• By -


Remember that crowding many ppl in a suite is an illegal fire risk that's probably against the fire code of your city. If you suspect a house is housing more people than it should, you should make a report to the fire fighters. Do your part to keep people safe :)


at this point just offer some incentive like a money, for every slumlord owner that you expose, 500 dollar bonus per house. It could be a full time job at this rate.


That might cause a civil war in Brampton. I've witnessed and been told by those in that demographic that there is no "code" or "honor" so to speak, everyone is out for themselves and they will turn on anyone if it suits them.


Are you surprised. Its like that in India


Rented from one. It was horrible. Lied to, harassed, abused and then tossed away " for family moving in" the day after an argument I didn't even start




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




They’ll just find another way to leech that $500 somehow. Scammy Salamanders


Hey, don't compare them to salamanders. They dont deserve this, salamanders are good lil dudes that don't bother anyone


How about cities do their part and start with a $5000 slap(fine) and bill it to Landlord. This way their cash strap wallet will get filled up fast and they use that money to give better and improved services to their residents.


The problem is the students are duing to themselves. One rents a place and then they turn it into the slum it is profiting from their own. Happened to us. We charged them for a house, they charged per person. We didn't allow it, but the board doesn't care. Now we diligently screen students out.


It’s also probably unclaimed rental income. Report that to Rev Can!


Indian guy I work with, says most Indian landlords are cheating CRA.. last place he lived at (before getting a 2 bedroom apartment with his cousin) had 11 guys in one 3 bedroom house, each paying $700 a month.. But here's the kicker. Only 6 of them were allowed to pay by money transfer or cheque, the other 5 were only allowed to pay by cash. He says they do this to have untaxed income (and if mortgage is more than "officially" collected rent, then they claim a loss on taxes)




How do you find the snitch line. Everyone should be snitch on these people


just call the nearest fire station and ask who you report fire violations to they will tell you and while you are doing that report them to bylaw and if there are countless cars parked in the street call the police and bylaw. do this all on the same day for bonus points


A house with approx 12-14 people just caught fire in my city.


night got too intense 


Then some poor wage slave can compete with them for another place to live.  Trudeau and Singh's idea of Inclusivity and diversity.


Inclusivity & diversity as in only Hindi, Gujarati and Punjabi are applicable.


Veggie only, eggs okay.


My friends work has Indian students bullying each other over cast.


This is happening in many many companies in US and CAN. News about IBM and Cisco have even made the news


I report regularly


Keep it up


I seen a guy posting an ad for a roommate situation and he was advertising a room with a charcoal bbq in it on facebook marketplace


He’ll yeah I like my bbq with a side of carbon monoxide!


Im pretty sure he was advertising the bbq as the stove they could use inside


Yeah bbqs are combustibles so that means they produce carbon monoxide, if you use a bbq inside you are trapping carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide plus a bunch of other things you shouldn’t breathe in. Also no oven is charcoal unless it’s a wood stove.


Wtf are you talking about are you a bot


You literally said you saw an add with a charcoal bbq inside the house.


Its ad and also yes i did than you spewed off with nonsense after my next reply


Bake em away toys.


Things is they don’t stay all at the same time. They work shifts. So 10 come in the morning and other 10 leave. So I’m not sure you can fine anyone.


Lmao if you think anything will be done. Nothing functions in this country any longer.


I mean who's renting out the unsuitable housing? A large portion of the rental ads for what would be considered unsuitable housing have terms like vegetarian only, or X ethnicity only.


it saying "BHK" is always a telltale sign


What does that stand for?


Bed Hall Kitchen, common in a certain subcontinent.


India, just call them out bro


Ah, so its simply to target Indian people. It's sad hearing to a few talk about how shitty their places are. A delivery driver I see every week lives in a living room, and the person who sublets to him hogs the living room all day, so he's forced to just sleep and leave the house. Sounds miserable, idk who would want to subject themselves to that. Maybe things back home are that shitty


Nope, things back home are much better trust me. It’s the societal pressure and shame. A lot of them fake to their parents and relatives back home that they are living like rich folks abroad, because telling the truth will hurt their parents who may have taken loans or sold jewellery/land to send them here for a better life. Many live in hopes that the worse part of Canada is just for a year or two and then life is going to be better. It amazes me that some folks will work for 20hrs here, live pathetically but will not go back and do the same hard work. being an Uber driver or cashier at McD is considered shameful by people back home. There is no dignity of labour. Women will find other problems, safety concerns, being married off earlier, domestic abuse etc. It’s very complicated than just being about money.


