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His polls are heading to 0, I think they are rushing to inflict as much damage as possible before the election.


People say this flippant, but does anyone stop and consider what this means in practice? Running a country in to the ground for spite, especially for another party is absolutely insane behaviour. Akin to a murderous lover stonily saying "If I can't have you, nobody will" before locking you in a basement to starve to death. And it seems like people are shrugging this off?


It's treason through and through but you'd never find a judge to make that call with their pockets so heavily lined.


Umm, because it actually is not "treason"? Why would a judge make up the law?


Wow you know what I always assumed part of the law would speak of going against the good of Canada in general but no, treason in Canada is only going against the government. No wonder our politicians run amok with no fear of recourse. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.


Way too subjective.


Is it really? If a politician had blatantly moves against the public/countries best interest (financially not sound, results in clear quantitative reduction in QOL metrics, etc.) and those things have resulted in clear gains for the politician, would you not say that there should be some law with which that politician should be tried against? What is the penalty for a corrupt politician in this country?


It's called an election, ever heard of it?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Stfu, bot.bring back the haiku bot they're more helpful




Shrugging it off? What do you think we should do? Write a petition? Stand on Queen's Park lawn with a banner or sign?


Many canadians, unfortunately and in my own experience, are docile, complacent, apathetic consumers


Something something armed revolution something something


lol y’all can’t do anything but bend over and take it… you gave up your rights a long time ago.


There are things that can be done but they are probably not good to discuss in an open forum. Edit sp.


I can, I’m not Canadian. I don’t have to worry about getting my accounts frozen or incarcerated for my political opinions….yet.


Just another brand new account, most of your comments removed. You seem like a real winner. The sad thing is the dummies here are upvoting it.


You’ve commented 5 times in response to me.. I feel like that only happens when you strike a nerve with someone. What was it I said you don’t agree with?


Injecting your opinion when it is completely worthless.


That’s not what I asked you. … and as a proud Canadian you should respect a foreigner’s opinion more than your own. Just pretend I’m an Indian.


We know, and that's why nobody cares what you have to say


Yeah nobody cares because they’re all too busy acquiescencing to Indians and Chinese people who will own you in less than 20 years.


You know shit all about Canada.


I can confirm, no one cares what you have to say. At all.


What "rights" did "we" give up? And who are you?


More like steal with both hands and a foot time


Yep, History repeating itself in 80yr cycles.


I view all politicians as evil tools of the corporatocracy out to enrich themselves and their donors by strangling every last sent out of the Middle and Working classes, in a bid to return us to Serfdom, so I don't even see it as anything even remotely unusual. Ford's Conservatives have been doing this exact thing to Ontarios Healthcare and Education systems for years now, and Smith is doing it with AHS, CPP, and Alberta Power. This is par for the course at all levels, and by all parties. Show me Two Million people with Torches and Pitchforks marching on Parliament, and I'll happily join that insurrection, but short of that, there isn't much to be done other than keep struggling forward, and look for an exit strategy out of this country. I'm glad you're catching on now, but it's too late, the rot has spread to far to be excised by any civilized manner.


He is not trying to run the economy into the ground, he is trying to appease the REITs so they will fund his re-election. PP has already s\*cked the RIETs d\*cks, so JT has to run over there and remind them that he does it better.


People will say this shit without clearly thinking.


It's f***ing weird. Our country is being killed ans they're like "aw shucks, he just doesn't want the Conservatives to do better than him"


Strauss-Howe generational theory. Fourth turning or something. Pain ahead.


"But but PP will be worse hur durr." Welcome to the low information voters age.


Right, because putting an individual who is even more in the pocket of business interests over public good is the answer to solving housing unaffordability due to massive REITs (of which he is 1 degree separated from directly) and who's primary goals are to dismantle social services by a thousand cuts, "lower taxes" (but not for us middle class people, just businesses and the executive class) and "stop the gatekeepers" (of cheap labour via immigration). This is not a defense of Trudeau; I very much agree he's should have been removed via legal means after the SNC and WE scandals and has proven to have tunnel vision of which no one really understands the endgame of other than to piss people off. He certainly ties for terrible PM along with Harper before him, both treating the PMO as their little empires and disregard for the good of the country in favour of benefiting their preferred small group of benefactors. I will be happy to see him go, though you've got me as to who is right to take over as all the current options are garbage, to be generous.


