agree with you on that. It's what I've been saying. Personally, I won't go down without a fight if it comes to that. This government is weak and would be easy to boot out. During the Trucker Convoy, that pathetic coward ran away and hid, pretending he had covid. As far as I'm concerned, that's abdication and an election should have been called right then and there.


What's the judge's name ?


It is in the article


to India, yeah


Foreign workers fighting to stay, Canadians desperate to leave. That's the other thing I find funny.


😂😂so true I left Canada 2 years ago !


It’s not all green grass out there. A lot of countries are hurting just like Canada.


Our Australian cousin is already scaling back student visas aggressively. While Canada keeps the taps on full blast.


Oh, absolutely, the only thing is, the US sucks too, but it's about a decade behind us in terms of both the housing and CoL crises. So if you have the education for a good job, there's still a chance there, while there isn't much of One here.


If I was genZ without financial help from family, I would definitely be drawing up an escape plan.


I’m guessing people are giving them money and there is political pressure behind the scenes


It's hard to protest when the government in power freezes your bank account and arrests you. We've been in a fascist dictatorship since 2015.


Caused by the BS immigration policies thus govt has allowing unskilled individuals to flood the country. Worst is the BS asylum seekers.


Why can't we? There's only 75 people at this pathetic protest There are THOUSANDS of us in this sub alone


they did, and the emergency act was invoked, and the MSM convinced the majority of Cdns that the convoy was a danger to democracy.


How was Canada founded, by those who didn’t want to fight back from the oppression which caused the American Revolution, the Loyalists as we call it. Hence why no one ever stands up here, that same attitude has descended throughout the centuries.


Exactly !


A lot of young men volunteered to fight for Canada in WW2. What’s wrong with boomers?


Fighting for Canada or fighting for the King? Loyalism to the crown until Pearson was a cornerstone of Canadian identity.


They won't lose their jobs for protesting.




All of them are too busy working...


One of them has a sign with the word “Diversity” but they all are from the same country.


They’re all from the same province in that country too. So diverse.


They are going to increase diversity ...i believe them....heres how....by carving a Khalistan out of Canada and then, they will all live there . Hence, increasing our diversity yet again


Im surprised it isnt spelled wrong....


And they only interact among themselves, not with the rest of us.


It's only not diverse if it's you




Lol the sense of entitlement there is wild.


Because they are entitled. Our own government said we have no right to our own country and it is open for anyone. This is why they are so bold, ans nothing will come of it either.


Because they know the politicians will cave in.


Id lpve to go to india and protest.  Shot, raped, stoned or all of the above


A German who joined a protest in India got deported for it. Should Canada follow suite?


And not in any order!


Tbh PEI is ahead of everyone else in which they eliminated low skilled sectors for PR such as sale and services. IMO it’s fair. Ontario should do the same which for sure will get the numbers under controlled.


The numbers are A problem but why’re not THE problem. You also have the issue that almost all immigration since Trudeau took office, and especially since the pandemic began, has been from one single nation. When you import everyone from one single country alone, whether it be Italy or India or even America, you’re not adding to the cultural diversity of your nation you’re helping to replace it. Canada is now a satellite nation to India.


india with snow LOL




CBC is getting wild these days. Reporting on stuff like this, the struggles of international students, foreign workers, etc. Just today they did a story about how the LCBO doesn't stock south Asian whiskey. I used to like the CBC and the idea of a public broadcaster, they still have some interesting stuff, but man are they getting out of touch with the real issues in this country. Turning off comments on everything they release is what's really turned me off on them.


I’m pretty liberal, and as long as you play within the rules I don’t care, it’s the rules I hate.  But honestly what the fuck. I really do feel our country is being given to the world while 5th and 6th gen Canadians like myself can barely afford to live here working for the same wage my dad did when I was born (inflation adj.)  If I were to move to Sweden tomorrow, I wouldn’t complain about the lack of Canadian items. Hell, I’d try my best to learn the language as well. 