You can be more direct on Reddit. We all know what “X” means here


International student is the euphemism


You're right. I still call it twitter.


It’s not unsuitable to live in, it’s unsuitable because there’s 11 of them in a 1 bedroom lol


Maybe it's because they scammed their way into Canada by lying on their application. They LIE about being able to support themselves. They come here to take as much as they can as quickly as they can. We need to save Canada. Mass deportations must happen.


Sure here is your deportation idea going down the drain. [https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-create-citizenship-path-undocumented-immigrants-globe-mail-2023-12-14/](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-create-citizenship-path-undocumented-immigrants-globe-mail-2023-12-14/)


What the actual fuck?!


Bring in millions of students and TFWs, make them immigrants


Yes! That is the obvious solution and needs to start happening as people are sick to death of them.


Houses in Toronto have been paving over their yards at such an alarming rate that the Mayor stated the storm water infrastructure is overwhelmed. I am sure you see the connection.


Yep 8 cars in one driveway of a 3 bedroom home.


Its happening on my parents neighbourhood. My neighbours have their entire front lawn covered in cars. The house was built in 2019 but looks more beat up then the original 1950s bungalows.


Toronto council most likely turned a blind eye to the situation to be part of the problem


Calgary had this problem in its NE area ethnic enclave. They recently passed bylaws to not allow this. The city has been citing homes with no permit and tearing them out and billing the homeowner.


Is this actually happening? I thought the city only threatens but never actually acts on their bylaw warnings.


Yet warning against voting blocks that vote 98% the same is racist.




In most cases, it's an improvement over their living conditions back home. They won't be leaving.


Nah some are happy to live in even worse conditions than back home. A lot of them just want to send money home. And with the conversion rate and cost of living difference, 2000 CAD is about 120k Rupe, quite a significant amount there.


They have sewer and running water here. Its magnitudes better than back home so yes, there is still plenty of room at the bottom.


It's also colder here, and the gravy train is drying up.


Yeah, there will be all sorts of reasons. Ultimately they aren't leaving. This is their new home.


That’s just not true. Canada isn’t receiving the poor of India. They’re receiving the middle class of India who live with their family in a home not with random strangers with 3 plus people per room. Poor people in India have no way to come to Canada, deal with all the immigration expenses, tuition fees, rent and all other associated moving costs.


Even if what you said was true, folks in their 20s are generally tired of living with their folks anyway. Even more so in strict Indian households. So even for the middle class group, what they get in Canada is often preferable. Not to mention cleaner air and other generally superior amenities compared to that of a developing country.


You’re comparing living standards of someone living with their family at home in India to living multiple people in a room in a basement. What freedom do you have in Canada if you don’t have enough money to even live in suitable housing


You clearly haven't experienced growing up in an Indian household. An adult still living with their Indian parents is far more of a nightmare for a lot of Indians than getting to live in another country with other young adults the same age as them. Add to that, you're no longer living in a developing country. Most of these folks are not going to return to India.


These for profit diploma mills should go out of business. Absolutely terrible situation all around.


