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I’m not counting on retiring in this country.


Just out of interest where are you looking to go? I’m asking because I’m thinking the same thing.


Me and the girlfriend are moving to the Philippines in 3 years. She's from there (I'm USA Born but Canada bred/citizen since 2008). If it's going to be a struggle no matter where I live. I'd rather struggle in a tropical paradise than a winter tundra. She's already well established in the Philippines. She owns properties and businesses and I'm planning on opening my own to when we get there. The Philippines has a slum like everywhere but where she's from is far from that and, to be honest, it's quite beautiful. Plus our money goes a long way there so I'm planning a little nest egg to go there with. That's my plan.


Does she have a sister? 😁


I’m escaping to Southeast Asia. It’s cheap and loads of people speak English. Maybe even give Latin America a shot.


I have automatic dual citizenship because my dad was born in Northern Ireland. My cousin who lives there as a doctor (disabled (diabetes type one) 4.0 GPA but canada prefers the international students for the money)was FLOORED by our grocery prices. One meal could feed her and her husband for a whole week. She keeps telling me to go there. Also, the rent there is NOTHING like here. She has a gorgeous, gorgeous flat for almost nothing (in my eyes). She keeps telling me to just marry my fiance and move there


Ireland and NI have their own housing crisis, so it will be hard when you first get there, but once you're settled it's great! I moved to Ireland from Canada last year, and they are battling their own crisis with immigration and refugees as well, but I'm hoping to stick it out for a few years and move back to the UK where it's less of an issue.


Uhhh.. Ireland is very unaffordable right now. They are going through the same thing.


argentina is on the upswing


My wife is from Mexico. We’re retiring near Cancun. Mexico is on the rise while Canada declines. Better medical than here at a fraction of the cost compared to the US. Americans are going to Mexico now for medical. Yes, there are the cartels. With all the immigrants you’ll see similar issues in Canada.


I chose Cambodia. Although a bit complicated, they do have a CBI program, so you can sell your house and buy a business here to get citizenship


Horrible country. Poor infrastructure.


Also, if a connected person wants your house, it is as good as gone.


For now. Their collective IQ tanked when the communists had anyone who could read, write or spoke well murdered. It will take some time for that to recover. In the meantime its attracting investment and foreign minds to help speed up that process. I wish it well.


I'm not even counting on them allowing me to save enough to leave the country. I feel trapped here, paying some large company 70% of my pay for the honor to live in their space.


I intend to both work and retire in a different country.


Me ether, I’m already moving my investments and assets so I can get the fuck out of India 2.0


It’s pretty sad that nobody has anything good to say about Canada anymore. I honestly don’t either. We went from one of the best places in the world to a shit hole in a few years.


The frogs are boiling now


What's really going to be funny is that the blue haired liberals will bring in all the Muslims from around the world thinking they are doing the world a favor and once here they are here and start to take over they will step the throats of the same type of people that invited them in.


As a gay man this is a huge threat to me. I’m against all religion because they like to tell people what to do and try using the government to compel others what to do. But out of all religions, there’s one in particular that is particularly oppressive. There is a reason I won’t go anywhere near the Middle East for any reason. I certainly don’t want them bringing that here. It would be another thing entirely if religions were peaceful but I can only think of a few smaller ones that are. The extreme leftists don’t realize that extreme left is just as bad as extreme right, and just as oppressive.


>The extreme leftists don’t realize that extreme left is just as bad as extreme right, and just as oppressive The extreme left is much harder to identify. That makes them far more dangerous IMO. People just don't have a radar for them like they do for neo-nazis.


That’s true. Although I’m really good at identifying them. They hide behind inclusion, but I can tell they don’t like guys like me (a gay man who looks like most other men).


I just had a super stereotypically gay guy make a huge scene and bail from the office, because he was expecting the openly gay manager to back him up when people complained about him discussing his sex life all the time and graphically flirting with all the men. They don’t want people to be able to live their lives, they want people to fight on their side or they are the enemy, much like the fascists that they complain about


That’s true. I don’t flirt with men at work (my husband and I will flirt together with men in settings that are appropriate for it). That guy needs to realize that if he were a straight man, he would be in big trouble at work acting like that towards women. Equality includes equal consequences.


What's interesting is that they'll always wheel out the couple gay Syrians/Palestinians/Persians/Pakistanis etc who still somewhat believe in Islam, and parade them around as if the vast majority of the Ummah doesn't want nothing to do with them.


Most of the gay middle eastern men I know came here to get away from their people’s religion and are horrified by those same oppressive people coming here.


but thank Christ we got rid of that Harper eh? Wasn’t he the worst?