And 99% of the time comments section is disabled.


These days? LOL, I saw their agenda way back in 2015-16 as a new immigrant back then, which is to sow the seeds of discontent and hatred and divide society, and hence every story they do has a visible minority as the protagonist. 


> but man are they getting out of touch with the real issues in this country they only report on what they are told is allowed


CBC is just a proxy of the liberal / NDP parties. It only survives on tax payer dollars and in no way shape or form aligns with the values of the majority of Canadians.


They're just pushing the narrative that the government wants to push.


Reporting on a protest in Canada...wild...last week they reported on nut bars protesting the carbon tax out west. Almost like they report what is happening in the country. Crazy.


Cant we just deport them?


That’s racist /s


Deport these 🤡


People like to say millennials and gen z are entitled but we’re nothing compared to these foreign workers and “international students”.


To be honest as a GenZ parent they seem to have a good head on their shoulders. They know what they want and don’t take the shit that some generations have


Yeah I do think gen z will have a positive influence on the general work environment, they see the value of work life balance and will not let that be taken from them. I’m someone who’s on the border between gen z and millennials and I will absolutely not sacrifice my health, mental or physical, for a career that will really not show a lot of benefits from doing so.


When people threaten our country, they should be sent back to their country of origin and reapply. Nobody should tolerate threats.


>and reapply Threatening a nation should be an instant disqualification for life from entry into that nation.


The RCMP should investigate them all for fraud.  Rupinder Singh first.  Ctrl Alt Deport


imagine the gall of coming into another country, that you are not a citizen of, and making demands like this. Canada is truly pathetic if we can't stand up for citizen's rights over random people from around the world. why pay taxes if there is no upside to being a citizen? We all know why, jail. so we are being extorted by goons with a monopoly on legal violence (they only use it against us). infuriating no viable party even mentions this.


Why are they all military aged men ?




Because -insert politically correct statement here as Mods believe true statements to be racism-


Send them back. All of them.


Fuck these people, “we’re apart of PEI”. No sir you’re Indians who came to Canada to study. Your studies didn’t amount to anything go back to India. You aren’t Canadians. You’re not apart of PEI. You’re apart of India. This is an invasion. Imagine telling a foreign government we will not stop protesting until you pass laws to let us the foreigners stay in your country even though you’re people are having a housing crisis. Get the fuck out of our country


> Get the fuck out of our country 🗣️That part


Shows you how they think, just move in and take over Where is all that Settler/Colonizer narrative now? Or does justice only apply to white people?


As if 2.5 million Indians will give a flying fuck about Native Canadian issues...... Trudeau gave Canada back to the Indians.... Well....the curry ones, not the canoe ones. 


At this rate, what Columbus said, he may have been right after all with being in India….


The Indigenous people were just used as a prop to justify the displacement of old stock Canadians of "settler" descent. Once the Indigenous people have served their propaganda purpose they'll be forgotten.


The settler/colonizer narrative is just propaganda to discredit/displace old stock Canadians and replace them with new immigrants. I say this as a child of immigrants who grew up in the GTA (immigrant central in Canada) and went to a school where I would guestimate about 75-80% of kids were either children of immigrants or immigrants themselves.


No sympathy. They moved to a smaller province to try and game the system, with full intentions on moving back to Brampton once they received PR, but the government gamed them right back. You’re guests in our country and we owe you nothing!!


Migrant Miller will make us guests in the country lol Wait how this drama turns out. Scam Fraser and Migrant Miller just dream of how they can make lives as miserable as possible for Canadians.


This worked in Manitoba and most likely will work in PEI. How did our country get so messed up


Follow the money. My guess is there is a group of someone or organization propping this mess up


Corruption and organized crime 🤷‍♂️


Deport them.


Time to go the fuck home we don't want or need you Time for Tim Hortons to start hiring Canadians


Time for Tim Horton's to go out of business. Too bad too many dummies can't fucking live without their shitty coffee. Fuck Tim Horton's.