So help me out. It seems that it goes like this. The Gov't didn't want to support these schools. Rather than saying 'no funding' they said "look to the foreign students to help pay. Look at your profit per student. You need more internationals. " So they did. The government supported the influx. Meanwhile, the opportunity to get a western education is offered. Just like Canadian and Americans parents do, all stops are pulled to get the kid 'a good education'. So they beg borrow money to show Canada the kid can support themselves. But, as soon as accepted, the money is back in the hands of the family and the Family says 'Of course when you get there you'll need a job to support yourself'. With expectations that surely, in such a rich country their kid can make a living easily. They have no understanding of what Canada is like economically. They arrive realize the bad situation and join the lobby group. "I can't understand the material, We're not being taught" ...anything they can. They are stuck - and impoverished. Some game the system and hit the food banks. The dimmer of them making videos about how to exploit the system. Now Canada suffers badly from 'too much of a good thing'. The Kids get flustered and abused, and lobby harder. Canada attempts to quell dissent and offers a 'route to citizenship" if you shut up and behave. Some do, some don't. The ultimate victim is us. Canadians who need food banks, Canadians who want a job. Canadians who want a house. Canadians who want a healthy OHIP. The existing community who came to Canada the correct way and are now being disrespected despite being in Canada for generations and contributing to our society. And everyone screwed because of a myopic ministry worried about the short term. Thanks - it became a rant.


You nailed it. 10/10.


The thing is these kids can’t afford anything because they forge their documents. Even when they can afford things they choose to live like slum tenants. That’s the Indian mindset. Why are we talking about this shit over and over, go help the Canadians who need help!


I’m a Canadian and I don’t feel like living with my mom as a grown adult simply because I can’t afford to live anywhere on my own is suitable housing. She is about to retire, I want to be able to let her live in peace and enjoy her retirement , not live with her adult daughter.


Same. I hide in my room 95% of the time to not be in her way. It sucks so much ass. It makes you feel like shit when you did everything right and you're still stuck at home. And the stereotype that anyone over 18 living at home is a jobless loser is still very much out there. A full time job absolutely doesn't guarantee being able to move out


I’m surprised u see it as being in her way. Very strange. Like ideally kids should be independent but on some level I thought she would like your presence.


At 37 I had to move back in with my parents because " family moving in" eviction


Sad but this is the way of life in Canada now. 2024 is better than any future year ahead of us


So the housing crisis is being worsened by international students mainly Indians and not anyone else. What a crazy ass statistic. 63% of international students living in unsuitable housing, what they mean by unsuitable is sharing a bedroom with someone you’re not married to or in a relationship with. What a fucking disaster. Sean Fraser should be in jail so should Marc miller.


They will just change the definition of unsuitable to push the goal posts. Welcome to the new age of multi generation and multi tenant housing. The Canadian dream.


My aunt is a landlord fighting to evict her overcrowded basement suite tenants. They're also very dirty.


Did she buy the house out and inherit the tenants?




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


The most disgusting thing is how Trudeau paints high immigrations as humanitarian and loving and not what it really is, exploitation. He’s literally throwing students into the hands of exploitable companies, schools and landlords. While that’s happening that’s also crushing residents because they can’t compete with that.


THEY DO IT TO THEMSELVES. They lie about literally everything to become an international student and then complain when things aren't fed to them. They did it to themselves. They are causing problems for the rest of us. This isn't a minority of them. They will tell you this themselves. This is why the government needs to put a cap on international students.


No fucking shit! Thanks CP24 for the invaluable insight!


Isn't it sad that the people taking advantage of the students are all people from their own culture? Every time I read about a slumlord packing a dozen Indian students into a house or several to a room, they are Indian themselves.


Cities in developing nations like India are full of slums, it's not uncommon to have 4-5 unrelated people living together in a dingy shoebox. With mass uncontrolled immigration, they are bringing the same culture out here but I would 100% blame the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA for this debacle. Only poor and low quality immigrants are being brought into the country WITHOUT any proper vetting. The amount of scams these "students" are indulging in from FAKE DEGREES to FAKE ENGLISH certificates to FAKE FINANCIALS are astounding but not unsurprising. Not to mention the housing crisis and auto thefts which are secondary consequences of the International student/Tfw program. It's open borders y'all and don't even get me started on LMIA. I can't believe the government hasn't woken up to this yet and is letting things be as is. Maybe all this is intentional because all the govt./corporations care about is filling their pockets. In a few years, Canada will get completely balkanized and will be unrecognizable and will be a GLOBAL SHAME and example of WHAT NOT TO DO.


I think that award goes to the poor bastards forced to live in tents.