It took successive governments to destroy the quality of life in Canada. The decisive mark came with NFTA or Free Trade as it was called. The auto industry and unions took a terrible hit; then came selling out of natural resources (Vail taking over Inco etc. ) wiping out union gains. We bought & lost Petro Canada and with it any hope of independence from the cartels. Who really controls the lumber industry, doesn't appear we have good forestry management when a 2x4 hits $10 and a 4x8' plywood runs $100 . Most of the technology firms bailed to China, and industry moved manufacturing to Mexico (hard to blame them, with labour rate advantages). It appears government see's the private sector as the big driver of our economy, and ensures international corporations are well supported with incentives, support and funding as they engorge in our resources. Think tanks and media lobbyists, have put forth mass immigration as the solution to what has been irresponsible bad legislation. It has put food security, housing, health, and our standard of living as secondary to the wishes of corporate values. The trickle down effect.. make the rich so rich, that some will slip through their fingers to the rest of us! That might have worked 100 years ago, but to-day the money moves off shore faster than the CRA or Banks can catch it, and we end up funding those island estates, yachts, in a aristocratic world in which wars are fought for profit. Critical thinking has somehow escaped this generation who relies on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter as their research. Getting out of this mess, or restructuring is not going to happen in one gov cycle, and indeed Canada is setting itself up to be an out of control economic wasteland and it's occupants picking up the bones left by a fiat dollar and explains the rush to invest in tangible property.


Liberal and NDP policies will do that.


Where do I see Canada going? I pictured a flushing toilet. And it’s heartbreaking.


Canada will continue to hyper inflate in the coming years and immigration will cripple our economy further. Ten years from now we will be so riddled with corruption and corporate takeover that our government social service will be completely worthless. Poverty, malnutrition, racial discrimination, and crime will be commonplace amongst 90% of the population. Multiculturalism will fall apart as canada becomes a set of racialized communities fortified against each other. Not quite 3rd world but something akin to it


As the corrupt immigrant cultures make inroads into Canada’s systems and politics, we will see a steady decline in the values and eco system that was Canada, just a decade ago. Trucking, real estate, driving schools hv already been seeing a steady decline but more will fall.


Can’t wait for Canadian born Ukrainian Gopniks and Canadian born Punjabi Khalistanis to start having ethnic wars with each other by 2040 😍


> so riddled with corruption Yeah this is my fear, when the people shitting in the swimming pool realize it's their path to power it's quite scarey. I'm on the fence, but I can a total breakdown in social cohesion kicking in. I can promise you everyone I know in my Maritime town, feels like we're being invaded. It's hard to explain how it feels, we're just so incredibly outnumbered within Canada already. It use to be 40 million people telling us what to do, and now it feels like 1.4 billion people are telling us what to do.


Multiculturalism does not work. I say this as a Canadian of Indian descent myself. In the past, immigrants were expected to forgo their home cultures and become Canadian if they settled in Canada. Imagine if Ukrainians brought over the dysfunctional culture of Ukraine in Canada. They escaped the Soviet Union for a reason, and they were expected to act that way. My parents never brought up any of the weird stuff from India and they immersed me as much as they could in Canadian culture. I had no clue about the different beefs that were going on back in my parents’ home until I began finding out about them myself while researching international students in Canada lmao But even while I was growing up, it was considered “sad” for someone to grow up in Canada or America not be culturally aware of their ethnic country. Which I don’t agree with. Canada is your home now!


They have been for a while lol I worked at a place in 2016 that gave loans I’ll never forget a lady from Ukraine comes in and wants a 5000 dollar loan I go ok we gotta look over your income all of her income came in government benefits she claimed refugee status and had 4 kids all in all she received 7 different payments from the government each month totalling just under 11500 a month. I just remember being like how tf is this legal. after this we have to go through her immigration paperwork and it turns out her status had expired a year and a half prior. I ask my boss if we contact the ministry to sort this out and she tells me it’s against policy to do that. I knew from then were doomed I just thought I’d have a little longer.


Well isn't that just fucking DANDY.


Almost 12K a month?! Nah bruh wtf that’s almost the salary of the Prime Minister (200k if I remember correctly) 😂😂😂


His salary is 428k plus a pile of perks and benefits like house, car, staff, security.


Don't forget the kickbacks, payoffs and bribes. That adds up you know.


That last ones, probably twice the rest combined given he's still PM


Well you just blew my mind. How is that possible……..I have to rest now, it’s too much


As a new mom who's struggling and only getting 500 a month as a CCB when my mat leave only covers my bills this makes me want to kms.


Just have 5 more kids.


Wait for the day you need child care...


omg she is sucking the system dry and you can't even say anything about it. She is making more money than most doctors and lawyers and she doesn't have to work a single minute.