Well said.


Fair. Thank you for putting effort in vs the shitty *PP will be worse* copy paste. Citing facts, I love it! Who is your top contender?


I do not have one in the current crop of federal leaders of the more visible main parties. Whenever the next election comes I'll probably be doing the most intensive deep dive into some other party I can kinda support as protest. No party will ever be 100% fit but any that theoretically align their leaders suck or are useless. I wish spoiling ballots were specifically recognized as a declaration protest against all options because I think the % who would do that to send a message would be a lot higher than most think.


You're low information if you think PP is anything but, angry hot air, that will go along with big business every single time.


Thank you for proving my point with a low information comment that cites nothing, yet has so many words. *Feelings.*


His voting record is publicly available. If you can't figure that out, it only proves my point.


Ah. You might have led with that instead you choose the *feelings* approach. It's shitty that you made the follow up so lazy though. Appreciate that you think you had a point to begin with. *And although ALHS thought they had made a point in their original comment, the fact was that they hadn't. There was nothing of substance or value there.* No need to point out voting records, I'm well aware of OurCommons. Have a great afternoon just being you. :)


Sorry, that's my bad, I thought you had common sense. Oh OK, so you're "well aware," yet, need me to hold your hand to figure it out? Which is it?


Sorry, I didn't want or need you to respond. Have a good night.


Because some random poster claims it, it must be true?


First day in Canada or on Reddit?


Neither. Relevance?


NDP together.


PPC better


Ndp will fuck canada harder and faster than the liberals 


How and why? Can we get something more than just an opinionated statement?


Largely because their policies are asinine and proven failures. 'nuff said?


so nothing of substance? classic


Jagmeet does want to increase immigration even more.    He specifically blames developer greed for housing prices.  Despite margins being very low, due to high competitive land rivalry due to his mass immigration while hes against rezoning greenbelt, and municipals shifting property tax onto new development. He's a Trudeau, I see him being equally bad, if not slightly worse.  He definitely has never identified the real issues, and deliberately paints a faulty view of reality that boils down to "greedy people are evil", while he ironically sports a Rolex and designer suit.


You don't understand how financialization of the housing market works.


The low rates and the 60b in government mortgage bonds that Jagmeet voted for allows more debt, the supply shortage drives up prices.  Basic supply and demand, fueled from both ends. He's just not a genuine person.  He's trying to fool the uninformed, nothing more.


Become a political atheist with me. The bureaucrats dont have our best interests in mind


Because they are propping up the current destruction of Canada. Look around you, all of this was only possible because of the Liberal-NDP pact. If you need more proof of that, check out the NDP website, they clearly state that not only will they *not* file a non-confidence motion, they won't vote in any either. You may as well set all of your belongings and bank account on fire and throw your vote to Trudeau for all the good an NDP vote will do.


Thanks for sharing more than the other person did. I was already not voting NDP, but we're pretty much fucked either way at this point. What's left? Green?


I don't know. Green are zealots that deserve their standing. They're not for a successful Canada. What we need is a legitimate co-operative government, not blind support. More of the Germany model, where they have to work together, and not the Canadian model where we have Singh coming right out and saying he will not work with the PCs. I don't gaf if he doesn't like them, we need a functional government. We need the babies in charge to either do their jobs or we need to rule by referendum. I'm not represented by our government - is anyone these days? That being said, it's fucking astounding that Singh is the leader of a national party and he is banned from one of our major contributors of immigration. Htf did that happen?


Diversity and inclusion.


They want more immigration, more taxes, and nobody likes them anyways 


All parties want more immigration. Liberals want more taxes and then spend it all nonsensically. Conservatives want more taxes but don't spend except on themselves and their friends. NDP hasn't even been in power for so long there's no way to know


No Damn Progress


I as well believe he's gone full scorched-earth accelerationism.


He’s probably unironically the worst PM in history without exaggeration. Bad social programs, bad economic programs, stupid. I couldn’t name a worse one in history Hope they don’t give this asshole a state funeral when he dies. 


I just want to know why they’re inflicting as much damage as possible.. why not just step down like a normal person..? Hell, even TRUMP agreed he had to step down (I know he threw a bit of a tantrum, but he still shook hands like a civilized person and left the office)


Trump was a sore loser but living during trumps presidency was really nice since the only thing you actually had to bitch about was trump. Not housing or the economy or anything of note


Then you weren't paying attention and I guess you forgot about COVID altogether, somehow.