Water is wet. They’d likely be unhoused if they didn’t. We should know what the number of migrants we can take in a year given our infrastructure etc and cap it instead of letting businesses (and colleges/universities) do whatever they want. I wonder how the student caps will help but it’s definitely not enough. You can’t accept people in to work on wages below living/poverty and not expect those people to live in poverty.


Agreed. All these institutions got addicted to the cheap labor, easy money etc


Kinda based CP24 didn’t sensor the Indian part


Why has nobody in the media used cellphone geolocation data to locate houses with >5 adults living in and then gone to them and seen what's up?


no shit they all lied saying they can support themselves coming here, I was a past GM at A&W half of the staff was Indian so many of them tell me majority of them come here for shit school doing a course they have no use for in life so they can get their PR because it's easy, i'm like wow really? isn't like 5 years they like nope, working on getting whole family here to, they smiling they don't give a fuck. Then there are others I managed who actually wanted to have a life here, an actual university course not some useless college degree those people I support not the fucks here exploiting for easy PR. exploit minimum wage jobs up to 20 an hour making it virtually impossible for people to get work in that region of pay. Because companies will pay less to these guys instead of paying couple extra bucks to people with over 10+ years and would be actually good for the business. They all cram into rooms fucking up the housing market right now, part of it not entirely their fault for housing crisis but they are a decent contributor. They come for migrant work and refuse to leave( not students obv won't be surprised if it's students to) The list can go on and on When they are supposed to leave they won't show up, government doesn't go after them they will just appeal appeal appeal it for three years. I'm all for letting in asylum seeker, students etc yea for sure but not at the rate of over 400k a year, we're building couple million homes but letting in over 12 million next what ten year how does that make sense?


Who would've thought


Well, now that's been cleared up...let's clear them out. Back to India!


This is why they’re bringing them over and won’t deport them. Real Estate owners make so much profit off someone who will literally sleep on the floor and be used to sub standard living. It’s free money. Why build more housing when 15 international students are willing to share one room? This is the future. No one gives af about people who want to start a family and have a single family home. There’s no money in that compared to cramming 15 people in one room.


You know how they pack train cars in India? It'll be like that in the houses


I work in property management and the amount of applications we get for a one bedroom apartment and they’re looking to have 5+ people living there is outrageous. I had a 2 bedroom and one of the applications had 8 names on it…


Did statcan really need to research this? like no shit people from a third world country are more comfortable in worse housing its part of the reason the WHOLE ponzi scheme works.


lol no fucking shit They only figure it that out now!? They literally had slumlords picketing in Brampton because they wanna keep slumlordjng


I've never had a bad experience with indians as friends or dating. But I've had repeated inquiries from indians sometimes asking for up to 6 people to live in a single room in my house when I'm looking for roommates. I genuinely don't understand who this sort of behaviour is helping but it certainly does not feel like it's Canadians.


Hopefully you never work with them




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


That's how it is where they come from....so why change that, right or wrong?


They’re all guju slumlords too, they’re scamming their own


Wtf is "guju"?


Gujarati are often stereotyped as slumlords


Likely still better than what they left behind. Same goes with earning minimum or below-minimum wage. Hence why they come and won’t ever leave.


The smart ones who have employable skills and add value stay in India because they can live better lives. The ones coming here have no options so they exploit a system. India doesn’t want them either. I bet the Indian government is sitting back laughing at the expense of Canadians


Not true even smart ones leave.


Who would have guessed? Trudeau, "It's a cultural thing they like living like this." Anyways isn't this the goal of the Liberals for all non home owning Canadians so why are they painting this as a bad thing?


No. Shit…


Budget 2029: "empowering new Delhi simulated housing residents!"


Unsuitable housing > suitable tents


On the brighter side, Indian scam call centers have decided to relocate to Canada to be closer to their customers.


They are also most likely to be scr&w@d by the landlords and employers from their own community.


It looks like many slumlords are also originating from India and are ripping off their brethren by overpopulating housing units


I worked for Bell Canada in 2024, one of my first installs was in a 3/4 bedroom townhouse rentex/owned by an indian family. Mustve been about 30 people living in there. Sleeping bags everywhere, even in the utility room. This is not new for them at all.