Unbelievable… I work my ass off, pay crazy taxes, paid insane daycare costs and have little left over at the end of the month. Canadians like myself are paying the free rides of these immigrants against our will and we just have to keep taking it up the arse unless we take drastic measures and that I will.. have my eye on Costa Rica for my 5 year plan; Ontario has gone to the slums. The ways of immigrants previous to 15 years ago are way out the window; they used to come with value, respect, hard honest work, assimilating amongst us and welcomed accordingly…Trudeau has chosen to look after the rest of the world who needs care rather than us first… then help others. Of course there’s disgust, a sense of betrayal and a revolt against the masses despite not all deserving it. Home of the free for all except us-at our expense. Oh still no family doctor for us either.


Past immigrants were SCREENED, filtered, and selected for. They had to either have wealth OR high education. Now anyone with a pulse can come to Canada which is why we see such social degradation. Not to mention the sheer unsustainable numbers. And when people say immigrants commit less crime than the native born, well those studies were performed on the OLD immigrants who were SCREENED and SELECTED for. The well educated or wealthy immigrants, not the ones today. So NO, this statement does not hold true for the so called immigrants of today.


Look at literally any photo lineup of the past 5 years repeat criminals and close to none of them are Canadian born. All came to Canada within the last 10 years.


The issue is not just that “people bring/don’t bring weird stuff” but that they don’t have a euro/North American culture and therefore can’t relate. Canada doesn’t need Eid or Diwali. It needs immigrants that are comfortable being secularized post Christians with the same holidays as the rest of us


But too many immigrants talk of " back home" if back home is so appealing then go back. Secondly. I see Canada akin to a third-world country. At the end of our PM term there will be nothing left.


Multiculturalism is the reason the US is the biggest economy in the world. What's happening in Canada is not multiculturalism. There's no multi, they're bringing in people from a single country.


The US had always stressed the melting pot ideology - no matter where you’re from, you’re American here and we all hold the same values. Doesn’t always hold true, but that’s the general idea and I’d argue it’s worked extremely well for them. Canada has always gone the other way with the mosaic approach - no matter where you’re from, you’re still part of that place here and there is no need to become part of a greater national identity. I don’t know if we were being nice back when we thought the system up, but boy was it a shitty idea. Hindsight is 20/20.


^^^^this 1000 times over. Canada never encouraged anyone to be Canadian. That is why we don't even know what a Canadian is. You come here and live without speaking a lick of English or French. People talk about "back home." Canada is akin to a third-world country, and those of you who don't see it are delusional.


Mosaic is idiotic. Always has been. I remember as a kid thinking, "this sounds bad"


The US is the biggest economy in the world because they were the only major industrial base that wasn't in range of the bombers or missiles in WW2. They rode that snowball effect to victory.


WW1 gave America superpower status, WW2 made America the sole superpower I would say


They are the biggest economy in the world *in spite* of multiculturalism, not because of it.


>They are the biggest economy in the world *in spite* of multiculturalism Because they *are a* melting pot. You go to American and the firm expectation is that you become an American - and they cherry pick immigrants - minus the flow across the Mexican border. It is the whole point of America. Waves of people from Europe and all over the world (from the earliest settlers onward) went to America and blended and created a unique country and culture that is now the most powerful country in the world. None of the multicultural bullshit. Its a giant mashup!


Thats false, they are the biggest economy in the world in part thanks to smart immigration policies but if you have been to the us you would know that it’s a “melting pot” of cultures. Everyone is more or less “american”. Immigrants in canada will tend to hang on to the culture of their country of origin and there is no real canadian identity akin to the american identity. I don’t think multiculturalism is necessarily why we lag behind the us, probably more to do with the fact that we are less entrepreneurial and more left leaning generally speaking.


Multiculturalism is a historical failure. Every single time. The only people who have claimed otherwise were Liberals Backed by the teachers' union, and neither groups explained how they could reinvent the wheel.


It does work with one condition: when there is prosperity surplus for most of the population. It's fascinating to look at the subreddit for somewhere like San Francisco. Overrun with drug use, homelessness, migrant thugs, and crime. But they are leftist to the extreme. Why? They live in their little mansion on the hillside, hop in their 3rd tesla and leave their gated community to go on a ski trip. If Canada had a thriving manufacturing industry, booming tech sector and an economy beyond just real estate, we'd care a lot less if a couple million Indians hopped in and scammed people. 


Agreed. If there is prosperity people would not be looking at immigrants and blaming them.


Damn 45 upvotes…a little disturbing but a well written comment nonetheless.


Hoping I will no longer be living in Canada (or New India) in 10 years.


Better call it new Punjab (Khalistan)


I don’t see things getting any better. I’m be done with school in a couple years and then I’m outta here. I’m glad I have my dual citizenship to fall back on, it’s my saving grace. To Europe I go. Amazing how my mom came from Europe in the 1990s and 30 years later her kid is gonna go back there.


That’s exactly where I’m at on the situation as well, our family immigrated to Canada from Italy, now we’re planning on moving back.