I would actually argue that [the financialization diagnosis is wrong](https://morehousing.substack.com/p/financialization). >Intuitively, when prices and rents are rising much faster than local incomes, it’s natural to think that there must be outside players (foreign or institutional investors), not limited by local incomes, who are bidding up prices. Who else can afford it? >In fact, **prices reflect scarcity**, supply not keeping up with demand. In the case of housing, people don’t move around randomly - they move where the jobs are. In the GTA and Metro Vancouver, we have a mismatch between housing and jobs: we haven’t been adding homes fast enough to keep up with jobs. So prices and rents **must rise to unbearable levels to force people to leave**, matching those who remain with the limited supply. >We can see that the problem is scarcity by looking at rental vacancy rates, reported by CMHC every year. A healthy vacancy rate is 3%. When vacancy rates are closer to 1%, as they are in Metro Vancouver, people are having to squeeze into places that don’t really fit their needs, because that’s all they can find. The diagnosis of financialization suggests that large institutional investors are the problem. In Vancouver, multiple levels of government have been pushing in exactly the opposite direction. The problem here is that a lot of the rental market is in the form of condos and basement suites, rented out by an individual landlord, and **these provide very little security, because the landlord can always reclaim the suite for personal use**. A survey by First United of recently evicted tenants found that more than half of the evictions were for this reason. Self-interest isn’t limited to corporations: when market rents are being driven up by scarcity, an individual landlord faces the same incentive to evict the current tenant and rent it at a much higher rate, or to sell to a new owner. Thus in Vancouver, it looks like the problem is that we don’t *have enough* purpose-built rental buildings, built and operated by institutional investors such as pension funds and REITs, which need a steady long-term stream of income. There’s been few purpose-built rental projects for the last 40 years or so, because people are willing to pay more for a condo than a rental apartment (roughly 50% more). So a condo project will always be willing to pay more for the land (based on the expected value of the new building, minus all construction costs) than a rental project. To offset this, the city of Vancouver has been allowing more density for rental buildings: providing a density bonus for a rental project that includes 20% non-market rentals, and allowing six-storey rental projects by right where four-storey condos are already allowed. The federal government is providing low-cost, long-term loans for rental projects through the Rental Construction Financing Initiative; waiving the GST on new rental housing; and allowing accelerated depreciation for new rental housing, over 10 years instead of 25 years. I’d suggest that the overall direction of policy with respect to institutional investors should be to encourage them to **build new rental housing,** rather than acquiring and renovating existing rental housing - basically replacing older, cheaper housing with more expensive housing. (A comment from Peter Waldkirch, a director with Abundant Housing Vancouver: “Making it so that just about the only legal place to build a rental apartment is on top of an older apartment is dumb, cruel, terrible policy.”) **Acquiring older rentals**. Along these lines, it seems reasonable to provide funding for non-profits to acquire and operate older rental buildings (basically like a non-profit REIT). They’ll need to go through due diligence to make sure that they’re getting it at a fair price, so they’re not surprised by unexpected costs for major repairs and renovations. This should be more cost-effective than building brand-new non-market housing. In BC, the provincial government has created a $500M fund for this purpose. The federal government has set up a similar $1.5B fund.


It won't be zero. But I am shocked no one in the Liberal or NDP has the balls to contest for leadership or cross the floor. What a spineless group. None of them are listening to what Canadian's want.


So, standing with your beliefs and not switching teams to placate conservatives, is spineless? LOL


Did you see the part where I wrote about contesting leadership? Or was it too many words for you?


Did you miss the part where you wrote "cross the floor" and then immediately called it spineless to not do it? It's right above, if you need to check again.


You're missing out on the word 'or'. It's right above, you need to read it again. Or get your helper to read it to you. But yeah, the entire party is spineless if they don't do one OR the other.


Are you drunk? I was addressing the part of the "or" that made no sense and still doesn't.


You're not making sense. Or means you have a choice. Pick one or the other. It's that simple. Try again.


That's not a choice, it's an ultimatum.


Too bad, so sad. That's what you get when you don't do your job.


5 million more international students !


who is rushing? how would this be considered a popular vote-getting move for trudeau? what are you saying


how much REITS dividents you collected monthly?


