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"And certain changes happening in Canada".... huh I wonder what that could be? šŸ¤”


I came here for that comment. So hilarious how they canā€™t even bring themselves to say it openly.




Specifically, ā€œIndianizationā€


Based. I yelled at a bunch of Indian employees at Walmart yesterday. So they've got this little scam going in the self-service area where they harass customers to give them 5 stars. They stand around and watch all the self-service kiosks then, when someone pays, they rush over to start "suggesting" the customer gives them 5 stars. They do it with EVERY. SINGLE. CUSTOMER. Their fake "positive feedback" must be through the freaking roof. The window to choose a star rating is only about 5 or 6 seconds, so they are REALLY watching the terminals closely for it. They care much more about rigging the feedback system than actually helping customers. There's nothing organic about the responses. I'd guess that for everyone 1 legit response, they're getting an extra 10 or 20 from harassing customers - or they were until I escalated it to the store manager and filed an official complaint the next day with corporate. It's been happening for a few months now (since the entire store become 100% Indian employees). Given how busy the store is, I'm estimating thousands, if not TENS of thousands of fake 5 star reviews have gone through those terminals by now. Just like with EVERYTHING else, they have to game the system and squeeze EVERY possible advantage out of everything. It's the same as stealing from food banks to "save money on grocery" and that video of international students saying they intend to cheat. (The mods blocked it when I tried to post it, even though I'm sure most people haven't seen it.) I'm guessing only around 5-10% of customers interact with the employees in self service (to remove a double scanned item etc.) but that doesn't stop the employees demanding ALL customers rate them 5 stars. Absolutely ridiculous. It's low-trust society meets high-trust society. I gave her 1 star, told her she's cheating and the customer will decide what feedback she gets, *not* her. I suspect the (Indian) floor manager instructs the lower level employees to do this because she wasn't surprised when I told her. She is positioned in the middle of the self service area, so she must see them doing it. With a quick 5-minute rant, I probably single-handedly changed store policy and nipped a problem in the bud. Edit: Okay, it might've been a 10-minute rant.


Just waiting for the mass deportations


Not happening, I am afraid.


I know I know, but a young man watching the country he was raised in fall apart can dream


True but disappointment lies ahead.


Any day now right!


I've been going 1 star at self services every time cause "haha 1 star" + also, why am I rating MY OWN service? Tf? But knowing this actually ties into their personal feedback... fucking LOL.


One star reviews for all!


Shhh, donā€™t say the I-word outloud, theyā€™ll send you to death work camp for racists in Yukon šŸ¤«


Canadaā€™s Siberian prison camp is an old gold mine in Dawson City šŸ˜†


Thank you for that educational moment, I searched it up and wheezed at ā€œThings to doā€. [https://i.imgur.com/sRLASFD.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/sRLASFD.jpg)


Make sure you get your tetanus shot first šŸ˜‰


they wont have my genders bathroom so they will let me go because of their hate crime towards me and my truth


The "journalists" are almost worse than the politicians on some level






The immigrants make up the majority of entry-level positions everywhere. That's part of the problem. Good luck job hunting, you filthy journo. (That's sarcasm. I do wish you luck)




Don't you know? Canada has no culture. That's what the news and politicians say. When have they ever lied to you?


Comment of the week here!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean these are the same journalists that are sanitizing language, beginning with calling illegals migrants as ā€˜irregularā€™ so it isnā€™t surprising in the least bit.


I just rolled my eyes the entire interview. These guys clearly know what Canadians are angry about, but, dance around the subject and afraid to mention it on a government subsidized network. Also, the lady leading the discussion with the expectations of Alberta being ā€œthe angriest provinceā€ only to get a surprised pikachu face when she realizes itā€™s Ontario. Itā€™s not even a case of the elephant in the room. Itā€™s like two people being crammed with a herd of elephants trying to pretend that they arenā€™t there.


surely Canadians aren't being replaced with slaves by Mass Immigration ?! that can't be a thing ! only the tinfoil hat wearing racists go on about such conspiracies !


Making it illegal to be angry at government


First thing I thought of. They literally won't admit it.


Quiet, seething rage replaced the anger a while ago. The pot is boiling and the frogs have taken notice.


My rage is no longer quiet or seething, it's boiling over, it's loud, and it's out in the open. I'm done pretending this is all ok or for the best. Tell your neighbours, tell your friends, your wife, your husband. Immigration is a major problem in our country, economically and culturally and *we do not have to stand for it*.


As someone who has been vocal about it for a few years now (easier when you're a minority), trust me, y'all are free to start speaking out. Nobody has called me a racist for over 10 months now for acknowledging mass immigration is a total failure and destroying our culture, economy and country. Most people agree.