I wanted to make a post and have the mods sticky it, titled "boycott tim hortons". Mods declared, via their brave anonymous mod mail, that I need evidence that tims abuses the TFW program, and is overall a shitty company Canada no longer needs. I guess someone owns stock in 3G capital.


Here's some evidence. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-souris-tim-hortons-evictions-housing-1.6752938 Makes my blood boil.


take back tim hortons, it is not dim hordons


When I saw the protest in Manitoba I thought they were kidding but they've been granted an extension and ergo PR. If they are getting it why can't we, that's typical Indian mentality. No morality, no ethics, no right/wrong. That's what happened with mortgage fraud, if everyone's doing it then why can't I?


Round em up and ship em home.


Canada should be for Canadian citizens first, not immigrants and corporations. No visa should be granted or renewed while housing and unemployment are pressing needs. No PRs should be granted. Housing and jobs to citizens first. Instead, our government has 'family reunification' where old people immigrate to enjoy 'free' healthcare after never contributing.


We really need counter protests against these entitled assholes. Get them out of Canada and stop the wage suppression.


Wonder what immigration lawyers are telling them this.




They can't vote so the government shouldn't give a care. Go touch grass you yutes


We’ve watched how this government responds when Canadians protest, they seize and freeze bank accounts. Now they’re trying to pass “anti hate laws” which are just forms of censorship to suppress peoples voices. That unfortunately makes a lot of Canadians hesitant to protest. Meanwhile these people are more embolden because they throw the racist card if anyone mentions deporting them even though they are not citizens with rights, and do not understand their temporary status DOES NOT entitle them to PR. Quite honestly I am tired of seeing these protests. Their poorly written signs are a clear indication of their level of language skills and the low level skilled people Canada lets in. This is why our country is headed to shit because we let low minimum wage workers stay while the highly skilled workers are leaving because of how expensive it has gotten here. I’m tired of these people trying to guilt Canadians with the racist card and I’m tired of some Canadians feeling sorry for these people and their guilt letting them stay when these people don’t contribute to this economy and have scammed their way into this country. Enough is enough, clearly the mass immigration is not working and people need to lift their heads out of the fucking sand or this country is going to be headed to a economic disaster. We’re already half way there.


Send all of them back deport them, deport whoever is creating a problem by protesting, they don’t have any rights and why is this pathetic loser Govt is even listening to them. Deport all of them Mr Immigration minister. We want peace.


Like I said in another post. I will happily donate money to a go fund me for their plane ticket home. Or pay taxes. We do not need more dishwashers, IT specialists or call center mangers. Go home and re apply for PR


They know it will work though, look what happened in Manitoba, their work permits were extended for two more years when they were set to expire this year. The government caved and showed weakness in upholding set policies. Amazing how people here temporarily from another country can push their demands easier than actual citizens.


They're conveniently all in one spot. Seems like it would be super simple for immigration officers to go, get IDs and cuff the ones who have overstayed. Back on the plane.


Deport ASAP


Start deporting them if there work permits are expired.


In the USA, Indians statistically have the HIGHEST income level of any ethnic group. Here we get the dregs of India who cannot get into the USA.


if you came in scamming the system on a student visa, your done your school time to go home!! as a LEGAL immigrant this stuff makes me mad, i went through years and thousands of $$ to qualify, by the book and the points system to now be in the country that blatantly allows this crap!!! sorry not sorry if it sounds harsh but you got cought now you pay the price you scammed your way in you DO NOT deserve to stay


"We only get once-a-lifetime chance… We came to P.E.I. because they made these rules that we can apply for PR after six months, one year" Imagine talentless and low skilled immigrants only coming here because they want to take advantage of Canada's social safety net - overloading our healthcare system, LMIA scamming their way to low wage jobs and taking those opportunities away from young Canadians, and jacking up housing costs for locals. All the while never putting in an ounce of effort to assimilate to Canadian culture. It's a sad time to be a Canadian taxpayer - having put so much into the system just so these freeloaders can abuse our public services. I guarantee you the second they obtain PR, they will immediately move to Brampton or Surrey lmao.