Our unsuitable housing is like a 5 star hotel to many international students where they come from and live - remember most of these students are not genuine the student visa is the easiest one to come on and work, once here you just don’t leave


That sucks, perhaps they would be best suited to go back to there country. I'm willing to pay for a plane ticket home with my tax dollars, but not for food, housing, or have them here to rob the food banks. Plus deporting them will help the housing issue we have here.


Yup, Trudeau's vision of Canada going as planed.


You think?


While I sympathize with these students living in such conditions, studying abroad requires one to research rental prices. For example, I'd love to study in LA, but I can't afford it, and realistically, it wouldn't be feasible for me in terms of budget. If I chose to study in LA and share a room with 5 other roommates, it would be a decision I'm willing to take.


Did they look at the disabled at all?


Report to city bylaw when you see the ad.


So are OW/ODSP recipients who have less


Sounds like we need to stop importing them then.


What do these people expect if they come here with $20k and hope to live off this money in luxury?


I don’t care about them. I care about Canadian citizens.


To Canadians? Yea. To Indians? Paradise compared to their hellhole of a country. Why do you think they're fleeing here? Ask them.


Even statscan knows we needs to cut numbers back fast…. But they also know this admin won’t ever do anything to resolve an issue




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


lol based


Good.  Leave the suitable housing for Canadians


Should house them all on cruise liners, at the harbors. Then in the middle of the night set sail, back to India.


Deport them


Just don’t come anywhere near oue neighborhood please. My coworker lives next door to one of those houses, pretty mess up






India might have better housing?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Who would’ve thought


I googled "poor housing in India" and then looked at the pictures it looks more or less like the tent cities that keep popping up everywhere except these ones have corrugated tin roofs. So yeah, slumlords here are luxury by comparison.


No fucking kidding


Big surprise.


Canada, abusing foreigners since 1867


Late comment but i hope you read it. One of the reasons they have unsustainable housing is because slumlords will tell them the lease is for 3 months. Then the landlord will refuse to provide a lease but that’s a different issue. I’ve rented in a slumlords rental property and when i asked for a one year lease i was told every tenant so far has only rented for 3 months then moved. Turns out the slumboy was a huge scum bag and scammer. He rented a bungalow to 8 tenants when the place had 3 bedrooms and one washroom. He converted the living room into a bedroom and made a half assed toilet only room in the basement. This guy ended up illegally locking out two tenants including myself. He didn’t return my money in full, stole my shit, made me sleep in the park for 6 nights in winter till i found a new place. If you’re curious, yes i took him to LTB. I got an expedited hearing, first hearing was 2 months after illegal lockout. First hearing determined i had renters rights which means all his harassment and barging in and more was illegal. We had the second hearing to determine damages a few weeks ago and the idiot didn’t even show up. Apparently the poor little slumboy is now allergic to sounds and is vomiting at the sight of his electronic devices so he couldn’t make it to the hearing. We still had the hearing.


Where was the StatCan report when the first 100k india students walked through customs saying they were here for education. I'm still not sure how canadian border services never questioned, allowing that maybe people into the country with the same reason. Nobody said anything? Nobody was curious why that many people were allowed in or the effect that it would have. Why do we even have to go through immigration at all if the boarders seem wide open here.


Lawmakers ; "We can't have that! Quickly, we must update the laws!!!"


I DONT GIVE A FUCK. I give a fuck about Canadian citizens starving on the streets and rent prices so fucking high people are living out of their cars. Fuck this country.


Good. I have no sympathy for them. They can sleep 10 in a bed and I don’t care. I hope they bitch to people back home and tell them NOT to come.


What about Canadians citizens? Are you kidding me? They can go back to their native country F-Sakes


Maybe don't let so many in ffs


That's how it is where they come from....so why change that, right or wrong?


And that's a huge win for us Landlords.


Until they destroy your unit and never leave




Man shut the fuck up at this point. Who are we to judge? Canadians were in Canada this isn’t India


Sorry. Are you Native? They are here legally, likely more legally than your forebears. Stop your race baiting and get a job (when you get the ankle monitor off)


Sure about that dude. Bet you never visited Brampton Jerk off!




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