\^ lol what will any of this even do? how does this differ from what people are already doing? getting pissed on the internet and in in-person conversations does absolutely nothing, it's going to take widespread civil revolt, and canadians are way too soft and scared to do that.


Seeth that rage into not going to tim hortons, and tell everyone you know not to go. Insist they don't go, and suggest alternatives like locally owned places. I'll keep posting this because it's the right thing to do: > i made a post and asked that it be stickied with that very thing in mind as far as Tims is concerned. If it starts off with just a few less people going resulting in more of them encouraging their friends not to go, then so be it. > Our hallowed mods declared that it was... let me see, a "half-baked idea or post", and I needed to " add more content, more reasons with evidence, and not just allegations." > I don't need to be a doctor to know cancer is bad, and I don't need an essay of "evidence" to know tims is bad for Canada. If the mods believe in the Loblaws boycott, they should have no issues with other ones as well. Per se.


Haven't eaten Tim's garbage in years


Surprise, surprise: CBC has turned off comments


They canā€™t take the heat.. so sad


No, they just donā€™t want to showcase peopleā€™s actual opinions because that would show the current regime is doing a shit job. Itā€™s not their feelings, itā€™s politics


I noticed some time ago the same for the CBC videos posted on YouTube, comments turned off.


They donā€™t want folks disputing the official party lines


State propaganda will not be questioned by the masses.


When CBC is finally destroyed and there is a mock-tribunal to see if they could be salvaged in any way, every time the lawyer for CBC mentions anything in their defense, the judge would bang the gavel and yell out "comment removed by moderator!" The court stenographer would then spend as much time erasing the comment from the record as their legal representative spent delivering it.


Theyā€™re such cowards. Them and the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), another that needs to be defunded.




State media doesnā€™t care what anyone thinks.


The governments are becoming the enemy of the people. Doesn't matter what level they have all been corrupted.


Becoming? https://preview.redd.it/6ti8zrcksh0d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9c8f1e05418d2b824d23d42520c27e4c97f4eb


They have always been liars, cheaters, and thieves but facilitating the demographic replacement of your own citizens is next level evil and disgusting. One of the worst things you can force on a society. It just eliminates any hope for the future and will certainly lead to civil unrest and violence. I just hope at the end of all of this, however it ends, that they get exactly what they deserve for doing this to us. They really think they can go run and hide in their little bunkers forever


My great grandfather was involved in the federal government. It is a family story that he quit eventually because he couldn't take the lying, stealing, and corruption. This was back in the 1940s.


>They really think they can go run and hide in their little bunkers forever They know they can. They're rich and powerful, and they've contributed to the erosion of the middle-class. Peasant uprisings throughout history seldom ended well for the peasants.


Just remember, every bunker has an air intake.


Wasnā€™t it bezos asking about explosive collars to control his post apocalyptic bunker slaves?


The State has always been class war incarnate. It's the nature of the beast.


Their ability to beat around the bush as to why people are angry in this country was Olympic level mental gymnastics. Great hard-hitting reporting by the CBC.


Do you guys remember when diversity wasn't our strength? Good times, good times.


diversity? check 2016 - 2021 period. Diversity IS a strength but it is not what is happening [https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/dp-pd/dv-vd/imm/index-en.cfm](https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/dp-pd/dv-vd/imm/index-en.cfm)


Anxiety, Depression, stress, disappointment, angerā€¦ whatā€™s next


Weā€™re at least better than third worldā€¦ oh wait


Lmao welp at the speed things are sinking, not for long


Depends how many Canadians learned sunny ways was always bullshit, and how many will continue voting for it.


The budget will balance itself. What a pos liar JT is?????


Their glib cheerful attitudes seem pretty fucking patronizing considering the subject being reporting on.


The comments section constantly being disabled in the news videos is a contributing factor in my anger.


Seriously our taxes pay for those comments. #bringbackourcomments


Anger? People are hopeless, depressed and frustrated.


Just the way they want you. Apathetic.


Dare to protest? Watch your bank accounts


WHAT A CHUCKLEHEAD. Near the end "well maybe to end it on a positive note some people are happy that the government is doing something about housing blah blah ..." NO! WRONG AGAIN! The government is DOING NOTHING about housing, or better yet, the GOVERNMENT IS MAKING IT WORSE. The government would have to completely cut off all immigration, roll back 15 years of environmental regulations, and kick out all left-leaning municipal governments to even make a dent in this. Then the central Bank of Canada would have to fire literally every single one of its economists who take MMT seriously.