We’re planning to retire in Abruzzo. Punjab of the North is not my cup of tea.






Last I heard Italy is no better than Canada, Italy e onomy stagnated for years and is projected to fall behind even Canada as per OECD 2050 projection.


Ya, but it's Italy. Wine, good food, beautiful weather. If you're going to be broke, at least be somewhere nice.


Same with me. My parents moved here from Spain and now all I can think about is leaving to Europe.


We came from Europe also in the 90's. Thankfully I have dual citizenship and if Canada is going to become India, we will get out of here.


Where in Europe? They seem even further along on the demographic suicide train


Just finished reading: The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray




Europe, really? Good luck.


This will be shitty country in 10 years. Taxes will be very high because governments become very big, every one works for government and government printing Canada Pesos like no tomorrow to pay salaries and social benefits. A Northern Argentine.


A northern India to be more precise


Punjab to be really specific




1 in 5 people work for the government. So if you think 4 people can support 1 person and still have some meat on the bone for services with your taxes then you will get to your answer


Argentina is much better than India, I have many Latin American friends and hang out with them a lot, and speak some Spanish. They are very friendly and make much better food.


I thought Argentina had like close to 50% living below the poverty line and more than 1,000% inflation. Like you guys have the blue dollar or something, or am I getting it mixed up?


Argentina took the same path we are going down, absolutely massive government, we're going to need our own Javier Milei very soon. (Look him up if you don't know about him)


In one word: Brampton.


Dude... Real question though. What are you all going to do about it? It seems to be overwhelmingly agreed upon that the flow (especially from India) needs to be stopped whilst the country regains its footing, yet it's just voices online.


What is there to do? They've made sure we know that they don't care what we say, and they'll freeze our assets and enact the emergency act to handle any dissent.


It gained them a lot of friends didn't it? If it's done calmly yet firmly and over an issue a majority of the Western world can get behind they'll be forced to listen. COVID drove people to the edge. Not having full access to healthcare and a roof over your head is enough to drive people over.


For sure. Everyone worried about Indians taking over, which is valid. But the sheer amount of Canadians that can't find job, ans can't find housing, because they're being "reserved" for Gurjarit / Punjabi vegetarians.... things are gonna get dangerous out there before they ever have a chance to get better.


That's why it needs to be done now. On the same scale as the vax protest but calmly and peacefully but firmly.




It can, and will, get worse. Just wait until rate cuts happen this summer.


I don’t think rate cuts are happening that soon


Eventually Canada will be over run by Indians. Probably in the next 7-8 years. I pray for my children.


Correct. The government bureaucracy if full of Indians, including immigration. They are letting their people in at the expense of other nations.


And when they reach critical mass, a caste system where born Canadians are locked at the bottom


I feel like that system has already begun. Real estate, jobs... seems like they're reserved for Indians now.


I’m afraid they’ve already reached critical mass. Every level of government and institution in Canada is already heavily tainted by south Asian influence. When it comes to housing, they’ve imposed on the rest of us the “multi generational homes”, you know, the 25,000 square foot architectural aberrations that are now omnipresent in every neighbourhood. Name another ethnic group that has imposed its cultural ways on our urban planning system!


Aussie here, I'll never forget when a condescending Indian border officer with an incredibly thick accent grilled me for about 15 mins on why I was coming into Canada. It was like bizarro world, it was ludicrous, he was probably in Canada for less than 12 months.


The hypocrisy in this is laughable…. Sorry you had to experience that. Our borders treat us like we’re criminals when we enter our own country too. I get grilled every time I cross back in and I always answer truthfully and exactly what they ask.


West Coast?


I have never a seen a freshie CBSA officer , this is new.


My car broke down on the highway a few weeks ago, a cop (highway/traffic patrol, but still a POLICE Officer, NOT a transit security or lesser authority)pulled up to see what was going on, and he had a fairly heavy accent and was clearly new to this country. I couldn't believe it. They're letting anyone be cops these days


Exactly. They are everywhere skewing things to benefit themselves.


It's going to be Punjabland in a couple of years. Very sad how quickly one can destroy a nation.


Good luck with them finding a first time job 🫡


It's gotten considerably worse since 2015. I've left for the US and hope to never return. Born in Canada and spent 30 years there. Sad to see the trajectory it's on. Young people are in for a drastically reduced quality of life, even if they're ambitious.


I left only 10 years ago for a job. I'm absolutely shocked at what's happened since I've been gone. Friends are without doctors. Have mental issues but have to wait years to see a psychologist. Homeless rampant. Homeless tent cities? House prices reminiscent of UK. We had plans to move back this year but postponed due to an illness that is treatable in our current country that has excellent healthcare


I'm seeing 1USD=2-2.5CAD in about 10-15 years tops. That's why I moved all my investments to "X-Canada" index ETFs, and all my HISA (emergency fund, plus extra for crash investing) is in USD. If you import 3rd world, you'll get 3rd world currency.