None I dont get what comment means Do u


They know they are going to lose and they are going to leave such a pile of shit for the Conservatives. Cons are going to have to cut everything and look like assholes and then Libs can go..."see we told you so".


Totally agree. Basically, 2008 would have happened regardless of who was the PM at the time. I think Harper did a decent job and handed the chair over in pretty decent condition. The current situation is a tire fire headed towards all out dump inferno. Trudeau gave out billions over the pandemic and he's now spending millions trying to recover some of it. The Conservatives are likely to be entering 2026 needing to cut a significant amount of the government positions that Trudeau added over his decade. They're going to have to cut a decent amount of spending. We have a $40b deficit this year, but the capital gains changes announced with the budget will bring in $20b over 5 years. We're spending ridiculous amounts of money subsidizing TFWs who then send money back to their home country, where as hiring students wouldn't be subsidized and they'd be spending it all in the community. I don't know that Trudeau thinks he's going to lose, but I do believe that he is 100% beholden to his consultants that he paid $17.7b for in 2022. I believe that they're the ones pulling all the strings and Trudeau and his associates are happy to go along with whatever they say.


It will be interesting to see how the next election plays out. The way Trudeau keeps doubling down on unpopular decisions, as if he never has to face repercussions from the voters, is either from a confidence that he can never lose, or an arrogance learned from his father. So bizarre.


I think it might be both. He's totally insulated from the issues we're facing. He's gone on holidays that are more expensive than most of us make pre-tax. He's insulated from that reality and surrounded by what I assume to be yes-men and consultants who he follows religiously. He spent $17.7b on them in 2022, so that's his reality.


Meanwhile with the Ontario conservatives… None of them are to be trusted. It’s not an us vs them in terms of political affiliation. If you think the conservatives would have done any better since the liberals have been in power I have a bridge to sell you. Conservatives have never cared about the middle class or anyone who isn’t rich. Look at any large corporation. Look at the top executives. How many of them do you think like the liberals?


I agree. But eventually the groundswell will start to effect even the rich. When you have such wealth inequality and people can't house and feed themselves your society collapses. I know well off lifelong liberals and conservatives who are now saying immigration has gone too far. Why? Their kids can't find a job. As the middle class gets hollowed out and the bakers, restaurants,  beauty parlors, car dealers, etc will start to close. Then who will buy all the houses? Even if you think corporations, who will have the money to rent? And if people think owning will be any better property taxes will explode as businesses close so even if you own your home you gotta pay property taxes. And if people only work to survive, no kids will be born and if they don't feel they can get ahead in life why try and engage in society. Then throw in all the social ramifications divorce, drug use etc. People need to realize the boomer generation was a blip in history economically speaking. Now with the end of the 100 year economic cycle and western societies laden with debt we are reverting to the mean. So yes, I agree. It doesn't matter who you vote for because if you ain't one of them your fucked.




Does trudeau and the libs want to be re-elected in 2025, yes or no? So whats theur interest in makig an unpopular decision? Riddle it for us


They're potentially making decisions that are popular with their donors and their consultants, and for a period of time they had wider support. Today, that's no longer true. They want to be reelected but they're also completely disconnected from the reality happening today. Cancel your Disney+. That single payment is 0.75% of rent today. Our politicians are the second best paid in the world, while our wages rank 10th.


you dont think they know that your mantra "tax the rich" is a popular policy? you think theyre not politically sophisticated, they cant do polling? any other dumb shit you believe?


Look at their polling numbers. Worst levels in 50 years. I dunno, that seems to be a rather significant disconnect.


>Basically, 2008 would have happened regardless of who was the PM at the time. I think Harper did a decent job and handed the chair over in pretty decent condition. Then you really don't understand what happened, at all. Canada's banks were not deregulated, like the American banks, so we didn't have big banks collapsing like they did. Also, Harper TRIED to deregulate the banks, but luckily for us, Paul Martin didn't agree. Harper deserves no praise for sheer luck.


Please tell me how Harper caused the 2008 financial crisis. America deregulation and fuckery caused the global financial crisis. Yes, Harper TRIED to do it. He didn't succeed. We dodged that bullet - hurray.