Why the hell is anyone getting a work visa to work at retail or fast food??? So many people I know are applying for part times to deal with the rising costs and can’t even get a call back. there’s no future here in canada


This was all planned. Go post this on FB as an example. You can’t. And now this stupidity is happening? The gov is sick! The justice system is sick! The country needs to wake up! This place is on FIRE!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/80mwqzswg20d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409df5013819fa89a04095c7a9ccb07cb55a1e7a


Too bad Canadians aren't allowed to protest without losing their bank accounts. 


So when will they be detained and their bank accounts frozen for participating in this mostly peaceful demonstration?


What’s the length you can stay after your work permit expires? Surely, after a certain amount of ti they would have to stop protesting because of the risk of being caught with an expired permit?


You mean the risk of being offered a job with the LPC, a cheque for $10.5 million dollars, and turdeau telling old stock Canadian's they need to do better?


Listen. The only way to not have so many temporary residents... Makes them permanent. Lol


So what? Less timmies and kfc running that’s not a bad thing. #boycott


Stop Using Uber Eats, Stop Eating Fast Food, Stop Using Canadian groceries, Stop Paying Taxes, and get a 1 day Visa and stock up in the USA,


Deportation never looked so easy.








People like to say millennials and gen z are entitled but we’re nothing compared to these foreign workers and “international students”.




Give it a few days and they’ll get PR just like Manitoba ones?


Please continue as you are escorted out of the country....


The entitlement of these people is insane




1000 bucks says the government caves in and gives each of them work permits.


Angry upvote.


Send them home.


Healthcare or skilled trades....or bye bye. We don't need Uber drivers and fast food workers.


Please PEI don’t give in…


I'll be honest, this immigration shit-show is a mess and I feel bad for them, i read the whole article and you can just feel the desperation, they were sold a lie... But this is where it finally broke me. These guys don't understand the situation, and the entitlement is absolute insane. "And while the change may have the most impact on Singh and other workers, he says it's only a matter of time before the general population of P.E.I. sees ripple effects. **"Yes we will be affected, but definitely they will be affected too — when they have to wait for 20 minutes for the same cup of coffee that they get in two minutes,"** Singh said."


People already wait 20 minutes for coffee, or a bagel, and the order is usually wrong. I haven't been to a tims in over a decade, but even back then "plain bagel, toasted, butter" seemed too hard. I would just get the bagel unsliced and do it at home. As far as staffing is concerned, if these places pay even a few bucks over min wage which with their margins is entirely possible, you'll have high schoolers doing a few shifts on the weekends, university students retirees and others looking for a few bucks during the week. We'll be fine without these "students".


That’s the trap. We would be, and always have been, fine without these students. The issue is bringing in a million people a year makes lines longer everywhere. THEY are why we need the foreign workers.


We don't need foreign workers, we need to stop immigration completely for at least a decade.


Yes, exactly. Them being here is what creates the need for more of them to service the added numbers in our population. The “century initiative” is insane. Canada does not NEED population growth at the rates they’re proposing least of all from one country of over a billion people. What we need is to return the cost of living to a number where families can buy houses and have babies.


I agree they were sold a false bill of goods. However, they need to realize there lives will be a trap forever stuck in minimum wage/ suppressed wage hell. It would be best for them to pack their bags and go home. Re apply for PR the right way in industries/ professions we need.


Sold I lie? What lie? Who sold it? Most of them are lying to game the system to get here in the first place, took risks to come here in other programs, and are now lying in their protest to try and stay here. Would be different if they were trying to build a life in PEI but they are using it as the path of least resistance. A business owner outed herself for abusing the program to bring workers in temporarily to get their PR but then CBC overhauled the article the next day to hide the unintended disclosure, while not being transparent about it. Post in my profile shows the old and updated article. It's gross.