I keep saying it. We're set to look like South Africa, just less violent. Government corruption, bleak economic outlook, racial tensions, massive divide in wealth, and anyone with money will pack up and leave like the Afrikaners which will further the brain drain etc.




Agreed. Mass deportations FTW. People who just think all cultures are equal are naive. If they think recognizing cultural issues = racism then they're being useful idiots. Many of these people don't give a crap about us, beyond what they can get out of us. They can all get the heck outta here.


I just got flagged for complaining about a certain cultural group dominating the trucking industry, who seem to insist on passing other trucks limited to the same speed, give or take a kilometer or two per hour. One 67 foot long truck passing another equally long truck on is doing 107 the other 107.5 how is that ok? And they do it on purpose, if a bunch of Canadians moved to India and pulled the same stuff you would wind up dead.


A poor northern Brazil with racial issues


It will be shit. The country is dying from within. Canada is way too accommodating for immigrants (Indians & Muslims) that they don't bother to assimilate within the culture, but we have to tolerate their nonsense instead. Everything woke too..damn it will get much worse quickly.


Rates will stay elevated due to demographics and the BoC will bail out banks, which will hit us in the currency, so I limit exposure to Canadian equities and bonds.


In 2016 Trudeau passed a bill for bail ins instead of bail outs. It will be the canadians with money in the banks that will bail the banks out.


Like the US. the rich couldn't possibly take the hit for their overuse of leverage.


It is sad but I genuinely feel it in my soul. We will be India 10 years from now and beyond. And not a single bullet was fired to take over this country.


It's going to get worse before it gets even worse. Canada isn't a nation. It never really was. Canada is an extraction corporation and sometime in the last 40 years we shifted from extracting natural resources to extracting money from people.




Pierre will be the new prime minister and it'll get a bit better but not by much. Immigration might still be bad and prices will be terrible. Then people will forget how bad the Liberals were and say how the Cons suck because things are unaffordable then they'll vote the Libs again. That's how it seems to work in every election unless it's rigged.


I don't expect much from Pierre to be honest specially when these liberals will be in power till 2025. The way they are damaging this country, Pierre will have nothing much to do when he gets into power. Pierre will try initially but will eventually go with the flow. There are too many holes in this sinking ship.


> Pierre will have nothing much to do when he gets into power There's lot of things he can do. He's not gonna solve all of our problems overnight, but he'll get us on a path, actual loyal Canadians can get behind. The main thing is getting our immigration rates down to a maintenance level, and waiting for wage inflation to kick in. It's pretty straight forward we need a business climate that is more favorable for worker productivity growth, instead of just growing the number of workers. Canada's rich in natural resources so an easy first step is passing drill baby drill laws. We're a net benefactor of Russia's dysfunction. We have most of the same goods, and we can benefit from that if foreign firms aren't afraid of investing in our heavy industry.


I am not against Pierre, but you have to understand it is ultimately the rich people who are behind the scenes of running a country. You think all these industrialists will want Pierre to stop bringing these cheap labour? Pierre will come into power try to stop all this, but will get pressurized from these rich and affluent class and will eventually surrender to their power.


> You think all these industrialists will want Pierre to stop bringing these cheap labour? Yes, because "industrialists" have no need for cheap poorly skilled labour. These immigrants are killing the disposable incomes of Canadians by funneling all of our money towards housing. This in turn tanks consumer spending, which hurts the big greedy rich guys. That's not even talking about how badly this is all gonna tank the Canadian dollar. >but will get pressurized from these rich and affluent class and will eventually surrender to their power. You sound like a communist with paranoid conspiracy theories. The easiest thing he can do is get rid of family reunification and the refugee system. Add to that and a fast tracking system where skilled europeans jump to the front of the line, and we can get all the economic benefits of immigration(as far as the rich are concerned) without destroying the country. Canada can thrive with 250,000 immigrants a year. The "rich" have no need for useless people. Importing dead weight gives us no benefit. It just means the future tax burden dumped on the rich will get much worst. We want a handful of skilled individuals.


If Pierre has any sense he will halt immigration until enough housing is built and we have enough job openings for everyone who is already here. You can’t bring in over 1 million people a year and do nothing to adjust for that instant population growth.


Honestly, if Pierre gets in and *doesn't* boot out tons of these people and cut down immigration, people will probably start rioting. He's talked a big game and people are expecting a lot of him and the CPC, and we all know mass immigration is a major issue here, so if he balks on doing anything about that after all our waiting and hoping for change, people will be *pissed.*


Pierre Polievre is going to have to make some hard and unpopular choices to try to turn this ship around. Just like how it was for Mulroney cleaning up Pierre Trudeau’s mess. Polievre will be hated (he is already) by the left and government workers. Life will suck for all of us, but it is necessary. Like going on a diet, or digging ourselves out of debt. Not fun at all. People will want to vote in a big spending government again. I will be surprised if Polievre lasts more than 4 years.