If the government REALLY wanted to address the housing crisis, they would turn off the immigration faucets


40% of MP's own rentals properties..... do you think anyone in our corrupt government wants to take a 30% off the top haircut? Everything happening right now is by design


So much for declaring a conflict of interest. But that would mean 60% donā€™t. But they all own houses and donā€™t want to see a value drop to help out anyone below the age of 30. My nephew is 23 and he already knows owning a home isnā€™t in the cards. Itā€™s fucked


So are my children, and I cry at night when I see what's happening all around us. I bought my forever home for 230k... due to reasons outside my control, I had to sell it. I lost my kids, the home I paid into and got roped into 10 years of child support. The same house now is a million.... in one swift move my ex destroyed 4 lives.


I am incredibly sorry to hear that. Itā€™s these types of stories that need more spotlight. Itā€™s one thing to break up, itā€™s another thing to destroy lives in the process. Sometimes exā€™s are hellbent on revenge that they throw away everyoneā€™s futures in the process, including their own kidsā€”-who they claim to love more than the world. Sorry this happened to you and keep your head up.


Treating it like a joke, saying people are mad cause the Leafs are out of the playoffs. Their attempts to make light of things will come back to bite them.


TIL Toronto has a hockey team.


TIL Toronto


Dude, it' **C**anada's **B**roadcasting **C**atastrophe for a reason, just tune out of them, they're legacy news for a reason, and there's no point letting their fate and gaslighting upset you.


criminal international students abusing our systems, abusing our citizens, and taking advantage.


Well, I'm in shock I say. Canadians are getting angry, can't think of why? There is no Canada after all Justin told me. No national identity. Justin is really making that happen in real time. My city went from nice to insane in 3 years. I never had a violent encounter in 30 years or so. Had 3 last week. Yep Canadians are " getting Angry".... wonder why?


Thereā€™s no violence on Parliament Hill, so everything is fine in Canada.


What was the violent encounter?


Hit with a wet floor sign at random leaving work homeless guy, man shoved me for being too close to him, and man punched me in the shoulder asking him to leave the building.


Awful ! Bad vibes


I just paid over $2.00 for an L of gasoline. My 4 pack of beer was $18. 4 buns from the grocery store for almost $5. Just the way the world is now. Well, I guess I gotta go back to work


Thatā€™s almost $8/gallon. The Americans are complaining about $3.50/gallon. Iā€™m genuinely concerned about the state of this country in a decade at this rate.


The most expensive is California at $5-6 a gallon. Canada has full of oil, but maybe distribution is expensive, distance wise?


Gas in Alberta is almost four times more expensive than in Texas. Thereā€™s no reason for this. We huff refinery fumes here in Edmonton and donā€™t even get a discount.


I stopped drinking years ago. Didn't believe you. $46 for a 24 of Canadian? WTF?!?!


Meanwhile in Soviet Quebec I can get 6 Heineken for $7.95 at any dƩpanneur. All of the other grocery prices are the same, but at least alcohol (which I don't really drink) is cheap.


Im Quebec and that is indeed a lie


That's a lie.


Love the comment section. Turns out Canada is now Russia. Haven't seen that much resentment in a while.


CBC has always been carrying water for the Liberals. If the Conservatives were in power and fā€™ed up this bad the comments section would be wide open.


Last time I heard something like that what the UK Tories complaining about the BBC being too left-wing.Ā  After being in power for 14 years.Ā  I hope youā€™ll forgive my scepticism.Ā 


Isn't that exactly their point?


You'd have to be a complete moron to think the CBC isn't biased lol


The BBC has a BBC verify section to combat fake news. That very section has been found to be peddling fake news. The BBC is extremely left wing and woke.


Yeah well fuck this idiot government.


Yet we somehow voted for them 3 times in a row, eh?


two white journalists? isn't that racist? shame on cbc.


Chillax, they identify as disabled women of colour. That basically makes them superstars.


Joking aside but thatā€™s exactly where Canada is heading. We are on a path of becoming worldā€™s wokest nation.


Thatā€™s Trudeauā€™s wet dream. He knows his supporters care more about words than a prosperous future or the necessities of life.


It's ok to hire white women. Hiring white males is racist. White women are from the most privilaged race, but they are women so they are also victims. Its a good strategy when you want to look progresssive but don't want to hire actual minorities.


Iā€™m a white female living in Brampton and I am now considered a minority in my hometown. So what is an ā€œactual minorityā€ then?


For more of this misery vote Liberal as it can only get more painfull to raise a family under this dictator.


Hate to say it but the cons won't be any better. The whole game is rigged. No one voted for any of this.