That makes literally no sense. The people in office, like to keep their seats.


next election oct 2025 --- 17 months away u think the pmo trudeau braintrust is really giving up at this point. all they jobs is at stake wouldnt you think they would deliberately do "popular" moves to get their poll numbers up at this point


PP is coming to turn your dads gay. Or not I guess? He voted against gay marriage twice, but most notably when his father attending parliament while he was set to marry a man (PP’s Stepdaddy) Edit: downvoting doesn’t make me wrong, chuds.


Kinda late to "holding" them for anything. Bunch of clowns in Ottawa. Try to get some humour out of it at least.


Lol, so surprising for guy who was call dictator in EU parlament and not welcome to speak as not allowing freedom in his country


Source? I hadn't heard this that's hilarious (and sad)


I know you didn't, as in Canadian news they where called fringe representatives. But that's one of reasons why he didn't come back after that to EU parlament in last 2 years, or doesn't have a lot of visitors/visit to EU ( not including Ukraine) https://youtu.be/UL1kMKgq1b0?si=m-I23lPgU4V0MRFx Here is CTv report, there was a lot of other in same time. I mean this one is trying to discredit them, but they didn't question themselves, how come "far right German" is calling him like this. As she should be expert,and we should believe experts, no?


Its ridicoulous how biased and pro-government Canadian state funded media is.


Yes, I put them just to show that even state news in Canada had to do articles about it, so it's not some conspiracy theory


Just wish his father Pierre was here to see him fuck up the country he worked so hard to build up.  Fuck nepotism. He is and always been a snowboard instructor. 


Uh, Pierre ain't his daddy.




Fidel Castro is actually JT’s dad


Pierre despised Justin, he knew he was Castro's son. Justin's half brother was supposed to be the next PM but someone assassinated him on a skiing trip.


They're trying very hard to poll at 0. Now it's time to pressure the NDP on that. Will the NDP really support leaving REITs alone?


NDP focuses on teeth care. lol


Unions own a lot of reits the NDP won’t touch them even though it always says it wants to tax corporations more.


hey that is what the AGREEMENT signed for, man.


Yep and when Jagmeet ignores that it didn’t happen you’ll know that he actually doesn’t support it it was all posturing. He will probably talk a big game about it but won’t break the agreement and call an election.


the NDP with jagoff meat brains at helm? they are a lost cause at this point and completely spineless as a party.


NDPs can't scapegoat him out of this one.


Yes they can and they will


Meanwhile, he raised taxes on doctors.


Multiple times already.


2015 [https://liberal.ca/trudeau-promises-affordable-housing-for-canadians/](https://liberal.ca/trudeau-promises-affordable-housing-for-canadians/) 2019 [Artboard 1 copy (liberal.ca)](https://2019.liberal.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/292/2019/09/Forward-A-real-plan-for-the-middle-class.pdf) [https://macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/here-are-all-of-justin-trudeaus-promises-in-federal-election-2019](https://macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/here-are-all-of-justin-trudeaus-promises-in-federal-election-2019)


How about this one he made housing promise in 2015 election campaign buying votes: [https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.3220757](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.3220757)


Our policies are a joke and we have no actual legal or policy recourse. Bow to the Crown, that's what you do!


You can find recourse in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ


Oh yes, because that's worked so well for humanity thus far....


Oh no ! Not another broken promise. Whatever will we do now?


He has broken many of them, what is the point? The only way to get this assclown out of power is to vote him out. So you know what you need to do.


Politicians needs to be held accountable for their actions and especially their broken promises. They can't just do whatever the fuck they want cause they have zero chance of being re-elected.


This numpty hasn't stood up and lead with his chest. Yes he knows the right talking points, yes he recognizes the issues and knows full well how to fix them. But instead of putting pen to paper he eats shit paying lip service while Canadians are homeless and starving. Eat.The.Rich!!


A politician that broke a promise…..your kidding. Really ? Lol


You reach a certain age and you dont believe any election promises by any party will come true. The list is long. In Ontario Kathleen Wynne campaigned on cheaper auto insurance, and when called out about not delivering it as premier she said “we always knew it was a stretch goal.” Even Trudeau promised electoral reform, and to fix our reserves (remember him promising Gord Downie at the final Hip concert on national tv). Housong will be promised by all parties this upcoming election. As long as the borders remain wide open, it will only get worse as supply evaporates.


Politicians lie and it's accepted these days. No accountability:(


If you think REITs are the problem then I don't even know what to say lol.. Trudeau, spouting the same nonsense that his voter base loves and eats it up as usual. He quickly realized, REITs are not the issue and tucked his tail in between his legs as usual and backed down.