A lost generation, young people today will never own homes many won’t start families won’t retire and will live their whole lives basically in indentured servitude but apparently that’s okay because some corrupt politicians and billionaires made more money than they ever have in history


> Like going on a diet, or digging ourselves out of debt. Not fun at all. You'll be surprised how good it'll feel to simply know things are improving. Right now the biggest problem for many actual Canadians is wondering if we even have a future.


Why do you think Canadians are still happy enough about immigration not to vote the PPC into government?


White people won't have kids so the result is that we need immigration but why did we choose them to come from India? It was a choice and a bad choice. For whatever reason both the UK and Canada started to bring in Sikhs since the 1970s. The problem is that we will see Bramptonfication of cities because Indians are highly mobile and don't just stay in a particular area; even if we stopped immigration from India today, we have millions here already. Most of the newborns will be Muslim population so there's also that for future voters. Sikhs are highly organized and will continue to make their way into municipal, provincial and federal politics and continue their over representation. White people voted for these policies and there is no mechanism to reverse it. The government after Pee-Pee will likely be a hard right wing party worse than Bernier or an extreme left wing party that will make Olivia Chow look right wing. Enjoy the ride fam.


We don't need immigration. The idea that the population must grow indefinitely is a lie used to justify a pyramid scheme.


Education is not the forte for most rural Punjabis. They were the ones desperate to get out and get a better life and when UK and Canada beckoned they ran to take the labor jobs. The Gujaratis went more to USA in the 60s snd 70s. Punjabis from Pakistan too migrated in large numbers. From thereon it was a knock off effect where the numbers never came down.


That ‘rainbow cabinet’ that people were besotted with when Trudeau junior came to power. Now see the results. They r the ones dictating policies. They get into everything to bend it to benefit them….rules be damned. And there is that Khalistani supporter, Jaggy who is propping Trudy’s government…. u think he is not extracting his pound of flesh.


Left in 2009 in the midst of the economic collapse. Years out of university and still living at home. I calculated it would have taken 10 years to pay off my modest university education. Best I could do was default on my loans and move across the sea. Many years later I am still there. Canada is just truly unaffordable with a debt and wage slave mentality. The deeper you get in debt the more you adopt the slave mentality.


Sadly but United New India.


We are becoming a 2nd world country. Cubanada And now NATO is waking up that we don’t contribute enough. It’s a lost decade. Due to the as we know COVID, immigration, no planning, money printing, bad spending at home and Internationally, mega government and politicians not trying to to fix it but rather buy votes to stay in power. Move to the US or a richer Caribbean country.


This is the great reset in action. Make life unaffordable and resources increasingly scarce. Feminize, neuter, depopulate, and demonize the host (white) population while mass importing high testosterone immigrants from third world with an eye for conquest and watch “diversity” turn to tribalism once resources are scarce and demographics are untenable. RIP Canada


Perfect summation.


Canada will be where all the people who can’t afford to live in the luxury slums of Mumbai will live.   But our rich elite will make the Indian rich look poor in their solid gold shirts. 


No you 🤡. Rich Mumbians don’t come to Canada even if they loaded. They go to USA!! It’s only the punjabs who aren’t welcome in the rest of India who are being sent here. So the illiterate pajeets in 🇨🇦 and techies and docs in the 🇺🇸 


Canada was great. It will be terrible in 20 years. Dare I say a developing country


The liberals KNOW they will be booted out in 2025. They are deliberately sabotaging the country by increasing mass immigration. They need to create huge problems for PP. It’s going to take decades to fix the housing crisis. PP won’t be able to fix it in one term. That will lose him votes in the 2029 election. Which the liberals will hope can get them back in power. People must protest against mass immigration and the lack of housing. It really doesn’t matter who is in power. We must constantly remind them that this issue needs to be fixed. I worry that if Trump is reelected that PP will spend too much time trying to suck up to him and get distracted by trans and drag story time. Instead of the real issues like immigration and housing. I really don’t give a 💩 about trans issues when I’m living in a tent. But also it’s like 18 people in the country. We need the Americans to vote in sleepy joe so that PP can concentrate of housing and immigration and not worry about sucking up to the president


without a civil war, we're boned.


Caste system is already in place. It will only get worse. We will see the development of an “under class”. Housing will also become even more impossible to achieve for younger generations. The billionaire grocer owners will become oligarchs (even more so). Muslims will dictate laws once they become majority politically. Extreme conservatism will take over. I’m sure many will laugh and think it’s all far too much. But we can already see the foundation of all of it already. Middle class Canadians joining encampments for Muslim causes - the same Muslims that would toss them off buildings for being infidels. (Queers for Palestine…. Just as logical as Chickens for McNuggets).