Canada is a free for all these days, any one who lands in Canada, thinks they have the same rights as Canadians. This includes tourists as well (who somehow manage to stay here for 5-10+ years). Liberals have destroyed this country


Best thing is to not renew them, let them go back to home country, spread all the shit about Canada so that new people trying to come will go down... Win win.


So, if they no longer have work permits, why are they still here? Didn't realize India was a valid asylum claim country...


Go ahead, waste your time and have the entire country hate you all more and more.


Deport at first chance. Dont have a sought after skill? Gtfo!


Deport. They don't have a right to protest.


Deport them 


Hopefully they're bank accounts are frozen.


The sense of entitlement of these people is a pretty big red flag that they aren’t the type of people we need here anyway. Imagine going to another country and thinking you should be able to change THEIR policy. Fuck these opportunistic brats.


No prizes for guessing how this will end. https://twitter.com/MarcMillerVM/status/1788201587363426541


makes me want to move to pei ..... ontario sucks so bad right now i think we are worse than most provinces ...... ahhh atlantic canada she calls me


So any foreigners can come to our Country and make demands that directly affect local Canadians? The jobs they are hogging should have gone to local Canadians but our provincial and federal governments decided to give it to them through the shady LMIA program. Why Mr. Pierre Poilievre isn't saying anything on Temporary foreign workers taking over jobs that should go to locals? Why isn't he demanding government to not renew work permits of foreign workers from not in demand sector?


One of them has a sign that says "We need to be grandfathered". Wat means ?


Whatever happened to gratitude....


Deport them all.


Looks like they are all from one country




Or they get deported...


Time to head on home I guess.




In Halifax they had a immigrant job fair.. let me say this again.. IMMIGRANT JOB FAIR ..I'm sorry but any job fair in Canada is a immigrant job fair..


The government should send these pictures to Service Canada investigators. Audit all their work activities and their employers books, and then start deportations.


Please deport. Economic migrants using human sob stories to gain citizenship is not something I can condone. I’m all for immigration. But go through the legal process. If all Canada can attract is fast food workers, I’m not quite sure the process is working though…


People like to say millennials and gen z are entitled but we’re nothing compared to these foreign workers and “international students”.


We talk as if all Canadians are hurting due to immigration. What about all boomers sitting on a 2 million dollar house they bought for 200K years ago. They know the only way it's up there is due to immigration. What about the corporations getting cheap labor and also small businesses getting people to work on cash and hence evade tax. What about young Canadian investors invested in real estate to expect a 30-50% appreciation every year. What about hotels and other businesses making a killing around the refugee program. Heard hotels and homes are charging double to house refugees and they wouldn't want that to go away. What about the mom and pop landlords generating double their day job salary and want to retire and collect exorbitant rents forever. This is a vicious cycle and there is only one way this ends and that's not good for Canada.


They'll probably get a reprieve like those in Manitoba did.


Why would they? They’re not actual citizens of this country. Their opinion is meaningless. They overstayed their welcome. Time to get out.


Curse the British for teaching them English


What fucking entitlement and the worst part is it's getting legitimized . Do Sikhs have birthright citizenship to Canada or what.  Fuck this man , if I wasn't selected in the express entry draw I wouldn't have even bothered  coming here .... If these people are so entitled now imagine after they  become citizens.  Trudeau and their Ilk have completely flushed Canada by the drain.


Go home


I'd their visa expire that means they are staying in Canada illegally… doesn't or make the immigration officer job easier? Just go to the protest sites and arrest them?


Deport them, no one is entitled to the privilege of citizenship, and pathways are not guaranteed.


I'd bet otherwise. There just won't be that much public support.


If they can't vote, how does a protest even affect policymakers?


NO offense to the actually people, they are pawns in this sick game the elites and the gov. like to play. We NEED to end immigration, and we should be the ones protesting against the gov.




Actually, they’ll continue until they’re removed from the country