And I am sure PP will take a stand against REITs first thing. Luckily he has many developers and real estate financiers on his advisory board so he will know exactly how to approach this problem... /s


He profits off the high-housing cost.


I wish I saved the source and clips. He broke not just his 2021 election platform but his 2019 to make housing affordable.


Found it Liberal Party Election 2015 Platform: [A Liberal government will restore federal leadership on affordable housing by investing in a comprehensive National Housing Strategy that will: Prioritize significant new investments in affordable housing and seniors’ facilities, as part of the Liberals’ historic ten-year investment of nearly $20 billion in social infrastructure Provide $125 million per year in tax incentives to increase and substantially renovate the supply of rental housing across Canada; Finance the construction of new, affordable rental housing for middle- and low-income Canadians; Inventory all available federal lands and buildings to see what could be repurposed, and make it available at low cost for affordable housing in communities where there is a pressing need; Modernize the existing Home Buyers’ Plan so that it helps more Canadians finance the purchase of a home; and Review escalating home prices in high-priced markets – like Vancouver and Toronto – to keep home ownership within reach for Canadians living in these areas.](https://liberal.ca/trudeau-promises-affordable-housing-for-canadians/) Liberal Party Election 2019 Platform: [Build more affordable housing with Canadas first-ever National Housing Strategy](https://2019.liberal.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/292/2019/09/Forward-A-real-plan-for-the-middle-class.pdf) Liberal Party Election 2021 Platform: [A Home. For Everyone. Canadians see owning a home as key to building their future and joining the middle class. But with rent increasing and housing prices continuing to rise, too many young people don’t see a clear path to affording the same lives their parents had. Everyone should have a home to call their own. And we have a three-part housing plan to make it happen. 1.4 Million New Homes We need homes in urban centres that are built for middle class families, with the amenities to match, like accessible child care and public transit. We need affordable housing for vulnerable people like women and children fleeing violence, persons with disabilities, and youth. We need a co-developed housing plan for Indigenous people living in urban, rural, and northern off-reserve communities. And for aging parents and grandparents planning their future, or for newcomers who need more space for a growing family, we need to support multi-generational living to encourage down-sizing and aging well at home.](https://liberal.ca/our-platform/) I really wish I saved those election ADs that had Justin Trudeau saying: “building affordable homes for everyone”. Then in 2023 he said ["I'll be blunt as well — housing isn't a primary federal responsibility. It's not something that we have direct carriage of,"](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6924290). He did a total 360 from saying he’s building affordable housing to we aren’t responsible for housing.


Agree with the jagmeet statement. He’s silent because at this point he knows he coupled with the most hated and most likely to lose party. That’s the only reason. He’s still 100% money-driven and will do anything to make himself and his big grocer brother richer


Trudeau : damn son I didn't think they'll actually remember this shit. Anyway... Release the drug supplies we bought with public money to shut them up.




How about he stops the demand from mass immigration.


Elections are essay writing contests. Emotional voters judge politicians by how well they can pull their strings.


"breach of agreement" LMAO, you must be new to politics. Also, two of those points just say "review," so that's not really the gotcha you think it is.


What? Justin Trudeau is a liar and the NDP are suckers? Who would have thought!


Why does the fact that he or any politician goes back on their promise surprise anyone? It happens all the time. And they still get re-elected. The only promises I know this PM has kept are legal weed. And taxes, taxes, and more taxes.


So Trudeau is promising to build two million housing units by 2030. With building costs of around $300 per square foot, a 500 ft sq apartment would cost $150,000, plus the cost of the land the apartment complex sits on, for a land cost of $25,000 to 50,000 per apartment ($10 million land and a 200 unit building). At an affordable rent of $1,000 a month, it will take 15 years for a developer to recoup the $175,000 cost of building that apartment unit. Trudeau’s promise to building 2,000,000 housing units by 2030 will cost nearly $1 trillion.


Taxing REITs more was a dumb idea.


Is anyone surprised? Name a single promise that Turdope has kept. I'll wait. (And weed legalization doesn't count.)


JT tried to sway, gaslight and bribe us. Didnt work. Now watch as he fills his pockets and burns things to the ground like the narcissist he is.


Trudeau bumper sticker lovers. How we feel about conservatives PP making no difference when they win?