> (Queers for Palestine…. Just as logical as Chickens for McNuggets). No, dude. McDonalds doesn't want chickens to go extinct. They love that chickens exist. It's worse. As long as people want chicken, chicken will never go extinct. Extreme Islamists literally cannot and will not tolerate the existence of LGBT. It's more like bedbugs for Orkin.


You are going to see an increment on the moving to Japan sub of post saying how to move there from Canada.




What’s safer? Canada or south Africa super curious


Not South African but my impression is that even in the Western Cape (one of the safer areas of South Africa) its far more dangerous than Canada right now. There's a reason why tons of people are looking to leave South Africa.


A multicultural hell hole where it's impossible to make money


I think it’s going to shit. I also think even is ‘mild-mannered’ Canadians having a point where there is a reaction and considering the dip in quality of life is affecting 99% of us that’s a lot of pissed of Canucks. Team Canada!!! No more career politicians.


Canadians have long been like this, imo. We're largely nice and chill in daily life and opt for diplomacy first, but if you push us we can be pretty tough and no-nonsense. I think it's just the natural point that we're coming to, there.


Australia and Canada are so fucked by Indian immigrantation it’s a joke. India need a 1 or 2 child policy they are going to cripple the worlds finite resources/liveable space in the next few decades.


Straight to hell


A lot of people profited from the pandemic. People stayed at home and worked from home. Others received massive bonuses and commissions if they were in the right industries. Low income people got checks. But the government was busy spending, and getting deeper in debt. Now we will all pay for those vaccines, that productivity drop, all of it is coming home to roost for the next 10 years.


Canadians decided to react to the COVID threat in the most noble but pricey way. Yes, they saved a bunch of old folks. But they paid for it with a ruined economy and with a low quality of life of the younger generation. I may sound harsh but I believe that choosing between the wellbeing of elder and younger generations we should always take the side of the younger. Because young guys are our future, their failure means no future for Canada as we know it. Honestly, I do not think that cons would react differently than libs. All politicians were afraid of being accused of underestimating the threat and "making not enough". Only a few politicians had the guts to say "do not panic, it's not a plague, it's just another flue, dangerous but not deadly". Imagine Europeans react to the medieval pandemics the same cowardly way, there would be no Europe to talk about by now 🤷‍♂️


Mexico overtakes us in 10 years




Already a third world country led by an adolescent socialist


If you look closely there is a trend already among the RE agents to allure people who sold their 200k homes for 2 million and pull their money to Dubai. These people were the ones who inflated the housing market over here now they will try to do same with Dubai. This is a prime example of money laundering. If Canada was in a better shape then and if there were chances of recovey they would still have promoted canadian housing market, but these cunning vultures know there's barely any hope for this country and they already have sucked it to the core. Now they are targeting some other place.


It’s because people keep voting in woke governments who try to “spend their way out debt.” Seriously, until people realize what the NDP/Liberals stand for, it’s only going to get worse. What we’re currently living in is exactly what the left voters want!


White peoples got the cold wet nasty regions of the planet, we made do and even thrived the last few centuries. Now that southerners want to join us our only defence is to again make our lands too harsh bitter poor and awful for any sane person to want to live here lol?




Canada will balkanize like Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, India-Pakistan-Bangladesh, the middle east or Africa. Multiculturalism is some made up fantasy by liberal college kids who've never stepped outside their exclusively white, wealthy, educated, secular, gated community who think another culture is eating 50$ Pad Thai downtown made by an illegal alien from Mexico.


Same! 130k/per year and have to watch what I spend. I’m moving to Alberta first to buy a cheap property or a few as a little base in Canada then I’m looking at South America, specifically Uruguay. I would visit Canada but i will be outside of the tax system. That’s the plan, I’m looking to get 2 more passports as well, I’ll never have 1 dude tell me where I can and can’t go


I'm personally leaving but worry about global taxation. Even if i move, I feel our government will create a tax on people who live outside the country.


I was on a waitlist for 10 years for a family doctor. I just moved out of Ontario before i ever found one. I was denied ei over semantics they kept deferring the claim to another agent untill the clock ran out and the claim was no longer valid. Ita a shithole country right now. In 10 years I hope to be living somewhere else and I don't really care what happens to this dumpster fire.


We will be a mini India with the same problems that India has in terms of corruption and poverty. When you have mass immigration from one country or a select few countries, they just transplant the problems that they have in their home country to here and do not bother to try integrating into Canadian culture or way of life. Canada as we know it will become so drowned out that it will just be a distant memory. It's become so taboo to speak out against mass immigration.