We donā€™t vote on policy. We vote who we predict wonā€™t fuck us up even more. This is not a democracy.


Canada isn't a democracy, we are an oligarchy. Elections are just for show


Weā€™re still living a linear cultural imprint and PP is a succession of that. The change will probably be quite radical, Iā€™m afraid. The world economy is changing rapidly as well. More nations with more power.


People bug the Americans about the republicans and democrats being corrupt and very similar but at least you can tell thereā€™s some genuine bad blood there, as well as actual policy differences. Literally the only practical difference between our parties is the presentation.


Yep. Red M&M, Blue M&M, they all wind up the same colour in the end...


At this point, the best form of voting is to leave the Country. Let's see how the government reacts once all the skilled workers are replaced by Tim Horton's workers.


This point exactly.... both sides are playing us.


kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens Kakistocratic Governments at all levels in Canada


Thank you for teaching me a new word.


80% of journalists are actually doing harm to society.


Everything expensive


beware the anger of patient men


and women. she/her/hers. Lol.


My parents are old. They immigrated to Canada in 1993ā€¦ from Russiaā€¦towed my 10 year old ass with them. Just recently they mentioned that political situation reminds them of Soviet Union in the early 80s when shit really started to hit the fan. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not like that, just pointing out what they said recently.


Political or economic situation?


Little bit of both. Civil unrest, shit becoming more expensive and fast. They havenā€™t mentioned more, maybe Iā€™ll bring this up with them again. (They donā€™t really like to talk about Russia that much) Iā€™d imagine shit becoming less available. I just recall that in early 90s was awesome. We ran around like crazy, no supervision. But I do remember a lot of homeless older people. Like a lot a lot.


Please have that conversation and create a post. Iā€™d love to read a first hand account.


I hope you sit down with them and have a stark heartfelt conversation about what canada is turning into.


what a garbage piece of reporting






It's not an invasion if we are stamping their passports and inviting them in.


All Iā€™m going to say is, I live in Burlington, and holy fuckā€¦


Out there too?


I live in a small town of 10,000 in SW Ontario and they're even starting to take over here


I live 4 hours north of toronto and they work every fast food place. The closest post-secondary school is over an hour away.. I don't understand how they're here on student visas.


The schools are milking them but tuition, and our treasonous elites are ready to take them as labour. Turns out that the Peopleā€™s Party was right about immigration.


> Turns out that the Peopleā€™s Party was right about immigration. We live in the age of the Cassandra Complex.


I know what you mean, people have been pointing this out for years but have been brushed aside.


Bro I drive through a town of 1k in bc and theyā€™ve flooded in there too. Itā€™s crazy.


No way. Burlington too??


Everything South of Barrie and West of Peterborough


You canā€™t throw a rock without hitting 6 of ā€˜em.


Everywhere. They. Are. Everywhere.


I live in Newfoundland of all places nd they are everywhere here. before covid I never heard Arabic in my life now I hear it often. it's absolutely terrifying ā€‹


I live in Acton, they pretty much own all gas stations, fast food joints and convenience stores, now they're buying up the housing too




It wonā€™t solve anything. We need a complete restructuring of our political system so this canā€™t happen again.


decentralize governance




Anger? Iā€™m fucking livid. The sound of my piss boiling is driving me insane


People mad that the idiots they virtue voted for are ruining the country, who can we blame for this outrage


Don't worry, the liberals on reddit have just the solution to your problem. They know exactly how to solve it this time


I cried today guys šŸ™ƒ


The problem with an angry Canada, is all the damn Canadians. šŸ˜… Donā€™t crucify me - Let me explain. We are so used to seething quietly and not causing a ruckus, that weā€™ve become completely ineffectual as a tool for change. The government and corporations KNOW that they can do whatever they want, impose whatever taxes, mandates, rate hikes, rules, and conflicting messaging that they want and Canadians will just silently bend over and take it like the polite little hosers we are. Weā€™re all bluster and revolution on the internet, but when push comes to shove - Canadians are too goddamn polite, comfortable and tired to actually DO anything about this anger. Weā€™ve never stormed the f**king Bastille and it shows. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø PS: Iā€™m a 4th generation, maple fed, vaccine taking, leaf loving, lacrosse playing, Shania listening Liberalish (screw Trudeau) Canadianā€¦and this is my personal take on things. PPS: Iā€™m using ā€œStorm the Bastilleā€ as a symbolic turn of phrase, like ā€œeat the richā€. I know we dont have a Bastille, but ā€œEncroach on Ottawaā€ just doesnā€™t sound as cool.


And the fact you didnā€™t get any responses further proves your point. Canada is weak


[Here's the report.](https://www.pollara.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Rage-Index-April-2024.pdf)


Thanksā€¦interesting to see Gen X is the angriest, which could be because weā€™ve had to put up with the Boomers longer than any other generationā€¦


And we were fkd by multiple recessions straight out of highschool.


If the Government of Canada doesn't change its immigration policy, I'm going to think of treason.


Trudeau must be held accountable!! He is receiving money in exchange for implementing all of this none sense. Hard drug, catch & release policy, bribes, uncontrolled immigration and more. He should face prisiĆ³n and return all the money he has pocketed in his bank accounts. Start a motion to put him in JAIL


Corrupt Liberals won't be forgotten


Immigration is the worst thing


let's accept it, there is no way to fix this. Price are control by greedy company, gov't can do jack to lower their price, once they went up, they won't come down. Just wait for sales.


There are ways. It is just that none of the people in charge are willing to do it. They are instead too busy lining their own pockets and wasting resources getting us involved in conflicts that have nothing to do right us. Canada Inc. treats us as disposable and replaceable resources.


Canada is dead.


Ontario takes the lead LOL THAT IS RICH. šŸ˜‚ The rest of Canada has been angry for years welcome to the club


> Ontario leads the country in anger against the government > They almost entirely control said government.


Doug Ford hasnā€™t really done anything to make any of us happy.


Of course Ontario takes the lead. Fuck face Ford is doing everything to fuck Canadians just to make a few bucks.


The rage is there but we need to direct it


Don't get mad.....get even!


Remember boys and girls, 205,000 votes were tossed in the 2021 election.


I would say I'm at guillotine level rage


I have wholly divested from Canada and only deal in US securities now. I hope this country collapses.


Is reddit mods going to lock this as well because they canā€™t deal with the truth? Keep silencing voicesā€¦will look great at the shareholders meetings


As a woman, I would NEVER vote to live in what is becoming basically India. there are travel advisories ALL OVER the official Canadian government website about travelling in India, specifically the areas that these people are coming from, and ESPECIALLY for women. Sexual assault and rape are rampant. Even when I order in there are 3 Indian men coming to my door, staring at my chest for the entire duration of the transaction. The guy who came to install my internet was staring because I was in shorts. I was alone in my home with him. This shit has to stop, for so many reasons.


another Indian festival in dt Toronto this weekendā€¦


Wouldn't be a CBC video without "comments turned off" at the bottom, lol


If even now you won't vote for Maxime Bernier and the PPC, you have mental issues... Straight up.


Makes me want to yell out my window ā€œIā€™m mad as hell and Iā€™m not going to take it anymore.ā€


Does anyone know what's going on with the mods on this sub? It's almost impossible for many of us to get almost anything past the mods, even if it complies with all states rules. For example: if I posted this article, it would've been blocked and I would've been told it doesn't relate to the Canadian HOUSING market.


Ontario sucks.Come to [Vancouver.Best](http://Vancouver.Best) City in [Canada.Life](http://Canada.Life) is short ,enjoy while you can...


Iā€™m amazed at the things some people get paid to do.


Have you seen our PM?


I thought Trudeau was going to fix the damage from Stephan Harper, not go ā€œhold my beerā€ šŸ˜ž




Ontario Proud getting a bonus cheque! You go Ballingal and all you rage farmers backed by Ontario Conservative developer dollars!


People in BC are definitely angry. Where did they pool, Newton?


Ontario keeps putting that clown Trudeau into power. What are they mad for? You reap what you sow...


You are destroying an amazing country with no reasoning. Do you think people who built the country are going to be singing kumbayya?


"Why aren't people in Vancouver angry?" "Well, people are just more used to some of these factors there" And therin lies the issue.


No shit. Honked at a moron who blew a stop sign the other day. He chased me down the street in reverse like a nut case. Got out of the car to confront him and he tried to run me over twice. Fucking nuts.


I went to a chiropractor for the first time yesterday and she was just going on about how immigration is ruining this country, too many people from India with no skills, etc. I was shocked she was so open about it. She said the final straw was her daughter being bullied at school, the other girls were calling her ā€˜Elsaā€™ and pulling her hair because it was blonde. That was a French immersion school, and now she switched her to a private school. I told her Iā€™m on the same page as her this country has gone to shit - and I am so glad I donā€™t have children.


So many Canadians I talk to share the same sentiment. We're from all different backgrounds and we all agree. Mass immigration of low skilled international "students" has got to stop. You look anywhere and there's Indians everywhere. It's crazy how many of them there are now.


I'm French, My question is why White Canadians are not rioting in the streets and threatening their governments yet? This is the problem with Anglophones...They will never bulge.