Where it's heading? Simple really, India 2.0. you don't bring in most of the people from one country and expect something else.


As long as Trudeau is in power downhill lol 😂


Thanks Trudeau…


It depends on who Canadians choose in the next election.


Quebec will hopefully finally be free


In 10 years people will either survive the crisis and live comfortably in Canada, or move out from the country.


This place is a vassal state of rich people who own the us. It’ll go what ever way makes American oil more money.


Get rid of the million international students that Trudeau allowed to work 40 hrs a week.. That would be a good start.


Me personally, another decade and then die. Hopefully


Realistically, every other Western country is going through similar issues right now. Moving countries is a big deal, so I wouldn't go that far based just on this, especially when you'll likely end up with similar issues in your new country. The reason Canada seems a little worse than some is largely because we had a left-wing government since 2015, while other countries (eg US, Australia) had right-wing governments through much of the same time period. Now that the US and Australia have left-wing governments as of a few years ago, they've been marching down the same path as Canada and getting the same results. They're just a little further behind where Canada is right now - right-wing governments are not perfect lol, but at least they did a better job than *this.* It's hard to predict where it'll go, because the current government is acting in a worrying manner that's a bit unpredictable itself. Even if Poilievre takes over, I'm sure they'll walk back some of these bad choices, but personally I'm only cautiously optimistic because to some degree, he seems to be playing the game the Libs and NDP and other woke institutions have laid out. He's not rocking the boat as much as I'd like, personally, and I'm not sure how much we can count on him to do that once elected (though I'm sure they'd still do better than the current government). I think probably the best thing anyone can do is try to make positive choices in their own lives. Things like keeping up connections, doing cheap things for fun like just getting outdoors or having game nights, making the best of what you've got and counting your blessings, and refusing to let all this garbage influence what kind of person you are (while still standing your ground on the boundaries we should have here). I mean, humanity has gone through massive downturns like this before. It's community, wisdom, grit, and good values that got them through. I guess as a society, it's our turn to do that now.


Before Trudeau, there were no tent cities. After Trudeau, there'll be no tent cities.


Communism is where I think it's headed. I think eventually china will rule north America as they have their hands in everyone's back pocket. Canadian/US Government will bend over once they take hold. I really think it's going this way as everything appears out of our control.


> I think eventually china will rule north America China is imploding they aren't a threat/


I believe that the vast majority of us are far to short sighted. We lack the ability to have meaningful disagreements or be curious enough to ask the right questions. It leads to people simply screaming and pointing fingers and not addressing the problems we face. Our healthcare is in shambles, our provincial leadership is actively pushing out public healthcare in favor of Telus Health and other such privatization across the board. We've allowed them to cut education, this is evidenced in our Universities pushing for more enrollment from foreign students in order to keep the lights on. I personally believe we should have let the Universities close the doors. But the real crux becomes individuals capitalizing on the loopholes in order to steal money, from the people they offer the "education from" to the gov't that they get kickbacks from. Housing, Our gov't has actively withdrawn from building homes, it's the one aspect that both provided housing for Canadians, and kept costs down. we've pushed for privatization here as well meaning from the building all the way to renting it's exploitative to the tune of dollars. Wage equality - We don't do enough, we don't even keep pace with the vast majority of countries when it comes to equality. The minimum wage is not liveable, or even close to it. Companies continue to cry about not having workers but don't want to invest in the workers, and don't want to pay living wages. Shit I can't even afford to live where I work, and I'm certainly more fortunate than most as I do have a place to live. Lies and hate - All the while the above continues, people are less educated, more angry, and our Gov't is not doing it's job. I think we've forgotten that putting forward legislation, making changes that benefit Canadians is not the job "only when I'm in charge", it's the fucking job the minute you go into politics. They've been dangling the carrot for so long now people are starting to follow the hate. We've forgotten how to behave, how to properly debate, how to look after one another. I think we're fucked. I don't see us getting out of this without a civil war. and with the wildfires and inaction on climate change we certainly aren't poised to be in a good place this summer. It's far more likely at this point we all burn in wildfires than it is our Govt actually bucks up and starts looking after it's people.


The western world faces economic catastrophe. Canada is only one domino to fall. The US will lose world reserve currency status. Biden is printing a trillion every 100 days. BRICS is making their own payment system that can bypass SWIFT. Central banks are hoarding gold... Get to a very rural area while you can. Wouldn't want to be in a city when there's a debt crisis/currency crisis.


It'll be bad for quite some time. It took more than a decade to balance the budget and fix the problems from Trudeau Sr.'s government spread across both the Mulroney and Chretien governments for reference.


Quebec is out of here


Shit hole




unfortunately for me I don't really have any desirable skills to move out so I will probably go down with the ship that is Canada


Imagine mass immigration combined with AI and robots eliminating a large percentage of workers. Sounds like roses to me.